why does communism always fail?
2011-12-26 10:44:09 UTC
look i dont mean to offend anyone, im just asking from a non-biased point of view as i have studied the whole equality side of communism and how wealth is distributed yet i have seen it never succeeds. P[lease correct me if you think im wrong but i am extremely eager to learn about communism. Please help! :)
31 answers:
Mr. Smartypants
2011-12-26 10:54:00 UTC
Communism has never succeeded because it's never been tried in a country with a pre-existing tradition of democracy. So people in countries with communist revolutions only ended up trading one set of despots for another.

Communism has been hated and feared by the Powers That Be since before it even actually existed, when it was just being talked about. Because the bankers and financiers and Captains of Industry feared if communism became popular they would lose their control over the whole system. So communists were demonized as 'anarchists', as subversives and troublemakers. When the Russians had their revolution, the US and Britain sent troops to Russia to fight on the side of the Czar. And most Americans seem to think that communism is a form of government, not a form of economy, and that it is necessarily totalitarian.

But I think communism could work as well as any other system. It really depends on the people running the game, their objectives, their morals, their diligence or corruption.
2011-12-26 13:32:38 UTC
There are two basic kinds of communism. The first involves a group of people collecting together in a "commune" to jointly operate a business, while living together and sharing resources. This generally doesn't last into the second generation because there's a limit to how much you can inculcate the virtue of sharing into people once they have a choice. The second kind tries to take over an entire nation, eliminates political opposition, and has the government own and operate all large enterprises and even quite a few small ones. This lasts longer by shooting those who have a problem with it, but suffers from it being difficult for a government to run an enterprise profitably. The system is too inflexible and doesn't offer enough incentive to give people what they actually want. More importantly though, once you get a generation in charge who are no longer willing to shoot people for political dissidence, all the shooting you've already done catches up with you.

And yes, I'm a liberal.
Comrade Bolshev
2011-12-27 08:14:05 UTC
As it has never been tried, except by the English Diggers, who were militarily suppressed, this question is actually unanswerable in that it is based on false premises.

The state capitalism of the Russian Revolution, Lenin and Stalin, failed because it was rooted in a very backward and institutionally corrupt country, and the fact is that if the Bolsheviks had had some better minds at their disposal, they might have done what was really needed, which was to create a New Economics, not too difficult because it is such an artificial discipline. But they didn't; they ran the outfit under already failed, enemy rules, and it was this that made the edifice ready to bring down by an act of treason at the top, in 1989. It was not, however, at any time, an example of communism.

The Marxist-Leninist socialism of Cuba has survived despite American economic and political warfare and bullying, and in some respects, particularly education and medicine, has been a remarkable success. The Spanish Republic looked extremely promising, too, but it was destroyed by a much stronger fascist alliance (and betrayal by Stalin, who was another fascist.) Neither of these, however, were or are exactly communism. Socialism, no doubt, but not communism.

So I suggest you start by defining your terms, and establishing exactly what it is you wish to study!
2011-12-27 22:06:43 UTC
Because communism is like socialism, it takes from the rich and gives to the poor. Eventually, you run out of riches to pass around. It might work if the communistic country was making enough money to support everyone but Capitalism focuses it's ruthlessness in an entirely different manner than communism does. A Bill Gates could not have risen (and amassed such a fortune) in China.

Communism is always a stage. Hey, general capitalism on the scope of history has not proven to be a permanent order either except as it is part of a national economy. Remember, it was the merchant class which resulted in a middle class from within monarchies.
2016-05-16 15:42:09 UTC
Mine are trying to be LEGITIMATE: 1) People do not want to lose something they possess, so the rich will attempt to hold power against the poor, and the poor won't give anything they have to the collective hoping to protect their own mutual interest. 2)Communism is an attempt to distribute goods evenly, but as population changes supply becomes difficult to maintain. 3)There will always be someone who wants to take control of the powerful government, as they often do. At that point, Communism is officially subjected to reexamination and becomes a Dictatorship.
Jas B
2011-12-27 03:19:49 UTC
Because many human beings are greedy and corrupt, people in communist countries just like in the rest of the world can and do when put in positions of authority abuse it and use the power they have to improve their own lot, to the detriment of others.

Then communism has the problem that we are not all the same, the redistribution of wealth would not remain equal, some people would spend all their money, others would invest it, use it to produce things and increase their wealth.

We are human beings, individuals, not ants who can all be set to work blindly for the good of our nest, community, country etc. to the exclusion of our personal wishes or wants.

When you take away human initiative then people cease to care, what is the point of working very hard when you can achieve no more for yourself or your family than the person next door who does as little work as possible.

My father was a lifelong communist and if everyone in the world were like him then communism would work. He tirelessly stood up for equality, civil liberties, workers rights etc. he had a central belief in justice for all. This involved writing to Chinese and Soviet organisations to complain about their human rights abuses. However the world is made up of many who do not care about these things. those who don't give a damn about their own countrymen, let alone those in the rest of the world are common in every country in the world regardless of their political system.

This is something I spent many, many enjoyable hours in debate about with my dad, he had this idea that all human beings were essentially good and cared as he did about every individual and that if communism in it's true form was ever established, it would thrive. I thought then as I do now that humans have a lot of evolving to do before this can happen.
2011-12-26 12:46:20 UTC
Because of self-interest.

According to Karl Marx, there must be a leader for the "have-nots" in order for a classless society to be produced. People who believe in the ideology of communism get stuck in this process. Leaders become dictators and pursue their own interest - like Stalin.

People always have a motive other than an altruistic motive. That is why communism fails.
2011-12-26 11:28:34 UTC
Because it is a dictatorship type government that doesn't give people choices. It doesn't work in practice as the theory and practice aren't compatible due to human nature.

You get a lot of wealthy corrupt officials that take bribes and accumulate wealth while the rest of the nation starves.

No democratic nation ever votes to become a communist nation. All communist nations eventually become democracies if the voters are given the choice, and the elections aren't set up so communism wins.
2011-12-26 10:50:57 UTC
first of all, there has never been true communism......communism is supposedly the end game that they were trying to achieve...that ultimate utopia. Also, it is not a true statement to say that it has always failed, because Cuba is still there and its people seem to be generally happy with that system. However, communism as you put has generally failed because it really has just been an excuse for tyranny and dictatorship and oppression. Economically it does not do well because a managed and planned economy is not an efficicient and prosperous system.

When Stalin installed his brand of communism was a total mass murdering tyranny, where anyone could be shot for any reason he deemed fit.....this supposedly from a system that came about and revolted against czarist tyranny and excesses.
2011-12-26 10:53:02 UTC
Problem is, it's never been tried on a large scale. There have been countries where it was supposed to be the ruling order, but it never was. All of the countries currently called "communist" are actual dictatorships. Some of the communes in the US during the 70's tried it, but nothing has ever been done on a scale that would allow you to determine that.

However, understanding of human behavior and political systems logically would tell you that it cannot succeed in any group over about 20 people.
2011-12-28 17:21:13 UTC
Go to your local Ghetto and you will see why. Communism works on the fact that everyone works together. Everyone pulls their weight. Go to the ghetto and see. Five minutes there and you will know your answer and leave before you get robbed mugged raped assaulted or killed
2011-12-26 10:51:40 UTC
Probably because they all involved repressive authoritarian regimes having direct control over an entire economies. The failure isn't "wealth distribution" so much as creating a scenario where people are either unable to engage in voluntary, independent business/economic activity or do it at very high cost.
Gunny T
2011-12-26 11:05:06 UTC
Failure is in the eye (and motivation) of the beholder, the Communal "Kibutz" system in Israel has worked successfully for many years. The Israelis had a basic religious motive, an incentive modern forced Communal systems discourage, and with extreme prejudice. Look up Pol-Pot.
2011-12-26 15:03:08 UTC
Where have you been.Capitalism is on the verge of collapse due to greed and selfishness.China is now the strongest country in the world and Eastern countries borrow from them daily.
2011-12-27 00:03:21 UTC
Because, like the American Constitution, it starts with the misplaced assumption that "all men are equal" which is obviously not so.,r:1,s:40

If you see what I mean!
Zachary G
2011-12-26 11:10:49 UTC
Communism can only work in small communities, the smaller the population, the more the work has to be shared for the survival of that community. As the population grows that mentality deteriorates.
2011-12-26 10:50:37 UTC
Because anyone who is strong enough to establish communism would rather establish fascism instead.

Trotsky wanted socialism. Stalin wanted to be a fascist by pretending to be a socialist.

When Trotsky called him out for what he was, Stalin killed him.

Anybody who really wants socialism gets murdered by the fascists who are only pretending to be socialists.
2011-12-26 10:50:39 UTC
There are many people in the world. Some are very smart, Some not so smart. Some have business savvy some do not. If we lump everyone into one category the ones who excel will not. The ones who excel carry the rest of us. They should have more as an individual. Individual freedom has made America the mother of modern invention. A government that is bigger then the people oppresses the people and is the main ingredient for mediocrity.
2011-12-26 10:46:50 UTC
Define fail.

While I don't defend communism it is clear that it was successful in moving Russia from an agrarian society to an industrialized nation in less than 50 years.

The facts are that any economic system can fail if the conditions are right. For example the capitalism in America is failing because the top 1% are sucking the life out of the middle class, which is the source of their wealth.
2011-12-26 11:02:18 UTC
Greed on the part of their leaders is one reason, human nature is another reason

see Cuba, the average income for year is $628, while, their leader is worth $900 million

North Korea another example, where the people are actually starving to death, while their leader is worth $4 Billion

and how does a former KGB agent ( of Communist Russia) that was born poor and never worked outside of the government of Russia, amass a massive fortune of $40 Billion

he's one of the richest men in the world

China and Russia are now moving forward because they have adopted Capitalism, although, in a limited form, it has done wonders for both economies ********************************************************************************************
2011-12-26 10:52:34 UTC
Because on paper its looks like a good idea, however Humans Greed and Lust for power will always cause it to fail.
2011-12-26 10:48:59 UTC
For one thing, human nature. As a former resident of a communist nation once told me, 'Under communism the government pretends to pay us and we pretend to work." The end result being no worker motivation, along with no need to attempt to better one's position. Added to this was a top-heavy bureaucracy and a federal government with a one-size-fits-all mentality. The same traits which are currently causing the United States to implode.
2011-12-26 10:47:18 UTC
A lot of right wingers persist in referring to China as "Communist China". Their economy has been growing at a double-digit rate for many years, so if they are Communist, then rightists must concede that Communism works!

Meanwhile, I'd ask them why capitalism always fails. In the past 30 years we've had the S&L scandal and bailout, a Stock Market Crash, the Great Recession, ENRON and various other corporate frauds, Ivan Boesky, Michael Milken, Bernie Madoff and other big-time crooks, the EXXON Valdez, the BP oil spill, and on and on. Capitalism is an endless series of MESSES!
Chewy Ivan 2
2011-12-26 10:46:21 UTC
The same reason why free market capitalism always fails -- human imperfections. People aren't perfect, and there will always be those with greed and a lust for power to corrupt communism or free market capitalism to serve their own agenda.
2011-12-26 10:47:39 UTC
Those so-called "communist" countries are actually conservative countries because they have a small aristocracy that controls everything.

In communism, the people control the means of production.
2011-12-26 10:45:39 UTC
Although the name has been used a lot nobody has ever actually tried creating a true communist system, just as there has never been a true democracy either.
George B
2011-12-26 10:51:50 UTC
Socialist/Progressive/Communist regimes always eventually fail because they place the interests of the state above those of the citizens. The end result is that they fail financially because government never has any direct interest in private enterprise. It isn't their money...... who cares.
Crede Sed Proba
2011-12-26 10:52:12 UTC
well it is hard to succeed when other country's are doing their damnedest to pull you down
2011-12-26 10:46:25 UTC
Have China, North Korea and Cuba failed? More homework needed.
2011-12-26 13:11:37 UTC
me vs. we!
2011-12-26 10:45:37 UTC
Let's see these liberals answer this.

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