Wouldn't the Republicans go CRAZY if Bill Clinton had acted the same as Dick Cheney?
2006-02-17 17:49:31 UTC
Wouldn't the Republicans go CRAZY if Bill Clinton had acted the same as Dick Cheney?
Nineteen answers:
2006-02-17 17:59:27 UTC
Goodness no. An accident is an accident. It's not like a young girl is found dead in his car and you have forgotten to call the police for, that was Kennedy. It's not like he appeared on tv ststing boldly while looking into the camera...I did not have sexual relations with that that was Clinton.

These are just two of the many...

Compare apples to apples...not to a rotting orange!
2006-02-18 02:01:44 UTC
The media and politicians fan the flames because they know people love the stuff. The country is so divided that there is genuine hate for the other party, almost regardless of the issues.

If we don't want our politicians and media to act like tabloid headlines, then we the people must learn to identify issues and reject minor news events like Cheney's hunting accident or Clinton's infidelities. This will require an educated populace that will refuse to tolerate the attempted manipulations of the media and politicians.
2006-02-18 01:55:32 UTC
This is all much a do about nothing. Most hunters have had similar incidents themselves, either shooting others or being shot at (sprayed with buckshot that is). Could Cheney have released this to the media sooner, certainly and he should have. But The Washington media has the same contempt for Cheney that he has for them. What do you expect?
2006-02-18 03:37:43 UTC
Dick Cheneys recent incident is nothing compare to clintons lying to a grand jury..dont forget shameful Bill Clinton was IMPEACHED!
2006-02-18 04:04:24 UTC
Absolutely and so would the "liberal media" which, by the way is NeoCon Propaganda for "media bought and paid for by the right wing and large corporations." If Bill Clinton had done exactly the same thing, he'd probably still be rotting in jail. If John Kerry had, he'd probably be on death row. The media in this country is a joke.
2006-02-18 01:56:40 UTC
Well bluefire, Cheney's was an accident. Clinton was impeached for infidelity. He was impeached for telling Monica to lie under oath. That's against the law. Hunting accidents aren't against the law. Apparently it is a very common accident in quail hunting.
2006-02-18 01:52:14 UTC
Yes. The Republicans would have had him impeached. Double standard, right? Clinton cheats on his wife, OH, lets have him impeached. Cheney shoots his friend, OH, it's okay. Uhmmmmm, infidelity vs. shooting someone, which is worst. I'll go with shooting someone. Republicans have lost so much crediblity with me.

There are laws against shooting people. If I recall criminal statutes regarding attempted murder is much worst the penalty for pursury.
2006-02-18 12:23:17 UTC
They sure did when Bill shot somebody in the mouth in the Oval Office.
2006-02-18 01:59:58 UTC
go crazy we have been crazy from the start hey accidents happen not all of us think alike hey man we have been dealt this hand with the president we have now lets do the best we can with what we have then maby we will be blessed with more than we need
2006-02-18 07:48:07 UTC
No. You dems are all the same. What happened to Chaney was a tragic accident. What Bill did he brought on himself.
2006-02-18 01:52:38 UTC
Please! He got a ******** and millions of tax payer dollars were spent. I can just imagine what would be going on now if he would have shot his friend while hunting.

* yeah yeah, I know. He lied under oath. I would have too. It is NOT the people's business who he gets fellatio from. That is between he and his wife.
2006-02-18 01:52:07 UTC
They went crazy for less.

Whitewater comes to mind...

Sex scandal? Or 5000 Americans dead. Your choice?
2006-02-18 01:51:35 UTC
Probably, and the Dems would try just as hard to dismiss it.

However, our lovely liberal media is on a death watch, waiting to pounce.
2006-02-18 05:34:53 UTC
No. You mean Al Gore right? He was the vice-president.
2006-02-18 02:01:33 UTC
yes definatly but i guess there is a differance of oppinion on whos the better shot though
2006-02-18 02:28:45 UTC
Im sure they would. the difference is they wouldnt have the media behind them
2006-02-18 01:52:14 UTC
yes they would have and the demoncrats would act like it was no big thing.
2006-02-18 01:56:30 UTC
they sure would, but Jeez, he was only hunting Quale, I thought they meant Dan Quale, but hey........
2006-02-18 01:52:47 UTC

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