She doesn't because all of the data used to supposedly prove man made global warming was fake and manipulated! Even NASA has been caught manipulating data and are currently being sued over it!
Most people don't deny that global warming is happening just that it is man made!
If you want to convert deniers into believers the following things must happen:
All raw data must be freely shared with ALL scientists.
All experiments and models that were run with manipulated data must be redone with the real data.
Peer review must be allowed and the results published.
There needs to be an explanation of what caused the ice age and how man caused that since there were few humans and no SUVs, airplanes or factories then.
There needs to be an explanation of what caused the warming period that happened through out mid-evil times and how man caused that since there were few humans and no SUVs, airplanes, or factories.
There needs to be an explanation of how man can cause both global cooling and warming since we were told in the 80s that we were causing global cooling and now we are now being told that we are causing warming. Using the Warmers own fake statistics we have been cooling since 2005!