How come self-absorbed Christian Conservatives don't understand that saying "Happy New Year!" to the wrong person could be offensive?
2014-12-29 13:31:41 UTC
The Gregorian calendar, also known as the CHRISTIAN CALENDAR is, without a doubt used by many in the US, however what gives anyone the right to think that THEY follow it? What if someone is using the Chinese Calendar or if someone of another faith uses a different calendar? It makes me so sick that right wingers in the political spectrum are SO EGOCENTRIC that they believe they can say what they want to people and not be in the slightest considerate towards those they talk to.
25 answers:
2014-12-29 19:31:01 UTC
I'm sorry, but any normal, healthy person recognizes that most countries/people groups have a dominant philosophy/culture/religion. It is the mark of an educated adult person to neither get offended at a common greeting nor expect the rest of the world to walk on eggshells around him/her. If a Jewish person wished me a Happy Hanukkah, or if a Chinese person wished me a Happy Chinese New Year, I'd enjoy the richness of their culture and tradition, whether or not I agreed with them philosophically or theologically. I'm a very devout Protestant, but I've had a Muslim gentleman describe his Hajj to me, and my Catholic friends share their children's confirmation online. Respecting others' traditions and accepting others good-faith remarks of good-will is simply the sign of an educated and considerate person. Being petty and self-centered usually does not lead to either goodwill nor mutual dialog.
2014-12-29 13:42:16 UTC
If you didn't follow the Gregorian calendar, like the vast majority of everyone else, then how in the hell do you know what day it is. This outrage would have to follow into your work life as well, I'd like to see someone tell a manager that they didn't know that they were to work on a particular day, because they didn't know what day it was according to the manager, only themselves.
2014-12-29 13:53:50 UTC
only thin skinned people, who are looking to be offended, which really only seems to be angry White Liberals pretending to speak for everyone else. You guys are so into everyone else's business.

I give my New Years greetings as I see fit, on Dec 31st and Jan 6th, as is required,

I got Christian themed Christmas cards and gifts from Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs, and they ALL gave me a MERRY CHRISTMAS or Happy Christmas as the day grew near. And of course they get the proper greetings for their religious holidays from me. We're not all into division and identity politics.
2014-12-29 13:34:34 UTC
If a Christian conservative says "Happy New Year" to a Chinese person and the Chinese person gets offended, I'd say it's the Chinese person that's "self-absorbed." Not the Christian conservative...
2014-12-29 13:33:50 UTC
Anyone using anything other that the Gregorian calendar system is wrong.
The Taxpayer
2014-12-29 14:48:52 UTC
Oh dear! All this time I didn't know! Happy Chinese Year and Winter Solstice to you libbies!
2014-12-30 08:28:46 UTC
in this day and age of whining saying hello to the wrong person can get you killed. so where do we draw the line. i can as well as many mess your *** up with a pencil so lets outlaw pencils in school. People drown in tubs every day so lets outlaw tubs. People that do not wash find people that do offensive so lets outlaw bathing. we have all the answers but understand nothing. go figure
2014-12-29 13:32:48 UTC
Sorry, if someone chooses to become offended, for any reason, for a well intentioned greeting, that is, honestly, their problem.

I find this rant as silly as it would be for me to say I was offended if a Chinese person wished me a Happy New Year on the Chinese New Year. I would take it as a benevolent gesture, as it was intended.
2014-12-29 14:02:24 UTC
Changing from Dem to Repub..Thanks for nothing, President Racist Obama...HAPPY NEW YEAR! LET'S HOPE FOR A GOOD ONE WITH LOTS OF CHEER!
great knight
2014-12-31 18:31:40 UTC
How come you don't understand you are in America now! Leave the nation if freedom offends you.
2014-12-29 13:56:37 UTC
I wonder when the attacks on us pushing the wrong calendar on others will begin.
2014-12-29 13:41:21 UTC
Why do liberals want to stop the exchanging of pleasantries among the people? Even if you're trolling, it isn't funny.
ms manners
2014-12-29 13:33:40 UTC must really have taken some time and effort to come up with that particular rant.

Can't you find a more constructive way to spend your free time?
YB Logical
2014-12-29 13:46:32 UTC
By God!

You have found Obama's problem!

He is using the wrong damn calendar!
2014-12-29 13:49:39 UTC
Happy New Year!

And Merry Christmas! :)
2014-12-31 09:26:22 UTC
In that case we can't say good morning also.
2014-12-29 13:33:58 UTC
Really!! Those bastards wishing people a Happy New Year should bleed to death!
2014-12-29 13:35:54 UTC
So what the f are you gonna do about it left winger.

Advocate killing more cops? That make you feel better?
2014-12-29 13:38:27 UTC
Happy New Year! And GOD BLESS YOU!!!!! don't like it, then have a miserable year, what do I care?
2014-12-29 13:34:07 UTC
...I suppose I shouldn't be so surprised that you are so bad at choosing sides... seeing as you exist only in a one-dimensional universe....
2014-12-29 14:43:29 UTC
When in Rome
2014-12-29 14:57:12 UTC
No, but what a hateful twit you prove yourself.
2014-12-31 04:48:29 UTC
i don't know what to say
Philip H
2014-12-29 13:33:18 UTC
Wasting our time are you?
2014-12-29 13:35:35 UTC

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