What are some other popular liberal myths besides the now discredited man-made global warming scheme?
2009-11-24 11:54:53 UTC
What are some other popular liberal myths besides the now discredited man-made global warming scheme?
24 answers:
2009-11-24 12:11:33 UTC
Whew! That's a tough one!

It will be tough remembering that many things all at once.

The top ten liberal lies (drum roll, please):

10. Thank goodness we finally have intelligent leadership.

9. Bush started it. It will take at least 8 years for Obama to clean up the mess he inherited.

8. Anyone who disagrees with Obama is a racist who can't stand to see their white power slipping away.

7. The conservatives lost the election, their opinion has been rejected by the people, and they don't count anymore.

6. Republicans never present their own proposals for a solution, all they do is criticize. They are the party of "No."

5. The conservatives have no business criticizing Obama for increasing the national debt, because they did it first.

4. Obama really is a U.S. citizen. He could prove it, he just doesn't want to.

3. All that money Pelosi and Obama gave to GM was to save jobs. And the automaker bailout started on Bush's watch, so he's to blame anyway.

2. Free pie for everyone.

And now, the top liberal lie (cymbal crash):

1. Obama is aware of the problems facing us, and he is doing the best he can to solve them.

Some more:

Bush invented the WMD lie, and he tricked the majority of the USA that Saddam had WMD and nuclear weapons.

Bush is to blame for all of the rampant financial fraud on Clinton's watch, because "Kenny Boy" was a Boosh Buddy from the oil business.

Bush is to blame for Madoff because Madoff scammed through Bush's entire 8 years. Madoff also scammed through Clinton's 8 years, but what about Bush? You seem to be forgetting that he scammed through Bush's 8 years. So why are you blaming Clinton when Bush did it?

Phil Gramm is to blame for repealing the Glass-Steagal act in 1999, which led directly to the financial meltdown last year. OK, so that's why the Democrats reinstated the Glass-Steagal act first thing, as soon as the took office. Didn't they?

A person's behavior is always more somebody else's responsibility. If a student doesn't study, doesn't do homework, and disrespects the teacher, the teacher is to blame if the student gets an F.

Criminals should not be punished because their criminal activity is just acting out their anger for the discrimination they suffer. Unless the criminal is white, then he should go straight to prison. Unless he's poor, then he's just acting out his anger for being disadvantaged in society.

Oh, man. I know I'm just scratching the surface here.

Basically, everything liberals believe are myths.

Liberals are allergic to the truth. They avoid it like a bee sting.
2009-11-24 12:33:13 UTC
Liberal Myths

Conservatives hate minorities.

Conservatives don't care about the poor.

Less guns means less crime.

Universal Health Care will be deficit neutral.

9-11 was an inside job.

0'bama is not a socialist.

The Constitution is a "living document."

The United States is the largest producer of pollution.

Americans are the dumbest people on the planet.

Al Gore invented the internet.

Population has increased by a large amount, and human beings are beginning to overpopulate. (This myth is an attempt to justify abortions)

The media has no liberal bias

Oil drilling will not provide energy security

There is a vast right-wing conspiracy

Military recruits are poor and uneducated

Socialism is a better than capitalism and communism has some good stuff.

Opposition to Obama is racism

Liberal Christianity is compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Portable school vouchers would destroy public schools, yet send their own children to private schools.

You are not pro-life if you are pro-gun.

47 million Americans don't have health insurance. (Actual number is between 10 and 15 million)
2009-11-24 12:05:16 UTC
Spending money on a absurd stimulous package will create jobs.

That government can manage something.

That by placing laws on law abiding citizens will affect how criminals gain weapons.

That murdering babies is ok, but letting murderers die is not.

That government can't even manage medicare, but will some how manage a much bigger and more expensive Socialized healthcare.

That our current debt was Bush's fault.

That only Republicans are concerned about corporations when Pelosi and Reid wrote the TARP bill and porkulous bills that bailed out AIG, Goldman Sachs etc.

That Democrats aren't for socializism then take over GM and fire the President and Chrysler, and now look towards taking over 1/6th of our economy by socialistic healthcare.

That political correctness is good for America.

That not keeping score at pee-wee baseball will assure fairness throughout life.

That 3rd graders should know how to put on a condom but mathmatics and reading comprehension is not that important.

That teaching homosexuality to elementary schoolers is part of the curriculum.

9/11 was a inside job.
2009-11-24 12:00:37 UTC
That 86% of scientist support Global Warming, like they would know anything about it

anthropology-- humans

apiology -- bees

archaeology -- past culture of humans

astrology -- stars(for making predictions)

bacteriology -- bacteria

biology -- life

cartology -- maps and map-making

cetology -- whales

conchology -- shells

cosmetology -- cosmetics cosmology -- universe

criminology -- crime and criminals cryptology -- codes

ecology -- interactions in environments

entomology -- insects

embryology -- embryos

eschatology -- death,judgement, afterlife

ethnobiology -- life pertaining to certain people

ethnology -- cultural heritage

ethology -- animal behavior

etiology -- causes and reasons

etymology -- a word

geology -- earth

graphology -- handwriting

herpetology -- reptiles

hippology -- horses

hydrology -- water

ichthyology -- fish

ideology -- ideas

mammalogy -- mammals

microbiology -- microscopic life

morphology -- structure of organisms

musicology -- music

mycology -- fungi

myrmecology -- ants

nephology -- clouds

neurology -- brain

ornithology -- birds

ophiology -- snakes

ophthalmology -- eyes

otology -- ears

paleoanthropology -- ancient human-like creatures

paleobiology -- ancient life

paleontology -- ancient life, studied through fossils

paleozoology -- ancient animals

pathology -- disease

pedology -- children

petrology -- rocks

phantomology -- supernatural beings

pharmacology -- drugs

pharyngology -- pharynx(part of throat)

phenology -- periodic biological phenomena

phenomenology -- phenomenons

philology -- historical language

phonology -- speech sounds

phraseology -- use of words and phrases

physical anthropology -- human characteristics

physiology -- characteristics of organisms

phytology -- plants(usually called botany)

phytosociology -- relationships and charactistics of plants

pomology -- fruit

psychology -- mind and behavior

pyrology -- fire

seismology -- earthquakes

sociology -- society

somatology -- human characteristics

speleology -- caves

storiology -- stories and legends

topology -- characteristics and history of a place

tropical biology -- tropical life

vulcanology -- volcanoes

zoology -- animals
2016-10-19 02:42:43 UTC
Umm, you do comprehend liberals do nonetheless firmly believe that worldwide Warming is guy-made, good? You sound such as you proceed to exist yet another planet or something. The Toyota bear in mind is extremely genuine, and is no longer some conspiracy. human beings have died. strengthen up.
2009-11-24 12:02:54 UTC
How about:

'Ozone Depletion' - 1990's

'Nuclear Winter' - 1980's

'The Coming Ice Age' - 1970's

All discredited theories brought to us by the same people pushing the 'Global Warming' theory.
2009-11-24 12:01:18 UTC
Well the "bleeding heart Liberals" you know the ones, with tolerance and love.

They are now killing all the poor abandoned animals in California that are in shelters, because it is cheaper than housing them, or finding them homes.

Gee where is PETA now? To busy putting chubby D list celebutards naked on posters than saving animals. Typical.

A stupid slogan "rather go naked than wear fur"

Is as meaningless as "hope and change"

Some people are to stupid to look any deeper into things than just believing in a meaningles catch phrase and slapping it on their bumper.

Ignorant and pathetic
2009-11-24 12:12:22 UTC
Copernicus and Galileo were just another two old liberal fools!

Everyone knows the Earth IS flat AND is at the centre of the Universe which WAS made in only 6 days ... !
Didier Drogba
2009-11-24 12:04:48 UTC
Reagan didn't win the Cold War.....

(that myth replaced the myth that we couldn'twin the Cold War)

The poor got poorer in the 1980s.....

The poor got poorer in the 1880s....

There are 27 million - no wait, 31, no wait, 35, no wait, 40, no wait, 50, no wait, 75 million "Americans" without health insurance.....
El Tecolote
2009-11-24 12:03:10 UTC
If the government gets involved in health insurance, the costs will go DOWN. I can't wait to see the reaction to what's REALLY going to happen, and here's a hint: they will not be able to spin it into the GOP's fault this time.
2009-11-24 12:07:26 UTC
It's only the uneducated republicans on this board and in this country who dosn't understand science .Global warming is a science fact , i sugest you go back to school with this BS .
2009-11-24 11:59:59 UTC Jones' email "pulled out of context."

LSE Prof: Scientists use "trick" to mean "a clever way of doing something." "trick" Jones referenced is a method for making the "context of the recent warming ... clear" and isn't "problematic ... at all.

NASA scientist: Emails do not show that "global warming is a hoax"

Statisticians reject global cooling
2009-11-24 12:03:02 UTC
That census worker who killed himself...trying to make it look like murder by anti-government sympathizers.
2009-11-24 12:03:08 UTC
Conservatives are drinking directly from local rivers and lakes ....... because none of them are polluted....... all liberal lies
2009-11-24 12:00:41 UTC
Well, Obama is a Christian, but any intelligent person knows that Christianity & its gods are fake. Just myths.
2009-11-24 12:00:49 UTC
Mission Accomplished again, huh?
Don B
2009-11-24 12:01:36 UTC
1 Liberal myth-----some Republicans do care about things other than their own profits
2009-11-24 12:03:29 UTC
That AIDS can be prevented with circumcision!
2009-11-24 12:02:41 UTC
Evolution which you guys also disproved using the same methods.
Gen. Stiggo (Atheati-in-Chief)
2009-11-24 11:59:18 UTC
Gravity, evolution, water being wet, fire being hot. You know, things that, like man-made climate change, are known to be true.
2009-11-24 12:00:09 UTC
That abstinence education works.
2009-11-24 12:00:27 UTC
That if you keep dumping crap into the water and atmosphere that we will eventually wipe out all life on the planet.

Oh wait - that ones true...
2009-11-24 11:58:30 UTC
That safe sex education does more to stem early pregnancy. Oh wait...
Dancing on the ceiling
2009-11-24 11:59:13 UTC
Black kids are violent animals because of slavery.

Low IQ in African-Americans is not cause by genetics.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.