Whew! That's a tough one!
It will be tough remembering that many things all at once.
The top ten liberal lies (drum roll, please):
10. Thank goodness we finally have intelligent leadership.
9. Bush started it. It will take at least 8 years for Obama to clean up the mess he inherited.
8. Anyone who disagrees with Obama is a racist who can't stand to see their white power slipping away.
7. The conservatives lost the election, their opinion has been rejected by the people, and they don't count anymore.
6. Republicans never present their own proposals for a solution, all they do is criticize. They are the party of "No."
5. The conservatives have no business criticizing Obama for increasing the national debt, because they did it first.
4. Obama really is a U.S. citizen. He could prove it, he just doesn't want to.
3. All that money Pelosi and Obama gave to GM was to save jobs. And the automaker bailout started on Bush's watch, so he's to blame anyway.
2. Free pie for everyone.
And now, the top liberal lie (cymbal crash):
1. Obama is aware of the problems facing us, and he is doing the best he can to solve them.
Some more:
Bush invented the WMD lie, and he tricked the majority of the USA that Saddam had WMD and nuclear weapons.
Bush is to blame for all of the rampant financial fraud on Clinton's watch, because "Kenny Boy" was a Boosh Buddy from the oil business.
Bush is to blame for Madoff because Madoff scammed through Bush's entire 8 years. Madoff also scammed through Clinton's 8 years, but what about Bush? You seem to be forgetting that he scammed through Bush's 8 years. So why are you blaming Clinton when Bush did it?
Phil Gramm is to blame for repealing the Glass-Steagal act in 1999, which led directly to the financial meltdown last year. OK, so that's why the Democrats reinstated the Glass-Steagal act first thing, as soon as the took office. Didn't they?
A person's behavior is always more somebody else's responsibility. If a student doesn't study, doesn't do homework, and disrespects the teacher, the teacher is to blame if the student gets an F.
Criminals should not be punished because their criminal activity is just acting out their anger for the discrimination they suffer. Unless the criminal is white, then he should go straight to prison. Unless he's poor, then he's just acting out his anger for being disadvantaged in society.
Oh, man. I know I'm just scratching the surface here.
Basically, everything liberals believe are myths.
Liberals are allergic to the truth. They avoid it like a bee sting.