Dude...take it form another colony of the crown...CANADA...the U.S are a pain in the ass. Yes they DID have the right vision when they started and were chivalrous while fighting for it, but there is nothing that represents a hint of respect for any other nation (including their own) now a days.
Yes I am proud to have them as a neighbour....dont get me wrong, but right now...the UK, Auzzies and Canada have it 100 times better becuase at least we respect other nations of the world.
I see the the US is (possibly) the strongest country in the world, but they are quite lucky that they have the U.K and their cousin countries such as yours and mine as allies, otherwise they would be up "sh!ts creek".
There is a growing resentment towards the U.S across the world, and I for one will stand to help fight for them (not like theres much Canadians can do, thanks to our almost comedic military), but I am waiting for the day when they finally piss off one of their few allies such as the crown and those who have ties to them such as your county and ours.
Life is like playing the board game "RISK" eventually they will want to take a 2nd look at you and start liking their lips, and at that point (I think) all hell will break loose.
As it stands (and many people dont realize this) Canada is the #1 supplier of oil to the U.S...its not the middle east like everyone thinks. If they were to consider forcing their way of "life" on us I would like to think that we would have the backing of MANY countires throughout the world suchs as yours, the U.K, Russia, Germany, France, Italy etc.
They pick their battles wisley right now making sure that they have the support of scared countries and also making sure that they pick on countires that hardly anyone cares about, but one day they will slip, and the world will respond.
So to answer your question, NOBODY looks at the U.S as the best example of freedom. Austrailia is a democracy but recognizes only the theory of the crown kinda like Canadians do by whats called the Governor General. In theory this person represents teh MONARCHY AND HAS ABSOLUTE veto power over anything the country decides, but would never do so because we are not like the states.
Now Im starting to go off on a rant so I wil stop there.