Why is a "liberal" considered by so many Americans to be unpatriotic and anti-American?
What I Say
2006-09-21 11:44:07 UTC
Definition of liberalism from Webster's Collegiate dictionary (10th edition):

A political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy [freedom] of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties.

--What is so unpatriotic and anti-American about the above definition that makes considering yourself to be a "liberal" based on this definition so wrong?
25 answers:
2006-09-21 11:49:16 UTC
It isn't - Liberalism is siding on the individual and not institutions and big business. The conservatives like to portray liberals as anti-American because there is no legitimate left party to attack, therefor, Democrats and liberalism are the only real threat to conservative republicans.
2006-09-22 17:46:22 UTC
It is most likely the result of how those who call themselves liberals (really socialists) act, unpatriotic and un-American.

My granddaughter asked me today after something she saw on the news, why do americans hate america. Big words from someone who is seven, yet she could see right through all the crap and propaganda.

Actions speak louder than words, words being the only thing liberals can come up with.
2006-09-21 11:56:13 UTC
the traditional definition of "liberalism" is what we would ideologically call "libertarian" in this country today, to an outside country our entire political system is more "liberal" than say China's----but you're confusing the definitions, the word "liberal" has a different meaning outside the USA than it does inside.
2006-09-21 23:58:42 UTC
americans are allowed to consider

other people "unpatriotic" and "anti-American"

most times,

those people who label others

"unpatriotic and anti-American"

form their opinion

because the target of their judgement

has spoken against the current administration

(state or federal)

or, has spoken in favor of disrespecting an U.S. icon

or tradition

choosing to exercise their right to have an opinion

doesn't make them bad people

(that applies to BOTH sides)

frequently (and even more so in recent years)

people who have adamant views

in opposition to pres. bush,

and in favor of devaluing long cherished customs, etc.

proudly cloak themselves in the term "liberal"

hoping to absorb some of it's

traditional meaning

(which you quoted from the dictionary in your question)


these "liberals" of today

these self-called liberals

do not believe those dictionary definitions

of the human race's (including the, shudder, republicans) essential goodness

and of an individual's right to choose his opinions, free of

the rancor of his fellow citizens

(as exemplified by the comments/answers to this question. comments that are bloated with anger against others who hold opposing views)

it's not unpatriotic to be a liberal

it's unpatriotic to call youself a liberal

while you believe that opposing theorists are so evil

that they should be eradicated

(no place for goodness and freedom here)

those shenanigans

are just plain

2006-09-21 12:19:01 UTC
because patriotism is what is hot right now, that and terrorism. The right hears these words everyday, and regurgitates them back in every scenario they don't agree with. They use those terms so often, they have lost their meaning (and so has the term 'liberal'.) To sum up, lack of originality forces these people to resort to this type of name calling. I wouldn't say 'so many' I'd say 'those who blindly follow this administration'. ABout 36%

ynotgayle...that isn't why more women are liberals...liberals fighting to protect women's rights is why. But if it makes you more comfortable to think that women are fickle, and ruled by emotions, then go ahead. Mrs. Flintstone is waiting for you...
tom l
2006-09-21 12:32:12 UTC
Some Conservatives think that the only way to combat a difference of opinion is through insult. So this creates the illusion that most Conservatives think all liberals are unAmerican.

It is however only an illusion.
2006-09-21 12:30:06 UTC feeling and observation is that the world's liberal media, and the U.S. liberal media has swamped the world with anti-american sentiment since 2003.. It is far from proven that Saddamm wasn't (through his nuclear expert, Ja'far) sending to Niger for uranium for thermo nuclear weaponry.. when uranium is the only product Niger provides.. But the media keeps hammering that's it's proven Saddam had no WMD's and was not pursuing them, and thus Bush and conservatives are the world's evil (why just look how they fought the spread of communism and its genocides).. I fear for this world, if the conservatives of America take a back seat in world affairs (when their voice is no longer tolerated).
Angel of Man
2006-09-21 11:54:03 UTC
I'm not sure. There is so many definitions twisted and confused right now....Its all a blur. But you know...Liberals love this country just as much as anyone else dose...and wish to build it up. Peace is the policy...and peace and terrorism do not mix.
2006-09-21 11:57:54 UTC
Well, let's take it alittle at a time.

Belief in Progress- It is obvious that the Economy is growing at a record pace due to the presidents tax cuts, you have more money in your pocket, you'll spend more and stimulate the economy. Liberals oppose this thinking, they vow to end tax cuts, therefore raising your taxes again, doesn't sound too progressive to me.

Belief in the essencial goodness of the human race- Oh I guess thats why Black America is thriving so well, Oh and how bout that Abortion thing and passing out Condoms to kids like candy. "Well their gonna do it like a bunch of monkeys anyway, we might as well accomidate them." Yea, their belief in our childrens ability to evolve is inspiring.

They stand for Civil Liberties only when it is Politically beneficial to them.

The Republican Party ended Slavery, yet all it took was for a few Liberals to join a few Marches and Black America quickly forgot who it was that told Rosa Parks to get to the back of the Bus.
2006-09-21 12:11:34 UTC
because many Americans haven't a clue what being patriotic and American really means. And because they simply have no argument thats real and so calling someone "unpatriotic" is easier then thinking and debating. Terms like flip-flopper apply here as well.
Gene Rocks!
2006-09-21 11:48:41 UTC
Sheer ignorance is the answer. The Founding Fathers were liberals. They had the guts to try something that had never been tried before. I'm proud to be a liberal-leaning moderate.
2006-09-21 12:13:33 UTC
That,s a very complicated question and would need a couple of pages to define, but being an ex liberal I will try and sum it as simple as possible. Liberals mostly feel, and as long as they feel they are for the common good this makes them feel superior irregardless of the results of their policy. Results never matter to a liberal just intentions and feelings, that's why more women are liberal's than men.
Spirit Walker
2006-09-21 11:47:29 UTC
Because the libs are ALWAYS crying about how "unfair" they feel the laws and policies of the US. are. They want to give us to the rest of the world in atonement for something we NEVER did. Remeber Slick Willie's statement about turning over world power to China? That is why.
2006-09-21 11:48:58 UTC
Bad press:

Finger pointing by those who want to destroy those political and civil liberties.
2006-09-21 11:45:22 UTC
Many liberals do not live by that definition.
2006-09-21 11:59:57 UTC
Because they like liberty
2006-09-21 11:47:37 UTC
We are not obeying the father figure so we are considered unpatriotic.
2006-09-21 11:47:54 UTC
if anyone,i mean anyone disagrees with a conservative on any issue,they are perceived as evil and unamerican,sort of like religion
2006-09-21 12:24:47 UTC
I have posted a link below, which addresses the same sort of American psyche about 150 years ago.

Unpatriotic and UnAmerican is placing the autonomy of the indivdual (per your definition) above the autonomy of the nation in time of war.

If you believe in the essential goodness of the human race, why are you against the ousting of Saddam, Kim and Ahmadinejad, who care not about the human race?

If you believe in the protection of political and civil liberties, then why not stand against Iran and N. Korea as President Bush and most of America have?

If you believe in PROGRESS, then how can you not call into question the regressive regimes of Iran, N. Korea and the proponents of radical Islam?

What is so patriotic about thinking of your OWN personal freedoms, while thousands of Americans die at the hands of radical Muslims, while thousands of Americans fight to protect the political and civil liberties of Iraqis and Afghans, while millions of Americans are threatened, daily, by the regressive and fatalistic chants coming from radical Islam, while thousands of young men answer the call to kill Jews and Christians at the expense of their own lives? Is there essential goodness in abrogating your responsibilities as an American? Is there essential goodness in abrogating the existence of terrorism within our borders, aimed at the death and destruction of Americans, Jews and Christians?

There is no essential goodness in those who slit throats as a practice of their religion.

There is no essential goodness in looking the other way while thousands of Kurds and Shi'ites are oppressed, kidnapped, gassed and murdered.

There is no essential goodness in enabling Iran or Hezbollah or Syria to arm themselves against a democratic and capitalist ally like Israel, when we know the destruction of all Jews is their aim.

There is no essential goodness in YOU, if you fail to defend your neighbors, your children, your homes and neighborhoods, against the overt threat of terrorism, because you're too busy undermining the government's ability to track and apprehend would-be killers in your backyard. YOUR CIVIL LIBERTIES do not supercede the viability of our nation and the security of everyone else who is American.

Patriotism: a proud supporter or defender of his or her country and its way of life

Does liberalism defend and support America and our way of life? Or does liberalism defend and support the individual and their chosen way of life?

Does liberalism progress in their thinking and actions when new facts and circumstances come to the fore? Or does liberalism seek to incessantly turn back the clock to a time when tough decisions and open attacks on America were not the norm? Does liberalism acknowledge the COST of protecting political and civil liberties? Does liberalism visit the military cemeteries around the US, or in Normandy, where the defenders of civil liberties died to protect the freedom of future generations? Or does liberalism believe the individual has a right to ignore the cost and price of political and civil liberties, because it impedes on their personal or mental comfort zone?

Washington's men slept in frigid conditions in open quarters with woven stockings and poor insulation through treacherous winters and 2500 men died in the winter of 1777-78, to free Philadelphia from the grasp of the British army

In Gettysburg, over 3000 men lost their lives to liberate African Americans from the shackles of Confederate slavery

Paratroopers on D-Day had an expected casualty rate of 50-70%, yet hundreds of young Brits and Americans went ahead into the dark of night and opened the gateways to freedom for the thousands of men that survived the brutal beach landings, and freed France from the Nazi chokehold.

The Battle of Normandy alone resulted in over 50,000 Allied soldiers losing their lives.

These are SOME of the sacrifices American men, women and children made so that we can HAVE our liberties preserved and proliferated to future generations. When we worry about the PURPORTED loss of these liberties more than the canopy of American defense and security that TRULY protects such liberties, we dishonor the lives and memories and sacrifice of those who, despite their own opinion, UNITED with their fellow Americans to halt the true and open attacks on our freedom.

It is time for liberalism to LIBERATE itself from self-hate, self-comfort and self-serving ideaology and stand next to their neighbors of all colors, backgrounds and opinions, in defending America and our way of life. To be a patriot, you must FIGHT, not against your nation, but for it.
uncle osbert
2006-09-21 11:47:08 UTC
they aren't. that's a myth. people who believe that one party is evil or anti-american are just silly.
2006-09-21 11:45:42 UTC
Right. Republicans slime like the weasels they are.
2006-09-21 11:48:56 UTC
do you pay much attention to the news,cnn,abc,cbs,msnbc,the democrats(rats),what they see about are country,and troops,please!
2006-09-21 11:58:16 UTC
because liberals are scumbags
2006-09-21 11:48:12 UTC
patiotic when it suits liberals...anti-american,,,all the way...slime liberals.
2006-09-21 11:50:27 UTC
they give aid to those who wish to harm us.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.