Are you disgusted with the FBI decision not to recommend indictment of Hillary?
2016-07-05 19:30:37 UTC
Once again this criminal has escaped justice,compliments of an Obama administration, an administration that exemplifies establishment corruption. Hillary, at the very least, should have her security clearance immediately pulled.. I hope this serves to coalesce conservatives to vote against Hillary. Anger and fear are the two biggest motivators that brings people to the polls. Justice will be served when this wretched woman loses in a land slide. Thoughts??
291 answers:
2016-07-06 05:19:26 UTC
The FBI have their heads screwed on. If Hillary were to become president, what do you think she will do with their funding if they try to bring her to trial? Well, I know what I'd do - hack off 50% of their income on day one, followed by a slow decline to rid the FBI from the Earth forever.

But then people are not thinking outside the Box. I've a suspicion that Hillary has already promised the FBI something they've always wanted but could not get, but which they will get when Hillary is Missus President.

Thank about it. If you think you are cunning, just you wait until you see what even a third rate politician can do. As for Hillary - don't ask.

Good Luck in November
2016-07-07 08:18:42 UTC
There is a HUGE difference between carelessness (which is not illegal) and intent to harm the United States (which is illegal). The statute (law) in question literally says that the legality of the type of actions in question specifically and absolutely is provable intent. Another words, can the person performing the careless act INTEND to harm the USA by the careless act? If they did not, then it is careless, but not illegal. Legal experts on both sides have been saying from the beginning that there was nothing indictable - and the only people who have argued with them were paid Right wing shills... If you followed news broadly you would never have expected indictment. At the same time, Comey (the FBI chief investigator) is and has always been a very active Republican - so political reality required that he at least reprimand her, while legal reality made clear that was all he could do -- so he did it. Kind thoughts, hermes
2016-07-06 07:32:17 UTC
This is a classic example of Republican hypocrisy. Was Hillary's use of a private email server wrong? Yes. But was there any rigid evidence that she was intentionally trying to break the law? No. She was being careless, but she was not trying to break the law. Republicans have done similar things like this before. Colin Powell, a Republican secretary of state, used a private email account hosted by the RNC. The Bush Administration faced similar controversy with their emails as with Clinton. While the Bush Administration did have some media coverage, Republicans weren't outraged at all.

This is Benghazi all over again. Yes, Benghazi was horrible, but so much taxpayer money was spent on the investigation, and what was found? Nothing against Clinton! Why weren't Republicans outraged when so many embassies were attacked when Bush was president?
2016-07-06 08:44:08 UTC
Are you disgusted with the FBI decision not to recommend indictment of Hillary?

<< I knew there wasn't a chance in Hell that any thing was going to happen like an indictment to Hillary > Life, Living, Justice IS NOT EQUAL, FAIR nor right FOR ALL - especially if one is rich, famous or politicians like the Clinton's.
2016-07-06 10:14:47 UTC
No. I must trust that the FBI conducted a professional investigation. It was found that she violated laws, but that the necessary element of "specific intent" to a successful prosecution was lacking. Thus, the recommendation that she not be indicted. I must support that recommendation.

In national security cases, "specific intent" is very difficult to establish, even with a treasure trove of classified documents found in a spy's house. Even photographs of the spy surreptitiously removing classified material from the workplace won't do. Without a confession, or a photo of the spy handing over classified material to his foreign handler in exchange for money, or an incriminating conversation from a wiretap with a warrant, it's usually a dead end.

This is the way the system is supposed to work. I do not trust Mrs. Clinton, I do not plan to vote for her (I'm voting Libertarian this election), and the investigation did prove she has been telling untruths throughout the affair. The investigation did not find her "innocent," (that's a moral judgment without a place in the justice system), nor did it find her not guilty. It found that she should not be prosecuted.
mike m
2016-07-06 17:02:23 UTC
The law was changed for national security reasons after Rice and Powell used private e-mails, but Hillary not only broke the new laws but took it a few steps further by setting up private servers and wiping them clean.

But high level politicians are like demi-gods in DC, they can break the laws with impunity until they fall from power (like Dennis Hastert). The FBI did all they could, but basically everyone knew knew nothing would happen. Just $millions down the tubes.

Hopefully when some idiot government clerk screws up his e-mail he will get the benefit of Hillary's precedent and not lose his job and go to jail.
2016-07-06 05:26:25 UTC
I'm disgusted not by the decision because everyone knows the story about how to tell when a politician is lieing.

When their lips are moving.

I'm disgusted that the people of the united States of America allow this same kind of song and dance each and every election.

And the winner is and will always be the most

Crafty lier! That did not get busted!
2016-07-06 07:32:02 UTC
I don't think it's right and I don't think justice was served. Hillary clearly used a private, unsecured server, which potentially allowed hackers to obtain information regarding America's security. She deleted most of her emails, which probably were important US information regarding America's security. People don't understand how serious the issue of Hillary's unprofessionalism and incompetence is...Isis, Iran, Russia, china, etc could quite possibly have hacked into her servers and obtained either US declassified information or information about Hillary that they'll use to blackmail her with. Putin, for example, can make Hillary turn a blind eye over his choosing to conquer Ukraine. Anyone who has been following this case knows she's guilty. She had her husband bribe Loretta lynch to end the investigation for political favors. That's why the fbi investigation ended prematurely...after bills visit with lynch. I will not be voting for her. Unfortunately, a lot of ignorant voters will
2016-07-06 08:41:46 UTC
Yes, I am. I am absolutely flabbergasted that Director Comey makes this decision. He says, "Careless." Careless is negligence, which means she broke the law. He said people who have done similar or would do similar would be charged. So why isn't she? It's breathtaking. There is no law. There is no punishment. There is no justice. There is no care by these people for our country.

They want that kid Edward Snowden to show his face so they can try him for treason for informing the American people what our government was doing. They refuse to indict Hillary for informing our enemies were our government was doing.

There is something so foul afoot. I am disappointed, disgusted, humiliated, horrified. And all of this the heals of Bill Clinton's impromptu meeting last week with Loretta Lynch?

Nixon had to quit or be impeached over 13 minutes of his own personal audio recordings that were his and belonged to him. Hillary? Traitor. And what happens to her? Nothing. Unbelievable.
2016-07-06 06:10:22 UTC
Not surprised. If she had been a low to mid-level employee she'd be looking at 20+ years. But under a Democratic White House, and she's a Dem, and a Presidential candidate, nothing was going to happen.

Heck she only talked to the FBI for less than three hours. A friend of mine was interrogated by Police for five hours over a death that ended up being natural causes.
2016-07-06 10:15:22 UTC
Hillary Clinton should be held to account for apparently misusing her personal e-mail server to hide her communications from the public record. But no, I am not disgusted with the FBI decision not to recommend an indictment of Clinton, because her offense does not seem to rise to the level of criminality.

Revoking her security clearance would seem warranted if any classified e-mails went through her personal server, but the FBI has no evidence of that. FBI Director James Comey said their investigation of the 55,000 e-mails did not reveal a single one clearly marked classified. We'll never know if any of the deleted messages breached security.
2016-07-06 16:59:32 UTC
The FBI previously admitted they found 110+ emails with classified information, having 1 of those emails can have up to a 3 year prison sentence. The Clintons have alot of money and power as they are backed by wall street, China, etc... What do you think she did in that 3.5 hour meeting? She threatened them and they made a deal off the books obviously. Anybody whose done even a little research on the clintons knows that anybody who has tried to expose them has been murdered/killed. Yes I'm disgusted by this.
Brent Ritchey
2016-07-06 13:09:45 UTC
not at all. They've done s long investigation and found nothing criminal. So, no indictment. I'm more disgusted by the people who haven't investigated the situation, e.g. You, but act as if they know that a crime has been committed when a you actually lack the knowledge necessary to make that determination. Too bad you let your own unrealistic personal opinions steer you away from truth. That's what's really disgusting.
2016-07-06 04:16:06 UTC
This was the expected outcome. Millions if not more than a billion in taxpayer dollars spent on something that neither a republican in the same situation NOR a democrat like Hillary would ever be indicted for. Was it criminal? YES! Was it unethical, immoral and completely wrong as well as an act of treason? YES! Are of the DC insider elite both democrat and republican accountable for their corrupt actions? NEVER!
2016-07-06 11:47:46 UTC
2016-07-06 23:41:53 UTC
Even if he had made the recommendation its up to the AG to issue an indictment based up review of evidence submitted by the FBI which would have been a mountain of paperwork and emails. Anyone who is a threat to the Clinton Crime family ends up dead.
2016-07-06 04:02:31 UTC
Yes, but I knew it would happen. If Hillary was a Republican, she would be in jail. However since she is a democrat, and the democratic front runner for President, the other democrats would never allow that to happen to her, because she would have no chance of winning the election, and the democrats would lose power. They do whatever they must do to keep their power, even if it is not fair. I'm sure this investigation was rigged somehow, just like the last Presidential election was rigged by the Democrats.
2016-07-06 16:12:00 UTC
FBI is a Whitewash committee.

Why wasn't Christine Whitman indicted for lying about air quality at Ground Zero?

High-powered politicians are ABOVE the law!!!!!
Matrix Dismantler
2016-07-06 10:49:08 UTC
I already expected it. The FBI is just as corrupt as Hillary Clinton is. I'm more shocked with the American people having faith in the FBI that was created to protect politicians in positions of power thinking they will take one down. She has done way more worse crimes then this making me know this investigation was always a farce.
Common Sense
2016-07-06 06:51:58 UTC
What is happening out in plain sight is corrupt politics. No question about it. People's palms are being greased with money in exchange for leniency. And this is happening right in front of the face of Americans.

The Clintons have a long history of illegal and questionable criminal activities, but they continually get away with all they do with impunity. God help us all if she wins the presidential election. People who support are clueless or being paid off. You cannot make sense out of nonsense.

And, I am beginning to think that Trump wants Hillary to beat him in the election because he is acting like a jackass because what leeway he did had in the election is slowly waning. If I did not know better, I would think that Trump is being paid to turn people off so Hillary can win.

What an election. We get to pick between a criminal and a bully. God help us all.
2016-07-07 06:12:05 UTC
The FBI director should not have made a recommendation one way or the other. Leave that to the justice officials to decide how to proceed. These reeks of cronyism and special treatment. Now he will be in the hot seat being grilled today by Congress.
2016-07-09 10:05:06 UTC
Some facts to consider.The director who made the final conclusion was first appointed by George W. Bush.He has been praised by Republicans one and all,until he made this decision.One that was not what they had planned and for and expected.He is not in the bag for anyone,and for you to say he did not uphold the law is just dumb.You hate Hillary,that much is clear.But blaming the FBI is wrong on your part.Sorry things didn't work out for you.
2016-07-06 04:48:04 UTC
Nah, I have to laugh at the folks who say the system's rigged. It is actually laid out for all to see, meaning if you got money and good lawyers, the law tends to work better for you. It is not supposed to, but that is the case. I laugh because Republicans vote for the very people that rigged it to work like that. They keep saying they are "against the establishment", yet at every turn all over America, they are voting for folks to either break it or those who make it worse. Teabagger Ideology 101 says they break it, and than prove how badly it works after. The answer is to elect Progressives, either Democrat or Independents even some Republicans who like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, work to improve Government, not break it. Hillary will work for the Democrats platforms, higher wage, Free Community college, refinancing student debt, Climate Change....Republicans platform could not be any further from the Democrats, more tax breaks for rich, cutting banking regulations so banks can once again gamble with your money. Nothing about student debt, nothing on college, getting rid of Healthcare for all....yet the idiots who "hate the establishment" go vote for these same idiots every time? The obvious words in the statute that no one mentions are those requiring intent or reason to believe that the information to be obtained is to be used to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage of any foreign nation. This requires those prosecuted to have acted in bad faith. Hillary acted in good faith and turned over all her emails, even deleted one and old servers. She did not have any intentions to commit a crime.
2016-07-08 10:13:46 UTC
Completely disgusted. This woman is a criminal. If not for the Benghazi attack, then for LYING to security and FBI about it. She was actually recorded saying that she only uses one device. Yet, later, she said at a press conference that she actually uses a kindle, iPad, and iPhone. This is, by definition, lying, is it not? To strengthen my point, look up "Clinton Kill List" on Google. You don't have to go far to find NINETY-SIX people who were involved with the Clintons, who were somehow causing trouble for them. Then, suddenly they end up dead. The police continue to declare them suicides. A woman pregnant with Bill Clinton's baby was found dead, with a gunshot in the BACK of her head. Have you ever tried to even scratch the back of the head, let alone get a barrel of a gun back there? And guess what? THEY CLAIMED IT A SUICIDE. Either this woman was a skilled contortionist, or-the easier one to believe- she was murdered.
2016-07-08 10:25:33 UTC
Not disgusted, it was EXPECTED..

Its all BS these days, everyone has a price tag especially government agencies. Hillary and the Clinton's will forever buy their way out of trouble because that's what they do..

about 240 years ago, people had issues like this but not of this magnitude, but regardless, they banned together, stood up for their rights and fought back, they took back what was theirs.. those guys.. they were.. THE FOUNDING FATHERS OF THIS COUNTRY and they would all beat us senseless for allowing this crap to happen every day, allowing this government to control, manipulate, coerce and outright dictate anything they chose..

Executive orders?? LOL

We are a JOKE

We need another REVOLUTION, this government is far too corrupt and out of control.
Mike S
2016-07-06 05:40:20 UTC
If you understood the history of the policy that's got you in a twist then you'd understand how we got to the point where the Koch industries can be pushing a bill which would make all C.E.O.'s exempt from whatever illegal activity their business entity is involved in.

But honestly you should have seen this coming after no-one was even charged in the last economic meltdown.
2016-07-06 18:01:49 UTC
no not disgusted with FBI choice not to indictment of Mrs. Clinton. It was a witch hunt only to go after because she could be President of the USA and is a liberal. Also, because of who her husband is. I find it more disgusting the money & assets spent on investigation, & timing of report. Four people died in Libya. How many Americans died because of the abuse of the Patriot act abuse during Bush/Chaney 8 year dumpster fire of a run, or how many Americans died because of false information on yellow cakes in Iraq, or Scooter Libby law breaking to product the President & VP only to have President Bush pardon Libby crimes broken under Bush. Image if it was a liberal how broke the law as Libby did. They would throw the book at liberal, drag them through the mud,& publicly humolated the liberal. I did find it extremely disgusting when trump said he knows more about ISIS then anyone or anyone general.
Linda R
2016-07-06 07:12:39 UTC
I know, for a fact, Obama bullied the FBI to make this decision. Obama wants to be right next, to Hillary, in the White House. He wants to make sure Hillary does exactly as he continue to ruin America even more.

I truly hope Americans WAKE UP, smell the coffee and vote for TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-07-06 07:39:33 UTC
Tad Dubious
2016-07-06 05:16:34 UTC
Neil, you seem bitter. Yes, I am disgusted. I am disgusted by the left-handed insult by Comey as he announced that the FBI would bring no charges. He must vote Republican. The remark was not necessary and shows weakness on his part. In the USofA, a person is innocent until PROVEN guilty. Anyone who terms Mrs. Clinton a "criminal" is just feeding on sour grapes. Justice has been served.
2016-07-06 08:56:35 UTC
I think that to fix the Clinton problem you would need to fix other more impossible problems first. I am not disgusted but I do feel like the message is less then inspiring. I feel like out of every possible person in politics couldn't it be possible to find a politician as good as Clinton but with out the baggage? I think America could use a president with less baggage. Hilary and Donald have to much.
2016-07-06 23:51:15 UTC
Yes. The leader of the FBI shouldn't have given the answer, he has no say. But of course Hillary can pay to get whatever she wants.
2016-07-06 08:14:14 UTC
The findings of the seven year inquiry into Britain's involvement in the Iraq war was released this morning in London, and in summary it tells us that the war was based on deeply flawed evidence that those in power ie Tony Blair and of course the Bush administration did not challenge, had they done so, it would have more than likely prevented the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and US and British service men and women!!!

Let me see you show your disgust about that first, before you start your partisan whining over mishandled emails, that is only intended to achieve one thing and one thing only, to preventing her from becoming the next president!!!

Hypocritical con bastard!!!
2016-07-06 08:25:21 UTC
I would have liked to seen her indicted because she's obviously corrupt and would have had to drop out of the race -- then Sanders might have been the Democratic nominee and we might have someone who isn't a psycho in the white house. As it is, we're stuck between a rock and a hair piece.
2016-07-06 07:03:52 UTC
Neil the only criminal here is you. Why because of your limited mind on legal matter, lack of military service and decision to have one set of ideas of the controversy for Hillary Clinton and another different set for Trump, Bush, and any number of Republicans, past pr present. We cannot indict your that either.
2016-07-06 13:52:46 UTC
The Republicans have been going after Hillary Clinton for 30 years and this is the most they could come up with! She must be the most squeaky clean candidate on Earth!
2016-07-06 22:00:11 UTC
No? It's not a surprise to me that laws only apply to the public. All the bodies including the FBI and CIA are hardly beacons of justice.
2016-07-06 18:33:12 UTC
Sorry Republicans, your waste of the taxpayer money on this idiotic folly is almost done with. Hate to tell you, but FBI Director James Comey is a REPUBLICAN! If he could have smashed HRC he would have, and gleefully. Fortunately, despite the opinion of the woefully uneducated, this country is made of laws. And a LAWFUL finding was that her errors did not rise to the level of being criminal. - And that decision was made by a REPUBLICAN.
2016-07-06 14:17:33 UTC
Yes, I think that decision of the FBI is really strange shouldn't an attorney general be deciding if there is sufficient evidence for trial?
2016-07-06 13:15:42 UTC
So... you know better than the people who carried out the investigation?

What about Trump who is also being accused of a crime?

Do you still maintain that the people who carry out the investigation and have access to all the available facts are less qualified to make a decision on whether or not to prosecute than the public whose only knowledge of what happened comes from a few headlines? Or is Trump innocent until proved guilty while Hilary is guilty until proved innocent.
Kitty 2
2016-07-06 10:02:22 UTC
Yes but it didn't surprise me.. The FBI man was bought and paid for by Hillary and Obama.
2016-07-06 14:03:20 UTC
Yes. It's disgusting. I believe they said in the speech but I'm not sure that it is a crime and any other poor or middle-class non-establishment figure (they wouldn't say that part but it's true) would be severely punished. And yet she gets off completely free of charge.
2016-07-06 10:50:11 UTC
Believe me, the FBI didn't want to start dropping like flies. The Crooked Clintons have left too many bodies in their wake.
carol h
2016-07-07 18:57:00 UTC
Who in their right mind really expected the head of the FBI to commit political suicide by inditing the next president of the USA? Or why would he put a target on his back by doing so? Others have been assassinated for less.
2016-07-06 20:17:27 UTC
Oh, come on, if Richard Nixon got off scot free from the Checkers incident all the way to Watergate, in what universe did you think Ms. Clinton was going to be any different?

I can't believe people are so stupid that they really thought something was going to happen. It was all anyone could do to get Martha Stewart.
2016-07-06 09:45:50 UTC
Somebody seriously needs to look into FBI Director James Comey. Clearly there is something going on with him, and uncovering that may well be the key to the whole election.
2016-07-07 03:52:16 UTC
She's above the law. Besides, it's misogynous to indict a poor, defenseless female.
2016-07-06 09:37:05 UTC
Bush gets a slap on the wrist for engaging in a illegal war that murdered, wounded, and displaced over 4.4 million people with absolutely no justification, but if Hillary mishandled Emails she deserves prison.

Looks like you have your priorities straight
Big Deal Maker
2016-07-07 00:22:11 UTC
You bet. Amazing how the average American citizan would get years behind bars pulling something like that. She is not only a theif but a liar. Now she has placed the American people at jeapordy. And there are still a lot of people going to vote for that liar and theif.
2016-07-06 05:05:23 UTC
It takes a certain amount of hard evidence to persecute someone by the US Attorney's Office or even the given state DA office under the law. You have to make any accusation stand up in court.

Since I do not know all of the information/evidence available to the FBI I can not make a call on if they acted in the right matter.
2016-07-06 12:55:46 UTC
2016-07-06 14:19:42 UTC
No I'm not disgusted by the decision
2016-07-06 12:38:14 UTC
I definitely think that she should get more than just a slap on the hand. If anyone common person did that, they'd be in jail. She honestly thinks she's above the law, which doesn't shock considering how she acts.
2016-07-06 11:59:30 UTC
I disagree that she should escape punishment but on the other hand it could cause problems for the FBI. For example, wouldn't it look sexist if they tried to stop a female becoming president.
2016-07-06 19:47:51 UTC
No. I am disgunted how the FBI Director , a REPUBLICAN, let his political views creep into his "speech". He concluded Clinton broke no law and would not be charged. Thats where he should have stopped. BUT NO, he drifted into rumor, speculation and gossip...the stuff of Trump and the GOP. Obama should fire Comey TODAY!.
Debra H
2016-07-08 21:56:46 UTC
Disgusted, angry, horrified ad sad. Sad that even this FBI guy could be bought off so easy. The Godless Clinton's have done it again.
2016-07-07 13:40:14 UTC
Hillary was not under oath. There is no transcript or recording of the interview. Shadiness follows this woman everywhere she goes. It's in everything she does.

Anyone who supports her is a fool.
2016-07-06 08:59:48 UTC
There is a meme I saw and it clearly states what happened. The government was accused of something and they found themselves innocent. Hmm... I wonder why the government would find themselves innocent? Corruption or threats to cut spending against the horrid FBI? I would say both!
Charles Veidt
2016-07-06 06:44:12 UTC
No. It's over. The investigation, after years of wasted time and millions of wasted dollars, found that the mistakes were simply not sufficient to be called criminal.

It's over. I know the GOP put all their eggs in this basket, but they failed. What they were looking for simply wasn't there.
2016-07-10 03:48:56 UTC
Yes, I am throughly disgusted. I truly believe "the majority" is a fallacy and the few who do $elect the potus, are all of the top 1%. We are no longer free. We are slaves to a corrupt oligarchy which is seemingly unstoppable.
2016-07-07 07:54:47 UTC
brian nishimura

Folsom Naval Reservist is Sentenced After Pleading Guilty to Unauthorized Removal and Retention of Classified Materials

According to court documents, Nishimura was a Naval reservist deployed in Afghanistan in 2007 and 2008. In his role as a Regional Engineer for the U.S. military in Afghanistan, Nishimura had access to classified briefings and digital records that could only be retained and viewed on authorized government computers. Nishimura, however, caused the materials to be downloaded and stored on his personal, unclassified electronic devices and storage media. He carried such classified materials on his unauthorized media when he traveled off-base in Afghanistan and, ultimately, carried those materials back to the United States at the end of his deployment. In the United States, Nishimura continued to maintain the information on unclassified systems in unauthorized locations, and copied the materials onto at least one additional unauthorized and unclassified system.

Nishimura’s actions came to light in early 2012, when he admitted to Naval personnel that he had handled classified materials inappropriately. Nishimura later admitted that, following his statement to Naval personnel, he destroyed a large quantity of classified materials he had maintained in his home. Despite that, when the Federal Bureau of Investigation searched Nishimura’s home in May 2012, agents recovered numerous classified materials in digital and hard copy forms. The investigation did not reveal evidence that Nishimura intended to distribute classified information to unauthorized personnel.

This case was the product of an investigation by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Assistant United States Attorney Jean M. Hobler prosecuted the case.

This content has been reproduced from its original source.
2016-07-06 10:07:07 UTC
Words can't explain it. Of course, this wasn't unexpected; Hillary is being funded by the rich and the politicians who support the rich. Sadly, she almost certainly will win.
2016-07-07 18:16:37 UTC
2016-07-06 07:39:26 UTC
disgusted. If you cannot trust the President . who can you trust. Hillary cannot be trusted.

How stupid is she to think that her e.mail accounts are now behind her. Trump is going to pound her on

her " excessive carelessness". there is no room for any carelessness as President of the United States.

I guess that the next President will be careless
2016-07-06 13:27:01 UTC
No, I like the FBI's decision.
2016-07-06 03:41:20 UTC
2016-07-07 23:32:35 UTC
Oct'83 241 US service personnel are blown to pieces The Gipper goes on TV and sayes I messed up. The End. Hugely different standards.
2016-07-07 11:02:59 UTC
Disgust aside,Hillary's Patron Saint(an) Obama will pardon her for any and all crimes since birth. This election was in the bag from before she even started her "campaign"!
2016-07-06 11:49:36 UTC
Actually, I am a bit more disgusted with the way GoldmanSachs and the Illuminati have control over the whole scenario.
2016-07-06 06:19:15 UTC
Makes no sense. Who cares if she had intent or not. The fact that she was this reckless with classified information is enough to prosecute her. The FBI's job also is not to tell a prosecutor if they will or will not peruse this case also.
2016-07-06 06:24:05 UTC
I'm disgusted (but not surprised) that R's care not a bit about Mrs Clinton's war mongering, only some petty crap about e-mails.
2016-07-06 11:24:30 UTC
2016-07-07 23:56:26 UTC
Let me put it this way. If the FBI would enforce gun control laws the way they did national security laws regarding handling of classified material in this case, I would not be worried about my Second Amendment rights being violated.
2016-07-07 19:01:07 UTC
I am no American but I am disgusted that the "Trumpet" could be president of your great country... Usa IS the best, and it would really be a shame to give a multi billionaire, who is just doing it for self justification, the key to the best, and hardest job in the world...

But, it's just my opinion...
2016-07-06 10:45:08 UTC
2016-07-07 04:39:15 UTC
2016-07-06 15:36:02 UTC
2016-07-07 03:38:03 UTC
tapasi rani
2016-07-10 05:17:44 UTC
Thank about it. If you think you are cunning, just you wait until you see what even a third rate politician can do. As for Hillary - don't ask.
2016-07-08 18:35:47 UTC
I'd rather have the F.B.I. than social media do responsible indictment

My shotgun is always loaded for mob violence or other threats to life.
2016-07-06 14:29:15 UTC
No this just proves that Hillary is most qualified to continuer Obama's legacy of lies, deception and cover-ups.
2016-07-06 05:57:10 UTC
2016-07-08 10:05:32 UTC
Actually you can kind of understand it. They don't want to change the outcome of the election over breaking such a small law, as if she was a president she wouldn't have to resign either.
2016-07-06 07:17:16 UTC
All people need to realize is if it was one of us or anyone who isn't part of the establishment be them democrats an a few republicans. We woild already be under the federal pin.
2016-07-06 10:45:24 UTC
Doubt she loses, and highly doubt if she does that it will be by a landslide. People are grasping for straws to get her out of the running for a reason. I don't want her to win, but I cant see her losing.
2016-07-08 06:17:27 UTC
YES. Extremely disgusted.
2016-07-06 17:12:36 UTC
Nope! Now it time for the FBI to investigate your boy Donald Trump for his racism BS.
2016-07-06 08:20:48 UTC
no. it's time to move on from the trumped up right-wing garbage spread about HRC. let's take a closer look at the racist attacks of Donald Trump and focus on beating him in November.
2016-07-05 21:50:23 UTC
I Mean I feel like they should have just had the trial. If she didn't do anything to wrong then no one could complain and if she did we would all know. But if she was truly comfortable with her response she would have showed the emails in my opinion
2016-07-06 11:39:42 UTC
No at all, FBI guys are very professional, I don't think they will compromise their career by taking sides
2016-07-06 04:20:31 UTC
It would have been good for the people to see that something was done about it,to remove her from her post would have given a lot of people hope that the system works and for everyone.
2016-07-06 10:39:48 UTC
2016-07-06 23:12:27 UTC
She supplies the FBI with pussy that's why. The greatest power on this earth is the vagina. It can manipulate armies.
2016-07-06 19:42:44 UTC
i'm disgusted with the jewish controoled supreme courts decision to classify N I g G E R S as human beings instead of apes.
2016-07-06 04:26:22 UTC
What he should do is remove Hillary's Security Clearance and ban her from ever getting it back
2016-07-06 07:30:21 UTC
Trump insults his way to the presidency. Hillary lies her way to it. Both are the right and left armpits of America's rotting "democracy."
2016-07-06 10:40:23 UTC
Yes I'm very disgusted by this
2016-07-08 09:32:23 UTC
If donald trump did what hillary did he would be thrown in jail. Yes i am disgusted
2016-07-06 12:08:44 UTC
It was apparent that Lynch wasn't going to prosecute Hilary the way Holder prosecuted Petraeus. Lynch meeting with Bill pretty much indicated that.
2016-07-06 19:24:50 UTC
Definitely needs clarifying, as anyone else would be facing indictment, to me this isn't justice.
2016-07-06 07:31:35 UTC
Nope. The laws regarding government employees using email definitely need to be updated though.
2016-07-06 22:07:11 UTC
not really. I am more disgusted by Republicans trying to defeat the opposition by putting them in jail as opposed to winning an election based on their ideas. That really bothers me because it says a whole lot about someone who tries to win by cheating. Its like we win because the opposition candidate is in jail ..whoopeee !!!!
Ask A Doc!
2016-07-06 08:39:57 UTC
Yes, it's an outrage but typical domocrats
2016-07-06 05:53:41 UTC
Votes are rigged and Hilary was pre selected to win by the elite.That why votes are electoral easy to rig instead of.old fashion way pen a paper.
2016-07-07 10:25:34 UTC
FBI one year investigation reveals no problem with 99.9% of Clinton emails. Director calls this "extremely reckless"!
2016-07-07 13:13:48 UTC
I'm not surprised. The Obama administration is completely corrupt.
2016-07-06 10:53:06 UTC
so those folks who sent classified emails to a non secure server should not be also prosecuted? that would take down a lot of higher ups in the government and lots of repub congressmen. you may want to re think your position
2016-07-06 06:01:05 UTC

I'm disgusted by your support of Trump.
Longtime Hubby
2016-07-06 10:20:27 UTC
Who hacked into her account and got our secrets? China? Russia? ISIS? Yes, I'm disgusted.
2016-07-08 17:54:33 UTC
2016-07-07 04:14:59 UTC
You bet I am as I am tired of all the liberals getting away with murder! Yet those same people want to strip rights from law abiding people like myself!
2016-07-09 08:41:06 UTC
if in fact the FBI found that the law was broken they legally do not have a right to not prosecute
2016-07-07 14:53:14 UTC
Yes, but not surprised as James Comey is an Obama butt boy
2016-07-07 19:15:06 UTC
Yes. You know why she got away with it? Because she's a Clinton. The game is rigged.
2016-07-06 11:54:48 UTC
YES the reason is that this leads back to Obama who authorized it in the first place
2016-07-06 20:29:43 UTC
Completely disgusted. No one is above the law.
2016-07-06 06:12:22 UTC
I'm disgusted that we have a orange idiot running for President.
2016-07-06 14:48:04 UTC
Sort of but when your rich white an powerful the same rules do no seem to apply.
John Louis
2016-07-06 10:23:55 UTC
I don't know, May be FBI did the right thing or may be not.
2016-07-06 04:23:56 UTC
Even though I knew this would happen,it is absolutely disgusting. I do t understand why people still like her. Am I missing something??
2016-07-06 11:54:37 UTC
Yes she is a cheater and a liar and the only candidate worse than Trump.
2016-07-09 17:07:43 UTC
Completely disgusted, but not in the least surprised.
2016-07-07 11:54:17 UTC
He says he was fact finding. How could the facts "found" lead to a no probable cause for her actions. How can Washington expect the U.S. to respect it.
Jimmy C
2016-07-06 11:06:58 UTC
If the FBI cannot pin any charges on her, there is nothing to charge her with and she has done nothing wrong.
2016-07-06 03:24:06 UTC
I'm more disgusted that the GOPs conspired and fabricated lies to ruin Clinton's campaign chances. Even 2 GOPs have publicly admitted, along with one GOP investigator, that the "investigation" was nothing more than a Rovian ploy to ruin Clinton's reputation and her campaign chances; even Faux sNews admitted it on several occasions but are now acting as though they forgot all about it. HYPOCRITES & PHONIES!
2016-07-06 00:30:13 UTC
Obummer has really worked his liberal corrupt ways on the FBI to ensure another lying, corrupt criminal gets off scott free!
2016-07-05 23:53:08 UTC
Yup but to be honest I'm not surprised. At this point I highly doubt it matters who's the president or not because America was f*cked long before now and it'd take a completely uncorrupt president AND congress to set this country back on track and even if that was possible they'd have to fight through all of the power hungry corporations who would no doubt try to assassinate the lot of them so they can stay on top where they call the shots.

Seriously, Obama even signed papers that gave CORPORATIONS more power than the f*cking congress!
Md. Fazle
2016-07-05 22:33:12 UTC
I hope he is elected, be careful at works
2016-07-05 22:30:31 UTC
I am amused at testing my understanding of the English Language.

Comey described her as "Extremely Careless" but I guess this is a few cents shy of "Gross Negligence". A few donuts shy of a dozen. A few fries short of a happy meal. A few cans shy of a six-pack. A few bricks shy of a full load.
2016-07-05 21:12:50 UTC
2016-07-06 02:56:35 UTC
It was only to be expected.

Did the bad apples at the top level get held to account for 2003 Iraq? For torture?

Keep moving the goalposts, and lo and behold, anything and everything is permissible.
2016-07-06 02:48:11 UTC
100% and trumps response was gold. Love that man #buildthewall
2016-07-06 02:38:34 UTC
We all new it would happen, really. But in answer to your question yes I am extremely disappointed was really looking forward to seeing her dressed in orange lol
Mr. Wizard
2016-07-06 02:09:02 UTC
First, Bill Clinton and AG Lynch TOGETHER BREAK SEVERAL FEDERAL LAWS by meeting onboard a private jet for 30 minutes.....and days later, the FBI Director ( looking quite distressed, as one being BLACKMAILED does ), brazenly pleads on live TV---that Hillary Clinton be excused from breaking at least SIX Federal Laws!!!

Evidently, aggressive political pressure from Obama, Team Clinton ( and fellow loyal Democrats ) along with several desperate Republicans ( who $tand to lo$e IF Obamacare gets Federally recinded ) who in league, oppose Donald Trump, are behind this shameful display of injustice.


Hillary Clinton can kiss my a*ss!
2016-07-06 01:39:46 UTC
To all the Trump supporters - remember Nixon, who escaped prison in spite of all the crimes HE committed, including treason, going to the Vietcong and negotiating an exit deal while he was in opposition to LBJ ? Come on, the establishment is corrupt and they're ALL getting away with it.
2016-07-06 00:39:40 UTC
At first yeah but Bernie is down for the count and I'm sure as hell not gonna let trump win. So I'm happy she's free
2016-07-06 00:20:50 UTC

Being ''EXTREMELY careless'' is NO excuse for breaking the law. Try telling a policeman that you missed a stop because you were being ''extremely careless'' but didn't ''intend'' to break the law, and that no ''reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case''...!

And remember, the FBI also saw ''nothing wrong'' with the Orlando shooter after interviewing him TWICE... Were they right? Well, neither are they now...!
2016-07-05 23:44:18 UTC
It wouldn't be good for the country and would create a greater division than there already is. You think the Lib's have been getting nasty at Trump Events well if an indictment was issued then all Hell would have broke loose.

Justice is not done as she can receive many serious rebukes for months to come. For instance she may lose her Security Clearance with the Director of National Intelligence, any number of her aids may be indicted or the IT guy is not yet out of the woods. An indictment of any of these will further give Hillary a black eye as she will have to testify in some manner and will be open to perjury.

Remember it was said it was only Sex when Bill Clinton did some of the same stuff Bill Cosby has been accused of today excluding the drugs. They're a match made in Hell and those that make continual excuses for them are no different So if you disagree in support of them it's you whose character I'm rightfully disparaging!
2016-07-05 23:19:59 UTC
2016-07-05 22:52:59 UTC
2016-07-05 22:36:12 UTC
No. Let's face it, Hillary is going to be the next president.
2016-07-05 22:15:25 UTC
Absolutely. The reasons are that obama is endorsing her and the FBI Director was hired by obama
Donnie Doom
2016-07-05 21:27:01 UTC
Yeah, but the system is rigged. I knew it was going to happen.
2016-07-05 21:23:05 UTC
To say this is the fault of the Obama administration is idiotic and part of why we are in this mess. I guess you are republican and republicans wouldn't do this right? Republicans get away with the same crap. They make it about one side being evil and the other being saints when they are all collectively screwing us over. To say, "oh, it's the Obama administration" is as bad as democrats saying it's a right wing conspiracy.
2016-07-05 21:18:45 UTC
The justice sytem is totaly corrupt
2016-07-05 21:16:46 UTC
Yes and no
2016-07-05 21:07:09 UTC
Yes :/ we need trump
2016-07-05 19:51:50 UTC
No, not really. She did nothing crimial, that is what they were looking at.
2016-07-05 19:41:38 UTC
I used to think the FBI had integrity but this decision has ended that illusion.
2016-07-05 19:36:15 UTC
No. i believe in American rule of law ... You know, innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Mud slinging is not proof. Maybe I was one of the few who felt that way, because too many others wanted her burned at the stake in the witch hunt that was going on.
2016-07-06 03:03:13 UTC
YES, and I am not Donald Trump.
2016-07-06 01:37:24 UTC
2016-07-06 01:34:42 UTC
This entire sham was as rigged as the Democrat Primary. FBI agents across the country should feel nothing but shame for the stain on their honor as the head of their agency lets off a liar and criminal on such bogus excuses. Obama subverted the IRS for political reasons and now the FBI. In the future Obama's presidency will go down as the most corrupt in history....
Lilly Fuller
2016-07-06 01:27:08 UTC
Completely disgusted with the whole crooked system Sick that that ***** Hillary may yet lead this country to ruin. Really fed up with who do we turn to..we the American people..we have no laws any more. So I guess it will be okay for me to screw over anyone in business now...if the red witch can do it..why not me...disgusted in American law..apparently there is none!
2016-07-06 01:25:02 UTC
2016-07-06 01:01:30 UTC
2016-07-06 00:23:18 UTC
Alright alright alright
2016-07-06 00:08:25 UTC
Yes there message is "we are criminal ourselves and a domestic corrupt fraction" arnt they breaking laws not indicting a criminal
2016-07-05 23:46:57 UTC
Nothing got breached. Keyword: RECOMMENDED
2016-07-05 23:42:34 UTC
Very. This just shows how our justice system is entirely flawed.
2016-07-05 23:38:51 UTC
Yep. I am a Bernie supporter but if he doesn't win the Democrat nomination, then I'm voting for Trump. Huck Fillary.
2016-07-05 23:06:18 UTC
I love Hillary! Hillary 2016!
2016-07-05 22:06:15 UTC
Clintons are above the law. I thought we all knew this?
2016-07-05 21:56:43 UTC
Yes very disgusted! she should be sitting behind bars!! she should have been sitting behind bars a long time ago!!!
2016-07-05 21:23:14 UTC
This surprises you that politicians dont face justice? You thought it was a legitimate investigation? And not a media spectacle to save face?
ashlee l
2016-07-05 21:18:47 UTC
Nick Danger
2016-07-05 21:10:37 UTC
You think you're mad now, wait till the I.R.S. release Trumps tax audit results.
2016-07-05 21:07:53 UTC
I already suspected she would never answer for her crimes. The government just "humors" us and goes through motions, never intending to enforce the rules.
2016-07-05 21:03:53 UTC
What happened to "Lynch must do whatever the FBI recommends"?
2016-07-05 19:33:28 UTC
Yes, this means the FBI is no longer on our side, they have been bought out.

Trump is literally our last hope, before we resort to war

DJ, that's awful big talk for a ƒ@g whose never even picked up a gun in his life
2016-07-06 03:33:42 UTC
No. Boring. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
2016-07-06 03:04:13 UTC
Thanks obama
2016-07-06 01:39:11 UTC
I don't care anymore
2016-07-06 01:24:35 UTC
Yes, I am absoF-U-C-K-I-N-G-lutely disgusted with the FBI's decision not to possibly indict Hillary Clinton for the email scandal.

Being 'extremely careless' but didn't 'intend' to break the law DOESN'T MAKE A RIGHT!!! TWO WRONGS DON'T MAKE A FREAKIN' RIGHT!
2016-07-06 00:11:53 UTC
I don't consider myself to be a con or a lib, but I don't see how Hillary can put a positive spin on this. A comment like "extremely careless" coming from such an official source like this implies that she is basically incompetent.

If she were to have faced charges, then was deemed innocent of any wrong doing, her opponents would talk about how she was above the law and was able to get away with her crimes.

If she was deemed guilty, opponents would have had a field day gloating with a bunch of a told you so's. Regardless, she would at least have come across as someone who knew exactly what she was doing.

Extreme carelessness seems a little harder to explain away than wrong doing. Wrong doing shows tact. Extreme carelessness shows disregard due to a lack of understanding.

I don't know which is worse, a President who does bad thing by knowingly disregarding the rules, or a President who lets bad things happen due to not knowing or understanding the rules.

Either way, it's not good.
Obamas gay lover
2016-07-05 23:23:57 UTC
They are elected not owners we have to restore the American laws and get this trash out of the TV cameras fire the FBI leader and bring back law OR WE SHOULD FORGET about ALL THE LAWS AND GOBWILD West I BE ****** GD IF I KET these CROOKS TRY TO MAKE new LAWS WE SHOULD DO IT FOR THE COUNTRY IF WE DONT WE SHOULD FIND A PLACE WE CAN IMERGRATE TO
luis l
2016-07-05 23:09:00 UTC
2016-07-05 22:22:59 UTC
Nope. Probably because that they are now focused on several million dollars missing from the Trump campaign. Now that's a real crime.
2016-07-05 22:03:21 UTC
Not at all. They would have had to have evidence of criminality. They didn't. So they made the only possible recommendation.
2016-07-05 22:02:21 UTC
The FBI report stated that because Clinton did not INTEND to do anything wrong, then that was not a sufficient indication of guilt. Not so. If a man gets drunk at a bar, drives home stoned, and kills a pedestrian, he is charged with a crime. He didn't INTEND to kill the pedestrian -- but he broke the law anyway.

Breaking the law was what counted --and tha's what Clinton did!!!
2016-07-05 21:34:30 UTC
2016-07-05 21:21:24 UTC
Yes. And I feel so sad because I really believed Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch were talking about grandkids ;)
2016-07-05 21:20:18 UTC
What I gathered from the F.B.I.'s statement was "She violated the law but it was an accident and she didn't delete them on purpose so it's okay." If I had done the same thing I'm pretty I would be behind bars. She had confidential emails on her personal server, which they said in the statement today. To my knowledge, that's illegal. I guess the law only applies to people who aren't rich politicians?
2016-07-05 20:47:12 UTC
Yes, the FBI director refuses to pursue a criminal indictment. She should go before a grand jury but nobody wants to do that. Thats why Bill got to Lynch the other day, it was just too coincidental that Justice is looking into Hillary and the Clinton Foundation at this very moment he went onboard that plane. The Clintons pull these shenanigans all the time and their supporters stand by them, I dont get it.
2016-07-05 19:42:35 UTC
now she can be charged by the proper authorities
2016-07-05 19:40:57 UTC
more than disgusted... i am laughing... for they think they are winning and getting away with ... murder along with other things yet God sees and knows and so do they... one day they won't be so cock sure of themselves and will realize they got away with NOTHING...GOD IS NOT MOCKED. SOONER OR LATER, THEYRE GONNA GET "GOT"
2016-07-05 19:39:30 UTC
No. Not at all. The FBI did not find any stong evidence for a conviction.
2016-07-05 19:33:11 UTC
Anger and fear is all cons have to offer.
2016-07-05 19:32:21 UTC

Diversity means lower social trust.

It will only get worse as whites continue to be displaced by non whites
2016-07-05 19:32:00 UTC
Well kinda, But I never expected anything different, given the who is who connected with the affair. Thus I saw it coming.
2016-07-06 02:00:14 UTC
Absolutely. David Petraeus had his entire career ruined over an incident of far lesser severity. Besides:

Federal Records Act 1950 as Amended

18 U.S. Code 2071

(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.

Especially note: "be disqualified from holding any office under the United States."
2016-07-06 01:17:36 UTC
What is funny that the FBI Director even said all of the reasons why she should be in jail, but finished his speech by saying that there would be no charges against her.
2016-07-06 00:49:26 UTC
they should have just had a trial honestly
Joey T
2016-07-05 22:55:18 UTC
Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice did the same thing. There are complications with the top secret email service that make it more efficient to use their private servers in some cases for expediency. Charges would have created a precedent that would have been a legal clusterfuck.
2016-07-05 22:30:29 UTC
Nope, not in the least. I'm proud that the FBI drew their own conclusions and ignored the talking heads on Fox News. Anyone with a brain should know that if Cheney is still walking around free there is virtually nothing a political figure can do to get tried. Add to that she didn't really do anything wrong and you have your explanation.
2016-07-05 21:48:09 UTC
Yes yes i am
2016-07-05 21:46:02 UTC
What law did she break exactly?
2016-07-05 21:36:15 UTC
Yes. Very disgusted.

They said something about the secure data not being leaked to foreign countries. But they have a Romanian man in custody who was on her server from Europe 2 times. I shake my head at the high level corruption within this country.

Rudy Giuliani said when he was at the Department of Justice that this would have been prosecuted.

At this rate, I don't even believe the voting will be reported truthfully, and the electoral college will just do whatever they want.
2016-07-05 20:48:10 UTC
I am saddened that the top law enforcement agency seems to of been compromised and thus no longer reliable.
Haze gray
2016-07-05 19:48:19 UTC
The decision not to pursue criminal charges was certainly tainted by Bill Clinton's meeting with what was supposed to be a secret meeting.
2016-07-05 19:38:32 UTC
No, of course not. This Republican witch hunt was never going to end in an indictment. The very fact that it was as intensive as it was is a testament to Republican determination and hatred.

Republicans have been investigating Hillary Clinton, at great taxpayer expense, for nearly 25 years and they still have nothing on her.

If you investigate anyone intensively enough, you will find something not good about that person.

Also, I'm sure that Republicans will not give up their hate campaign against Hillary. They will continue to use taxpayer money to investigate her further for something or the other.
2016-07-05 19:38:00 UTC
It was my dream to go into law enforcement when I was a kid. And the older I get, the more thankful I am that I didn't. You HAVE to be crooked to work for the criminal 'justice' system.
2016-07-05 19:33:38 UTC
Very much so. Look, Comey said that she committed crimes...

"Oh, but we're not going to bother recommending charging her."

Thoroughly disgusting.
2016-07-07 15:33:58 UTC
No...all poppycock....she had two probably not wise with hindsight but her second one was safer than the Pentagon's......look it up....Leave the woman alone.

Now Trump.....there's a name to invoke fear.......gung ho background in international relations....heaven help USA if he gets into power....What am I saying? heaven help the world!
2016-07-06 06:34:19 UTC
What gets me riled up if it was any of us that committed the same act of negligence we would go to prison in a heartbeat.
2016-07-06 09:09:03 UTC
No, but then again, I'M not a right winger who'd sell his soul to see her arrested, tried, convicted, and executed for anything.
2016-07-06 07:16:00 UTC
No more disgusting with bigoted Trump.
2016-07-06 05:39:44 UTC
Bush escaped justice before that ,anyway it's an American culture thing .
2016-07-07 12:37:11 UTC
si, but as JOHN said, there's not much they could do about it. If she wins, they could (especially under executive action) have less salaries. Now they don't want that, do they? NO!
2016-07-06 05:34:34 UTC
Not surprising, but disgusting. Just our everyday government corruption, to say the least.
2016-07-06 15:27:18 UTC
Of course
2016-07-06 11:30:35 UTC
Even if charges were brought, she would probably end up pardoned. Did anyone really think she was going to jail?
2016-07-06 04:38:27 UTC
and now the agents are coming out of the woodwork saying she knew. OF COURSE she knew. she, as Obama, was and is a con artist, Marxist and liar.
2016-07-06 04:46:59 UTC
We now have PROOF that rich liberals are above the law.A very sad day for America.
2016-07-07 09:05:55 UTC
No, because I correctly predicted what the result would be.

Remember Benghazi?
2016-07-07 08:07:28 UTC
Sound like the guy was paid off to me
2016-07-06 03:38:58 UTC
The system is rigged, what did you expect? She's too big to jail.
2016-07-06 11:24:48 UTC
Not in the least. Did you really think for a second that she would be charged with anything?
2016-07-07 05:46:08 UTC
Yes. VERY disgusted.
2016-07-06 05:02:18 UTC
Yes , Obama has made our justice system like one of those banana republic justice systems that he admires.
2016-07-08 04:55:54 UTC
Slick Willie made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Any self-respecting American would be outraged.
2016-07-08 23:16:56 UTC
Real Gamer
2016-07-06 11:25:34 UTC
Very much so. She's a criminal and deserves to be treated like one.
2016-07-06 09:33:59 UTC
Ignorance is NOT an excuse to break the law.
2016-07-06 08:08:40 UTC
Yes, mast certainly! She s not above the law.
2016-07-08 20:30:17 UTC
Why don t they Check the filters imported into austrlia .australian tabbaco can t be trusted take c are .the Man from uncle
2016-07-06 17:08:11 UTC
Just like Bill, she was accused of the least of her crimes to distract the people from her real horrendous crimes.
2016-07-07 03:03:04 UTC
2016-07-06 15:47:35 UTC
FBI director Corney is a good liberal and he gets it!
2016-07-06 10:45:40 UTC
Liberals think they are above the law.
Vinegar Taster
2016-07-06 07:56:26 UTC
Yes . More millions of dollars down the crapper .
2016-07-07 18:50:43 UTC
Vince Williams
2016-07-06 08:43:10 UTC
Of course!
2016-07-07 17:10:51 UTC
No citizen is above the LAW!
2016-07-07 19:26:11 UTC
2016-07-08 00:59:33 UTC
Not disgusted, but I am upset.
King Solomon
2016-07-06 14:02:27 UTC
If it happened to you or I they would lock us up and throw away the key .
2016-07-06 08:49:55 UTC
I appreciate your optimism but if she is elected president then it means we as a country have failed ourselves.
2016-07-06 20:03:31 UTC
You would think she murdered a black guy in Louisiana, all these reactions.
2016-07-06 15:12:07 UTC
She and Bill are Teflon, nothing sticks to them.
2016-07-06 11:44:36 UTC
No, it was the right decision.
que te jodan
2016-07-06 08:02:19 UTC
Yes, But we all knew this would happen. Oh well
2016-07-07 22:13:08 UTC
2016-07-08 04:36:22 UTC
Yes, they should have done; but politics is all about Nepotism.
2016-07-07 00:50:52 UTC
No, as they clearly do not have a crayon stuck in their brains.
2016-07-07 17:13:21 UTC
I'll answer this if I can stop laughing.
2016-07-07 05:27:06 UTC
2016-07-06 17:55:29 UTC
Yeah but I expected it.
2016-07-08 16:41:32 UTC
Not surprised
2016-07-06 19:49:18 UTC
YEa, but I kinda knew it would happen.
2016-07-07 10:02:38 UTC
fbi is federal.
2016-07-08 08:01:55 UTC
she should be prosecuted, a power hungry greedy person.
2016-07-07 00:07:58 UTC
nah who cares? it makes pretty good tv tbh.
2016-07-06 16:52:38 UTC
2016-07-07 06:39:38 UTC
No they found her not guilty of criminal charges .
2016-07-07 18:50:41 UTC
A bought republican maybe.
2016-07-06 12:00:25 UTC
No because she didn't do anything illegal.
2016-07-10 03:48:12 UTC
2016-07-06 08:20:55 UTC
as the next POTUS (likely), there was no way
2016-07-06 11:24:15 UTC
Yes, I am.
2016-07-06 11:10:28 UTC
Not sure
2016-07-10 07:19:08 UTC
2016-07-06 13:52:55 UTC
Dumbass kids
2016-07-06 11:29:53 UTC
Not at all.
2016-07-06 08:22:17 UTC
2016-07-06 16:33:38 UTC
2016-07-06 09:26:22 UTC
2016-07-06 06:37:04 UTC
2016-07-06 11:35:54 UTC
2016-07-06 18:52:47 UTC
I'm really mad
2016-07-06 08:09:53 UTC
it is simple matter
2016-07-06 12:42:47 UTC
Hell YES!
2016-07-05 22:19:47 UTC
i guess lol
2016-07-06 08:57:45 UTC
Damn right I am!
2016-07-06 04:47:58 UTC
no I am delighted
2016-07-06 09:26:17 UTC
And if she will not lose?
Gerry G
2016-07-06 03:52:15 UTC
I sure am.
Warren T
2016-07-06 19:53:00 UTC
2016-07-07 20:07:00 UTC
2016-07-06 07:27:46 UTC
2016-07-06 15:31:24 UTC
no... they had no case to
2016-07-06 04:56:40 UTC
2016-07-06 10:36:47 UTC
Art G
2016-07-07 10:09:48 UTC
2016-07-08 17:27:57 UTC
2016-07-05 20:37:24 UTC
2016-07-06 11:42:50 UTC
kinda not really i dunno lemme get back to you bruh
2016-07-08 10:52:42 UTC
2016-07-07 00:01:44 UTC
2016-07-08 07:08:36 UTC
2016-07-06 13:56:12 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.