Eisenhower complained about this.
He said that the U.S. was no longer run by the Government but by a shadowy council of corporate robber barons.
The way we fought in Korea was designed to appease Truman's buddies in the Chinese Communist party (he fought to get them funding equal to what was being provided to the Chinese nationalists who stood by us in WWII).
The way we fought in Viet Nam was designed (successfully) to misappropriate the trillions of dollars which had been laid up for Lunar industrialization and sub-aquatic habitats.
And FYI, China has 200,000,000 military age people and can field them all in short order.
The more unsettling fact is that with a Muslim population approaching 1.5 billion, Any emerging cailif would sit atop an even larger army.
The wars of the past were symmetric, large nation against large nation, big army against big army, big navy against big navy.
Russia has said they intend to embrace the Islamofacists' tactics of asymmetrical warfare, where a few people strike deep into the heart of a noncombatant target environment.
The big problem with our strategists is that they fail to use the resources at their disposal and strategize proactively . . .
No, instead, they REact AFTER we have loost troops and equipment and emboldened the enemy.
It seems that the inmates are running the asylum.
Didn't you know that most of WWII was fought house-to-house?
Did you not know that was the reason for the Sturmgewehr and all the assault rifles which followed it?
Didn't you know that was why the U.S. Military switched from .30-06 to .308? (I know, they switched to .223 later, but that was to enrich the robber barons who owned Stoner)
Betters -
Good point but bad facts.
We had lots of planes when we entered WWI. It's just that the Germans had better ones, because we hadn't seen a need to focus on warplanes as they had. The whole entry of the airplane into combat was originally for transport and reconnaissance, but then pilots discovered they could shoot at each other and drop bombs on ground troops... Soon came machinegun mounts, which were disastrous at first because they shot off the propellers, and they had to be adjusted to fire on a timed delay.
Again, this was a case of our strategists failing to think proactively.