Okay republicans - If these aren't crosshairs, what are they?
Brandon ♥s Baby Isaac
2011-01-09 23:27:35 UTC

And is the phrase, "Don’t retreat. RELOAD” just a joke to Sarah? Is the hopefully metaphorical threat of violence funny to her?
22 answers:
2011-01-09 23:34:58 UTC
They are crosshair. And that is Sarah Palins hit list for the Tea party Terrorist group.

And republicans are terrorist sympathizers, so they will try to defend them no matter what.

The shooter is a republican.
greg j.
2011-01-10 08:12:38 UTC
Clayton has it right. Palin, Backman, and their ilk have been taught to not come straight out and say "Kill" our opponents(to them enemies). By insinuating that we, the Militia, need to take each other out is just sick. What ever happened to "I can agree to disagree with you", without being shot by some kook that was hyped up by the vitriolic rhetoric from the Palins and Backmans of our time.

In the 1950's it was Joe Mc Carthy and his hatred. How many lives did he ruin from fear and hatred?

And here we are, 60 years later, with people spewing the same hatred and B.S., (right wing hatred), only the subject has changed. Will a lot of Americans always stay ignorant and follow like sheep or do you think there will finally come a day that the dumb will finally be able to think for themselves and see the light?!!! Or will they just stay stupid, and listen to the warped minds of our Country?!
2011-01-10 07:41:26 UTC
All you are doing is decontextualizing a map made 2 years ago to put a spin on this in the democratic favor. this crosshair tactic has been used as long as politics has been around. It was a symbol of how giffords should have been voted out of office so the republicans could increase their role on capital hill. You make me sick! A 9 year old girl died at a store I was in a day before and a member on congress is in a coma right now and all you can do is place blame on all those you oppose polically. The man was mentally deranged and more importantly, a gifford supporter. He came from the left, read mein kamf*, communist manifesto and had no ties to the tea party or sarah palin. I hope you check your facts and realize what you are saying before you speak next time
Bertrand Blows Idiots
2011-01-10 07:36:28 UTC
Here's the thing. They are cross hairs. You know what? Hundreds of people for hundreds of reasons use them to make a point. Are all of us out there shooting someone we saw in a crosshair? What is it you are looking for? An answer to this crazy guys reason? Well guess what? Most of the time we'll never find out the "why". That's what makes it so frustratingly senseless. And the more you try to force it to fit somewhere it doesn't, the further you get from understanding.
2011-01-10 07:48:55 UTC
This "cross-hairs" thing is getting so repetitive. You idiotic liberals cannot possibly see this tragic event for what it actually is, you have to blame conservatives. A former politician uses a metaphor. A far-left, atheist, 9-11 truther, hippie, pothead goes on a rampage and you cannot make a distinction? It's a good thing that most Americans have enough common sense to place blame where it should be placed.
2011-01-10 07:46:50 UTC
You are wrong here and Primo is right.All you want to hear is how Palin is responsible,not how other politicians,on BOTH SIDES have used "crosshairs" in the same way.Questions like this are aimed at "stirring the barrel of hate.You have no regard for the six families that have to deal with this and,i personally,have no time for people like you and thousands of others here on the forums.
2011-01-10 08:04:15 UTC
They pinpoint areas of concern, yes. And "do not retreat, reload" - while I wouldn't have chosen it, verbatim - means to stay the course.

The real question here is whether we should ALL just sew our mouths shut and torch our computers if there's any chance a schizophrenic, somewhere out there, might use them to justify premeditated criminal plots.

2011-01-10 07:47:23 UTC
Required Answer: Yes, and I remember the Democrats using Bullseyes for their targets.

Tired old line.

Don't you have a more original Troll line than this?

Libby Loser Club members have been dropping this one all day.
Michael B - Prop. 8 Repealed!
2011-01-10 07:41:33 UTC
Of course they are. And what happens whenever radical cons get caught with this kind of proof? They lie and blame the other side. Don't forget Sharon Angle's threat to take "second amendment remedies" if militant conservative teabaggers didn't get their way. Judging by some of these answers, it seems like a lot of radical cons have a guilty conscience this weekend....
2011-01-10 07:39:57 UTC
Anyone who thinks Sarah Palin was advocating violence is simply and utterly devoid of common sense.
2011-01-10 07:33:18 UTC
I'm not too concerned with the crosshairs, but calls for "second amendment remedies" to unfavorable election results are absolutely calls for violence and should be abhorred by all.
karl k
2011-01-10 07:38:01 UTC
no one thought this was a threat of violence last week and no sane person thinks so today.
2011-01-10 07:42:04 UTC
My helmet? Roast beef. My breastplate? Pumpernickel....

My take on medieval melee warfare??? DELICIOUS!!!

2011-01-10 07:30:25 UTC
Sarah Palin hasn't come even close to calling for violence against any of her political opponents. Just deal with it and move on. This kind of obsession is unhealthy.
2011-01-10 07:30:22 UTC
A metaphor is by definition, not a threat.
2011-01-10 07:30:13 UTC
They are the same crosshairs used by the Dems to target the Republicans in offices that they were hoping to win over.

If you condemn the Rep use of crosshair targets, then you must condemn the Dem use of crosshair targets. Otherwise you are being a hypocrite.
2011-01-10 07:33:48 UTC
These are actual crosshairs.
2011-01-10 07:32:06 UTC
"Vice President Joe Biden has told Democrats at a Minnesota fundraiser that he'll "strangle" members of the GOP who complain about the federal budget."
Johnny on the Spot
2011-01-10 07:29:14 UTC
Google "W. Bush in crosshairs" and see what comes up.

Oh, what do you know? Libs cornered the market on that rhetoric long ago.
2011-01-10 07:29:56 UTC
haha lol. I know how you feel. I like how she highlights the the more critical ones in red. Yeah well when you instigate violence you get violence. All equations balance themselves out.
2011-01-10 07:30:52 UTC
You clearly don't understand the word METAPHOR!
Todd Williams
2011-01-10 07:30:38 UTC
They look like crosshairs to me. Unless my eyes are fooling me.

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