If the deficit is such a concern, why did Reagan, Bush Sr. and Jr. do such a good job of raising it?
2009-03-28 06:35:41 UTC
22 answers:
2009-03-28 06:46:45 UTC
Your question so reminds me of the old guy always complaining about "Kids these days!" as if he had nothing to do with having raised them. What happened to the "It takes a village" mentality? You completely discount the part the Democrats played in all of this - like voting to go to war.

Doubter, can I tell you a little something about Clinton's "military reduction?" First Bush 41 had planned the draw down even before Desert Shield/Storm. Trouble was/is, he was voted out immediately after the war and Clinton didn't have a clue as to what he was doing. I had a meeting with one of his (Clinton's) key architects for the draw down (Adm. Nader). His explanation for the draw down was that the economy was "sluggish." I made the statement that if the economy is sluggish, it generally indicates that people are not spending money - either because they are out of work and don't have it, or because their pay checks are not keeping pace with the cost of living. I then asked how taking a bunch of gainfully employed people, suddenly making them all unemployed and then turning them loose on an already "sluggish" economy was supposed to help. I was told to "sit down."

Add to this BRAC (Base Reallignment and Closure Committee). Clinton Closed NAS Moffett Field and then turned it over to NASA and AIMES Research, he did the same with the Army Base Presidio (the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge). That one, he turned over to the National Parks and Forrestry Service. Please note that NASA and NPFS are still government funded programs. There was no savings. It was all just a shell game. In truth, Clinton ran the country out of money and under his watch, the government literally was ordered to send all non-essential personnel home. No one received pay checks that month.

Clinton swore that with the fall of the Soviet Union that we would never again find ourselves in a two front war and so no longer needed that large a military. Isn't it amazing how almost immediately after his departure from office, we find ourselves embroilled in a revisit to Desert Storm (Renamed Iraqi Freedom) and also in Afghanistan? So much for never needing that large a military ever again.

Lastly, having nothing to do with the military, but EVERYTHING to do with Clinton and our currnet economic situation. Do you suppose for just one moment that had Mr. Clinton not signed off on NAFTA and WTO, that so many jobs would not have trickled away to overseas markets? Mr. Clinton was a dunderhead. Think about WW I and all of the treaties that allowed WW I to happen. Now compare it to the globalization that Mr. Clinton has allowed. We're all being sucked into the vortex. Bush 43 is only guilty of having signed off on the change of bankruptcy laws, making it more difficult to file. And who hired the lobbyists behind that maneuver? The finance institutions. Think they didn't see this whole thing coming? And still, Congress does nothing. Nice.

The political landscape is not nearly as monolythic as you are lead to believe. Bill Clinton was so lost that he was continually calling Jerry Ford out in Vale for advice. The thing about being a good leader is that you should have a vision, a plan and people who will follow. Clinton had no plan other than to be President. I suspect that Mr. Obama falls into that same basic category. For Bush 43, it made sense. Being President was the next logical step. That Clinton had to contend with a Republican lead Congress who failed to address back burner issues such as Carter's Revision of EPA standards making us dependent upon foreign oil and that Bush 43 had the same circumstance helped set up the whole deal. It takes two.


Love all of the thumbs downs. My guess is, they are from the ilk that looks for self-affirmation rather than fact. And people wonder what's wrong with America today.
Stay Thirsty For Liberty
2009-04-01 05:25:10 UTC
I always see this issue raised as a justification for what obama is doing in his first weeks as president and it doesn't wash. This current occupant is spending us into oblivion as a society. Not only will our economy go down the tubes, so will our liberties. I know, Patriot Act. Guess what, that kept us safe, and do you really think anyone in W's time cared about your intimate convos? That's another lame point that is brought up. Pay attention to what this guy does along with congress. If you folks want to focus on how bad the past was, wait until you see the future these guys have in store for us. I don't want to be in the position of crying for the old days but this is a frightening prospect. Steps need to be taken that actually help this current financial crisis right now. No amount of insults to former pubs will make this abysmal leadership seem brighter.
Deb M
2009-04-01 04:51:46 UTC
Good question...It is called tax cuts to the rich...had Bush left the Clinton taxes in effect...the National Debt would have been paid down. Plus...the Bush boys had wars...and Reagan..well he was a old dude that bilked the people.

As to the comment that it was Democratic Congress. Funny, but I heard last night that the republicans have completed thier 18 page budget they released last week. Apparently, it 350 billion higher than the Dems. I imagine it has all kind of perks for the rich and a lot of corporate welfare. You would think the oil companies had enough breaks with GW...maybe they have another favored industry. It sure is not the American people. They say health care for the American people is too expensive. Maybe it is too expensive for Congress too...maybe they need to pay their own health care and the money saved can help people who do not make very much money. I think that sounds fair. They've had a free ride for a long time.
2016-09-11 04:14:01 UTC
Some debt isn't unhealthy since slows the progress of presidency. It may be well since the bonds we promote to foreginors offers them a stake within the american economic climate making much less most likely that they are going to desire to blow us up. Both those presidents have been additionally seeking to defeat significant threats to the nation. The soviets have been defeated and not using a shot and Bush has to head combat those crazies and hence spends plenty of cash. You are forgeting something. When Clinton was once going for walks surpluses he has a high-quality economic climate that was once comprised of low taxes and an financial pleasant enviroment. Bill did not do this to the economic climate republicans did. Hi tousled the economic climate over the eight years he was once there a passed Lil bush a recession, keep in mind? I consider Bush spends to so much however who else could i vote for. Nowadays its making a choice on among unhealthy a worst no longer well or unhealthy. Debt additionally continues our buck low priced which enables different nations to shop for extra of our stuff hence serving to the ec. in that approach. It's unhealthy since our greenbacks purchase much less. Theres consistently a alternate off in economics. Name the final Dem who was once well for the economic climate. It was once JFk and he was once for tax CUTS. Not one given that.
2009-04-01 05:47:21 UTC
Here you go. Have a look at some real data instead of propaganda. I've also included a link for basic economics and a link to an online dictionary to help you with the big words.

Have a nice day.
2009-04-01 05:38:40 UTC
Obama has managed to raise it more then every past presidents deficit combined please get real Obama is destroying America. The democrats and the deregulation of banks and the housing problem do you remember Barney Franks and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac when Bush stated they were in trouble and it meant double trouble for the economy but Barney Franks refused to except it ? Liberals only hear what they want wake up your Messiah is killing this country with socialism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
News Doubter
2009-03-28 06:41:26 UTC
The deficit will normally increase in good economic times, because Americans can afford to buy more stuff. The deficit decreases when the economy is poor.

However, increased government spending, especially the vast amount of the recent spending, will also increase the deficit.

Clinton was able to reduce the deficit by drastically cutting military spending.
2009-03-28 07:57:46 UTC
Your question is phrased in such a way as to imply that the Republican Party and the Democratic party have to very different economic philosophies. They do not. They are both statist parties.
2009-03-28 06:49:57 UTC
Why are you looking backward instead of forward, you do realize it has been tripled in less than three months, don't you?

icantremember.... YES your name says it all!

The Federal Government’s flood of red ink hit another high-water mark as the Treasury Department quietly reported today that the National Debt hit $11-trillion for the first time ever.

To be exact, the Debt now stands at $11,033,157,578,669.78. Divide it by the U.S. population and it comes up to over $36,000 in debt for every man, woman and child among us.

And the government is running up mountains of debt with increasing speed. It took just over 5 ½ months for Uncle Sam to go another trillion dollars deeper in debt since hitting $10-trillion last September 30th. It’s the fastest jump in U.S. history.

The hundreds of billions of dollars being spent as part of the federal bailout of the financial markets is a leading factor in the rapid increase. Over $400-billion in debt has been accrued in the 57 days since President Obama took office.
2009-03-28 06:45:29 UTC
Reagan and GW are the two worse presidents in my lifetime. The first three years of the Ron's regime were horrible but neo cons blame all that on Carter. These are the same that blame all our current problems on Obama even though he has only been in charge for two months. Failure to accept responsibility is the right wing way.
2009-03-28 08:03:18 UTC
Because that was very different. They had an R behind their name and spent the money on enriching the richest of the rich and illegal wars that benefited their business friends.

What part of that do liberals not understand? Spending on war profiteering and social destruction by Republicans is good,. Any spending by Democrats bad and socialism.
2009-03-28 07:02:33 UTC
That site is setup to mislead people and smear Conservatives and Republicans. How can you take that smut seriously? Can you find me one criticism on that site of a president not named Bush, Reagan, or Republican? I doubt it.
2009-04-01 05:53:55 UTC
"Regan proved deficits don't matter." -- Cheney's 12th Commandment
2009-03-28 07:40:41 UTC
Good Link.

Barack Obama plan is for creating jobs which will result in shrinking the debt.
2009-03-28 06:40:56 UTC
You really dont understand that adding 9 trillion more to it is a bad thing?

I know you cant be that thick.
2009-03-28 06:41:34 UTC
You might find this interesting. I sure did.
2009-03-28 06:40:39 UTC
People, both left and right, only care about deficits when it's not their man running the show.
2009-03-28 08:36:31 UTC
Yeah, but that was for a worthy cause—to reward their wealthy cronies.
2009-03-28 06:40:28 UTC
I agree,but that's old news now.According to all decent estimates Obama is about to double the debt,if he gets 2 Terms.He is about to create more Debt than all 43 Presidents that preceded him(Combined),if we let him.

So Obama has completely changed the standard.He wants to go from excessive Deficit Spending,to WTF!!! Deficit Spending.The guy is truly unhinged.

$19,000,000,000,000 National Debt in Ten Years if Obama gets his way.WTF are Americans thinking to even begin to defend that???

2009-03-28 06:41:32 UTC
Could you please name one president that did not raise the deficit.
2009-03-28 06:39:35 UTC
Because it's been a Democratic House and Senate.
2009-03-31 22:08:32 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.