We don't hate America, we just hate your Fuhrer (Bush)
"Infidel idolaters! Great Satan colonial oppressors! Israeli lackeys!"
Massive war crimes in Vietnam war: The mass murder of well over 1 million (some say about 3 million) innocent Vietnamese civilians during the Vietnam war was an act of mass state terrorism. (The USA also used chemical weapons such as dioxins in this aggressive war.) The USA should have been forced to pay hundreds of billions of dollars of reparations for their war crimes. But instead, the USA imposed horrendous trade sanctions on Vietnam which led to mass starvation for many years. At the same time, the USA forced the Vietnamese to put a humiliating amount of effort into finding decades-old corpses of American war criminals. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilian Vietnamese died without their bodies being recovered. But US citizens are capable of feeling no sympathy for any people other than their own. They think that one American is worth a thousand foreigners. There are many people in the USA even now who are proud of their participation in the mass murder and war crimes in Vietnam.
Destruction of democracy in Chile: The removal of the freely elected democratic government of Chile by the CIA, including the bombing of the presidential palace (on another September 11), followed by the murder of thousands of innocent civilians. This proves that the USA is not in favour of democracy.
Embargo of Cuba but not China or Saudi Arabia: Decades of embargo of the popular government of Cuba, while the USA gives most favoured nation status to China, which is one of the most undemocratic governments in the world. The support for China and Saudi Arabia is purely in the US self-interest. The dislike of Cuba by the USA is really due to the fact that Cuba does not bow to the USA.
Preference for totalitarian China, not democratic Taiwan: For a few decades now, the USA has been cooperating with China in the international ostracism of Taiwan. Although Taiwan is a democratic country and China is a totalitarian dictatorship, the USA takes the side of China. This is because the USA wants access to China's markets for its own mega-capitalists. This shows that the USA is against democracy. The USA actually prefers to have totalitarian dictatorships as allies, as has been shown for many decades around the world. The USA is not pro-democracy. The USA is just pro-mega-capitalist. How can anyone believe that the USA prefers democracy when they see them isolate Taiwan so as to be friendly towards China? Some people argue that the USA is the world's strongest guarantor of Taiwan's security against Chinese agression, but the USA also accepts and propagates the lie that Taiwan is part of China, and the USA gave the Taiwanese seat at the UN to China.
The USA supported the military junta in Greece 1967-1974: Greeks still despise the USA for supporting the coup and this period of dictatorship.
Total support for Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestinians: The USA continues to protect, encourage and finance Israel's 6 decades of ethnic cleansing in Palestine. The USA thwarts every humane gesture by the United Nations. The USA encourages and financially supports the slaughter of several hundred innocent people in Palestine every year by the Israeli death squads seeking Lebensraum. It is clear that the USA's ruling class is in love with Israel. They are blinded by love. [If the Palestinians all converted to Christianity, the scales would fall from the eyes of the US Americans. Then they would realise that the Palestinians are human beings.] The occupied West Bank of Jordan resembles the Warsaw Ghetto of World War II. The occupied West Bank is a slave prison of the jewish Israelis. But deeds which were evil when the Germans did them in WW2 are now encouraged every day by the USA when the Israeli land thieves do them. Seeing the enthusiastic US American support for Israelis turning innocent Palestinians into mincemeat is the principal cause of worldwide muslim anger against the USA. (Jewish intellectuals, as individuals, are the best people in the world in my opinion. The jewish people have the highest regard for education, intelligence and learning. But the Israeli apartheid regime has soiled the good name of all jewish people.)
My personal theory about the love affair between the USA and Israel is that US Americans feel a deep sense of emptiness in their short history. They can look back with nostalgia to the early migrations, the severance from Britain, the settlement/appropriation of the West, and the Civil War. But they have no deep sense of history as other nations have. To fill this gap, they look to the christian bible, which is tacked onto the jewish bible, and see their deeper origins as lying in Jewish history. Therefore US Americans feel that in some fundamental sense they originate from the Jewish people. So the love of Israel is really a kind of yearning for the ancestors. If the USA severed its attachment to Israel, US Americans would have to face the emptiness of their own short history. Some people wonder why a rich country such as the USA is so obsessed with religion. (Usually religion fades in rich countries.) The answer may be that christianity gives the USA a deeper national creation mythology than they can compose in their own right. The jewish and christian stories are substitutes for a deeper US American national creation mythology.
Causing the `Asian meltdown' through oppressive loan conditions: Enforcement of completely inappropriate and humiliating conditions on Thailand through the IMF, which is controlled by the USA. In the Asian crisis of about 1997, the currency of Thailand collapsed, due to the sudden withdrawal of huge amounts of capital, mostly by the USA. As a result, there was massive unemployment, thousands of people committed suicide, and the misery continues to this day. The IMF forced Thailand to carry out even more inappropriate measures after the crisis, whereas Malaysia refused the IMF commands. Malaysia's economy improved quickly but Thailand's did not. The economies of Vietnam and China hardly noticed the Asian meltdown, because they did not follow the IMF commands.
Support for Pol Pot genocide: The USA backed Pol Pot with arms, training, finance and full diplomatic support for over a decade. This was one of the worst regimes in history, which killed over 1/3 of the population of the country. But the USA supported Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge as they continued to commit atrocities and destroy the country of Cambodia with land mines. The rise of Pol Pot started when the USA was illegally bombing huge areas of Cambodia and Laos, intentionally killing vast numbers of innocent civilians. The USA has never apologized for these crimes.
Colonization of Hawaii: The USA colonized and annexed Hawaii. The USA should decolonise this independent nation. This proves that the USA is not anti-colonization.
Training of terrorists in Latin America: The USA funds the infamous terrorist training school called the School of the Americas.
Funding, weapons and training for Nicaraguan terrorists: The USA gave huge amounts of funding to terrorists in Nicaragua who killed hundreds of thousands of Nicaraguans in the 1980s with guns and mines on farmland. Tens of thousands of innocent civilians lost their legs or were maimed in other ways. When there was finally an election along US-approved lines, the USA said the vote was not fair and would not be recognized - until it emerged that the USA's puppet won, and then they immediately announced that the election was completely fair. (The previous election which brought the Sandinistas to power was recognized by official European observors and everyone else as free and fair. But the people didn't elect a a pro-mega-capitalist government. So the US rejected that election as flawed. This is because US governments think that democracy and pro-US-capitalism are the same thing. The USA was happy with the previous puppet dictator Somoza.)
Illegal mining of Managua harbour: The USA illegally mined Managua harbour. When the USA was taken to the international court for this and the USA lost the case, the USA immediately withdrew its recognition of the court, even though it had agreed by treaty to give at least 6 months notice of withdrawal of recognition. The USA clearly believes that only other countries need to abide by international agreements. The USA is exempt from all international law.
Refusal by the USA to accept Jewish refugees before WW2: The 907 Jewish refugees aboard the St. Louis from Hamburg were refused entry to the USA in 1939. Some people blame the general refusal to accept these refugees for Hitler's belief that he could exterminate them. (US Americans may think that Israel loves the USA. Well, maybe Israel loves what the USA does for them, but Israel has several hundred nuclear weapons in case the USA stops being their friend.
Lack of empathy for suffering in poor countries: US citizens have limited comprehension of how much other countries suffer. I've heard of some US women who see news stories of third world countries where people are starving saying how much they envy the slim figure of the poor women.
Arrogant, conceited nationalism: US citizens have a general attitude that they are rich because they are superior. This is totally explicitly stated, especially on ceremonial occasions. The reason the USA is rich is for many reasons, including very successful exploitation of other countries, the fact that they came into World Wars I and II very late when other countries were exhausted, the geographical isolation of the USA, the fertile land which they took from the indigenous people (whom they largely exterminated), and their homogeneous language and culture.
Imposition of unfair conditions of trade: Throughout the 1990s, the USA has been imposing globalisation on the whole world. This is a propaganda term which means harmonization of the world to the USA'a culture, economics and politics. It would be more accurate to call it provincialization. All countries are forced to cut back on all public services and social welfare as the US has done, and every country must accept anything that the US wants to export, no matter how much this harms the economies of non-US countries. This often means that even valid health objections are rejected by the USA. When other countries succeed in exporting to the USA, e.g. farm goods at 1/3 the cost of production, the USA puts on heavy tariffs and gives substantial support to US farmers. Current estimates are that 50% of US farm income comes from the government. The USA does not permit any other country to do this. When other countries object, the USA wrangles in courts for years until so much damage is done that the issue is no longer relevant. The so-called globalisation makes poor countries poorer and the USA richer. Free trade means capitalist-controlled trade as opposed to trade which is controlled by governments as representatives of the people. Globalization implies the destruction of sovereignty.
Theft of Spanish lands in America: The USA stole vast areas of land from the Spanish empire to create California, Texas etc.
Support for Indonesian massacre of Chinese: The USA approved the Suharto government's killing of about 500,000 Chinese Indonesians who were suspected of being communist sympathisers.
Support for Indonesian invasion and massacre of East Timor: The US government gave the go-ahead to the Indonesian government to invade East Timor in 1975. This resulted in the several hundred thousand deaths of innocent civilians, with US approval.
Invasion of Haiti: Occupation of Haiti in 1994 to install US choice of régime. (See also 2004 overthrow of democracy in Haiti by USA.) The USA also invaded and occupied Haiti from 1915 to 1934.
Invasion of Panama: Invasion of Panama to get just one guy, Noriega, who happened to be a CIA employee who was conducting most of the cocaine trade from South America into the USA. US forces killed many innocent people.
Invasion of Grenada: Invasion of Grenada in 1983 to install pro-US government. This was part of Reagan's foreign actions to make US citizens feel proud again. (The USA really should find ways of feeling good that don't involve making foreigners into mincemeat. People who study these things say that the USA has invaded 67 countries from 1945 to 2004 and has killed some tens of millions of people in military conflicts in that time.)
Attempted invasion of Cuba: Unsuccessful invasion of Cuba (1961) to install pro-US-capitalist government. Large numbers of people pointlessly killed for ideological/economic reasons, with no apology. In 2002, the US government still hates Cuba more than any country. The USA takes a very, very long time to forgive countries which successfully resist (and thereby humiliate) the US Empire. (Others include Iran and Vietnam.) The USA is a poor loser.
Forcing poor countries to import US tobacco: In many countries, especially in Asia, the USA has forced governments to accept imports of US tobacco as a condition of normalising trade. And in some countries, the USA insisted that since they had to catch up for lost sales of cigarettes in the past, they should be allowed to conduct big advertising campaigns. They insisted on this despite the fact that many of these countries had already banned cigarette advertising for health reasons. Therefore the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Asians is due to these disgusting fair trade conditions by the USA.
Support for Muslim terrorists in Afghanistan: Support of muslim fanatics in Afghanistan to kill Russians and other Soviet citizens. The Russian presence improved the quality and equality of life in Afghanistan. As a result of US actions in Afghanistan, huge numbers of Russian conscripts were killed, the country's political system collapsed, and the political vacuum was filled by US client groups who violated human rights on a vast scale with US support, knowledge and acquiescence.
Support for Iraqi war crimes and weapons of mass destruction: Support for Iraqi aggression against Iran in the Iraq-Iran war of the 1980s, despite the very well-known fact that Iraq attacked Iran pre-emptively without warning from the air in the expectation of destroying all of Iran's planes on the ground and occupying all of Iran. The Iraqis killed over 1 million Iranians (which helps explain the high proportion of young people in Iran now 20 years later). The Iraqis used chemical and biological weapons with US knowledge and active support because of the US desire to punish Iran. (This shows that the USA is in favour of the use of `weapons of mass destruction' by its clients, allies and puppets. WMDs are okay for the USA's friends.) The USA never forgives a country which has beaten or humiliated the USA. In punishment for the Iranians taking 50 US citizens hostage for 1 year, the USA strongly supported and assisted the murder of millions of Iranians. The USA still has punishing sanctions against Iran for no good reason.
While siding with Iraq against Iran, the US shot down an Iranian passenger plane, killing hundreds of people, even though it was clear from all sources of information that it was a civilian plane. Some trigger-happy naval officer shot it down before thinking. This is the problem with giving the muscles of a giant to someone with the mind of a child. The USA just so easily wipes out hundreds, thousands or millions of lives without consequences to itself. The same trigger-happy reckless behaviour has been shown by the US military in all conflicts. But when anything happens to a US citizen, there's hypocritical moral outrage.
Killing thousands of innocent poor Afghans: In the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, the USA, looking for a small group of bandits, has shot up the whole country, causing a massive increase in starvation and other suffering. When several hundred (about 350) Taleban surrendered in one city, the USA used aerial bombing to kill every one of them, even though they were unarmed and had surrendered. This is a very serious war crime under the Geneva convention. Combatants are required to give quarter, but the USA has operated an explicit policy of taking no prisoners. They stated that they intended all al Qaida and Taliban to be killed. The USA should be brought before war crimes tribunals for these crimes, but the USA will refuse to even think about this possibility. In fact, the US government has passed a law to impose sanctions on any country which cooperates with the International Criminal Court, and they have passed a law to indemnify all US war criminals from any legal action. Thus the USA has declared that it is free to commit war crimes with impunity. (2002-12-19: It has emerged that the USA was responsible for the murder of about 8000 Taliban who had surrendered. This is why the USA is so afraid of the International Criminal Court. They are as bad as the Serbs were in the 1990s.)
(2003-3-24: The US government says that the Iraqis must abide by the Geneva convention in the treatment of US prisoners. But the USA denied Geneva convention rights to thousands of Afghan prisoners from 2001. After more than a year, these prisoners are still being maltreated in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. This shows once again that all countries in the world must obey international conventions - all countries except the USA.) After tearing up the Geneva Convention in regard to Afghanistan, the USA complained loudly about extremely minor matters in their illegal war of aggression against Iraq in 2003, for example when photos of prisoners were shown on TV, which is not actually against the Geneva Convention. The USA insists that other countries must very precisely obey international conventions, but the USA never accepts that international law applies to them.
Monopoly of GPS systems for world military dominance: The USA is currently (late 2001) preventing Europe from starting its own GPS system. They say it is against US interests. Indeed it is. If the US goes to war with any country, it can use Selective Availability to remove GPS capability from any region of the earth - but the USA military have the decryption codes to use the GPS even if it is rendered completely useless to other nations. This makes it more difficult for non-US countries to aim cruise missiles, but it also cripples air travel and sea travel within the region. This power over the whole world is awesome, and the US cannot be trusted with this power. And now they are trying to stop Europe from taking away the US monopoly. The USA is always against any other country having any sort of monopoly, but fiercely defends its own monopolies.
Unequal trade in defence contracts: The USA requires other countries to permit US companies to bid for defence contracts, and they are believed to use echelon intercepts to find out the bids of their opposition. But foreign countries are not allowed to bid on US contracts mostly, because the US only trusts US citizens to work on US defence projects.
Corrupt, undemocratic US voting system: When other countries have slight irregularities in voting procedures, the USA takes this as a pretext to impose heavy trade sanctions. But often these irregularities are caused mostly by ignorance or misunderstandings. But in the 2000 election in the USA, thousands of African Americans were turned back from the polls in Florida because the officials knew that they would vote for the Democrats. As a result the candidate with the second-most votes was selected to be president. This kind of outright racism and election fixing would be regarded as unacceptable in third world countries. A new election would be required, but in the USA, the national interest required that the irregularities be ignored. The hypocrisy of US government lectures on democracy to other countries is shown by the widespread gerrymanders, first past the post voting, and electoral colleges in the USA. At best, one could call the USA a guided democracy.
Corrupt political lobbying in the USA: The US lectures other countries on cronyism, but has the worst case of crony capitalism in the world. The US government gives in to corporate lobbying on all subjects, including the protection of US farmers and industries from free world trade. Israeli lobbying causes the US government to support horrible human rights abuses in occupied Palestine. The USA's form of government could be accurately described as policy payola.
Rejection/sabotage of international standards: Whenever an international standard develops for anything, the USA tries to undermine it. Just one example is the adoption of GSM, which was invented in Europe. The US ideology demanded that there should be multiple competing digital mobile phone technologies because pointless competition is part of the USA's culture. As a result, the USA ended up with an appalling mess in mobile telephony whereas the rest of the world got the very successful GSM. Just like IBM had a long history of thwarting every attempt to build industry-wide standards in the computer industry (they only attended standards meeting to sabotage and delay any standards), so the USA tries to prevent the emergence of all world standards. The USA regards international standards as a threat to its world dominance. International standards are not the US national interest.
One-sided world spy system: The USA has a world-wide spying system called echelon, operated in conjunction with the English-speaking AUSCANNZUKUS alliance. [That's AUS+CAN+NZ+UK+US in alphabetical order. Clever little acronym, isn't it!] This is used to give the USA economic supremacy and political advantage by listening in to all phone calls in the world. The USA has recently passed laws to give it authority over all computer traffic (Internet) which passes through US territory. They have given themselves extra-territorial jurisdiction over supposed computer crimes committed with no connection at all with the USA. Extra-territorial jurisdiction is very much hated by other countries. The USA never accepts extra-territorial jurisdiction by other countries, as shown by the case where France required Yahoo to not sell Nazi memorabilia to French citizens. A US court overturned this.
Denial of data security and computer technology to poor countries: For many decades, the US has operated an international cartel of capitalist countries to deny strong encryption and powerful computers to any country which the US has any sort of disagreement with. This has helped to impoverish many other countries.
Secretly breaking its own trade boycotts to gain advantage: When the USA organised an international boycott of selling wheat to the USSR in 1980, the USA secretly agreed with the boycotted countries that the USA would get all of their contracts after the boycott was lifted. Thus countries like Australia which went along with the boycott lost all their markets to the USA after the boycott was lifted. This was very much hated in Australia. The USA also mucked up the whole 1980 Olympics because of their objection to the USSR entry into Afghanistan. If this is how the USA treats its allies, its a wonder that the USA has any allies at all.
Bullying low-crime countries to accept gun proliferation: The USA tries to export its gun culture/obsession to other countries. US lobby groups send missionaries to other countries, such as Australia, to strengthen opposition to gun laws. Since the USA has almost 4 times the per capita murder rate of Australia, gun culture would not be a very good idea for Australia. (The murder rate by guns in the USA is about 110 per million per year, or about 30,000 per year for the whole country. The total murder rate in Australia by all methods is only about 30 per million per annum because of sensible gun control laws.) But the USA thinks that their constitution is the best in the world, and anyone who is different must be stupid or evil. They also like to sell more guns. So they interfere with the sovereignty of other nations by stirring up and supporting anti-gun-law lobbyists in other countries. The USA uses totally moronic slogans like guns don't kill people; people kill people to help push their gun culture. But they don't say nuclear weapons don't kill people; people kill people. You should never listen to any justification the USA gives for any policy. They have only one policy motive, which is naked self-interest. They work out what's in their self-interest first, and then they get the PR people to work out a justification for it.
Cultural domination through extra-territorial copyright law: The US imposes its laws against music and video copying throughout the world, exercising extra-territorial `jurisdiction'. Because of the use by pathetically weak encryption by the US music and film industry, the USA has a law called the DMCA, which forbids decryption of music and videos. But people in Europe and Russia have decrypted these formats. Therefore these people are prosecuted in the USA for acts which are legal in other countries. One prominent example is the CSS encryption, which enables US companies to charge more in Europe than in the USA, Asia or Europe, for instance. It also prevents linux users from playing video disks. This kind of market distortion is the opposite to globalisation and is anti-competitive. This shows that the USA lies when they say they are in favour of globalisation and free competition. They are only in favour of globalisation and free competition in market sectors where the USA is strong. In the markets where the USA is weak, they enforce anti-competitive and anti-trade protectionist measures, and laws to distort markets in their favour. The USA has unilaterally extended the 28 years of copyright protection which used to be the international norm to 50 and now to 70 years. (Some people say, probably correctly, that this is to satisfy Disney and such companies.) Then the USA forces their one-sided interests on everyone else. (Here's a news item on this.) Remember that the propaganda slogan free markets really means capitalist-controlled markets as opposed to markets which are regulated by governments as the representatives of all the people.
Environmental delinquency: The USA unilaterally withdrew from the climate treaty, because it was not in the US short-term interest to cooperate with other countries. This is despite the fact that the USA has about the same standard of living as western Europe with about twice the per capita energy consumption. The USA is just an extremely inefficient consumer of fuel, which forces to the rest of the world to use less. The USA wants other countries to make economic sacrifices to help the USA, but not vice versa.
Unilateral withdrawal from ABM treaty: The USA is unilaterally withdrawing from the ABM treaty out of perceived self-interest. I think that the Russians have not objected to this because they know that the USA is just wasting its money. But the USA wants to have complete impunity to bomb any country in the world back into the stone age, like Afghanistan, without any risk at all of retaliation.
Economic subjugation and megadeath through extra-territorial patent law: The USA insists that patent law should be sacred world-wide when the USA wants to maximize its profits from AIDS treatment drugs. As a result, millions of people are dying needlessly world-wide in poor countries. But when the USA wanted to get some cheap anti-anthrax drugs because about 3 people in the USA had died, then on the grounds of national emergency, the USA said that they should be able to override the patents just to get a price reduction for a drug which they could well afford. This has outraged people worldwide who see that the value of a USA citizen is a million times greater than that of citizens of other countries, in the USA's view.
War crimes in Germany in WW2: Participation in the mass murder of hundreds of thousands of civilians in terrorist attacks on Germany in the Second World War.
First use of nuclear weapons in Japan in WW2: Use of nuclear weapons against hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in Japan in the second world war. This was not how the war ended actually. The Japanese had been trying very hard to surrender, but the US refused to accept their surrender because they wanted to try out the nuclear weapons which were ready too late for the European theatre for which they were intended. Thus the USA prolonged the war with Japan so as to be able to test the effects of nuclear weapons on hundreds of thousands of civilians. This is definitely a war crime.
[2004-8-7: Here's a counterpunch.org article about the Japanese attempt to surrender. As the author David Price says: But beyond the obvious message sent to the Soviets, Truman's decision to use his doomsday weapon (twice) without presenting the Japanese with the actual conditions of his unconditional surrender revealed elements of an important American post war trajectory -- a trajectory of violence where American military force became the tool of preference selected over the promise of diplomacy. Sound familiar?]
War crimes against Japan in WW2: The USA fire-bombed Tokyo, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians, simply with the intention of terrorising the population. This is a serious war crime. Both during WW2 and ever since then, the US government has openly expressed and followed a doctrine of mass murder of civilians as a means to demoralize the enemy and minimize their own losses. The Geneva convention was supposed to outlaw this. Yet the USA quotes the Geneva convention loudly when they want the victim countries to treat captured US war criminals in a friendly manner. It's okay for the USA to kill tens or hundreds of thousands of civilians, but the countries which the USA attacks must give captured US soldiers the maximum dignity and consideration. Might is right, as they say. Only the USA is above international law. (Other governments can also get an exemption from international law by cutting a deal with the US government.)
Murder of innocent thousands in Sudan: President Clinton ordered the bombing of a Sudanese pharmaceuticals factory, thinking erroneously that it was for producing some sort of armaments. Several hundred people were killed in this. Then the USA put trade restrictions on Sudan so that pharmaceuticals could not be imported. As a result, since that time many tens of thousands of additional people have died of malaria because that factory was producing anti-malaria drugs. This crime in itself was much more serious than the 2001-9-11 suicide hijacking.
Energy wastage: In terms of energy efficiency, the USA has about the same standard of living as Western Europe but with twice the consumption of energy. As a result, the USA has to control world oil prices so as to maintain its standard of living. On top of this, they refuse to restrict their pollution of the atmosphere. Controlling oil prices requires hegemony over the oil-producing countries, which is partly why the US helps the apartheid regime of Israel acquire weapons of mass destruction.
Support for Irish terrorism: For the last 30 years, the USA has been the principle funder of the Irish terrorists who have been killing both civilians and soldiers trying to keep the peace in Northern Ireland. This shows that the USA only objects to terrorists who are muslim and anti-USA. The anti-british northern Irish terrorists are pro-USA. So the USA sends them lots of money and political support to kill the English in Britain and the protestants in northern Ireland. This shows that the USA very definitely will not declare a war on all terrorists.
Callous, calculated delay in WW2 participation: During the Second World War, the USA was originally planning to send about 215 army divisions to Europe in 1943 to remove the Nazis. But they worked out that this would negatively impact their economy. So they changed their plans and sent only 90 divisions in 1944. As a result, the US economy improved during the World War II, while the economy of Europe contracted by about 25%. During the extra year, several million more people died, including a few million people in concentration camps such as the European Jews. This shows that the USA values its own economy much more than the lives of millions of innocent people in other countries. The US entry into WW2 was in the US interests, not an altruistic act. Until Pearl Harbour, the US was pro-nazi. The US only decided to take the side of democracy in Europe when it was clearly in the USA's self-interest to do so.
The Russians still bitterly resent the fact that the USA and the UK took several years to open the Western front against Germany in WW2. During this time, the Soviet Union lost millions of lives, mostly civilians. The Soviet Union continually pleaded desperately to the Western powers to open a Western Front. The USA finally invaded Europe after it was clear that the Soviet Union was winning against Germany. One might reasonably conclude that the USA only liberated Europe to stop the Russian communists from taking over Europe, after which the USA would have become the minor superpower.
Support for Jewish terrorism to create the Colony of Israel: When the Jewish terrorists killed British and Palestinian people in 1945-1948, the USA gave full support to the terrorists to create a colony out of the land stolen from the Palestinians. The USA supported, financed and harboured these terrorists. Clearly the USA is pro-terrorist. Menachim Begin was one of the terrorists who bombed the King David Hotel in Palestine, and yet the USA gave him full support. In the same way, the USA fully supports the war criminal Ariel Sharon now. (See also this article on Ariel Sharon's massacre of a West Bank village Qibya in 1953, including women and children.) Isn't it odd that the country which receives the strongest and most unconditional US support in the world is a country which was created through terrorism? (Come to think of it, the USA itself was created through terrorism against indigenous people, the British and the Mexicans.)
Wilful disregard of Ruandan genocide: When the US personnel in Ruanda knew that there was about to be a massacre, they quickly got all their people out of there and let the massacre happen, making almost no public comment while 800,000 people were murdered. The USA could have stopped it, but they were worried that US citizens might die as they did in Somalia. This must be what the US government means by moral leadership. US moral leadership means getting out of anything that is of no immediate benefit to the USA. One US citizen means more to the US government than 800,000 Ruandans. The US government pretended that they didn't know there was going to be a genocide, because then they would have been obliged under the Genocide Convention to do something about it. But revelations since then have shown that the government did know about it before and while it was happening.
Harassing the creation of the International Criminal Court: The US government has done everything it can to hinder the establishment of an international court to prosecute war criminals and crimes against humanity because they are worried that they and their client states will be brought before this court. They have even passed a law to put sanctions on any country which cooperates with the international court. Once again, the USA uses extra-territorial quasi-legal measures to intimidate other countries, even their nominal friends and allies, as a way of achieving the USA's self-interest. In this case, the USA knows that it regularly commits war crimes all over the world. As a result, it will not be possible to bring war criminals of other nationalities to such a court. (PS. During July 2002, the USA has been threatening to close down all UN peacekeeping activities if their war crimes are not made immune to prosecution. This kind of abuse of the UN is reminiscent of Khrushchev (Хрущев Никита Cергеевич, 1894-1971) banging his shoe on the table to stop proceedings. The USA is now treating the UN as its own rubber stamp.)
Sex overseas by US Americans: US males travelling overseas are very widely resented for seeking and having sex with the local women. This spreads diseases and unwanted children. (These children are called Amerasians in Asia.) But more importantly, it spreads resentment and hatred. This is true in Asia, Europe, Australia, and everywhere else. For example, sex between US soldiers and local women was very much resented in WW2 by British and Australian males. Most resented of all is the fact the local women often prefer US males to the locals because US Americans are richer and might offer them an escape from poverty. Usually the local women are left disappointed and often pregnant.
Resistance to globalisation of measurement units: While lecturing and bullying the rest of the world to accept US exports under the slogan of globalisation (which means Americanization) the USA refuses to globalise its measurement units. They still use the medieval units known as British Imperial measures even though 95% of the world has converted to modern decimal-based units (the metric or SI system) as developed in France during the 18th century. (Maybe US Americans don't like it because the French invented it.) The USA is 200 years behind the rest of the world, but they keep bullying everyone else to be like them. It's time they showed some commitment to globalization and immediately removed all usage of miles, furlongs, acres, fahrenheit, feet, inches, pounds, ounces, imperial tons, hundredweight, stones, gallons, quarts and antediluvian paper dimensions. The old units are quaint, but they are a serious impediment to world trade. Get moving, USA, and catch up with the rest of the world!!! Every other country has to produce everything in dual units for the USA. The USA claims to be very modern, but is the most backward country in the world in measuring units. Everybody else in the world can cope with metric units. Come on, USA. Give it a go. You can do it!
Attempting to create/maintain world monopolies: One of the many clear examples of the USA creating or maintaining world monopolies is Boeing. In the last year or so, the European competitor Airbus Industrie announced they would build a very large passenger plane, and the US government said it wasn't fair competition because there was some government loan involved. But the USA gives huge tax advantages to its own capitalists so that they can compete unfairly with other countries. Boeing doesn't have the same burden to contribute to the social welfare that Airbus does in Europe. The Europeans believe that capitalists should pay tax to support the general social good, whereas the USA think that the ordinary taxpayers should support their industries. This gives the USA a strong edge in overseas markets because their taxpayers are subsidising their companies. Therefore it is fully justified for European governments to give a little money back to Airbus to partially compensate for the larger tax burden in Europe. Another way that the USA gives its capitalists an unfair advantage is through the use of the echelon spy system to acquire information on how the bidding is progressing for tenders for big projects, for example for aeroplane purchases. This kind of abuse of a supposed defence system for shafting the overseas competition is greatly resented, as are all of the unfair competitive malpractices of the USA.
Support for massacres by UNITA in Angola: The USA gave strong support to the UNITA terrorists (led by Jonas Savimbi) in Angola who massacred about 500,000 people in the most horrible way. The killings occurred especially after they lost free elections which they had agreed to. The reason the USA supported UNITA was the fact that the legitimate government was socialist. This is yet another proof that the USA's government is anti-democracy. Only pro-capitalist governments are supported by the USA. In fact, the USA always confuses laissez-faire economics with democracy. They think that any government that restricts capitalism in any way must be undemocratic. The US-supported UNITA destroyed to economy of Angola, which otherwise would have been a very rich country. Any country which resists US laissez-faire economic ideology is opposed and crushed.
Export of puritan morality, causing massive AIDS deaths: In order to get votes from the fundamentalist christian anti-condom, anti-contraception, anti-abortion lobby, the US government impedes the use of condoms and other forms of contraception in poor countries which have a serious AIDS problem. Just as one example, Kenya has a very serious AIDS problem, but the US has cut off aid to organisations in Kenya making condoms available to prevent AIDS. The result in poor countries of this sort of policy is a vast increase in AIDS sickness and death. The USA say that they give a lot of foreign aid. But this is propaganda nonsense. The USA gives only about 0.1% of GDP in foreign aid, compared to 3 to 7 times as much by most western countries. The USA is near the bottom of the league table in overseas aid. (But they're at the top of the league table in military killings of innocent civilians.) The consequence of the USA's negative attitude to contraception for poor countries is actually an increase in abortions because of unaffordable pregnancies. Logic has never been a strong point of US government policies. (GW Bush is credibly believed to have paid for an abortion for his girlfriend, which has been kept quiet by the predominantly pro-Republican US media. See here and here.) It is not even in the USA's rational interest to deny contraception to poor countries. Excessive fertility rates cause overpopulation and poverty, and these are inimical to US long-term strategic interests.
Export of American recreational drug choices: The USA insists that all other countries must follow the USA's ideology on recreational drugs, which means that tobacco and alcohol are okay, but hemp, heroin, cocain etc. are not permitted. Other countries have different ideas on which drugs to tolerate and which to ban. But the USA insists that all countries must accept the USA's choice of drugs and must reject all others. This is a little dictatorial. But it is also extremely hypocritical. Even presidents of the USA have taken drugs, such as gwb taking cocain. But the most recent example of the USA's weird attitudes towards drugs is Afghanistan. The Taliban reduced opium poppy production from 3300 tons to 180 tons (or something like that) in the last year, but the USA refused to remove sanctions that they imposed to force the reduction in poppy production. (I believe the 180 tons was produced in the area not under the control of the Taleban - it was produced in the area controlled by the US allies, the Northern Alliance.) So the Taleban did exactly as asked, but the USA refused to remove the sanctions. But now that the Taleban's opponents (the USA's allies) have taken over, poppy production is back up again, and the USA is taking Afghanistan off its list of nations which produce bad drugs. So just as the heroin production goes up, the USA removes the sanctions. It's just astonishing that the US thinks that everyone should take them seriously on drugs. If they were really serious about stopping drugs, they would follow the course of the Netherlands and Switzerland, which are having serious success in combatting drugs.
USA is protectionist - but everybody else must accept free trade: In March 2002, the USA put up to 30% tariffs on steel imports to protect the inefficient US steel industry and get votes for the next election. The USA's propagandists have been on the airwaves explaining why this is a good thing. Unfortunately, the arguments they have used in favour of US protectionism, if true, are even more true for the poor countries of the world. If a rich country like the USA needs to protect its industries, then surely the poor countries have even more need. This is just typical of the USA's approach to politics - first work out what's in the USA's self-interest, then muster the arguments to support the decision. But if the same arguments are used to defend the actions of any other country, they are rejected. Somehow free trade is supposed to be good for every country in the world, but protectionism of the farm sector, the steel sector etc., is good for the USA. People in the USA just can't remember the arguments they used last month for last month's policies. The right argument for the USA is always the argument which benefits the USA this month. Protecting the workers is a good thing when the USA wants to increase the cost of production in poor countries to reduce their competitiveness, but protecting the workers is a bad thing when US companies want to exploit workers. A good example of US American protectionism is the exclusion of catfish imports from Vietnam. The USA just can't compete. So they call efficient production dumping or unfair trade. But that just means that the USA can't compete on a level playing field.
CIA trained Mujahideen to make heroin from poppies: The Mujahideen in Afghanistan did not make poppies into heroin until the CIA showed them how to do this so as to get Russian soldiers hooked on heroin. So now Afghanistan is a big exporter of heroin. In fact, the Taleban stopped the growing of poppies, and the US backed the Northern Alliance which kept making heroin when the Taleban stopped 95% of production. All over the world, the CIA is known to have encouraged their clients (local anti-democratic terrorist groups) to get into illegal drug production to finance their terrorist activities. This is particularly true in Central and South America. And yet the USA is always lecturing to other countries that they should have zero tolerance of the drugs which they choose to make illegal. The USA is against compassion for drug victims such as is shown by the Netherlands government.
Bhopal disaster, India: When a US company caused the deaths of many thousands of people in India, the USA gave negligeable compensation to the victims. The sympathy for these people was less than the sympathy for any minor incident in the USA. The USA's big companies value the lives of non-US citizens at absolute zero. But when even one US citizen is killed, there's a huge fuss. If the USA wants people to feel sympathetic towards their victims of disasters, they should start regarding non-US citizens as full human beings. All the USA thinks about in disasters like Bhopal is how to minimize the compensation payouts. So why should anyone feel sympathy for the much less serious NY incident on 2001-9-11. The USA is milking that incident for all it's worth.
Korea Airlines KAL 007 spying mission: When there was very strong opposition throughout Europe to the stationing of US intermediate range ballistic missiles in Europe for pre-emptive attacks on the Soviet Union - which would have caused Europe to be annihilated by the Soviet Union if such an attack had been launched - the USA organised for a Korean Airlines passenger plane to conduct a spy flight over a Soviet launch facility during a Soviet military exercise, thereby provoking the Soviet Union to destroy the plane. The USA doctored tapes which were presented to the United Nations. The USA had closely tracked the spy mission with an AWACS plane. The USA didn't confess to having conducted a spy mission with a passenger plane until well after the issue had left the headlines. In the meantime, the political effect of the destruction of the KAL 007 plane was to remove all opposition to intermediate range ballistic missiles in Europe. So the USA got its policies forced onto Europe at the cost of several hundred Korean lives. (In case anyone thinks that the USA's spy satellites were so good that they didn't need to make spy flights, remember that a US spy flight near China was brought down in April 2001. So more than a decade later, the US still needs to make spy flights.)
US citizens are the most wasteful people on Earth: To sustain their lifestyle, US citizens consume about 10 to 20 times the resources per capita of the average of the rest of the world including Europe. Americans think they're the most productive people on Earth. They are not. They don't produce the most. They just consume the most. Just as one example, they burn about 25% of the fossil fuels which are consumed by all people on Earth, but US citizens are only about 4% of the population of the Earth. So that means that they consume about (25/4)/(75/96) = 8 times the average of all other nations. US citizens consume about twice the fuel of western Europeans for approximately the same standard of living. But when countries which supply critical materials to the USA threaten to deny supply, the USA is quick to go in with the military to ensure continuation. Americans think that their excessive consumption is an indication of their moral superiority, but in fact the opposite is true.
Export of culture of violence through movies: Since 1945 and long before, the USA has been exporting it culture of violence world-wide. Other countries don't traditionally create movies with so much violence as US movies. For example, French movies are more oriented to life-style, sex, and life problems. In the USA, when the V-chip was proposed, it was supposed to stop kids watching violence. But US citizens think that sex and violence are inseparable. So they added sex to the list of things to censor with the V-chip. When US movies show sex, they always have to include physical violence, murder and general nastiness. (US citizens may be surprised to learn that sex and violence are thought of as opposites in many other countries.) The huge overdose of murders and visciousness of US movies have been exported world-wide. (US movies pay for themselves in US sales. So they can make the prices low to undercut all indigenous productions overseas. US viewers can't tolerate overseas movies much, especially with subtitles. So the export doesn't go the other way much.)
The result of this is that people all over the world are brought up from childhood on a diet of constant crass violence and inhumanity in the movies they see. They are also led to believe that sex requires violence, and that violence is much more socially acceptable than sex. If the USA wants other countries to be peace-loving, perhaps they should stop exporting super-violent movies and try to work out how to make successful movies without a single murder or car chase.
Resistance to outlawing mines: The USA is the principal country resisting the international outlawing of mines. The USA claims that they need mines in Korea. The USA financed the extensive mining of Nicaragua by terrorists. The USA used mines extensively itself in the 1991 war against Iraq. In the 2001/2002 war against Afghanistan, the USA made extensive use of cluster bombs which leave behind very numerous mine-like mini-bombs which kill children because they look like cans of food. Other countries obviously conclude from this that since the leader of the free world says it is a good and necessary thing to lay mines (in a foreign country even), then it must be okay for everyone else. Once again, the USA leads by bad example. [2006-7-5: See also self-healing minefield concept demo. The USA is actually trying to make mines even more hideous.]
Disparagement, sabotage, harassment and bullying of the United Nations: Since the setting up of the United Nations, the USA has attempted to starve and harass the United Nations at every opportunity. But when the USA needs a fig-leaf of legitimacy for an aggressive military action, they bully and threaten the United Nations. The USA offers bribes whenever they want a `yes' vote on anything. The USA cuts off aid to any country which votes against it. The UN has been completely corrupted by the USA. The USA regards the UN as a threat to its world dominance. The United Nations is not the US national interest. So the USA has treated the UN like a slave which it starves and gives orders to. The USA vetos everything which is not in the US or Israeli interest. (The USA has used the UN Security Council veto more than 70 times; the UK has used the SC veto more than 30 times.) The UN should have expelled the USA a long time ago. The USA expects all countries to obey the resolutions which it sponsors, and non-compliance means that they will be invaded. But the USA refuses to obey any resolution which is not convenient for it. The concept of cooperation is alien to the USA's psychological nature. How can other countries make sacrifices to meet the expectations of the UN when the USA thwarts and disparages the United Nations at every opportunity?
Killing dozens of Italian cable car passengers: A few years ago, US air force pilots in Italy were playing around in their jet fighter by skimming just underneath the cable supporting a few dozen skiers. They cut the cable and all of the skiers were killed. This kind of thing happens time after time because USAF pilots treat their job as being like a game. And the cost is often large numbers of foreign lives. Apologies from the USA for such reckless murder using their killer toys are very rare and never genuine. Another example is the reckless killing of Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan in 2002.
Opposition to democracy in Australia: In 1975, the USA listed Australia as being one of the top security threats in some list of assessments of allied governments. Australia was regarded as a serious risk to the USA because it had a Labor government. It is rumoured that the CIA supported the coup against the legally elected Labor government in 1975 which resulted in an election and a pro-USA party in power. At the time of that election, Australian army reserve forces were put on alert to implement martial law in case the Labor government was re-elected. The USA has never accepted the full legitimacy of Labor governments in Australia. Nor have their proxies, the misnamed Liberal party of Australia.
Support for enslavement of poor countries: In cooperation with Europe and other rich countries, the USA concsiously or unconsciously keeps poor countries in a condition of debt bondage. In India and some other countries, there are millions of people who have such heavy debt and such low incomes that they must work for their whole life to pay off their debt, and then they pass on the debt to their children who inherit the debt. In this way, millions of Indians are in a condition which is no different to slavery. In the same way, there are very many poor countries in the world which will never be able to pay off their national debt to the rich countries. Therefore they are obliged to work forever for foreign masters. A recent example of this is Argentina, where many people do not have enough food, but the food which is produced must be exported to pay off debt. Thus there are many countries which must work to pay off an unpayable debt forever rather than working to feed their own people. About half the people of the world are in countries in this condition of `debt bondage' or slavery, and the USA is strongly opposed to relieving these countries of unpayable debt. Whereas the USA used to have slaves in their own country, now there are starving slaves in many other countries working to produce things for the USA instead of working to feed themselves. This is a total and utter humiliation of the poor countries. The world is now divided into master countries and slave countries, and the USA is very reluctant to let the slaves go free, since the USA's wealth depends on these billions of slaves. (The reason why the USA is the Land of the Free is because they've enslaved most other countries either financially through unfair trade or else militarily.)
Gulf of Tonkin incident: In 1964, the US government administration lied about the North Vietnamese attacking US ships in the Gulf of Tonkin and used this as a pretext for a massive escalation of aggression against North Vietnam. The US government's respect for truth is similar to Hitler's respect for truth when he invaded Poland because of the alleged mistreatment of Germans by the Poles.
The Kuwait incubator babies lie: The USA lied to the UN about the removal by Iraqis of Kuwaiti babies from incubators in order to justify the war against Iraq in 1991. They trained a young female member of the Kuwaiti royal family to cry as she told the lies to a UN meeting. This lie by the USA is comparable to the Nazi lie about Jews eating German babies. (In fact, the USA's propaganda about the threat from International muslim conspiracy is comparable to the Nazi propaganda about the threat from the International Jew. Those who do not understand history are condemned to repeat it!) How can the world take seriously any evidence presented to the UN by the USA again? In late 2002 and early 2003, the USA is asking for the world's trust in its evidence to justify invasion of Iraq.
War crimes against Iraq: In the 1991 war to liberate Kuwait from Iraq, the US planes killed thousands of retreating soldiers. One of the US pilots at the time said it was like shooting fish in a barrel. Even most US Americans thought that this was shameful, but the US military never apologize for their war crimes.
Establishment of the new principle of pre-emptive war: In 2002/2003, the USA's very clever propaganda organisations have come up with a new euphemism for naked aggression. Now they're calling it pre-emptive military action.
The US Americans are experts in language abuse. It used to be taken for granted that the country which attacks first is the guilty party. This approach had the advantage that if no one wants to be the first to attack, then no one will ever attack. So outlawing aggression has the effect of minimizing war. Now the USA has changed that with the new doctrine of pre-emptive war. Since the USA is the leader of the world, all countries in the world will now conclude that they can conduct a pre-emptive action with justification. The effect will be an outbreak of numerous wars in the next decade as every country which feels threatened invades its neighbours. When other countries catch up with the USA's current military technological advantage, the USA will regret deeply its might is right approach to world affairs.
Abuse of the IMF as a tool of international blackmail: We have been seeing in early 2003 how the USA uses the IMF as a tool to bribe and threaten poor countries. The original purpose of the IMF was not to provide a tool for bribing and bullying, and yet the US government uses the IMF in this way. All of the poor countries on the UN security council are shaking in their boots because of US threats to cut IMF aid if they vote against the unjust war of the USA against Iraq. If it's a question of morality, then why does the USA have to use threats and bribes? In particular, the USA has offered some IMF loans as bribes to Turkey. This kind of misuse of the IMF has been going on for decades. The USA misuses also many other international organisations in the same way to bribe and bully other countries.
Removal of Boutros Boutros-Ghali from the United Nations: When the term of Boutros Boutros-Ghali as Secretary-General of the United Nations came to and end, there was unanimous and strong agreement of the Security Council that he should have a second term. But this was vetoed by the United States. (This proves that the USA is not in favour of consensus on the UN Security Council.) The USA continually blocked the re-appointment until eventually everyone had to agree to the USA's appointment of Kofi Anan, the USA's puppet, to the position. So Kofi Anan was appointed with a `majority' of 1 vote for and 14 votes against. This shows that the United Nations is a passive tool of the US government.
The master plan to subjugate the entire Middle East: The US government has announced in March 2003, and earlier through its christian right-wing think tanks, that it intends the war of aggression against Iraq to be part of a total subjugation of the Middle East. This is a new Drang nach Osten to turn Middle East nations into US provinces or economic slave colonies. The previous Drang nach Osten was aimed at subjugating the Slav peoples. Now the USA has found a new class of Untermenschen to enslave in the Middle East.
Ethnic cleansing of native Americans: The USA was built on native American land which was stolen. This was achieved by the ethnic cleansing of the entire area of the USA apart from a few reservations which are the bits left over that the colonists didn't immediately want. US Americans should never forget that the USA is a colony created by theft. Therefore the USA cannot lecture other countries about colonization. A nation that was built from ethnic cleansing and slavery is not in a strong position to talk internationally about morality. The cowboys and indians movie genre during the 20th century has given the impression that the ethnic cleansing of native American lands was something like a sport where the good guys won. How many countries proudly base their national cinema culture on their own history of ethnic cleansing?
Incubator babies Mark II: the Iraq WMD lie: After their success with the notorious Incubator Babies lie in 1991, when the US government presented to the United Nations a woman who they trained to lie about babies being thrown out of the Kuwait hospital incubators by the Iraqi invaders, the US had further success in 2003 with their lies to the United Nations about the Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction. Although Colin Powell talks like a gentlemen, he is an expert liar like the rest of the US government. Meanwhile the USA continues to give massive financial, military and diplomatic support to the only state in the Middle East with WMDs, a state which kills thousands of innocent people in a massive concentration camp every year. Now the US government expects everyone to believe that they are putting pressure on the Israeli regime to give some very limited form of statehood to their little slave colony. The world continues to hope that this time the US government can be trusted. After 55 years of duplicity on this issue, the US government deserves no trust at all until they can show that they can the truth and keep promises. There is no hope of this, of course. It is not in the US government's interest to tell the truth or keep promises.
Sabotage of Russian oil pipelines: In 1982, the USA blew up a Russian oil pipeline with trojan horse software, thereby killing large numbers of innocent civilians. What good purpose this may have achieved it not clear. Maybe the US government just likes killing people. That's what it looks like anyway. By creating an explosion with the power of a three kiloton nuclear weapon, the US disrupted supplies of gas and consequential foreign currency earnings.
Installation of puppet Shah in Iran. Overthrow of democracy: The USA and UK conspired to overthrow democracy in Iran because the democratically elected government stopped the US/UK control of Iranian oil. The price of the installation of a dictator in Iran was that in 1980, about 50 US citizens were detained for a year or so while the Iranian government asked for the deportation of the Shah. This was a mild embarrassment compared to the USA's punishment, its support for the Iraqi invasion of Iran which resulted in millions of Iranian deaths, many of them in poison gas attacks.
Attempts to overthrow democratic government in Venezuela: During 2003/04, the USA has been making persistent attempts to remove the democratically elected government in Venezuela because of criticism of the USA. This is yet more proof that the USA does not respect democracy.
Successful overthrow of democratic government in Haiti: In March 2004, the USA has sucessfully removed the democratically elected leader in Haiti with a puppet leader. This is just one in a very long series of democratic governments overthrown by the USA and replaced with puppet dictatorships throughout the last 100 years. When will the US government learn to be comfortable with foreign democracies?
Handover of Soviet economy to foreign capitalists and local mafias: After the Soviet Union graciously dissolved itself around about 1991, the USA insisted on the privatisation of the Soviet economy and the floating of the currency. The result was that foreign capitalists and local mafias took ownership of the entire economy, the GDP fell by 50%, and the currency collapsed to almost nothing. This americanization of the Soviet economy was certainly successful from the USA's point of view, but resulted in the improverishment and abject humiliation of Russia and the other components of the Soviet Union. Now these economies are in the hands of foreigners and criminals.
Dismantling the British Empire: After the second world war, the USA forced the United Kingdom to empty its vaults of gold to give to the USA. As a result, the British had punishing rationing and serious poverty for many years after 1945. There had been an agreement between Churchill and the USA that the lend-lease scheme for ships and supplies for the UK was a way of getting the USA to participate in the war although most of the population of the USA were essentially pro-German. (See for example this counterpunch article.) The USA entered the 2nd world war when it was in their interests to do so. And after the war, they went back on their deal to convert lend-lease to a gift, because they wanted to force the UK to dismantle its empire. This is still deeply resented by older people in the UK. The British Empire was dismantled, many dozens of countries fell into utter chaos, and the USA became the dominant country in the world. Many people think that the reason Britain has been the USA's poodle since 1945 is the fact that a large amount of this debt has not yet been paid. But morally, it is the USA which owes the debt. The British Empire brought democracy, railways, public services such as water and sewerage, and education to the countries in the Empire. The US Empire turns countries into impoverished, war-stricken, hopeless debtor nations, expropriates their industries and public services, and destroys their freedom, national sovereignty and culture.
US forces killed a thousand Iraqis in Fullujah in April 2004 to avenge 4 US citizens: US Americans often say that they are slow to anger. But when they lose their cool, they sometimes go completely beserk. The collective punishment of the residents of Fallujah in Iraq in April 2004 is an example of this. The US action was completely disproportionate. As a result, the USA has made even more enemies in the Muslim world and elsewhere. Collective punishment was bad when the Germans did it to the French and Italians in Europe in WW2, and it's still bad when the USA does it to the Arabs in Iraq in 2004.
[PS. 2004-8-7: Today they're saying on the news that the US military have killed another 300 people in Najaf. The US Americans kill foreigners like as if they were ants.]
Culturally offensive behaviour overseas: The USA is generally hated for its citizens' Disneyland attitude to tourism. When US citizens travel abroad, they often think that everything is a kind of theme park for them to photograph and denigrate. US citizens talk loudly and coarsely when overseas. They abuse and insult the women. They think that their money gives them the right to do anything they want. The US ignorance of foreign cultures and languages is legendary. Americans get irate when people of other countries can' speak fluent English. It is true that many US Americans are very polite, considerate and civilised when overseas. Some of them even speak a non-English language! But the US Americans who make the the most impression are the loud and lusty ones.
Insistence on world oil pricing in US dollars: The USA insists that all world oil trade must use US dollars. This benefits the USA because people have to obtain US dollars in order to buy oil. It also means that the USA gets the benefit of much more stable oil prices than other countries which are vulnerable to the instability of the US dollar. Some serious analysts claim that the reason for the urgency of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 was Saddam Hussein's announcement that Iraq would price its oil in the Euro currency. If the currency change had been followed by other oil-producing countries, this would have been harmful to the USA. So they had to invade immediately. A vast number of other international commodity markets are similarly dominated by the US currency. This means that the USA can make world commodity prices go up and down by manipulating their own currency, while US consumers are cushioned from currency variations.
Funding and organization of death squads in El Salvador: Ronald Reagan's government funded and organized paramilitary groups in El Salvador to torture and kill people who had anti-American sympathies. In 2005, the USA is seriously considering setting up the same kinds of death squads in Iraq to break the resistance to the unprovoked invasion and mass murder by the USA in Iraq.
Inaction over genocide in Sudan: Despite all the high moralizing, and despite the catastrophe in Ruanda which the USA could have largely prevented, the US government continues to ignore the ongoing genocide in Darfur in Sudan. As usual, it seems that US national interest is the sole criterion of the USA's actions. US government morality is only for media massaging, not for actions. The USA can sacrifice hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of US American lives to knock off an innocent country, but claims to be powerless when really serious evil is happening. The US government says they are the leaders of the free world when they want to go to war, but they say they can't be expected to be the world's policeman when they have no self-interest in a matter. This is more of the usual self-interest-directed logic.