Which U.S. president is more responsible for the problems we face today: Abraham Libtard or Libtard Johnson?
2013-01-23 15:58:53 UTC
Our sixteenth president freed the slaves, crippling the REAL AMERICANS in the southern states just so the lazy coloreds didn't have to do any more work.

On the other hand, Johnson signed Medicare, Medicaid and Civil Rights bills, effectively giving the lazy coloreds more political and economic power, again at the expense of the REAL AMERICANS.

Ronald Reagan tried to reverse the damage that the libtards did to our country by cutting his own taxes, but his legacy has been gradually rolled back by Clintoon and Obongo.

So which is worse? Which president is more to blame for the problems we face today, chief among them our soaring debt, declining levels of Christianity (not to mention rising levels of Islam/atheism/veganism), and the rise of Oblacko?
Sixteen answers:
2013-01-23 16:12:38 UTC
Some blacks are real,red-blooded Americans. The Democrats chose O to finish off the struggling Republic. They grew weary of inch of rot here foot of decay there...wanted everything rancid...NOW!

Union leaders don't pretend to be decent, human beings anymore, they readily admit they are communists since they thiink they have WON IT ALL.

Education is key. There is light at the tunnel's end but the road is long and the terrain imight as well be a flow of volcanic lava. Just about melts my ring....
2013-01-23 16:04:46 UTC
The 16th President freed the slaves in the Union.

SInce the Confederacy was not a part of his venue, the Emancipation proclamation was not valid there.

Johnson made a statement, that if he got the civil rights laws through, the N****** would vote Democrat for 100 years.

This is from the book by a former Secret Service agent under Johnson.

So I would have to say Johnson.
The Solution
2013-01-23 16:09:27 UTC
Our biggest problem today, January, 23, 2013 is our sagging economy.

Which President is responsible for implementing the Root Cause of today's economy?

Mr. Clinton. He's the one that signed the Affordable Housing Act into law, which is the Cause of our Economic Downturn.

It was that ONE Act that caused an artificial demand on the housing market.

It was that ONE Act that forced lenders to give money to people they knew would not pay it back.

It was that ONE Act that made housing prices sky-rocket way beyond normal growth.

It was that ONE Act that was responsible for Bankers trying to 'hide' these bad loans in other financial instruments.

It was that ONE Act that if we had NEVER passed it, would have kept us from entering the Recession in 2008.

Take away the 2 wars? We'd have still gone into Recession.

Take away the de-regulation of banks? We'd still have gone into Recession.

Take away Mr. Bush's Tax Cuts for ALL Americans? We'd still have gone into Recession.

Take away TARP and all the Bailouts? The Recession may not have been as severe or lasted as long, but it still would have happened.

The Cause is the One thing that if taken away would have prevented the thing from every happening.

Mr. Clinton (and Mr. Frank, the author of the Bill) are the MOST Responsible for the problems we face today as Americans.

Because, when we are having Fiscal Problems, it just shines a light and a magnifying glass on our Social Problems, making them worse than they normally are.
2016-10-18 12:55:06 UTC
You wrote: "If we keep on blaming faith each and each and every of the topic matters of the international will worsen to its optimum plausible. faith has saved the hopes of guy alive by skill of the centuries." Are you insane? non secular fundamentalism is the right possibility to humanity. enable's have a glance at Christianity. First, they wantonly and deliberately destroyed over a million,000 years well worth of the accrued understanding and understanding of the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and different advanced civilizations interior the realm, because it change into 'non-biblical'... then they tortured and killed all those who change into able to self sustaining concept... then they suppressed scholarsip for yet another a million,000 years. i'm keen on declaring that if it had no longer been for Christianity, Christopher Columbus might want to probable were embarking on an day vacation to the asteroid belt, to be certain a mining colony or somehing like that, particularly than starting off on a timber deliver to work out if he might want to stumble on a shortcut to the Orient. that's going to take us yet another six hundred years, minimum, to get to the position we ought to always be in the present day, had it no longer been for the comfortable mercies of Christianity. yet, there are Christian fundamentalists who might want to have us go back to the darkish a lengthy time period.... look up 'dominionism'. Islam remains interior the darkish a lengthy time period... and they are going to proceed to be so, until eventually the journey an 'Enlightenment' and an 'Age of reason', which contain got here about in Europe four hundred years in the past.
2013-01-23 16:06:49 UTC
Abraham Lincoln wasn't a don't get me wrong, I'm not a confederate lover, however I can understand how southerners are angry. Another thing is that I don't believe are economy is bad because of no slaves, I believe it is bad because of foreign aid to countries who don't need it. Like brazil,or Pakistan for example... I am a conservative so you know, but remember that the constitution says that all men are equal. That is why I don't believe slavery is right. I'm not a southern hater either, no harm meant in this answer.
Bobby Hill
2013-01-23 15:59:51 UTC
Libtard Johnson
2013-01-23 16:00:16 UTC
Veganism? Seriously?
Harley Drive
2013-01-23 16:06:13 UTC
both reagan and lincoln were liberal socialists masquerading as republicans, kennedy and johnson were open liberal socialists who started america on the road to full socialism , the government is already there and shortly the rest of the country too and it's nothing to do with religion
Joseph the Second
2013-01-25 14:45:34 UTC
Richard Nixon. Because since HE got kicked out of Office, the Republicans have NEVER been the Same... :(
2013-01-23 16:00:08 UTC
It's actually called Liberal, not Libtard. Only a child makes petty insults like that.
You Don't Matter
2013-01-23 16:02:14 UTC

troll level 6/10
2013-01-23 16:02:52 UTC
Johnson's Great Society is what is killing us today.
Gabby Johnson
2013-01-23 16:07:01 UTC
You're obviously a troll. No one is that stupid for real.
2013-01-23 16:00:11 UTC
Lincoln was a Republican, one of the first.

wow, you knew that right?
2013-01-23 15:59:42 UTC
hopefully your health problems will resolve themselves!
2013-01-23 16:00:00 UTC
"you're an idiot" - Abraham Lincoln

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.