where is the fairness in the libs' being able to *insult* Trump 24/7 and not expect him to defend himself?
2017-06-29 21:19:59 UTC
where is the fairness in the libs' being able to *insult* Trump 24/7 and not expect him to defend himself?
61 answers:
2017-07-02 01:10:39 UTC
2017-07-01 22:57:49 UTC
GOP attacked Obama at every chance they had and you didn't see him ACTING THE FOOL like this POTUS





2017-07-01 08:01:58 UTC
you "defend" yourself by proving that you are factually correct,.. not by using the highest

position in the U.S. and the world to make high school level PERSONAL INSULTS.

He is like his wife said, a child.

Keep phuckin up and the news will keep pointing it out. Keep lying and the news will keep

pointing it out.Simple.
2017-06-30 17:51:15 UTC
Trump is a small scared little boy inside. He will never be a fully mature adult. He's 71 and acting like a 10 year old. Good luck USA cuz you really need it.
2017-06-30 17:23:39 UTC old president of yours...said...."If you can't take the heat....stay out of the kitchen".

All presidents get flack....It's not insults...grow up.
2017-06-30 16:36:27 UTC
It may not be fair, but, this is expected of a President. It is a very important position, and requires someone to think about the good of the country 24/7.
2017-06-30 15:37:14 UTC
In public life, you must be thick skinned. Trump is far to touchy even for business life.
2017-06-30 07:31:34 UTC
Oh they actually do, because they have caught that lyin thing called Hillaretard.
2017-06-29 21:36:37 UTC
All presidents have been insulted, criticized, called names, it goes with the job. Trump can put out all kinds of insults and criticism but he sure can't take it. He needs to man up instead of acting like an entitled, spoiled, rich kid. He is being trolled and he takes the bait every time. He needs to stop being so thin-skinned.
2017-06-29 21:22:25 UTC
One's a president, and it comes with the territory and two they didn't do anything to insult him but they did talk about the policies of his administration. They certainly weren't making remarks about his appearance.
2017-07-01 19:37:12 UTC
I crave dik
2017-07-01 02:27:51 UTC
It's called Free Speech. I'm not surprised you Fascist Republicans hate it. You despise freedom in general (Unless it is for the wealthy...)
2017-07-01 02:04:30 UTC
Defending is one thing , insulting without any apparent reason is another.
2017-06-30 21:45:49 UTC
He doesn't defend himself. The things he does are indefensible. He just a Tasmanian Devil.
2017-06-30 21:23:00 UTC
What are we children in a school yard? Trump needs to focus on the business of our government. It's ridiculous the amount of time he takes doing this nonsense. It makes the United States look like idiots.
2017-06-30 15:46:41 UTC
We're not 'insulting'....we are just observing, that a CRAZYMAN is President of the U.S. of A.
2017-06-30 15:26:22 UTC
Poor poor Mika......"the victim".
2017-06-30 13:37:17 UTC
Granted sometimes the Donald gos off half ******. But when you have

been a target as he has all his life. Striking back is a natural reaction.

But then the left prides themselves in being cowards and not standing

up for their actions or statements.
2017-06-30 12:49:56 UTC
Because the democrats are utter hypocrites.
2017-06-30 12:41:29 UTC
The same place as the fairness in people insulting every president we have ever had. Most of the presidents were big enough to ignore the insults.
2017-06-30 10:56:50 UTC
The fairness is in the fact that conservatives and god-fearing Republicans have been mocking and demanding Obama be lynched for the last 8 years. The fairness is in that there is legitimate evidence of Trump having involvement in Russia tampering with the election in his favor, that he is an illegitimate businessman with the sensitive ego of a manchild, that he has no place in the White House and that he, in fact, was the one who started rumors that Obama wasn t a natural born citizen - not that it would have been possible for him to be elected otherwise. Trump is a criminal and is getting away with it. Why would Trump care about what liberals say? He has money but he s so sensitive that even the slightest suggestion that he s a shitty businessman sends him into a rant on twitter. He uses unsecured phones and methods of communication, along with his staff.

It isn t the libs that burn this country to the ground, it s the so called patriotic republicans that can t believe that they re old, angry people and that their version of America is built on racism, sexism, and traditional values that will see that poor people stay poor and force the rest of us into poverty.

Trump isn t defending or protecting America, he s looking after his own wealth and wants to shove the rest of us down the shitter.
2017-06-30 08:11:45 UTC
What's the fairness in Trump supporters being able to insult liberals 24/7 and not expect them to defend themselves?
2017-06-30 06:41:23 UTC
I do expect the President when he is challenged to defend himself, but through constructive reason and to make convingly strong arguments for his policies, not ranting childish name calling insults like some idiot simpleton that doesn't have the intellectual capacity for anything else!!!

The fact is that this guy is the biggest liar we have EVER had for a president is completely lost on idiots like you isn't it? Even worse and more worryingly so, is that he doesn't even know he is doing it, such is the level of his derangement!
2017-06-29 21:55:35 UTC
You do not understand the natural order of these events. If Trump didn't constantly lie and embarrass our country, offend and horrify our Allies, and acted the least bit Presidential we wouldn't be insulting him. You are reversing the cart and the horse.
2017-06-29 21:47:08 UTC
It's not fair but they don't care if it's fair or not, and the same was true when conservatives were doing the same thing to Obama.
2017-06-29 21:45:27 UTC
In all fairness, Trump asks for it because he is a really bad person. He insults people all day every day and never had a kind word for anyone but himself. To get respect you also have to give respect.

All presidents have been insulted, especially the really rotten presidents, but most of them handled it with dignity. Bush and Cheney tried to shut down the Associated Press and only used Fox because it was owned by Bush's best friends the Saudi Prince and some old Australian billionaire. They did it in an attempt to hide their corruption and big money grab.

Obama laughed at the insults and used humor to poke his bullies in the eye. He was really good at it too. Good presidents are too busy to notice, but not Trump. His staff says that he is obsessed with watching every episode where someone might be talking about him. Then he becomes enraged and wants revenge. This is not normal behavior.
2017-06-29 21:29:14 UTC
Libs like to dish it out, then get pizzed when someone gives it back.

Boo, hoo, hoo.
2017-06-29 21:28:52 UTC
Hes the president. If he wanted to act like a giant man baby and go off on twitter rants about people he shouldnt have run for office.
2017-06-29 21:28:12 UTC
The Justice Department should be arresting libtards who are threatening the life of the President. It is against federal law 18 U.S. Code § 871.
2017-06-29 21:22:14 UTC
lol, maybe he should act like a President and not a juvenile on Twitter
Mike S
2017-07-02 15:18:31 UTC
Are you just realizing that p[people game the system constantly so that life isn't fair?

Like when you spend most of your business life having your father co-sign all your business loans until in desperation you reach out to Russian mobsters to float your failing enterprises.....
2017-07-02 08:55:45 UTC
They certainly weren't making remarks about his appearance.
Vincent G
2017-07-01 20:34:05 UTC
The cons did that to Obama for 8 solid years (actually more than that since they are STILL at it now AFTER he is gone) going as far as questioning his birth place... Yet Obama took that like an adult.

Trump? He acts like a two year old. Petty, self-centered, more narcissistic than a real estate agent. Trump does not defend himself, he makes off color remarks about things that have zero relations with the subject at (very, very tiny) hand.

Trump is a disgrace, a source of shame. That some are STILL supporting him can only mean that morons really want one of theirs to be POTUS.
2017-07-01 16:18:10 UTC
oh no
2017-07-01 00:11:41 UTC
They hold everyone else to a double standard
2017-06-30 18:24:11 UTC
Thankfully, the only people who are actually defending Trump are lying bullies themselves. The majority of Republicans are also sick of his immature twitter tantrums. Trump is like the classic bully who finally gets his *** kicked, then cries about it being unfair. What the MSM, including MSNBC, has said about Trump, by and large, has been true, it just hasn't been flattering. Well, Trump, as the saying goes, if you can't take it, don't dish it out. He's the one who started it all with his Obama birther b.s., and he has been insulting and bullying people ever since. It's a lie that he only strikes back; he is the one who strikes first, then cries about the backlash. "I's not fair! Waaaah!" Well, quit, you petulant little pissant. Government is the place for grown-ups, not whining little pouty boy kids.
2017-06-30 17:36:28 UTC
He CAN defend himself. But personal attacks aren't "defending" anything. If he thinks they have been unfair to him, come on and say what it is and prove them wrong. Ad hominem attacks are the way of the weak and the method of those who know that they are wrong. If you disagree with me, calling me a piece of crap doesn't go very far in convincing me I was wrong. If anything, it makes me think that I must be right, if that is the best you can come up with.

Besides, ALL politicians get attacked when they do things that people do not like (and they most certainly will). That is part of the job. Don't like the job? Quit. Let somebody competent take your place.
2017-06-30 16:23:29 UTC
Tards aren't interested in 'fairness'.
2017-06-30 15:54:48 UTC
We're just used to mature presidents like Obama who received brutal, relentless, and unfounded criticism for 8 years, yet never once stooped to personal attacks against specific medial personalities.
2017-06-30 14:51:32 UTC
newsflash- he deserves to be insulted
2017-06-30 14:35:25 UTC
That's not true
2017-06-30 13:03:05 UTC
Dude...............get a freaking GRIP. You all badgered the SH*T out of Obama for 8 years. You hounded and harrassed Clinton to DEATH. You *still* b*tch and whine about Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy, and he's DEAD AND BURIED.

None of them, took to insulting people back, like a 2 year old.........on Twitter.

He's the freaking PRESIDENT..........not a 3 year old, who someone stole his lunch money.

Criticism comes with the job..............GET USE TO IT. Show some CLASS.

Did Obama go around calling every idiot Birther names on Twitter? All the people who insulted HIS wife, calling her an ape, a tranny, Moochella, and all the rest? Did he fire off angry tweets at 3 am, at *every* insult?

Grow the eff UP already. You are the leader of the Free f****** world . Grow some SKIN!
2017-06-30 12:07:56 UTC
trump can "defend himself" all he wants. if he commit treason, he's going to the chair
2017-06-30 10:42:44 UTC
He's the President but responds like a 6th grader, that's what you elected, a baby, a prideful little child dressed up like a 70 year old.
2017-06-30 06:46:56 UTC
The Democratic Platform is built on favoritism.

Proof - is it fair for democrats to give drivers licenses to illegal immigrants? Is it fair for your representatives to ignore your constitutional rights and create sanctuary cities? How's that fair to you?

Everything the left stands for involves pandering to groups of their choice. If you come from a culture they look down on, regardless of if you don't bother them, they will pander to the group who wants to destroy your culture and turn a blind eye to your rights.

Democrats have gone off the deep end. They care about their agendas over people's rights.
2017-06-29 22:34:27 UTC
He probably does, but all the media is blocking it.
2017-06-29 21:43:06 UTC
Trump is more worried about schoolyard insults than actually running the country.
2017-06-29 21:25:44 UTC
Trump flames the fire with his stupid comments and tweets
2017-06-29 21:23:33 UTC
It's hilarious that you ACTUALLY think that Presidents of the United States are so weak minded, so thin-skinned...... that they have ANY NEED WHATSOEVER to defend themselves for "libs" or anyone else.

This is actually unprecedented.

We've never elected a person with the mind of a 6 year old to be POTUS.

We're not talking about ACTUAL DEFENSE of the nation.... Trump's too busy "defending his honor" from faceless internet trolls to actually do his job even a little bit. He's done LITERALLY NOTHING that cannot be done by executive fiat..... and if that doesn't prove his incompetence to you.... the problem lies with you.
2017-06-29 21:21:14 UTC
Whoever told you life is fair was selling you something.
2017-07-01 16:43:59 UTC
2017-07-01 13:39:02 UTC
Fairness is subjective when libs are involved. Unless it's giving something away, to a lib, it's not fair.
2017-07-01 06:23:55 UTC old president of yours...said...."If you can't take the heat....stay out of the kitchen".
2017-07-01 03:24:51 UTC
Every major person out there has acquired hate because with fame, comes hate. Most people have been able to deal with this maturely, except Trump. I don't understand how spreading lied about someone who insulted you makes the situation alright. We shouldn't insult people, period. But, if someone attacks another, it is immature to stoop down to that person's level, especially with the demeaning language that Trump uses.
2017-06-30 23:53:25 UTC
Fairness is not a liberal ideal. What did you expect?
2017-06-30 19:38:12 UTC
TRUMP started this. HE is the one who has attacked people non-stop since his campaign began. All the media does is report, accurately, on all the negative things he says and does. If he wants positive reporting, there is an easy solution: talk and act like a mature, adult man instead of a child. But what you and Trump want is for him to be able to behave as badly as he wants and still get positive press coverage. Sorry, not going to happen - except on fake news sites and in the gossip magazines.
2017-06-30 16:21:42 UTC
Not just him but his kids and then they are busy trying to find every parking ticket any of them get. I am waiting for some black woman to come out of the woodwork any day that says he used the N-word to her.
2017-06-29 21:54:09 UTC
Do you mean like for the past 6 months, even getting a special prosecutor to investigate what is known to be a hoax? All the while, being lead by a party known for its corruption and even having its presidential candidate ordering the killing of a whistle blower in a failed attempt to cover up her bribery and influence peddling. And, the scandal was that the voters became aware of her corruption instead of it being a secret.
2017-06-29 21:26:51 UTC
President Obama was insulted 24/7 and unjustifiably, with much worse than Trump has endured. His wife was also insulted. President Obama however is a gentleman and conducted himself with dignity throughout his 8 years as President.

President Obama did not stoop to childish and disgusting insults on Twitter. He conducted himself decently and, unlike Trump, did not disgrace the office that he held.
Mr. Wolf
2017-06-29 21:22:40 UTC
Trump isn't defending himself. He is acting childish. I can't believe you're actually defending his childish behavior.
2017-06-29 21:22:04 UTC
He's the President of the United States, not a schoolyard bully. The opposition press takes out after him exactly in the same way Fox News took out over Obama for eight years. You never saw Obama respond to them the way Trump is doing, no any other president of either party in the past.

Even Lindsay Graham - not exactly a staunch liberal - criticized Trump for his unseemly behavior.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.