I did not know "white" was a religion ?
and they are correctly referred to as Anglo Saxon Americans...
Does that not make you the racist? or persecutor?
Since you compare their visible differences and equate it to their religion ?
as if we knew what it was ?
A sociopath or temporarily insane confused shooter does not
report his origin nor his religion.
If we knew, as onlookers what he was trying to represent politically or religiously by his costume? Or verbal statement made during the act?
Then....out come the labels?
Or is he reportedly representing one facet or another of some group?
The whole question must be based on the asker,
Then the answer is in the eye of the onlooker.
But police stop both with deadly force.
then he/she is just a deceased......whatever, who lost
his/her sense of self preservation and was taken over by
unsafe beliefs.
Regardless of his ancestors previous continent or origins.