no ones against health care reform. its obamacare conservatives are against. obamas bill is 2400pages long.
the cbo wouldnt put a price tag on it due to lack of information, so we have no idea how much itll cost.
obama claims it will do a lot of things, but he hasnt said how.
it raises taxes immediately, during a recession when thats the last thing we need, and the rest of the bill doesnt kick in until 2014.
the GOP has put a lot of ideas forth, and obama has finally put some in the bill, but thats just a show of bipartisanship, not actual bipartisanship. real bipartisanship would be starting over and letting democrats and republicans draft a bill together.
this bill will in reality raise costs, although obama says itll lower them. obama claims that people will have better coverage because due to cost increases, they will choose better insurance.
supposedly after subsidies it will cut premiums for a lot of america, but those subsidies arent free, theyll just cost us in taxes. and the actual cost of premiums will go up.
itll cut medicare benefits. some people will lose their current insurance.
itll also force everyone to get insurance, which is completely unconstitutional.
it has money for abortions.
its said to cover 30million more people, but in reality theres only about 8million that need coverage. the others either can afford it and havent bought it, are eligible for medicaid and havent applied, or are illegal aliens. if theres only this many uninsured, why not just raise the medicaid income ceiling or medicare age? if we went through medicare and medicaid and cut all the fraud out, we could do that with a smaller budget than the programs have now.
its against public opinion. only 35% of people want it passed before midterms, 61% say scrap the plan and start over, only 39% of people approve of the plan while 58% disapprove.
obamas deficit neutral claims cover 10 years of revenue and only 6 years of costs. in reality, it wouldnt be deficit neutral. and even that is going by obamas estimated cost. we all know government estimates are always modest.
obama is breaking his promise not to raise taxes on anyone making under 250k.
it wont cap insurance company limits other than the lifetime limit. they could still use yearly limits that are pretty much the same thing.
there would be rationing, as you cant cut costs and increase coverage without it.
a lot of businesses will likely get rid of their employees policies.
the reconciliation bill is likely to change from the current bills in order to get the votes, and the changes will cost money.
it doesnt help the problem of the patient being the center of their own health care, it puts the government there.
the bill also doesnt address the fact that our health care is so expensive because our procedures are so expensive, although i dont have a solution to that.
what it comes down to is no one knows exactly what the effect of this giant bill will be, and we need to try out smaller solutions first. i dont think tort reform or buying across state lines will fix it completely, but why not see what those can do and reevaluate the situation before blindly passing something as big as obamacare? we need to fix health care incrementally, not overnight.
i think those links should cover all of my arguments, and i appreciate the mature question. theres not many of those from liberals on this site.
it said i have too many sources in the sources box, so here is the rest.