And in their fear, they will ignore this. Right now, well fed-wanting for little and not feeling under direct and pressing danger, they will all agree with you.
But what about tomorrow? I say-take away their sense of individual security and offer them a new type of security in the group, and make this group not only a comfort but a dreadful thing to not be apart of. Amazingly, they all seem to proclaim in loud but fearful voices, "YES! I am a Patriot too!"
The rational mind thinks up all manner of things we can say and do when danger comes. But the animalistic mind, subject as it is to our base nature, almost always wins out. If you have had trouble asking your boss for that promotion-someone who can do no more than fire you-how will you-what do you think you can possibly do when you're given the opportunity to join the "Patriots" or wind up hated or even in a secret prison somewhere?
I can speak from personal experience, and though my answer may not be liked, it is because it cuts too deeply-not because it is wrong. I had no particular feelings this way or that about Patriotism. I said the pledge of allegiance because I had been taught to since I was a child. But when 9/11 happened, I suddenly became a patriot! But it wasn't a magical realization on my part-it was the fear of being seen as someone who didn't "Love America!" The TRUE fear was not of Terrorists. I don't think I was really even scared by Terrorism to be honest. The real fear was in being called anti-American, and the social and potential legal implications that followed.
But, my fridge and pantry are now full, I want for nothing and I am happy reading my books and studying the various things that interest me. So in this environment, I say again, "I am free" and I feel no fear.
But what I wonder will occur when the jackboots knock on my door and demand to know if I support those in power? What I wonder will occur when my neighbors are holding torches and saying with fear in their voices "Travis, are you with us to hunt down the traitors!? You aren't a traitor too are you? If you aren't, join us!"
What I wonder, can I say if that day comes? The best answer I can give now is-"I don't know and I hope I never have to find out."