How come my sixth grader understands the science of global warming better than deniers on Y!A?
2009-12-09 07:41:15 UTC
Seriously - she understands that multiple seperate data sources NOAA, GISS, etc. have independently confirmed global warming over the last hundred years and specifically the last decade, That CO2 and methane act as greenhouse gases, and that the CO2 rise is the result of fossil fuel carbon that has been sequesterred in the earth for hundreds of millions of years.

She also understands that weather is not climate, and just cause its cold outside doesnt mean global warming isnt occuring.

Why cant the cons on Y!A understand these basic facts?
39 answers:
2009-12-09 07:45:16 UTC
You should be very proud. I was struggling with basic algebra in 6th grade.

But to answer your question, the deniers on Y!A are probably her classmates.
2009-12-09 07:54:55 UTC must just be that simple then. That since a 6th grader thinks it's true, well, now we all feel silly. Now lets go for all of her solutions hook line and sinker too.

Does she also understand the difference between a "Global Warming Denier" and someone who sees the government for what it is? A corporation? A corporation that seeks to milk the ignorance of Americans and scam them into thinking that taxes take CO2 out of the air? That fines and more money will filter out particulate in water supplies? Does she have an answer for what we should do to get away from fossil fuels, other than the same old tired arguments of, "we'll have day". Does she have an answer as to how we'll migrate from fossil fuels to X, and how new technology will make will make fossil fuels more efficient until a full-on switchover happens?

What does she think the solution is on a global level? Are Americans more to blame than the Chinese? Because we have more technology, does that make us responsible for the countries who still burn coal like it's the 1800s? Should we have to pay for their burden now too? How about on a per capita basis?

Does your 6th grader realize that her mom spends her time asking stupid questions on the internet?
2009-12-09 12:55:57 UTC
Probably because she has been brainwashed by liberal members of the education system.. Look at the effect it had on people when Al Gore won the Nobel Peace prize, they thought he knew all the answers. In reality, he was setting the stage for the company he formed to all people to buy carbon credits for their excess fuel consumption. More and more credible scientists are stating it is hogwash. Poor kids won't know the difference, they believe what their teachers tell them.
2009-12-09 07:52:01 UTC
Does your sixth grader attend a government school? TA DA!! Indoctrination institution where the party line is taught as undeniable fact. Does your sixth grader care to explain why the heat does not just continue to rise out of our atmosphere into space according to the First Law of Thermodynamics? Can she explain why hundreds of scientists say human caused global warming is NOT happening? This is just a normal result of solar cycles and has been happening since the world was born and settled into its elliptical orbit.
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2009-12-09 07:59:42 UTC
Maybe your 6th grader should understand that climate cycles move in thousands of years, not decades. Maybe she should realize most of the warming of the 20th century happened before 1950, not after, in direct contradiction of what the models predict. Maybe she needs to read some of the works of the skeptics and realize these are people who are not conservatives or political ideologues, but scientists with points of views that were suppressed by their supposed colleagues.
2009-12-09 07:51:20 UTC
Yes, that's the problem.

Most warmers are operating on the mentality of children.

While the skeptics are operating on the mentality of grownups who have graduated from college.

The Climate Science Isn't Settled

"...articles from major modeling centers acknowledged that the failure of these models to anticipate the absence of warming for the past dozen years was due to the failure of these models to account for this natural internal variability. Thus even the basis for the weak IPCC argument for anthropogenic climate change was shown to be false."

"Mr. Lindzen is professor of meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology"

Sometimes the subtleties of science are just too much for children or warmers to understand.
Gina M
2009-12-09 07:50:27 UTC
She sounds like a smart girl but probably has been indoctrinated like other children. Ask her if trees and plants need CO2 to survive. Then maybe you can examine why environmentalists want to starve our trees and vegetation. Also ask her about the global warming that happens on other planets. It will give her food for thought as she tries to figure out who is driving SUVs in outer space.

Please, give this smart child the information to make an informed decision. Guide her in the right direction and she will figure it out herself. The global warming movement is not about the environment. It is about money, and I bet she can figure that out if she gets enough info. Find out who will profit from it.
2009-12-09 07:50:03 UTC
Because those YA cons you're referring to are basically oblivious brain dead ignorants. See depression is not the disease of the century, as some say, ignorance, blind oblivion and mass denial are!

Your 6th grader belongs to the smart "can handle the truth" club, so congratulations on that!

keep up the good work educating your child, and let them talk whatever ignorantly presumptuous and ridiculous nonsense they want, coz we all know that none of them has exactly finished school to begin with. People who mistake education for indoctrination are, what I usually call, very well introduced indeed, meaning their ignorance speaks for themselves!

Your child is in the right path, the smart, wise and aware path!!! And as for the ignorant, just ignore the voices... they're nothing but diverting noise.


Love the way you got them all infuriated BTW! lol
2009-12-09 07:48:51 UTC
You sure don't sound like a scientist. If anything you sound like someone regurgitating someone else's talking points. In the real science world it's up to the people that come up with a theory to prove it. So far no one has proven anything regarding man made global warming. The only evidence that you throw out there are hypothetical computer models that could be completely inaccurate. Quit posing as a science expert and stick to what you do best, i assume that's being a political hack.
2009-12-09 07:50:26 UTC
I am petrified I will have to send my child to public school to get indoctrinated.

I will get a second job scrubbing toilets or hooking before I have a child who believes in Al Gore's marketing scams like it is some type of religion. Barf.
2009-12-09 07:53:36 UTC
i expect that your sixth grader understands EVERYTHING better than the contardicans here on Y!A. reading comprehension was not exactly their strong subject in school. all they can do is parrot the words of beck, limbaugh, coulter, and malkin then applaud like a bunch of trained seals.
2009-12-09 07:47:50 UTC
She doesn't because all of the data used to supposedly prove man made global warming was fake and manipulated! Even NASA has been caught manipulating data and are currently being sued over it!

Most people don't deny that global warming is happening just that it is man made!

If you want to convert deniers into believers the following things must happen:

All raw data must be freely shared with ALL scientists.

All experiments and models that were run with manipulated data must be redone with the real data.

Peer review must be allowed and the results published.

There needs to be an explanation of what caused the ice age and how man caused that since there were few humans and no SUVs, airplanes or factories then.

There needs to be an explanation of what caused the warming period that happened through out mid-evil times and how man caused that since there were few humans and no SUVs, airplanes, or factories.

There needs to be an explanation of how man can cause both global cooling and warming since we were told in the 80s that we were causing global cooling and now we are now being told that we are causing warming. Using the Warmers own fake statistics we have been cooling since 2005!
2009-12-09 07:49:35 UTC
She doesn't understand..she is simply repeating what she has been told.

The fact of the matter is that no source can confirm any of that.

Perhaps you should put your child in a better school where they teach them how to think critically instead of just parrot information fed to them.
Don B
2009-12-09 07:47:56 UTC
Apparently she is not easily fooled by profitteers

as for me

I'd rather believe a World Reknowned Scientist that can actually go to the moon and back

rather than

Sarah Palin who can see the moon from her house !!

NASA's Gavin Schmidt: Critics "are using language used in science and interpreting it in a completely different way." Wired's Threat Level blog reported on November 20 that Gavin Schmidt, a climate scientist at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, said: "There's nothing in the e-mails that shows that global warming is a hoax. ... There's no funding by nefarious groups. There's no politics in any of these things; nobody from the [United Nations] telling people what to do. There's nothing hidden, no manipulation. It's just scientists talking about science, and they're talking relatively openly as people in private e-mails generally are freer with their thoughts than they would be in a public forum. The few quotes that are being pulled out [are out] of context. People are using language used in science and interpreting it in a completely different way." Schmidt is a contributor to the RealClimate blog, which has stated that some of the reportedly stolen CRU emails "involve people" at RealClimate.
2009-12-09 07:46:53 UTC
The 1990 Clean Air Act amendments authorized the Environmental Protection Agency to put a cap on how much pollutant the operator of a fossil-fueled plant was allowed to emit. In the early 1990s Enron had helped establish the market for, and became the major trader in, EPA’s $20 billion-per-year sulphur dioxide cap-and-trade program, *****the forerunner of today’s proposed carbon credit trade.*******

Al Gore is pushing a "solution" that was developed by the crooks at Enron to make money.

2009-12-09 07:48:00 UTC
I dont doubt Global warming I doubt that it is caused by humans and despise that liberals want to use it as an excuse for taxes and tax credits.
2009-12-09 07:49:04 UTC
Great question

"all libs must hang" is a typical naysayer as well.

In 2007 Newsweek had an article"The Truth About Denial" it said "this well-coordinated, well-funded campaign by contrarian scientists, free-market think tanks, and industry has created a paralyzing fog of doubt around climate change"

Denial is funded by the right wing money grubbers, very simple.
2009-12-09 07:48:49 UTC
Well, if they were facts and not theories, I would agree with you. But they are theories. Plan and simple. Some of the theories you just presented aren't even what anyone is actually saying. You are taking both sides out of context.
2009-12-09 07:49:11 UTC
She has been assimilated.

And, btw----if your "facts" were RELIABLE, everyone would agree. But your "facts" are contradicted by lots and lots of OTHER facts, and the hoaxer's emails that just became public is putting a big stink on your facts.

Sorry about your daughter, though.
2009-12-09 08:00:08 UTC
Great post, great point, congrats - you have a great kid. You really got under their sking with this.
2009-12-09 07:47:29 UTC
It is actually my background in Science that has made me very skeptic of the "Man Made Global Warming" position.

It's no longer about science, its about politics, power, and money.

There is no doubt we have global warming, most of N America was covered in ice 10,000 yrs ago, but don't confuse the science of global warming with the fraud of man made global warming, or is it "climate change" now....
2009-12-09 07:49:13 UTC
Because your 6th grader has been brainwashed with lies.


HELLO! 1970-----------5,000 Polar Bears

HELLO! 2009 ----------25,000 Polar Bears!

Hello! They just found a Island of ICE in the Antartic the size of CALIFORNIA! ICE! THICK ICE!

HELLO! The Academy wants its Oscar returned from Al Gore ASAP! He's a loser liar greedy B- ard!

HELLO! Michael Mann resigned from his job- GUILTY!
2009-12-09 07:48:49 UTC
Well seeing as how most conservatives barely graduated high school, I'm sure your daughter has already passed them on the intellectual spectrum.
2009-12-09 07:47:41 UTC
She unfortunately is being indoctrinated by progressives who don't give a darn about truth and science - they attempt to mold children into their ideology so that when they implement their 'controls', they will receive no resistance. They are being prepared for servitude to a global governing body.....and BTW, I am not a Con.
Chupate esa!
2009-12-09 07:46:12 UTC
Playing dumb, anti-intellectualism, none sense common sense is basically the only weapon they can use...
2009-12-09 07:46:57 UTC
Because the sixth grader has only been taught what they wanted her to know. She's not been exposed to the other side of the story. This is how indoctrination works.
2009-12-09 07:45:21 UTC
She has the ability to think and is not limited to believing that facts are not always what she wants them to be.
the ∂are∂evil wears çonverse
2009-12-09 07:47:29 UTC
Your sixth grader is pretty smart for her age ;) Both of you must be proud.

Just because your on Y!A doesn't mean you're smart. Have you SEEN the way some people spell?
2009-12-09 07:46:42 UTC
kids can repeat anything they hear.

lol kids that age also still believe in Santa......
Françoise H
2009-12-09 07:48:18 UTC
Cons all failed 6th grade science class.
Godless Heathen
2009-12-09 07:47:55 UTC
Obviously because most deniers don't have a sixth grade education.
2009-12-09 07:46:02 UTC
Children are impressionable and will believe what their daddy tells them. The same way kids learn racism is the same way they learn this phony science.
2009-12-09 07:46:58 UTC
..cuz sheez bin indocternated by all that librul book lurnin stuff.
2009-12-09 07:46:28 UTC
11 year old children are very easily brainwashed.
2009-12-09 07:45:39 UTC
so how about everyone on the earth stops's driving and breathing and everything will be ok. sigh's :(
2009-12-09 07:45:14 UTC
Your sixth grader needs to learn about the concepts of fraud and hoax.
2009-12-09 07:45:21 UTC
Science isn't their forté, so instead they've decided to take the easy route and claim the position of fringe conspiracy. I mean, you won't ever hear Fox News or Rush Limbaugh accepting it, so it must be a liberal hoax.
2009-12-09 07:45:09 UTC
Liberal indoctrination begins early.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.