If you are one of the people who are upset over the Palin "crosshairs" ad, will you also condemn these ads?
2011-01-10 07:48:52 UTC

Or are they somehow "different" because they were produced by Democrats?
Nine answers:
2011-01-10 07:52:49 UTC
When liberals are not playing the "race card", and are playing the "blame game", it's time to remind America:

Obama video-”get in their faces”

Obama video- “punish our enemies”

Bill Ayers advocates extermination of capitalists.

Bush assassination play

Bush assassination film

Liberals fantasize over Limbaugh death

Bill Maher wishes Cheney death,2933,256650,00.html

Punch Sarah Palin cartoon

Liberal poster Palin in gunsight

Gunsight on Republican Party
2011-01-10 15:56:44 UTC
As in any time in history where tyranny has taken foot, unfortunately innocent people are going to have to suffer and die before evil can be exposed and abolished. During the fight for civil rights in the 60's many blacks and whites were murdered by your kind in their fight for equal rights in the end they won but not without paying a price.

The same is happening today. Your party will claim many more innocent people before the fight will be won against people such as Palin and the likes of yourself, so help us God

Edit: Palin's ad was possibly in-part a motivating factor in the violence in AZ. This is not the case in either of the postings you provided. In fact, the victim, congresswoman gifford herself said before this incident that Palin's ad comes with dangerous consiquences, the fact that she wound up being correct, speaks for itself. In light of these events, you are simply arguing a losing point and your point will continue to deteriorate as more comes out of this story.
2011-01-10 16:06:46 UTC
Go to Google or your favorite search engine:

> Now try to find ANY gun sight image where the "cross-hairs" extend out BEYOND the diameter of the optic as Palin's marks do. You WILL fail.
2011-01-10 15:58:13 UTC
1) Doesn't look like a gunsight crosshairs to me, but I could be wrong.

2) The piece has NO person as a target, just states.
2011-01-10 15:55:55 UTC
Palin put up 'crosshairs', dems put up 'targets'. Where's the blame on THEIR sides for the same tactics??
2011-01-10 15:54:09 UTC
I am not.

Free speech is more important than an ambiguous threat of violence.

It is what it is.
2011-01-10 15:51:39 UTC
You and I both know the left is the king/queens of hypocrisy.
2011-01-10 15:51:27 UTC
democrats have removed all ads to not prove guilt of association
2011-01-10 15:51:41 UTC
I think it should be obvious that anything political shouldn't include cross hairs.

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