Why are the schools, universities, the media and the arts, pushing an extreme left wing agenda?
2008-05-27 20:50:13 UTC
There are strong opinions on the other side of these issues.

Throughout history, war has been the only way to maintain the greater peace. We don't want our kids becoming wimps and being unable to defend themselves or their country.

Many people think that the science behind the global warming myth is bogus and this false belief will cause massive taxes, socialism and weakening of the USA.

Many people believe that homosexuality is abnormal and unhealthy and should not be encouraged. Many parents are upset that their children are exposed to this lifestyle at an early age.

Capitalism is the engine that has helped make this country the most prosporous nation the world has ever seen. Instilling a negative belief about capitalism will give socialists and comunists the upper hand and we may lose our way of life.

The media uses it's bully-pulpit to control our youth and instill ant-American and anti-Christian ideas in their heads.
24 answers:
2008-05-27 20:56:25 UTC
Why are universities, etc., "left?"

Because in a university, facts and evidence count. The superstitious "beliefs" and bigotry of a few ignorant kooks on the right who think killing people is "peace" do not.

And never will.
2008-05-27 21:23:37 UTC
Paragraph one is just to ridiculous to respond to.

Paragraph two: Many people think that the world is flat. That doesn't make it any more accurate. What is telling is that the theory on global warning has been more and more accepted as more and more data is uncovered. Why would this cause "massive taxes, socialism and weakening of the USA?" Makes no sense.

Paragraph three: Homosexuality may be abnormal in that heterosexuality is the more prominent condition, but that does not make it unnatural. More and more research has shown that there are probably genetic factors determining homosexuality. Ignoring it will do no more to stopping it than will ignoring myopia will make people see better. Homosexuality is a reality and children will be exposed to it. How it is approached is what will determine their reaction to it.

Paragraph four: While this is mostly true, the last time we surrendered our country and our economy to the corporate interests we were rewarded with a depression. A healthy oversight of Capitalism is a good thing. The fifties are over, you can stop the communist threat propaganda. Personally, I have always felt that keeping a close eye on our system is a part what has kept democracy strong.

As for the responses. The reason schools teach evolution and not creationism is that evolution can be established by scientific process where as creationism can not. More importantly, if we were to teach creationism, which version should we teach? Each religion has it's own version of the creation. Do we need to teach all of them, just the ones from major religions or just the one that you agree with?
Chi Guy
2008-05-27 20:52:23 UTC

"war has been the only way to maintain the greater peace."

- What does this inaccurate statement have to do with anything?

"Many people think that the science behind the global warming myth is bogus"

- Wrong. Even GW Bush, Newt Gingrich, and John McCain AGREE that man made GW is real and a threat.

"Many people believe that homosexuality is abnormal and unhealthy and should not be encouraged."

- Homosexuality is not the norm (approx 3% of the population). However, one can neither encourage nor discourage a genetic trait.

"Capitalism is the engine that has helped make this country the most prosporous nation the world has ever seen"

- Some would argue that free labor provided by slavery had a hand in that. ALSO, capitalism run-amok is not good for anyone except the top 5 percent money earners.

"The media uses it's bully-pulpit to control our youth and instill ant-American and anti-Christian ideas in their heads."

- Wrong. The "media" supplies whatever pays the rent for their offices. If Americans would not purchase garbage, the media would stop selling garbage.

edit: "Chi Guy: World war II has lead to a relatively peaceful and stable world for the past 70 years, especially in the U.S."

- Republicans OPPOSED US involvement in WW-II. They were isolationists. ALSO, what does WW-II have to do with anything occuring today?
billy d
2008-05-27 21:04:51 UTC
My brother, you've been intellectually abused by talk radio and the O'reilly factor.

War has not been the only way to maintain peace and that statement has no merit. Because we teach our children to respect international law and subscribe to the principles of human solidarity, does not mean that they're "unable to defend their country".

The people who are floating what you're saying they are about global warming are the, pardon the term, crack pots. They are the furthest right wing minds that the right wing has to offer. Every accredited scientific institution on Earth, and most non scientific institutions as well, including the department of defense, agree that it is real, we've caused it, and left unchecked will produce terrible consequences. People who believe it has something do to with socialism, are the kind of people who don't believe we went to the moon.

I think that classifying homosexuality as "unhealthy" shouldn't take precedent over much more pressing issues. Religious people are motivated by their delusional beliefs and are trying to force everyone else to suffer the consequences.

Capitalism has also brought great suffering to many people and to deny it is a wish to be a slave to a system, that despite what ever advantages it may have, treats the majority of people like livestock so that people at the top can become insanely rich. Socialism didn't fall to capitalism, it was sabotaged and destroyed by a fifty year long effort, where America did everything imaginable to cause it to suffer for its mere existence.

I can tell by the terms you're using that you get all your information from talk radio and fox news. You don't realize that you're the subject of right wing political propaganda. You should go to some of the schools you criticize and get an education; it would help you greatly.
2008-05-27 21:21:10 UTC
Did you expect that the media (or for that matter, the world) would promote Christian ideals for you?

Did you expect that the world would parent your kids for you?

That's not what the Bible says.

It's *the world* pushing these ideas.

Parents are responsible for raising their kids and teaching them right from wrong. If parents do that the right way, the kids won't turn away from it. Parents are the most influential people in children's lives.

If you disagree, then why is it that adults can spend their entire lives trying to find their birth parents when they are adopted?

"SO WHAT if we people believe in God and we want our side of the story told. SO WHAT? Why do only the liberals have the last say in everything?"

Princess, parents will always have the last say in everything--but they have to take it. You have to pass on your belief in Christ to your children and raise them up in knowledge and fear of the Lord. It's not the world's responsibility to do that.

If kids grow up with the wrong beliefs, the people who are responsible are the parents. End of story.
2016-04-09 04:12:31 UTC
Yawn. Strawman. "That homosexuality and cross-dressing is normal and healthy and should be celebrated and experimented with." I wouldn't mind if we taught the children that it's OKAY to do this. Not to force it on them. That would be stupid to force children to be gay, and an outright ridiculous claim, even for a neocon. "That religion and God are "fairy tales" and believers are misguided, judgmental(sic) hypocrites." No, even though I think all of these things, people should choose for themselves, which is the opposite of what you neocons want; indoctrination into the Christian faith for every american child. "That the US is a racist, sexist nation." Some parts of the US is (Example, the south) but this is a strawman, the whole of the US isn't racist, sexist or whatever 'ist' you can think of, most people are decent, but there are an unhealthy amount of people who do believe that blacks deserve to be lynched or that women should get back in the kitchen. "That our police are brutal and racist." Strawman. Liberals believe that the police is doing it's job. Sometimes, wrongdoings happen, and we're able to admit this. "That all war is wrong." All war isn't wrong (Take WWII for example, we HAD to stop Hitler), but the war in Iraq is. "That humans have the ability to alter the global climate and that we are in the process of destroying the Earth and all of its inhabitants." I'm iffy on this one. Carbon Dioxide isn't just the sole factor for the warming, but for all the scientists who say that we're doing global warming, it's hard to ignore. "That it's OK for teenagers to have sex and they and to give out birth control pills and condoms in school." This is another strawman. Jez, you think you'd run out of straw after awhile? Teenage sex isn't very good, and we're unsure how to handle the problem. Sex education regarding abstinence doesn't work for the average school. "That it is wrong to enforce US immigration laws." This is a grey area, not black and white. "That all forms of diversity should be celebrated, no matter how weird, negative, abnormal or immoral." I agree. A heterogeneous culture is a very diverse culture. "That there are no moral absolutes. All types of behavior(sic) have some sort of valid justifications." This is wrong too. I'm not sure where you got this from. But, everyone has a motivation to do somthing. And this motivation is either right, wrong or disputable. It's a very complected thing to talk about. But us Liberals, unlike you neocons, see things in shades of grey, not black and white. "Conservatives are intolerant and narrow minded." Neocons are. Conservatives are a different thing than you. I think the true conservatives are more like Libertarians today. "George W. Bush is a a hateful, greedy, lying , intolerant, evil, warmonger." Might be embellishing a little, but he is in general a terrible president. "That pornography is an art form" People have the right to watch porn or not. There should be no state involvement if someone wants to watch a couples having sex. Certain types of art may be with nude models, but this is not pornography. The asker obviously is a hard-core neocon and is unfit to teach the young. What Liberals want is not what you posted above, what Liberals want is the CHOICE to believe the things above.
2008-05-27 21:36:38 UTC
You must be a Sean Hannity listener.

You were once in school but you made a choice to allign with a party when you got out (Hopefully). So, nobody is pushing your "extreme left wing" into nobody. Hannity condones school children not working hard and making their own choices but calling in on their Lecturers to challenge and debate them. Is that the reason for Education? Half baked Children? If this children were actually "A" students they will not have time to be kept on hold to talk to Hannity. To make this even sadder, how many of those students that called Sean were in school as Doctors, Nurses, Lawyers or Nuclear Scientists? None. American children major in English, Spanish, Biology Education, Government, History, Literature and Sociology?

When I was in school, the best teachers were the ones that discussed everything. We were not half-baked. We were science majors and had names for this Great Teachers and also loved their classes. We knew the names and capital of States, Presidents and VPs, Secretarys of Defence and State, State Governors and geographical location of countries in the world. Politics in science class was our way of cooling down after tackling a difficult Physics theory or Chemistry equation. That did not have anything to do with my political affiliation once out of school.

Today, students actually arrive late to class, send text messages while the lecture is on, play games on their laptops, go clubbing and avoid assignments by doing very little.

Children also do not need to go to schools to be exposed to homosexuals. How about the big screen TV you bought and sit around giggling with them when they watch Fox's American Idol, Dancing with the stars, commercials and other uncensored shows. They know the names of Brittney Spears and Paris Hilton. They know the latest on who just got dumped and who got laid.

My last point is, If you as a parent will dump the full responsibility of a parent unto teachers, you have contributed to your child's failure. Apart from Memorial's Day, when was the last time you did quality time with your children?
2008-05-27 20:56:01 UTC
Maybe you should just stay out of college or the university then if that is how you feel. It's obvious you never set foot in a college or university in your life otherwise you wouldn't be making stupid statements like this. We should all be like you perhaps: lets go out and beat up homos, minorities and artists or liberals who don't agree with our thuggish way of dealing with those who don't follow our rigid belief system or who don't bow down to the corporate god head. Because we all know that arrogance is what makes YOU right in everything you do. That will teach them. Yes, we should all stay living under a rock without access to new ideas. I'm sure that will solve all our problems. The Catholic Church used to believe that too and kill anyone who tried to believe something different. I'm sure you would have loved them during the Inquisition too.

BTW.... WWII did not lead to a peaceful time up until the 1970's. This time of the cold war saw some of the most violent history of all time. The entire 20th century has been one of the most bloody of all centuries in history. Do you realize how many wars were fought during the time of the end of the WWII and until now? My god, millions have died because of the cold war which really wasn't all that cold.



El Salvador







South Africa


Sierra Leone






East Timor










And countless other countries were all sites of cold war civil unrest and government oppression of their people depending on what side of the cold war extremes they took. Millions of people died in these countries due to both sides of the cold war either funding them or arming them for all the wrong reasons. Geesuz, get educated if you give a crap about life of other people at all.
2008-05-27 21:08:54 UTC
How are you supposed to learn if they teach one side of the story and you're no suppose to express your opinion?

War is not the only solution to have peace. Sometimes there are many ways to solve a problem and I don't think that makes you a wimp.

Global warming may be true so it's better to prevent before it's too late.

About homosexuality, I don't like it but everybody lives their own life. Homosexuals can be unhealthy and heterosexuals can be, too.

There's capitalism and there's communism but there's centrism, too. No one is perfect.

Just because someone does not agree with Dubya it means it's anti-american and anti christian. Ia m catholic and I don't agree with Dubya.

In conclusion, life is not always black or white. There are many tones of gray, too.
2008-05-27 21:03:27 UTC
.There will always be some wild haired professors out there.If you hold them up as the norm, but that's not really true or fair. Frankly I feel most of our current problems can be blamed on a false war,borrowing from China to fund this war,Driving the value of the dollar t less than half of its' former value against the Euro.Among many other things.Frankly, I'm ready to listen to a few professors.
a person
2008-05-27 20:58:12 UTC
"anti-Christian ideas in their heads".

You can't teach Christianity in public schools, Its called separation of church and state. Pay attention in history.


WWII led to peace? It was the reason for the cold war, people weren't in peace than, They were scared about an impending nuclear war...
2008-05-27 20:59:09 UTC
I'd love to hear how the media controls the youth. I know most parents can't do that so I'm curious how the media does it.
Lynne D
2008-05-27 21:25:31 UTC
Updating Mein Kampf are we? Try reading it some day. You'll be repulsed by how much you'll agree with it and blame it all on the "liberal school system".
Jacob W
2008-05-27 21:06:38 UTC
Socialist professors, beget socialist professors. You will find that the biggest supporters of socialism are people who have never done an honest days work in their lives and have never lived in a socialist society. They live in what is essentially an "ivory tower". How many people besides professors and teachers have "tenure" which means they do not have to worry about being fired? They live in an artificial world and believe themselves to be superior or elitist.

They then all move in the same circles and soon their thinking becomes retarded through a form of intellectual incest. This is what happens when your opinions and assumptions are never challenged. When every form of Socialist brain flatulence is applauded as worthy.

Our universities would do far better if they were populated with instructors who had first achieved success outside of the classroom. Instead we have the likes of murder William Ayers teaching English. Does anyone think we are so short of qualified English professors that we have to scrape that terrorist off the bottom of our shoes and place him in front of a classroom?

Bostonian In MO
2008-05-27 20:57:48 UTC
I guess you've never watched Fixed News or hear of Bob Jones University, huh?
2008-05-27 20:55:19 UTC
I would have to disagree with the media pushing for the left. The mainstream media has always been bought and paid for by the right. As far as education and the arts... intellectuals are needed for these positions. Anytime you get someone that actually uses their brain, they're going to lean towards the left.
2008-05-27 21:20:39 UTC
You are so wrong on so many levels and in so many ways it is scary to think you actually grew up in the US. How can a mind go so terribly wrong?
Holy Cow!
2008-05-27 20:55:51 UTC
No. Maybe you should lock your kids in a room, never educate them or expose them to ideas different than yours, pretend that homosexuals don't exists, completely hide science from them and do let us know how they turn out.
2008-05-27 21:11:57 UTC
You are right, the liberals control the media. That's the way its always been for some reason. Talk radio on the other hand is just the opposite. That's why the America hating liberals are trying to pass a bill right now to regulate it. They cant stand the thought of you not needing the government to wipe your *** for you. Its called Marxism.
Roger F
2008-05-27 20:55:19 UTC
Yes, the world was much better when everyone was christian, and minorities were persecuted... then these awful intellectuals came by with their anti-christian doctrine of tolerance and understanding. Why don't you actually read what Jesus said instead of being an embarassment to your faith
2008-05-27 20:55:57 UTC
I agree wholeheartedly. All the professors and some high school educators are liberal. I found this out when my daughter was in High school. They tried to shape her mind in the liberal way. I personally think a lot of the Professors, not all, are a bit off their rockers. They have personality disorders as far as I am concerned. The devil is working good in their minds............

Evil has become good and good has become evil.

Drugs are fine, anything illegal is good, at least that is what I hear from the young people today in college. There is a bunch of them on drugs - I guess they can't handle real life.
SkepDoc 2.0
2008-05-27 20:54:42 UTC
There are strong opinions on all the issues you mentioned.

Yours happen to be ignorant, uninformed, wrong, misguided, deluded, arrogant, and self absorbed.

Just thought you'd want to know.
2008-05-27 20:57:28 UTC
How many times do I have to type this!!!!! In the 1930's Stalin sent top students from the moscow school of political warfare to the U.S. with instructions to" become teachers and turn their children against them" ,our current crop of teachers are the results of the soviet ideas being passed down from teacher to student for 70 years or more.
2008-05-27 20:53:32 UTC
Amen! Preach it, brotha!

Chi Guy, why do school nowadays only preach the Theory of Evolution and not Creation? SO WHAT if we people believe in God and we want our side of the story told. SO WHAT? Why do only the liberals have the last say in everything?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.