2008-09-03 19:31:50 UTC
And on the abortion issue. Are Christians really gullible enough to actually believe that Bush or Mccain actually care if a female in Arkansas or South Dakota or ANYWHERE has an abortion????? Why can't Christians see that their being manipulated and fooled into voting for republicans.
Then theres the gay marriage issue. Easy solution to make both parties happy. Allow gay people a legal unity and have all legal benefits of a heterosexual marriage. But don't have it recognized by the Christian church. Now both side can quit complaining.
And by the way. If your one of the people that voted for Bush in 2000 and or 2004. And you don't see what people are talking about when they rip on him. And you think Bush did a good job. And you think that Dick Cheney is a good ol boy. And you plan on voting for Mccain. Then consider yourself one of the reasons why the world hates us. Because it's people like you that make terrorists want to kill us. Its people like you that make Europeans call us "Dumb Americans". It's people like you that are responsible for the world going down the drain. Because it's you who is blind and foolish and chooses to be so.