Why do Democrats do nothing but bash Pres. Bush?
2007-03-06 13:00:54 UTC
Democrats and any and all liberals do nothing but bash Pres Bush, and attack his character.- He is the presdent, and at the very least he deserves respect for his office...Republicans always show the president respect and don't resort to personal attacks and slander- yet thats all liberals do!! It's 'Bash bush, 'Bash Bush'.

Bush has brought FREEDOM to iraq- I think that may be what the libs hate- Pres bush turned out to be right about the wmd, and the libs are livid. Half of the liberals are commies who hate freedom and democracy. Next time you see a lib slamming the presdent, just remind them even if you dont agree with his policies, at least pretend to be an adult, and be courtious when speaking about him. But then showing respect to the President is something only the Republicans would do- the Democrats are cry babies crying 'gimmee gimmee', when they want thier communist social programs...Libs are scum. Show the president respect!!!
44 answers:
2007-03-06 14:06:38 UTC
Bush bashers and those they support haven't had alternative idea to anything Bush has done before he did it. They are the greatest Monday Morning Quarterbacks in the world. They have telescopic vision when it comes to hindsight.

Now don't stoop to their level and start throwing names around.
2007-03-06 13:43:01 UTC
This has to be a joke, right? Another put on?

Bush being right about WMD in Iraq and about Iraq having a connection to 9/11?!? Both Bush and Cheney admitted that they were wrong about the WMDs and Cheney blamed it on ex-CIA chief George Tennant. And both Bush and Cheney openly denied any connection between 9/11 and Iraq, after the war that is. Hell, Bush said it during the debates with Sen. John Kerry in 2004.

And exactly how adult is it to call people whom you disagree with scum and commies?

And if you think Iraqis love their new freedom, take a trip there and demand everyone thank you as an American savior.

And regardless of what you think of Clinton, if you think the GOP showed him respect, you weren't paying attention.

But that's the great thing about America, the president is a public servant, you don't have to show him respect if you don't want to. Forced respect and loyalty to a poltical leader went out with King George the Third, (of England).

Anyway, Democrats do other things besides bash Bush. THey win control of both houses of Congress, pass bills to help the working man, plan for victory in the 2008 elections, etc.
2007-03-06 13:29:51 UTC
If you're going to answer yourself, you might as well not post a question!

Why do Democrats do nothing but bash Pres. Bush?

Firstly, ALL Democrats don't Bash Bush.

Secondly, they can't do "nothing but" Bash Bush otherwise they wouldn't eat or defecate, sleep or work.

Thirdly, ALL Presidents get Bashed, not just Bush. If there weren't anyone against the power it'd be a sad, little world of robots, not humans.

Forthly, not only do some Democrats Bash Bush, most of the rest of the world dream about Bashing him, too.

Fifthly, Bush has more reasons to be Bashed than any other president in US' history (including Reagan). He can't even read cues when he's giving speeches, says the most idiotic things, and actually thinks he is the only person thinking!

Sixthly, "freedom" is only interpreted in the eyes of the free, and not many Iraqui think the US are freeing them. The US just wants to use the poor third world nations to maintain its lifestyle, which includes drugs, atheism, worshipping false gods, and totally destroying the natural world: Ozone, Global Warming, Cigarrettes, Alcohol and Water Pollution (to name a few).

Seventhly, Bush shouldn't even be in power! Al Gore got totally ripped off in your last elections! And with the majority Democrats in the senate, it's a wonder Bush is still there!

Eightthly, Bush was not right about the WMD! None were found and that is why the UN asked him to leave. Making him look even more stubburn and stupid!

Ninethly, you can't respect someone who doesn't respect you! If he were doing his job as president- representitive of the people's wants- he might have a chance. So far he has only done what he's needed to do to stuff his pockets full of cash! Educate yourself!

And finally, tenthly, Bush is the worst thing that has ever happened to the US and, in consequence, the world! He is digging a hole so deep for himself that from the outside it looks like he's taking the whole USA down with him. No intelligent country wants anything to do with his policies, and that is why only the dumb Aussies are helping him out there in the sandy wastelands.

Get rid of him before he does any more damage to your great nation!

And stop treating politics like a football club. There are no parties like teams that you have to support. Every person is different and Bush just happens to make the Republicans, that are still supporting him, look like selfish, inbred country white trash. His policies are not republican- they are policies made by him to only aide his own personal interests! And don't fall into the brainwashing trap- do your research- so many people can't be wrong!!!!!
Don P
2007-03-06 13:27:20 UTC
Freedom - but never knowing when you or your family will be kidnapped & tortured, or blown to bits in the market. Some freedom...

Added: You (the asker) wrote: "Clinton was an inept leader who ran up a huge deficit, ignored the threat of terrorism and made of mockery of America by his sexual affair with an intern, which he LIED about to Congress....

Wow, are you factually wrong as well as brainwashed.

It's a matter of history - Clinton did not run up a huge deficit. His policies created the biggest budget SURPLUS in history, which Bush squandered and additionally ran up the highest DEFICIT in history!

Clinton did not ignore terrorism. Did you notice that after the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, there were no more terrorist attacks on US soil until 2001, 8 years later. Republicans brag that Bush's policies are working because we haven't had another terrorist attack since 2001, only 6 years ago. And Clinton didn't get 3200 brave young Americans and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi's killed in the process.

Yup, Clinton lied to Congress, and no doubt to his wife, about getting oral sex from an intern. Wouldn't most men lie about it if they got caught? Bush, on the other hand, lied about Iraq seeking nuclear weapons and having WMD's. Clinton's lies hurt no one except maybe his wife. Bush's lies have devastated the world and cause more American deaths than both World Trade Center attacks combined.

At least check your facts before making personal attacks against those who disagree with your politics.
2007-03-06 13:37:16 UTC
"Bush has brought FREEDOM to Iraq"

2 suicide bombers kill 93 in Iraq. 164 wounded. Nine were American soldiers. That was today.

"Pres Bush turned out to be right about the WMD"

I happily link to the declassified report. 500 rounds of degraded sarin and mustard gas. Pre-Gulf War vintage. Unlike wine and cheese, nerve gas does not improve with age. It is described (and underlined) as hazardous and potentially lethal. There is no mention in this report Saddam's ability to make more, if he was making more, or any nuclear weapons program.

And, as many have before me, I have to ask you what the entire Whitewater investigation was, what the "troops are running out of ammunition" lies in Bosnia were, and... ran up a deficit? Clinton was the first president to leave the budget in surplus since I've been alive! Now you're just making stufff up.

"Pres Bush has been proven correct on just about everything regarding Iraq- the connection with 911"

Stop making stuff up! Al-qaeda and the Baathist party had nothing to do with one another. Al-qaeda is comprised of Islamic fundamentalist, the Baathists were secularists. They HATED each other.

Clinton lied about oral sex, Bush provided false witness for a specious war. There is no comparison in the crimes commited by the two. Oh, and when we were attacked by terrorists a few months into Clinton's watch, you didn't see him blaming his predecessor either. He took responsibility and ARRESTED the people responsible.

But here's the deal... the opposition party is supposed to bash the party in power. That's why they're the opposition. And if you actually listened to what Democrats said as opposed to what you are told they said you would know, we do a lot more than just bash Bush.

I can't believe I wasted this many letters on you.
2007-03-06 13:08:27 UTC
Why do conservatives and president bush supporters do nothing but bash democrats? This is why bipartisan politics doesn't work. We need a real multi-party system like they have in the UK. Maybe our politicians would stop wasting time bashing each other and actually focus on running the country.

P.S. Nobody on either side is taking the "Bush has brought freedom to Iraq" argument seriously anymore. Everyday there are reports of dozens of innocent people being killed over there. Bush has obviously brought death and chaos to Iraq. Last time I checked, president or not, respect had to be earned. And the Iraq situation is NOT the way to do it.
2007-03-06 13:10:39 UTC
I seem to remember the last democratic president being impeached because he got a BJ in the oval office... If Bush did that he'd spin it and say "It would have only emboldened Monica Lewinsky if I pulled out prematurely. I'm letting her give me a BJ here so I don't have to get one over there." and then Fox News would claim that Bush is a national hero for taking that one for the team.

EDIT: Man you need to wake up and take the neo-con republican microchip out of your brain. I think if given the choice between Clinton and W, 95% of the population (republicans AND democrats) would choose Clinton. Clinton gets a hummer in the office... yeah it's not right, but at least no one is dying because of his lie. And also... Bush has not been proven correct on any of his false claims of WMD's, links to 9/11, or that the mission was accomplished. WAKE UP!!!
2007-03-06 18:04:36 UTC
No, Clinton lied about the bj which is any man's right, but Bush is a lying cowardly idiot with visions of grandeur whose lying has killed thousands of our boys and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis.

Did you ever think how arrogant it is to cram democracy down their throat? Why not cram our religion down their throats too? The Iraqis hate us and want us to leave. Is that so hard to understand?

BTW, he was dead wrong about the WMD's, no matter how hard he tried to make it appear to be so.

I will show him the respect the worst president ever deserves.
2007-03-06 13:18:55 UTC
sorry no one deserves respect they have to earn that well what else do you want us to do other than bashing him we can't get him out office and he has done not thing in 6 years but start a war and send young people to fight it he does not care what happens to them look at the news once in awhile you may learn something like the hospital do you not blame him for that? he should have been at that hospital seeing those kids but he was off some were else.don't start on how great bush is ,you will cause a war.
.... . .-.. .-.. ---
2007-03-06 13:13:05 UTC
I am not a Democrat nor a liberal, and I bash Bush. I'm a fiscal conservative who has never supported little Georgie. I've disliked him from the time I discovered he was in the National Guard during Vietnam. That fact stated a lot about his lack of grit.
2007-03-06 13:12:37 UTC
Bush bought death and destruction to Iraq. He has turned the world against the United States of America. He has drained the treasury he's within a taxi ride of Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D.C. and wounded soldiers and marines are housed in rat and roach infested hospitals.

Want more?

He has changed the direction of just about every agency in the government to make them ineffective in carrying out their mission objectives.
2007-03-06 13:09:16 UTC
and youve never bashed a democratic president...........cough clinton after his scandal cough. I think its funny lots of conservatives say all libs do is bash Bush, while all of the conservatives bash liberals. Have you seen some of these questions? And just because Liberals want to change the strategy in Iraq that is obviously failing, doesnt mean that they want to "destroy america." You in fact dont sound like an "adult" when you say things that haklf of the liberals want to destroy America. You dont help yourself when you says, "libs are scum."

EDIT: I dont know where you get your facts from, but I'm guessing its Fox News. Clinton is not the one that let Sept. 11th happen, and he did not ignore the info multiple times in 2001. The connection btwn Iraq and Al-Qaeda...........about that..........there is none. By the way, where are the WMD.

You know thawt all of the experts said Saudi Arabia is our number one target because 15 of the 19 highjackers came from tthere. But we didnt attack them becaue of the Bush-Saudi relationship. Have you heard of it? Its interesting and TRUE! You might want to do some research for once.
Bush Invented the Google
2007-03-06 13:10:59 UTC
I'm a Democrat, and I do quite a lot besides bashing President Bush.

I work for a living, I volunteer with several community organizations, I like to read, I enjoy an occasional movie...
2007-03-06 13:17:34 UTC
Wait the RedsStaters have been saying the Blues only abort babies and eat Government cheese.

Now they are adding Bush bashing to the agenda

Wow those Blues are multi-tasking

Go big Red Go
Matthew P
2007-03-06 13:08:38 UTC
Are you mad? First, this administration did not show Democrats in Congress any respect. They weren't heard or allowed to speak in their own commitees.

Were you this outraged when Republicans attacked the President when it was Bill Clinton? They called him every name in the book. They even attacked Chelsea.
2007-03-06 13:05:04 UTC
Well, we certainly don't bash him because it's fun. Just like you always bashed Clinton when he was President. I didn't hear you complaining then. You can't even tell me you respected Clinton because he was President.

If Bush brought freedom to Iraq, it was a consequence of his actions, not his intentions. He didn't go to Iraq to free those people. We are livid because we were lied to. Just as you were livid that Clinton lied to you about sex. But, at least Clinton's lie didn't cost American lives.
2007-03-06 13:06:47 UTC
Brought Freedom to Iraq ?? Oh YOU DONT CARE IF IT TAKES 10 YEARS or MORE To Give Iraq A Free DEMOCRACY YOU DONT CARE.. ??? How Long It Takes or How Many More Losses of LIFE HEY YOU SQUIRMY Little JerkWad.... LET ME Guess You Have Major STOCK Options for The Halliburton Control of Iraqi OIL Fields ?? hmmm I Got IT,, You are a Relitive To The OWNERS of either Exxon, Mobil, Shell, Unocal..OIL Conglomerates or You Have Interesy in The Corp,/Contracttors who are Running Humongous OIL Pipe Lines ACROSS THE ENTIRE of AFGGHAN Butt Your Correct on ONE and ONLY ONE Comment Yes EVERYONE should Give Some SLACK, Respect, and Credit ,, Please hold your Applause.. Give The Man Credit,, He hasn't Missed One Installment on Monthly DUES .. Yes BoyGeorge is in High Standin, And A Valued MEMBER at The SKULL and BONES SOCIETY
2007-03-06 13:10:14 UTC
"Bush has brought FREEDOM to iraq". Your quote here is implying what freedom? The freedom to do suicide bombings, commit all sorts of destructive acts of violence, what freedom? At least when Saddam was in power, crime was under control and free of the terror it now has, thanks to the Bush regime. You're just about a bigger idiot than Bush.
2007-03-06 13:10:57 UTC
probaly because he such an easy target. I mean the guy didn't do all he could for the blacks in new orelens, he attack Iraq just for oil and to be the big brother to save the day.
2007-03-06 13:04:52 UTC
Yeah forget freedom of speech except for conservatives like Rush Limbaugh.
2007-03-06 13:03:56 UTC
Im a conservative, but they basically do it for the same reason I bashed Clinton when he was in office. You don't want the masses supporting someone who has a different ideology than yourself.
2007-03-06 13:12:16 UTC
I'd be more than willing to respect Bush, he has to earn it first.

When Bush drops the agenda of hatred and divisiveness, then we'll see.
Third Uncle
2007-03-06 13:09:45 UTC
And tell me, what would many conservatives be doing if this was Clinton's debacle? That's right, they'd be bashing him right and left, so get over yourself already.
2007-03-06 13:06:35 UTC
Bashing Bush is good politics for Dems right now. They will milk it as long as they can. It can't last forever. 08 isn't that far away.

Also. Republicans weren't that respectful to Clinton. Granted, he was a clown, but he was the President.
George G
2007-03-06 13:05:10 UTC
I don't think its the whole party doing it just their children who got put on capital hill.
2007-03-06 13:14:31 UTC
It's easier to bash someone than to come up with an actual plan for dealing with terrorists. By claiming that Bush is wrong and evil, they distract their legion of pot smoking, birkenstock wearing followers from the fact that they have no earthly idea how to protect this country and it's people.
2007-03-06 13:06:55 UTC
Unfortunately they are misinformed and ignorant about the war. In the beginning most liberals were all for the war. They drove around with little flags in their car supporting our troops. Now they just bash them and our President.

You get one liberal (Michael Moore) to make a fictional movie about 9/11 bashing our President and the rest will follow. Pretty pathetic.

ETA: People think the President lied about Iraq when in fact there were WMD found there. For some reason they think Saddam should still be in power. They are also dumb enough to believe that this war is over oil (see what I mean about one liberal making a stupid comment and they all follow?). Anyway, we should be taking over Saudi Arabia if this war was over oil.
2007-03-06 13:08:58 UTC
OH the snark!

Moral of the story: Respect Bush or he will bring FREEDOM to you!!!!
2007-03-06 13:04:55 UTC
My friend, there is not enough room in this medium to give you the answer you deserve. I recommend that you visit
2007-03-06 13:04:02 UTC
i have no political affiliation at all, but i'd say its because he's a retarded, cowarly, hippocritacal, power-hungry dumb-***...

***every one of you that gave me a thumbs down is as idiot too. while there is no one that can come in after bush and "make everything better", if ANY other canidate that considered running had won, the world, and this country would not be in as sad a state that it is in right now.
Gary W
2007-03-06 13:04:04 UTC
I'm a conservative. I bash bush a lot too. Why? Because he is every bit as bad as they say.
2007-03-06 13:08:01 UTC
Its like political crack, can't stop. and the watershed moment was when the left screamed for troop increase then when Bush wanted it, they are against it....can't dispute that proof.
2007-03-06 13:03:11 UTC
Yes! Show respect or he bomb your country too!
2007-03-06 13:05:52 UTC
he lost all respect when he lied about iraq and stopped worring about bin laden.
Chuck P
2007-03-06 13:07:08 UTC
Not really a Democrat so I can honestly say...BECAUSE HE MAKES IT SOOOOOO EASY!
2007-03-06 13:09:58 UTC
They get a little beside themselves when they're not in power...
2007-03-06 13:04:27 UTC
Because they are sad and bored people with nothing to look forward to but the consequences of their own choices. They want to spread the "cheer."
2007-03-06 13:03:18 UTC
radical liberals bash bush
The Bummer Dude
2007-03-06 13:05:52 UTC
They ( the dems) apparently don't have anything better to offer!
2007-03-06 13:12:02 UTC
they got nothing better to do
2007-03-06 13:16:12 UTC
you are very smart....i agree with every word.....they have nothing but their anger...thats why they live in it :)
2007-03-06 13:14:57 UTC
they literally have nothing better to do.
2007-03-06 13:03:22 UTC
They are obsessed.
2007-03-06 13:02:41 UTC
they're saddo's

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