Do you think Republicans dupe lower class voters into thinking that they too can become rich?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Do you think Republicans dupe lower class voters into thinking that they too can become rich?
29 answers:
2010-04-26 10:14:17 UTC
No, they aren't fooling anyone. That is why so many flood into the country, anyone willing to do what it takes can be rich..
2010-04-26 10:16:21 UTC
If you believe this BS that you just typed, then prove it with facts. Otherwise, this is just an ignorant rant.

try again
2010-04-26 10:16:09 UTC
Nothing is "free", if by chance you ever work for something and somebody wants it, simply because you have it and they don't, would you give it to them...I think not!!
Bob G...The return of
2010-04-26 10:20:17 UTC
I grew up poor. Joined the army as soon as I finished high school. After the army I used my GI benefits and worked to get through college. After that I worked in the corporate world and worked myself up to middle management. Saved my money, quit my job and started my own business which does pretty well, I even employ several others.

While not rich, I am pretty well off and have time to play on the Internet while others work. So, yes! A person can do it if they want to. Nobody is being duped into believing it, its real and there for anybody willing to work hard enough.
2010-04-26 10:26:04 UTC
The Conservatives believe it is your responsibility and your opportunity to peruse your dreams. If it is wealth OK if it is inventions that's is Ok also what the conservatives don't want is government interference.

Under present rules imposed by the government we wouldn't have a light bulb.

Bill W would not have been able to start AA

The unions wouldn't have allow Ford to have a production lines for his cars.

And of course the Wright Brothers would have been grounded by the left.

The dupes are those who stay slaves to the government entitlements.
2010-04-26 10:22:47 UTC
No duping. It is a fact. I know a young Chinese fella who I went to law school with. He is now a multimillionaire immigration lawyer. I know an elderly gentleman who started with nothing. He had a high school education. Today he is on the Forbes list of BILLIONAIRES (multi).
Can I haz banana?
2010-04-26 10:21:56 UTC
It's easier than any other place on the planet for someone to become rich, and the standard of living for what you consider poor is still higher than many countries.
2010-04-26 10:19:51 UTC
Well, free enterprise didn't make my mom rich, but it at least got her to middle class. If you want to make it in this world, you must put forth the effort to better your situation.
2010-04-26 10:16:02 UTC
How are they being duped when it is possible? Most of the people who made their way through the system were not rich. In fact most of them were quite poor, because poorer people are more motivated by money than people in the middle class. It has to do with them not having much money.
2010-04-26 10:14:45 UTC
Most rich people started out poor. America is the land of OPPORTUNITY, not the land of entitlements.
2010-04-26 10:32:26 UTC
At one time that was not only a possibility but with hard work a probability. Now with all of the Democrat regulations and tax and spend policies the American dream is nothing more than a welfare state controlled by a bunch of liberal hacks. It is always a good thing to reflect, but the problem with age is that you can see in your reflections the damage done in just your own lifetime by the progressive liberal type of government. Entitlements should be saved for only the disabled and those who cannot fend for themselves. It is now for anyone who can creatively give an excuse for not working.

What once was a dream of success is now a life of mediocrity, what was a probability is now not even a possibility and what was once the hope of prosperity is now the entitlement check in the mail.

Reflection can also be very painful.
2010-04-26 17:19:13 UTC
What's stopping anybody from becoming wealthy? It's the American dream. You go as far as you are able on merit, luck and hard work. If that dies what's the point? In fact one of my biggest objections to socialism is that it lowers everybody and kills the American dream. I'm no Republican, they are as bad as the Dems about killing our economy, however anybody who desires it enough can become wealthy. Will they snap their fingers and do it? No they will not. It takes years of hard work and very few do it the fun easy way.

I was born to a working poor family. At times I've lived in my car and under bridges. Not just for a week but months at a time. Yet if money had been what I desired most I'd be a millionaire today. I was well on the way. If I'd invested in traditional areas instead of music gear, bands I played in an such, stayed married to a high income earner and put my career and monetary goals over my music and principles I'd be quite wealthy right now. It was my choice to gamble on my music and gamble on my abilities not anybody elses.

I am frustrated with how things are funded and taxation killed many of my dreams by robbing me of the ability to pursue them. No the American dream is still possible but every time we inch up taxes it gets that much harder. The Dems are intentionally making beggars of us all. I never got any Gov help or grants to get where I did except a student loan and Pell grant neither of which covered even the most basic expenses and I had to pay the student loan back with interest. I did it with my own two hands and my own initiative. Nobody picked me up off the streets and turned me into a middle class moving toward wealthy. I did it myself. If I'd been willing to pay the price and being rich that important to me I'd be rich right now.

That is the whole point of America and what makes us great. It isn't our military power, not our high standard of living, not our achievements, it is the possibility offered by being American. The ability to be who and what you choose no matter where you started from. It is a spirit of independence and can do that sets us aside from the rest of the world and the true source of our greatness. The day that dies in America a great light in the world has been extinguished. Hope itself will have left our world.
2010-04-26 11:38:21 UTC
Someone once said " Politics is the art of getting votes from the poor and money from the rich while promising to protect each from the other."The Free Market theory has at its basis the idea that there's little need of regulation as the market will cleanse and police itself.That is like letting the fox police the henhouse. Since Reagan the Free Marketers have been for deregulation. We can see what happened.The Conservatives that advocate this theory have disguised their intentions by appealing to the morals and individualism of the common voter. In my opinion federal regulation of the banking and commerce (Wall Street) is very much behind the times. Moreover business ethics should have a major overhaul in what is being taught in the major universities. The errors of the free market theory should be examined. The free market did not and will not police itself.
Tom W
2010-04-26 10:16:46 UTC
You certainly cannot become rich by being on public assistance. Thousands upon thousands of people have become rich in this country, by inventing a product, a technique or just by working to build a business. I don't think Republicans dupe the lower class (who is that anyhow), I think the culture and the media does that and create the myth that you can become a rock star or a professional athlete and millions of kids are hanging on that as the hope for the future when they quit school. The GOP does not command the media, the Dems do so maybe the Dems are allowing the poor to be fooled by that dream. Clearly, though this Congress sees the public assistance system as a way of life for the poor so I don't think thats very good either.
2016-10-07 21:59:14 UTC
Hmm... they are grasping and don't care if the decrease type suffers as long as they are in a position to get fat? Oh, and the each and each individual who says redistribution from the backside up is fantastic, yet from the magnificent down is socialism desires to get a existence, and to lose the "i'm a Patriotic Redneck that fears the Commies" approach. the base line on that one is, in case you're taking money from the decrease type so the top type could have extra that they do no longer even want, you create even extra desirable suffering, increasing poverty, ailment etc. How lots worse do you people want this worldwide to get in the previous you wreck it? And based on the guy who mentioned this thread is only an attempt to look "clever": I doubt Tahuti is attempting to be clever, dumb@ss. it type of feels so lots extra like he's attempting to open your eyes. If it is so genuine he's have been given no clue what he's talking approximately, i might like to take heed to your explanation of that... Oh, that's top, you probably did no longer provide one. Sorry, you lose. yet yeah, interior the top, this u . s . a . has grow to be like Sherwood interior the story of Robin Hood, different than without each and each individual taking from the prosperous and giving returned to the undesirable. depressing, isn't it? nicely then, why do no longer we concentration on it? -Valkyri
2010-04-26 10:30:56 UTC
Despite the "intellectuals" psychotic hatred of capitalism, it is the only moral and just system.

Capitalism is the only moral system because it requires human beings to deal with one another as traders--that is, as free moral agents trading and selling goods and services on the basis of mutual consent.

Capitalism is the only just system because the sole criterion that determines the value of things exchanged is the free, voluntary, universal judgment of the consumer. Coercion and fraud are anathema to the free-market system. It is both moral and just because the degree to which man rises or falls in society is determined by the degree to which he uses his mind. Capitalism is the only social system that rewards merit, ability and achievement, regardless of one’s birth or station in life.

Yes, there are winners and losers in capitalism. The winners are those who are honest, industrious, thoughtful, prudent, frugal, responsible, disciplined, and efficient. The losers are those who are shiftless, lazy, imprudent, extravagant, negligent, impractical, and inefficient.

Capitalism is the only social system that rewards virtue and punishes vice. This applies to both the business executive and the carpenter, the lawyer and the factory worker.

When Capitalism doesn't work, is when Government provides too much intervention. Keep them out, free markets succeed. Leave them in, we succeed at socialism.
2010-04-26 10:19:29 UTC
No, not at all. I am not rich - I am strictly middle class. I don't expect a political party or any politician to make me rich.

I simply vote for the best candidates for the office. If it's a republican, great. If it's a democrat, great. If it's a third party candidate, that's fine too. I vote for the candidate who has the best qualifications, and the best plans for helping our nation be safe and prosperous.
2010-04-26 10:23:45 UTC
The Republican States are the biggest welfare cases in America. They get $1.42 from the Feds for every $1.00 they pay in tax.

The number one precursor of getting wealthy is your socioeconomic status at birth.

then professional status

then amount of education

then who you know

all of which takes money

then a few, a handful really, so rare that they put you on the cover of a magazine find their own way to get rich.
2010-04-26 10:19:56 UTC
I think it's more about religious intolerance and "terrorism," etc. "Patriotism," as they call it. The Bush brand of it.

"Gotta get dem der Muslims! I always knewd day waz no good! I trust conservatives because der Christian, like me! Although I suppose Christians don't start wars for oil which have killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions.... BUT ANYWAY... throw me a PBR!"
Uncle Pennybags
2010-04-26 10:15:26 UTC
Duped? So you are saying millions did not become richer?

Because I have evidence that shows all income groups gained ground during the Reagan years. See Table 2 in the link below.

My mother risked her savings, bought a failing business, turned it around, and became wealthy, ALL during the Reagan years.
2010-04-26 10:18:05 UTC
Only those who are slow on the uptake or don't work for a living. Those who really work for a living know how hard it is to break out.
2010-04-26 10:17:40 UTC
Only a fool buy into your line

There are millions of American that have started their own business and made fortune.

Try Steve Jobs for one
2010-04-26 10:16:02 UTC
I think all the government regulations, red tape, licenses, and taxes are preventing me from becoming rich.
2010-04-26 10:18:00 UTC
The chance of anyone who is not born rich becoming rich is a really slim chance.
robert c
2010-04-26 10:16:23 UTC
I think that illusion has worked very well for them so far, considering what the small chances of most people really are of becoming rich and the huge income disparity they tolerate.
2010-04-26 11:40:38 UTC
Anything that they can use to get favor,expect to see it come.
2010-04-26 10:14:38 UTC
Nope. But at least they aren't trying to destroy this nation and attempt to maintain the status quo
2010-04-26 10:14:28 UTC
Yes, they are called "K-Mart Republicans" you have "ordinary guys" like Beck and Joe the plumber preaching to the easily brain washed about how if they try really hard, one day they will be rich too.
2010-04-26 10:17:12 UTC

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