Has General Petraeus really "betrayed us", as democrats claim?
2008-01-29 15:12:25 UTC
Are the democrats that continue to mock him and the rest of our soldiers the true heroes of our society? Democrats claim that this type of dissent is the highest form of patriotism.
Seventeen answers:
2008-01-29 15:18:50 UTC
Well, General Petraeus did betray the Democrats, he has been successful at defeating Iraqi insurgents and al qaeda terrorists, so, the Democrats just hate him.
2016-05-22 17:48:35 UTC
I am an American and I do not desperately want a timetable for withdrawal. I think General Petraeus is a very intelligent and honorable man, who is much more capable of accurately evaluating the situation on the ground in Iraq than anyone sitting in DC. As for the surge - did you read the Jones report? Even though it suggested that we start reducing our troops, it highlighted the progress of the Iraqi army and expressed the belief that they will be able to take over more responsibility for their own security - i.e. we will be able to start reducing our troops sometime next year because of the success of the surge tactics. ... it sounds a little like what Petraeus is saying.
2008-01-29 15:24:37 UTC
Just in case , I'd like to point out that Thomas Jefferson never said "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism' . Although many ill-informed dems continue with that lie . I have great links to prove it too if anyone chooses to ask .

4-Star General Petraeus is the true heroic leader in this battle. And has remained composed despite the ignorance and insults from the left .
2008-01-29 15:34:26 UTC

Soros and many "Hate America Groups" OWN THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.

DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS are Always For Sale to the Highest Bidder.
2008-01-29 15:22:13 UTC
why do you think democrats mock the soldiers? iraq war vets have given donated more money to Obama, a Democrat, than any candidate running for president. Number two was Ron Paul who is profoundly against the Iraq war. So obviously the soldiers don't think Democrats are mocking them as they contribute to their campaigns.

I would try to see things your way but i can't get my head that far up my butt.
2008-01-29 15:21:38 UTC
General Petraeus is doing a good job in a bad

situation. I think it is unpatriotic to call him General

"Betray Us". It is a thankless job, whoever is in that

job. At least he is over there where it's happening,

not at some desk in America. Those who say such

things are not in the war where it's happening, so

they really don't know the truth.
2008-01-29 15:22:14 UTC
to mock an intelligent, heroic man like General Petraeus shows a huge amount of stupidity.
2008-01-29 15:16:59 UTC
The General Petraeus ad was run by a bad ad-man from, which is not 'the democrats'
Yo it's Me
2008-01-29 15:17:05 UTC
I wish they would think that when Republicans protest things Democrats do (or Democrat policies), in those case they label it "mean spirited" and "hateful". They seem to be the only ones they want using this exercising this form of patriotism.
2008-01-29 15:17:06 UTC
Well it is a fact that Patreaus is heavily negotiating with the Iranians and yet he refuses to allow that this negotiation might be having a much stronger affect on the decrease in violence than his "surge". He is protecting his butt.

So yeah, given his two-faced approach, I'd say he is being quite the little weasel at the moment, with regards to telling the truth to the American people.

Why won't he come out and say he has been in negotiation with the Iranians to stop supplying arms?

When it comes to understanding Iraq, Americans are simpletons. They won't take the slightest effort to study and understand this complex situation.

About 80% of the people posting here get their source material from garbage media, with no relation to facts.
2008-01-29 15:20:16 UTC
The Democrats gave us defeat in Viet Nam and now they

are trying to give us defeat in Iraq.
2008-01-29 16:25:17 UTC
Face it all you silly Dems, the surge is working! Now you look like a bunch of fools. It isn't as though you aren't used to that by now.
2008-01-29 15:20:49 UTC
Absolutly not. In no way, shape or form. They threw that out their so people of less intelligence might believe it without knowing any facts.
2008-01-29 15:23:02 UTC
No, he hasn't. He has been doing his job.

As far as I know none of the democrats disavowed the ad.
2008-01-29 15:17:16 UTC
Really. What democrat said that? said that. Most democrats condemned it.
2008-01-29 15:18:14 UTC
attacks on Petraeus have been made by, and have been disavowed by Democrats who are not extreme.

We can disagree, but attacks like those made by are extreme left wing, and rather sad.
2008-01-29 15:18:35 UTC
Nope, those democrats would be cowards, jerks, and losers. Don't worry, down deep they know this.

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