First is America..not america! AMERICA deserves better than to be disrespected by misspelling it. Sorry..that is a pet peeve of mine. IF you are proud of it...spell it right!
You are naive and voted for BOZO the village idiot and THAT MAKES AMERICA SOFT. Anytime there are people running for hope and change and not the values of AMERICA and the best interest of AMERICA it is socialism.
When you want things that seem to be free...easier and happier where everyone is standing around singing know it is fake. GOOD THINGS take time and values and patience to develope. It takes tolerance and sacrifice and hard work. It is not easy. But people are conditioned to take and take and take and take from the government and so many are standing there with their hands out expecting free rides and to be taken care of....and it is the government's fault and OUR FAULT for getting these people in office.
Our founding fathers made sure this country was built on hard work and on the backs and lives of those who fought for it. THEY knew it was not easy..they understood responsibility and didn't stand around and whine...they fought FOR THIS COUNTRY against exactly what we are getting now. We did not want to be like EUROPE and ENGLAND that is why we came here...yet here we are....allowing ourselves to be swept up into socialism again.
AMERICA will not die. It is awake and angry and screaming for it's rights. There will be all kinds of backlash from this in lawsuits and appeals and in the voting. REID put into the bill this cannot be amended, changed etc. THAT IS ILLEGAL AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL as even the constitution can be how can a BILL NOT BE?
With all these bribes...17 states being bribed and REID saying the states that didn't get the money and help are foolish as there was more to be had. WHOSE MONEY IS PAYING FOR THESE BRIBES? IT is OUR MONEY and what POOL OF MONEY IS THIS COMING FROM? THE STIMULUS? HOW did more than half the cost of the bill become pork for buying votes?
This cannot be constitutional.
We need to write and keep talking to our leaders and telling them how we feel. WE know the democrats are all rats and bought out...and they will be gone this next year and in 2012. If you google their ratings now...most of their states are not for them now. ESPECIALLY NEBRASKA!
We also need a law that MAKES IT MANDATORY FOR PEOPLE TO READ BILLS BEFORE THEY GET A VOTE. What a mess to pass something and take our money for something they dont' understand and does not make sense and now have to reconcile between two houses and politicians again. WHY WAS IT NOT CLEAR BEFORE THE VOTE?
Even the CBO has said this is going to cost more...democrats are double stating profits and it is actually a deficit and not saving. They also said this is not going to create better access to medical care or better medical care but WORSE.
DOES THE AVERAGE AMERICAN LISTEN TO THE NEWS OR DO RESEARCH? NOPE...most are young and depend on word of mouth and TV ADS to tell them what is going on. They are too busy with computers and whining about not having enough stuff instead of working for their needs and taking care of THEMSELVES!
IT will change again. AMERICA is mad and bozo has the lowest approval rating and so does congress and if they think this is no big deal ...why are 11 senators not running for re election and one senator talking about changing parties? If this is no big deal why are some democratic senators talking about not voting for the bill in a couple hours....? It won't make any difference...they only need 51 percent on the final vote as they have the 60 to push it some might wimp out and vote no....feeling that will clear their conscience. BUT IT IS TOO LATE...WE WILL REMEMBER and do something about it.
I hope you learned one thing. CHANGE comes from steadfast and slow changes...not radical fast changes that cannot be discussed with at least half of AMERICA not in on it. When congress can pass three bills without inviting the other half to participate or debate....(and this happened three times in the last two months ...and the first time in history)...something is wrong. You cannot give up steady, slow, well thought out , planned and positive change over something quick and easy. IT is never works out. NEVER!