Why won't the pentagon/FBI release the video footage of flight 77 crashing on 9/11?
2014-03-10 12:32:16 UTC
They had 80+ cameras also confiscated the Sherton Hotel camera and Shell gas station. When you use the freedom of information act to see them you get told no for "national security". All they have given is 5 frames which shows no plane at all hitting the Pentagon.

If they got nothing to hide why not show us? We are the people don't we live in a "democracy" and "free country" why can't I and tens of thousands of others see it?

I pay taxes they don't exist without me both the FBI and Pentagon so what is the problem?
Thirteen answers:
2014-03-10 12:39:38 UTC
because there was no flight 77. jumbo jets dont disintegrate and the best trained pilots on earth couldnt have made that approach with a flying bus. something that heavy on that approach should have slammed into the earth on its belly, not even a computer could have made that approach.

two planes, the pentagon and Pennsylvania crashed but no wreckage and no corpses.... NO BODIES, hundred killed and not one body? forget the towers and tell me how that many people just vaporized!?
2016-12-14 09:34:12 UTC
Pentagon 9 11 Video
Mark F
2014-03-10 16:19:22 UTC
There are not "80+ video's that show the attack on the Pentagon."

In the aftermath of the attack the FBI naturally went around to local businesses and other places of interest and collected surveillance camera footage as possible evidence. In response to a Freedom of Information Act request the FBI has identified 85 video's that it had acquired by various means and tagged as evidence in the Pentagon attack case. CT's assume this means there are 85 videos showing the attack but all that represents is an accounting of the number of videos obtained, not what they show. One video for example was taken from a Kinko's in Florida. It is unlikely to yield anything about what hit the Pentagon. According to the FBI:

"56 of these videotapes did not show either the Pentagon building, the Pentagon crash site, or the impact of Flight 77 into the Pentagon on September 11."

Of the remaining 29 videotapes, 16 "did not show the Pentagon crash site and did not show the impact of Flight 77 into the Pentagon."

Of the 13 remaining tapes, 12 "only showed the Pentagon after the impact of Flight 77."

Only one tape showed the Pentagon impact: the Pentagon's own security camera footage, that would later be released in 2006 after being used as evidence in the Moussawi trial. It was taken by a low resolution Philips LTC 1261 TV security camera at a checkpoint in the entrance to a parking lot. This camera was recording at one frame per second and had a limited field of view of the impact site. This camera at its location would have been entirely incapable of taking a clear image of a Boeing 757 moving at 780 feet/237.9 meters per second.

But none of this matters anyway. Why?

Because the "no video" meme is a ruse, a deliberate attempt to distract the uninformed and credulous from the overwhelming evidence we have that AA Flight 77 hit the Pentagon on 9/11/2001. People like Billy figure if they distract you with bogus claims of secret video you will forget about all the other stuff.

We have 136 witnesses on record including 2 pilots who saw Flight 77 fly into the Pentagon (and more importantly zero witnesses who saw anything else). We have the light pole and taxi cab evidence. The external backup power generator evidence. The large quantities of clearly identifiable aircraft debris found at the site. The Purdue university simulation which concluded the damage to the Pentagon is absolutely consistent with the impact of a Boeing 757. And finally we have the remains of all of the passengers, crew and hijackers of Flight 77 recovered from the Pentagon site, some still strapped in their seats when they were found. Whether or not a clear video exists is a moot point. We simply don't need it.
2014-03-10 12:50:00 UTC
Probably because it was a missile and not a plane at all . The FBI flooded the area with goons and confiscated ALL camera footage with 5 miles of the building .

If you look carefully at the very first responders at the Pentagon it will show the foam used by the fire dept. on the third story window left intact above the hole . The BOTTOM of a third story building is +/- 20 ft. high . The tail section on that plane they claimed made the hole is 44 ft' tall . Either those are the strongest windows ever made or they are lying to us about the missile strike .
2014-03-10 21:21:36 UTC
The real people that were on AA Flight 77 and the ones killed by its crash, INTO THE PENTEGON on 9/11/2001 deserve better than your half-baked conspiracy theory.

The American Airlines Flight 77 aircraft was a Boeing 757-223 (registration number N644AA). The flight crew included pilot Charles Burlingame, First Officer David Charlebois, and flight attendants Michele Heidenberger, Jennifer Lewis, Kenneth Lewis, and Renee May. The capacity of the aircraft was 188 passengers, but with 58 passengers on September 11, the load factor was 33 percent. American Airlines said that Tuesdays were the least-traveled day of the week, with the same load factor seen on Tuesdays in the previous three months for Flight 77.

American Airlines Flight 77 was a passenger flight which was hijacked by five al-Qaeda terrorists on September 11, 2001, as part of the September 11 attacks. They deliberately crashed it into the Pentagon near Washington, D.C., killing all 64 people on board including the five hijackers and six crew as well as 125 people in the building. The Boeing 757-223 aircraft was flying American Airlines' daily scheduled morning transcontinental service from Washington Dulles International Airport, in Dulles, Virginia to Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, California.

Less than 35 minutes into the flight, the hijackers stormed the cockpit. They forced the passengers, crew, and pilots to the rear of the aircraft. Hani Hanjour, one of the hijackers who was trained as a pilot, assumed control of the flight. Unknown to the hijackers, passengers aboard made telephone calls to loved ones and relayed information on the hijacking.

The hijackers crashed the aircraft into the western side of the Pentagon at 09:37 EDT. Dozens of people witnessed the crash, and news sources began reporting on the incident within minutes. The impact severely damaged an area of the Pentagon and caused a large fire. At 10:10AM, a portion of the Pentagon collapsed; firefighters spent days trying to fully extinguish the blaze. The damaged sections of the Pentagon were rebuilt in 2002, with occupants moving back into the completed areas on August 15, 2002.

The 184 victims of the attack are memorialized in the Pentagon Memorial adjacent to the Pentagon. The 1.93-acre (7,800 m2) park contains a bench for each of the victims, arranged according to their year of birth, ranging from 1930 (age 71) to 1998 (age 3).
2016-10-01 13:09:51 UTC
911 Video Footage Of Plane Crash
2014-03-10 13:00:09 UTC
The signature of the impact into the Pentagon defines all forensic evidence of impact by an Aircraft. Additionally, the debris from the WTC was quickly shipped to China... thus preventing any forensic testing at this crime scene. How convenient, eh?
2014-03-10 12:36:05 UTC
My main concern is that the target of flight 93 might have been building 7.
2014-03-13 10:19:12 UTC
The idea of the illuminati is purposeful disinformation meant to associate questioning government corruption with complete lunacy. There literally is no recent evidence of their existence, yet people jump on it and spread it around. 911 was an inside job, keep the illuminati bullshit out of the conversation
2014-03-10 12:40:50 UTC
This BS is boring. It does a disservice to the families to make the victims the subject of urban legends.
2014-03-10 12:38:59 UTC
Because 911 was a hoax to get us in the war
2014-03-10 12:56:30 UTC
I thought all you "9-11 hysterics" had finally gone away?!
Jay L
2014-03-10 12:41:39 UTC
you sir are a dumb a$$

The facts are real and stupid comments like yours do not deserve an answer

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.