Who would win a Obama vs Reagan Presidential debate?
2015-03-09 13:18:11 UTC
Who would win a Obama vs Reagan Presidential debate?
257 answers:
2015-03-10 13:47:33 UTC
It could very much depend on the topic of debate. However, one today might be surprised in how much they had in common, at least compared to others on both sides of the spectrum today. In some areas like immigration, there might not have been much of a debate.

In general though I think Reagan would win out. He had more experience as an actor and (as of now) a president. Although Obama's time as president is entering its end, Reagan has still gone around the block a few more times.
2015-03-12 11:58:37 UTC
It could very much depend on the topic of debate. However, one today might be surprised in how much they had in common, at least compared to others on both sides of the spectrum today. In some areas like immigration, there might not have been much of a debate.

In general though I think Reagan would win out. He had more experience as an actor and (as of now) a president. Although Obama's time as president is entering its end, Reagan has still gone around the block a few more times.
2015-03-15 19:57:47 UTC
2015-03-12 21:51:18 UTC
2015-03-12 21:17:48 UTC
2015-03-14 09:37:18 UTC
Ronald Reagan
2015-03-09 19:37:02 UTC
Reagan had a folksy delivery, and a strong likeablity factor, but his grasp of facts and figures and ability to think on his feet was shaky at best. Obama has a wonky presence. His oratory isn't great.

It's pretty much a tie.

BTW Reagan wouldn't do so well in the present rancid atmosphere, he'd be chewed up and spit out by his own party as not being right wing enough.
2015-03-12 12:08:42 UTC
2015-03-11 11:25:42 UTC
2015-03-12 05:19:06 UTC
2015-03-11 02:52:37 UTC
2015-03-11 01:58:26 UTC
2015-03-12 10:44:53 UTC
President Regan, was a professional actor. I do think he turned on"cue ," and when the lights were on and the camera was rolling when POTUS.

It depends of the topic the two presidents were debating. But since Reagan has passed away, and the current POTUS a lame duck with less than two years until he leaves office, the topic would be moot. The world has changed from President Reagan time in office, meanwhile , with AQ,ISIS , Ebola, racial tensions, and illegal aliens in the national/international spotlight. The only issue President Reagan dealt with in common , and the current President Obama agrees with President Reagan , was the illegal aliens problem in this country and granting them an amnesty and legal citizenship status.
2015-03-11 04:55:24 UTC
2015-03-10 20:17:15 UTC
2015-03-11 11:42:09 UTC
Reagan. He had a better grasp of facts. Also, his acting training enabled him to be a master of ad-libs, improvisation, and the "off-the-cuff" remarks. Obama is not a very good extemporaneous speaker, but is much better with prepared remarks. If you ever get the chance to see a video of Obama giving a speech when his teleprompter goes out (which happened a few times times during the '08 and '12 campaigns, and during his first couple of years in office) you can see the marked difference between having his prepared remarks in front of him vs his having to "wing it."

Since debates, by definition, consist almost entirely of improvised responses (except for opening and closing remarks, which are prepared in advance and rehearsed) , it's pretty clear to any objective observer that Reagan would win.....hands down!!
2015-03-10 07:43:59 UTC
President Obama spoke in California on Thursday, so it seemed only natural he would engage in a debate with the ghost of Ronald Reagan.

Arguing that political gridlock is hurting efforts to help the economy, Obama told Democratic donors in Palo Alto that "Washington is getting in our way of this progress -- and the reason it's getting in our way is not because, as some suggest, government has no role to play in this process; government has always had a role to play."

Later, Obama said: "The reason that Washington is a problem is not because government generically is the problem; the reason Washington is a problem is right now it's broken."

Both comments echo and challenge one of the pillars of Reagan's political philosophy, that government gets in the way of economic development through excessive taxation and regulation.

In his 1981 inaugural address, President Reagan said: "In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."

He added: "From time to time we've been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. Well, if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else?"

It's an old debate, one that took place in Reagan's elections of 1980 and 1984, and Obama's elections of 2008 and 2012.

And it will probably continue into 2016 and 2020 as well.
2015-03-10 14:29:58 UTC
2015-03-13 02:39:28 UTC
2015-03-10 11:57:30 UTC
2015-03-10 14:01:47 UTC
Depends on the times. Now, Reagan. Back in 2008, Obama.
2015-03-11 09:08:14 UTC
Ronald Reagan would slam Barrack Obama in a debate
2015-03-11 12:54:37 UTC
Without a doubt, Reagan
Thithi Begum
2015-03-10 17:01:59 UTC
day ago ... Since Reagan was a much better President, both on paper and in real life, it wouldn't be much of a contest. Imagine Obama having to debate ...

Right Wing Gun Nuts, do you realize that President Obama ... 10 মার্চ 2015

What difference does it make if Obama's economy is record ... 10 মার্চ 2015

How can anybody discredit President Obama's foreign policy ... 9 মার্চ 2015

So let me get the liberal position straight : President Obama is a ... 9 মার্চ 2015
2015-03-10 18:47:42 UTC
No contest. Reagan would eat Obama for breakfast.... Lunch and dinner. Reagan would make Obama look silly. He would be very adept at turning Obama around on some of his statements and have Obama double talking and losing it. Don't blame me...I didn't vote for him either election. The generation that worked so hard and protecting our country will never see the damage done being re-instated. It will take generation and we haven't even begun to work on it.
2015-03-11 02:07:37 UTC
Ronald Reagan, by far. The one and only presidential debate in 1980 proves that. Obama would be the modern-day Jimmy Carter: wonkish, full of so many boring facts. Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama, give us sermons; Ronald Reagan gave us pep talks! Democrats bemoan what's wrong with America; we Republicans celebrate what's right with it.
2015-03-10 22:50:53 UTC
2015-03-10 15:37:12 UTC
2015-03-10 18:24:18 UTC
Is Theodore Roosevelt an option? Haha!

Ok but for real... I think anyone would win against Obama right now lol. So I have to say Reagan
2015-03-12 14:32:11 UTC
People are just saying Reagan based on their obvious dislike of Obama and their misguided hero worship of Reagan!

It depends on the circumstances for a start off, but they have a lot in common, in Reagan's re-election campaign Walter Mondale was using the massive debt and deficit that Reagan was incurring during his tenure as his argument against voting him back in, so there wouldn't be much of a debate there, Reagan would be up upon national defense, but then again the circumstances are completely different, Reagan had Gorbachev to deal with, this guy should be given just as much credit as Reagan for the ending of the cold war, he was completely different from any Soviet leader in the past!

Obama is a lot younger and that sharp law professors mind could have been just too quick for Reagan!
2015-03-11 05:44:40 UTC
Ronald Wilson Reagan, would be the winner hands down. Obama has difficulty speaking off the cuff he really, really needs the teleprompter. Also, I think President Reagan would be able to amply demonstrate that Obama is a socialist and a liar of the worst stripe without ever having to use those words.
2015-03-10 12:47:52 UTC
not sure which one, but i'd give an edge to Obama as he would just keep talking for a while then pause so Reagan would try to start talking thinking Obama was done, then Obama would start talking again, cause that how he does speeches, lots of pause to let people try to figure out what he's saying
2015-03-16 02:32:34 UTC
2015-03-15 18:34:37 UTC
2015-03-13 12:41:35 UTC
2015-03-10 15:58:31 UTC
2015-03-10 15:23:58 UTC
2015-03-10 13:30:52 UTC
Reagan, hands down.

Reagan had warmth and connected to people.

Obama is a narcissist and doesn't.
2015-03-11 05:51:12 UTC
2015-03-10 11:32:35 UTC
Barack Obama
2015-03-11 12:28:37 UTC
While I feel that our current president would win in regards to policies that benefit people; it would be a great discussion.....Both men have their good points ....and perhaps everyone has...And and it would have been great for Reagan to have been around long enough to tell the tea party and fox fake news just how wrong they are in thinking that they speak for him....I for one disagreed with many of the gop policies under Reagan...But I for one found him to be a decent person..just like our current president.
2015-03-12 03:01:49 UTC
Listen. Back in the day I was very liberal (not today). In those days I did not vote for regan ans infact hated him(changed my mind). Still, even though I hated and did not agree with him, he could talk me into anything. He was a great speaker. I would find myself being convinced and then 3 hours later I would realize that I was convince by his great speaking. Well for those of you who love Regan, I do now too, but in those days I did not. Still even though I did not care for him then, I alwasy knew he was a great speaker.

= Obama is a very poor speaker who can only do a good speaker when someone else writes for him and with great notes or a teleprompter.

= Obama was not even a full time college teacher and did not even get tenure. Having him as president is about like having your HS teacher as president. Most of your HS teachers had more education and more sense than Obama. But it is not just his poor speaking. Obama changed me from being a liberal to a libertarian. He is a really bad president.
2015-03-10 22:02:39 UTC
2015-03-10 13:14:43 UTC
Ronnie was a good orator, he had professional training and knew how to pan to an audience, he also memorized what he was going to say so there would not be large segments of silence except for 'effect' in his oratory

and frankly I don't think Obama has any attributes when it comes to speaking at all, so in my opinion there isn't even a question here
Kevin Dowd
2015-03-12 22:30:22 UTC
Reagan without a doubt and NO teleprompter, Obama needs an education. He Never had a job, you can google that. He never completed his 2 week trial as a Ben & Jerry's scooper. Harvard, Columbia, and yet no one can produce a record of it.
I Love Me & Basketball
2015-03-11 22:53:24 UTC
Obama wouldn't beat Reagan on the 1st debate but he would beat him on his 2nd debate because can pull out Reagan made illegal deals with the Iranians terrorist,dirty involvement of the War on Drugs with HW Bush, & Reaganomics was terrible for the poor & middle class. Carter & Mondale where the biggest ******* in the Democrats history.
Petra Chor
2015-03-10 11:26:15 UTC
All politicians, Obama and Regan, alike are self-serving hucksters and I will never believe otherwise. One does not have to be president to be a truly great citizen taking action to make this country a great place. Things are a mess in this country because people don't respect each other, or themselves for that matter. We have all the riches in the world yet we are miserable. It's preposterous and waiting for the perfect president to come along who is going to fix everything is pure folly.
2015-03-09 19:53:26 UTC
Reagan would without a doubt. Even though he's 6 foot under, he could still produce a better argument then the joke we have in office right now
2015-03-09 18:35:20 UTC
As the classy "B-Movie Actor" Reagan was, it's likely his nuanced line delivery skills would give him the advantage... that is, pending which stage of Alzheimers he was in while serving as POTUS. After all, the GOp's God had clay feet and depended upon his medication during the waning years of his term.

Intellectually, Obama is a scholar, not a B-Movie Actor. So, if you prefer style over substance, Reagan is your man!
Mauricio Villalobos
2015-03-12 00:38:02 UTC
Obama but only by default. And we'd have a really hard time hearing Reagan from inside a casket, even with a really really good communication device!
2015-03-10 11:23:20 UTC
Probably Obama, although Reagan was a good actor.
David N
2015-03-11 07:49:48 UTC
Obama would win by default.

Since Reagan is dead, he would be a no show.
2015-03-10 16:10:18 UTC
Reagan started showing signs of Alzheimers early in his presidency. He was well protected so that he would not be able to make any wonky off the cuff remarks to the press.

Obama is a constitutional scholar. Reagan was an actor. Obama would debate rings around Ronny.
Who's Yo Daddy
2015-03-11 15:09:58 UTC
Take Obamas' teleprompter and Reagan would make him cry like a black girl.
2015-03-10 15:35:56 UTC
Reagan would smoke Obama by a long shot.
2015-03-10 13:31:22 UTC
Obama. Reagan has been dead for some years. Although, they could maybe just set him up there and he could just be a corpse and not say anything, and maybe he might win by default.
Sacra Veritas
2015-03-10 15:38:58 UTC
Remember how Obama was like a deer standing in the headlights on his first debate with Romney. I think that Reagan could produce the same results (more than once too).
2015-03-10 15:52:50 UTC
2015-03-11 21:53:32 UTC
2015-03-10 10:41:14 UTC
Obama could not win. He has already served 2 terms of four years. But then again, if he hadn't he may win because he is and was the first black president. I would vote for Reagan personally, not being racist.
2015-03-12 00:10:45 UTC
2015-03-14 01:18:25 UTC
I think Reagan
2015-03-12 12:27:45 UTC
Reagan was in both parties as well as a movie actor and Governor Of CA. he dealt with many issues of the day!
2015-03-10 15:49:43 UTC
2015-03-10 11:24:25 UTC
Back in the 80's, Reagan. But now, since his dead, Obama.
2015-03-10 11:44:06 UTC
I agree with others. Reagan would win.
2015-03-10 03:28:04 UTC
No one has any hope of citing evidence that suggests Obama has ever debated.

Appearing on a show NAMED with that word is really not the same thing, even though all Democrats actually believe it is.
2015-03-15 04:44:34 UTC
depends on the topic. but its important to keep in mind Reagan and Obama were presidents at different times in America's history.
2015-03-12 07:21:55 UTC
Even though Reagan F'ing sucks he would still win.
2015-03-11 04:16:21 UTC
2015-03-10 09:28:55 UTC
Ronald Reagan can say more in one sentence than Obama can say in an hour.
2015-03-10 15:45:42 UTC
Clearly, Obama, his debating skills are his greatest strength. He is also more intelligent, better educated and witty. Reagan was a good old boy, but at the end of the day just a bumbling B actor who fooled the population. He left office owing a huge debt and made the situation in the middle east much worse.
2015-03-10 17:12:40 UTC
Reagan any day. Obama's first debate with Romney, in which he had to come up with his points and not someone else, he was mumbly and horrid.
2015-03-10 17:51:24 UTC
Reagan would win. He would simply say, "Mr. Obama, Tear. Down. Your. Walls. The walls you've built up that have divided America. The American people are stronger than you. Your vision of America is so anti-American, even Mr. Gorbachev would agree."
2015-03-10 16:32:40 UTC
Reagan would, he s more of a democrat than Obama
Alex Ramos
2015-03-10 09:24:46 UTC
Reagan would win.
2015-03-10 10:44:52 UTC
Obama, for sure , Reagan would tell the truth Obama would say what ever he had to to win .regardless of weather it was true or not. and promise thing that he knows full well he can't deliver on. The media would be on Obama's side . They aren't playing on the same field, one deals in facts and truth the other well what would be the opposite .
2015-03-11 06:30:56 UTC
2015-03-12 14:36:44 UTC
Reagan because Obama can't really say the 80s called they want their policies back because he WAS the 80s
2015-03-10 16:16:14 UTC
Considering one is a corpse rotting in a cemetary, I'd say Obama. If they were still alive, it would depend on how well-prepped Reagan was on his script and whether or not his Alzheimers was acting up again.
2015-03-12 03:58:07 UTC
Obama, Reagan is dead. since 2004. Pretty much a one horse race.
2015-03-12 03:09:05 UTC
Barack Obama.
2015-03-10 00:41:43 UTC
Reagan had Alzheimer's, Obama does not. Reagan is a White guy, Obama is not. Of course, Republicans would say R. won and Democrats would say O. won.
Slade Cutter Whips Quiet Riot
2015-03-10 09:50:29 UTC
Be kind of hard for Reagan to debate Obama if the Gipper is deceased.
Bill Lumbergh
2015-03-09 15:54:56 UTC
Hands down Reagan would win. He had a great sense of humor, and that would play well for him. Also, he had incredible charisma, one of the traits that made him effective at the job. Obama is likely more intelligent, but he is aloof and does not show a good sense of humor or charisma. This would definitely go to Reagan.
2015-03-09 16:24:02 UTC
I don't need to try and figure out who's the better debater of the two. We have Reagan's full, two-term record, including the Iran-Contra debacle, humongous national debt, getting the ball rolling on destroying the middle-class, destroying programs intended to help the mentally ill, which resulted in a huge increase in the mentally-ill homeless, signing off on the first Amnesty Act (Simpson-Mazzoli) for illegal immigrants, etc., etc., etc. (I could go on for days!)

Debates are for when we're NOT already sure of which person will do the most damage to the country. In this case, we already know... It's Reagan!
Tad Dubious
2015-03-11 05:43:44 UTC
Obama, Steel'. Mr. Reagan is dead.
2015-03-09 13:19:15 UTC
In a Obama vs Reagan Presidential debate, Obama would win HANDS DOWN.

Obama is a great debater,

and sadly, Reagan is unable to speak.
2015-03-10 13:11:11 UTC
While Reagan was alive, it would have been Reagan.

Not by as much as the nation was going crazy. (1960: USA was the fourth best nation in education. 2012: USA was twenty-third best in education.)
2015-03-11 04:40:18 UTC
Obama (reagan is dead)

But assuming he was alive- reagan

(but that aint cos he would be a better president - but cos must US citizens are too stupid to realise how stupid he was

He sounds great with his folksy style but he was a financial disaster for the US

He presided over the biggest increase EVER in the US deficit - but all people cared about is they had money to spend - problem was it was borrowed money and eventually it has to be repaid

But reagan didnt care about that - cos that would be another presidents problem
2015-03-11 07:24:14 UTC
Obama would win. Reagan would be distracted because he decided to shave his pubes a week before the debate and they start to itch like crazy the during the debate. Isn't that cray cray y'all!?
2015-03-13 08:59:18 UTC
Honestly I think Reagan would win ...
2015-03-09 16:32:08 UTC
Reagan for sure, he was a MUCH better president! Reagan actually accomplished things, Obama hasn't really
Don't Fear The Reaper
2015-03-11 18:39:37 UTC
Hands down Reagan. That man was master of staying in good cheer. Obama counts on being able to bait an angry response. >There you go again> CLASSIC!
2015-03-10 13:29:15 UTC
Obama would win. Reagan is dead.
2015-03-12 01:07:12 UTC
Pres Reagan..but a trained chimp could beat Obama

if he didn't have his teleprompter..
2015-03-12 23:32:55 UTC
A whole other Political party would win if America would become more educated.

However, the actor/President Regan would win by a landslide

if he AGAIN lied to the Latino community just to get our vote.


that the undocumented are multiplying in masses everyday.
2015-03-12 08:08:56 UTC
Reagan's demeanor and humor would win the day. If he was awake enough to actually say anything it would just be better.
2015-03-09 16:04:38 UTC
No offense to Reagan, but they are both currently brain-dead, so it's a tie. A fact-check on the result would show Obama is still lying.
Rehema Zakari
2015-03-10 14:40:59 UTC
Queen of Sheba
2015-03-10 20:02:19 UTC
BHO uses hypnotic pacing. Reagan did not.

BHO is a . master manipulator of the mind. Like a Las Vegas magician, he is masterful at distracting the listener with his charm thus disabling logical deduction.

We must not idolize Reagan for it was he who betrayed America by suppliying weapons to Iran in what is referred to as 'the contra affair.'. Those of us who lived during that betrayal were led to believe that, because of his jelly bean habit, he fell victim to dementia thus could not recall any of the details.

He might have gone to prison but instead he went into convalescence.

Great actor, that one.

0 has betrayed America many times beating Reagan as a traitor by a landslide For instance, BHO facilitated the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood throughout the Middle East, helping it come to power in Cairo, bankrolling it and giving it F-16s that are likely someday to be used against Israel, and displayed weakness in Syria by ignoring "red lines" it said would never be crossed. It is a low point for America, as David Horowitz shows, with Republicans, traditionally the party of strong national security, offering only an echo, not a choice in American foreign policy, watching in a state of policy paralysis as Obama appeases our enemies and enables their evil ambitions.

Unlike Ronald Reagan, 0's speeches contain the hypnosis techniques of Dr. Milton Erickson, M.D. who developed a form of “conversational” hypnosis that could be hidden in seemingly normal speech and used on patients without their knowledge for therapy purposes.

Obama’s techniques are the height of deception and psychological manipulation, remaining hidden because one must understand the science behind the language patterns in order to spot them."

Obama is so charming, I must say, I love to hate him. Here is how he charms us:

check out this link:
2015-03-10 15:14:59 UTC
Reagan was a proven Leader, Obama is a whiny brat that used "You just hate me because I'm black," as leverage. If we wanted a GOOD black president, Martin Luther King should have run for office. Even in those racial times, I swear he would have WON!
2015-03-13 08:12:59 UTC
without a doubt, Reagan would win.
2015-03-11 23:12:28 UTC
Good question, for Reagan would be stressing to answer modern day "conservative" questions, like gays, and insurgency for whom he backed back when the insurgency was fighting the Soviets. Obama has much more arsenal in the year 2015.
2015-03-09 17:33:00 UTC
It would be pretty close. A lot closer than it would be if Reagan was still alive.
2015-03-10 14:42:43 UTC
Obama would win. Reagan is dead.
2015-03-09 15:03:51 UTC
Far too much is put into how good a debater someone is ,suppose you could out debate a Dr but your not actually a Dr ?do you follow me in this one? would you let the debate winner operate on you? just saying..
2015-03-10 08:02:43 UTC
Ronald Reagan.
2015-03-10 01:28:11 UTC
Reagan would stuff Obama in his back pocket and give him back 36 cents change.
2015-03-11 19:20:24 UTC
Reagan should be win.
2015-03-10 05:32:26 UTC
By themselves, using their own research like school debates, Obama would wipe the floor and his az with Reagan.
2015-03-12 06:56:43 UTC
Reagan. He was more charismatic and better at debating.
2015-03-12 02:08:03 UTC
George washington
2015-03-11 04:05:01 UTC
If teleprompters are not allowed - Reagan no contest

If teleprompters are allowed - still Reagan
2015-03-09 17:09:32 UTC
Reagan would win easily.
2015-03-09 14:08:11 UTC
Reagan without a doubt.
2015-03-10 23:24:17 UTC
Obama would likely win.. he does have the gift of gab even if it is filled with lies and untruths... but people don't care.. they just want the shiniest penny and that's what Obama was back then. Now??? I don't know if anyone cares what he says!
Lord Aizen
2015-03-09 13:28:22 UTC
Reagan. He was the slickest communicator the country has ever known.

To be fair, Obama has a lot of ideas but can't as easily win people over.

I am generally non partisan but this is obvious.

2015-03-12 10:26:51 UTC
Reagan, not even a question.
2015-03-10 18:17:17 UTC
By all means Barack Obama
2015-03-11 07:59:23 UTC
Warren T
2015-03-09 20:53:43 UTC
2015-03-11 15:22:29 UTC
Reagan`s ghost would beat BHO.
2015-03-09 13:48:35 UTC
Reagan would never be the choice of the divided GOP today. The Tea party can say they admire Reagan but the fact of the matter is Reagan is not conservative for them. He compromised and had some Democrat friends which is totally against the GOP today.
Tempting Apple
2015-03-10 07:22:43 UTC
Obama, because Reagan is dead.
2015-03-09 15:58:33 UTC
Ronald Reagan has excellent acting skills so he would easily fool people into believing him. Obama is however a very influential speaker. Both are good speakers but it is their actions that should speak louder.
2015-03-09 13:23:35 UTC
Since Reagan was a much better President, both on paper and in real life, it wouldn't be much of a contest.

Imagine Obama having to debate Reagan about how he came back from recession vs how Reagan did it, and the results?
2015-03-09 16:39:48 UTC
Why ask. Reagan.
2015-03-11 23:01:35 UTC
I think Reagan would try his folksy home spun humor.......and Obama would stick to the facts, and eat him alive. ....deftly , but politely debating the flaws in all of Reagan's "wonderful" ideas.----which time has shown and proven do not work.
2015-03-11 08:10:58 UTC
if he could use a teleprompter then Obama if not Reagan
2015-03-11 06:52:05 UTC
Obama, Reagan is dead.
The Teacher
2015-03-11 06:42:39 UTC

People who are alive tend to do better in debates than dead people.
2015-03-11 07:50:42 UTC
Obama, but only because Candy Crowley would be asking the questions, and Reagan is dead. Hell, even Duh Biden could win in a debate against a dead man.
2015-03-12 00:42:21 UTC
I put my money 100 times on Obama. Regan was a *** no good presented at all, I remember him well, he did nothing, in fact he destroy the dollar and sins then, he was nothing more than a comedian
2015-03-10 17:57:09 UTC
2015-03-11 19:18:07 UTC
2015-03-10 20:27:39 UTC
Reagan would win because he didn't lie !
2015-03-14 19:54:03 UTC
2015-03-10 13:31:36 UTC
2015-03-09 13:48:30 UTC
Here's an article.
2015-03-10 23:35:59 UTC
Reagan was an actor !!!! The only way he could have won was if his writers wrote him a fantastic speech !!!
2015-03-10 14:56:07 UTC
2015-03-11 07:54:24 UTC
2015-03-09 22:58:51 UTC
Obama. Reagan can't talk. He's dead.
2015-03-11 07:31:20 UTC
im not one to share my opinion about this stuff but Reagan
2015-03-10 14:51:39 UTC
Like the old Ali vs. Marciano Dream Fight, except with more factors playing a part. Full disclosure, I liked Reagan, but here is my most impartial analysis possible. The winner will be determined on style, substance, and voter results. To be fair, we’ll compare both as if they were meeting at their peak performance before their election – i.e. 1980 Reagan vs. 2008 Obama. Again, for the sake of fairness, we’ll assume an alternate timeline in which John Anderson takes Reagan’s place for two term president in 1980-84, and both are squaring off for 1988 without the benefit of an opposite party incumbent to oppose.

Score 1 – Style:

This is the hardest point to score, since the two candidates would be responding to totally different circumstances, opponents, and questions. Just think back to how much of Obama’s rhetoric relied on linking the financial crisis to “the reigning economic ideology” of “trickle down” economics by conservatives, as he portrayed it. The thing is, without Reagan around, Obama would be going up against a relatively unheard of concept as Carter did making it harder to fight.

On the other hand, Reagan had his best lines in the debate when comparing Carter’s policies to those he (RR) had prescribed or those he implemented in CA. Going against another unknown would negate that strength somewhat.

Another interesting factor is that neither debated someone so far across the political spectrum as they would be in this scenario. Despite the hype, Carter was far more “moderate” than Obama, making him seem wish-washy and the same could be said of McCain and Romney. So, this debate would be testing each in a way they had never been tested in the past.

In the end, I’d give a slight style edge to Reagan because even in our fictional scenario he would have run for the Presidency two times prior and have debated more often, including against Anderson, who I believe was somewhat more serious and knowledgeable than any others contender. It is also worth noting Reagan’s humor and quick wit are an advantage.

Score 2 – Substance:

Reagan had held numerous jobs from manual labor to actor and president of his union before getting into politics – first as an advocate for candidates, then as a candidate and two-term governor of California, which he often noted was a state with an economy larger than most nations. He then spent a decade in pursuit of the presidency, studying the issues, doing in depth interviews and debates, writing articles, and delivering speeches and radio addresses to convey his thoughts to the people.

Obama was a law school “lecturer” for 12 years before being elected a state senator for Illinois. In three years, he would fail in a run for congress, then in 2002 he began campaigning for Senate. In 2005 he became Senator and served for one and a half years before running for the presidency.

On paper, the choice gives a slight edge to Reagan for serving longer and having executive experience. His devotion to studying the issues, evident in his writings and addresses gives him an even greater edge.

Point, Reagan.

Score 3 – Election Success:

Since both ran against the image of unpopular incumbents in the opposite party, both with an image of “the outsider,” RR and BO are well matched.

In 1976, Reagan gave his party’s sitting president a run for his money in a primary lost by under 8% by 1980 he managed an 8 point lead on Carter, despite Anderson acting as an independent (Former Republican) spoiler, taking six percent. He took 44 States and 489 Electoral votes including Democrat strongholds like California, NY, and Mass. In 1984 he lost only Minnesota.

In 2008, Obama knocked out his party’s expected front-runner – though only in delegates, not in popular votes. He won election by 7 points against McCain. He took 28 states and 365 electoral votes. In his reelection, he managed a 4% lead taking 26 states.

In my virtual contest, I compared their respective leads in each state upon their first run to determine which states would fall where. See the accompanying map for details. In total, I found Reagan would claim 34 states and 303 electoral votes, while Obama would hold 14 states and 155 electoral votes. This is without California and PA, as depending on the level of influence attributed to Anderson, these states could go either way. Even giving these states to Obama, his loss only improves to 232 electoral votes. In total, Reagan should win with somewhere between 56.30 and 70.63 percent.

Final decision: Winner, Reagan!
Professor Graves
2015-03-11 20:50:37 UTC
Reagan is dead, so probably Obama.
Jake No Chat
2015-03-10 03:28:56 UTC
Ron Reagan would win. His humor, his sense of closeness with the people would make him better. Obama speaks well, but lacks the charm and convictions of Reagan. It is not a black or white thing, it is spontaneity and not being rehearsed.
2015-03-10 05:53:29 UTC
Well considering Obama can never support his statements with facts I would say Reagan.
2015-03-11 18:00:56 UTC
I feel sure it would be Reagan . Obama doesn t treat the "people" with respect nor does he compliment the USA!
2015-03-09 21:32:10 UTC
I doubt Reagan would show up for the debate...
2015-03-11 07:15:41 UTC
2015-03-10 01:26:08 UTC
Absolutely President Ronald Reagan would make Obama breakdown and CRY while debating anything about Foreign Affairs and Relations. Obama hasn't a clue, yet in true meglomanical form tries to muddle through and all he does is muddle things up so it will take lots of time and enough hard work he (Obama) would shove it off on someone, any one. Is main problem is the final destruction of our financial system. He, ALONE, has added to the National Debt almost $8Trillion($7.8T) in 6 years, that's OVER $1Trillion a year. What do we have to show for it? A rotting, delapidated infrastructre and EPA closing 88 electrical power plants. Racial tensions are growing between the Black community and the police, wonder why with the recent shootings of un-armed Black youths by White cops because of Obama's and Holder's grossly failed law enforcement operations.

President Reagan entered his first term into the WH with a Country suffering from years of abuse and neglect from such great demoncratic "presidents" as Lyndon Johnson, Tricky Dick Nixon, Falling Down Jerry Ford and Jimmy "The rabbit charged at me" Carter. He went to work and turned the Country around and put her in the black in less time than it took POS Obama to destroy it. Way too many negatives belonging to Obama.
2015-03-10 20:04:12 UTC
Reagan no contest.
2015-03-10 11:44:50 UTC
in a presidential debate it would not matter, because everyone would have picked a side before the debate.
2015-03-11 00:12:16 UTC
Obama , more likely
2015-03-10 18:14:05 UTC
2015-03-09 16:28:20 UTC
Even though Reagan has died & had alzheimer's he still has more wisdom than Obama in his present condition.
2015-03-11 19:23:51 UTC
Adel A
2015-03-10 15:40:08 UTC
Reagan would win.

May Allah bless his soul :)
2015-03-09 18:36:04 UTC
2015-03-09 13:44:50 UTC
Reagan without a doubt
2015-03-10 11:47:18 UTC
Obviously Barach would win, because he is a lot smarter and way more alive to answer rebuttals.
2015-03-10 13:42:26 UTC
Reagan was and is the greatest president in my lifetime.
2015-03-11 13:26:43 UTC
Well......."there you go again"...... did you really want to keep your doctor....."you didn't build that"....

....they're not Islamic.....I didn't know about it 'till I read it in the newspaper.........

....Reagan was truthful and honorable ..... and....well......Obama isn't ...never has been......

REAGAN....would win..........
2015-03-09 16:07:42 UTC
given that Ronald Reagan was unparrelelled in audience connection, and "The (incompetent) One" couldn't even remember "Marbury v Madison" pick would be Ronaldus Magnus!
2015-03-11 19:39:36 UTC
Reagan, but strictly due to his ability to bullsh*t,

NOT his intellect.
2015-03-13 13:06:47 UTC
George w bush. Without a doubt.
2015-03-10 08:24:34 UTC
Neither. Alfred E. Newman would win as a write in candidate.
2015-03-11 03:52:14 UTC
Obama very easily.
2015-03-10 15:50:29 UTC
2015-03-13 09:38:27 UTC
Reagan would be at a disadvantage, being dead and all.
2015-03-12 17:55:55 UTC
Bib Dole would come on stage and say Bob Dole and beat them both
2015-03-10 04:11:11 UTC
In a presidential debate, obviously Obama will win
2015-03-10 14:50:08 UTC
Reagan would forget where he is.
2015-03-11 18:36:57 UTC
Regan would appear the winner to those who watched the debate. Obama would appear the winner to those who read the transcript of it.
2015-03-10 16:57:21 UTC
Obama. Reagan is kinda, um, dead.
2015-03-13 12:34:02 UTC
Depends on if we are using facts or fantasies. Obama is by far the bast President we have had in my lifetime
Bust Amove
2015-03-10 15:38:12 UTC
How would Obama blame Bush when Bush hadn't been elected yet?
2015-03-09 13:38:53 UTC
That was be divided by partisan lines.. I would say Obama, even though I voted twice for Reagan and never for Obama..But, who ''won" would be very subjective..
2015-03-11 02:44:03 UTC
2015-03-10 19:55:32 UTC
2015-03-10 17:36:25 UTC
2015-03-10 19:02:36 UTC
2015-03-10 18:31:16 UTC
2015-03-10 17:44:46 UTC
2015-03-10 09:21:35 UTC
2015-03-12 17:37:33 UTC
Obama would win because of libturds would vote for him.
2015-03-11 16:16:20 UTC
obama. reagan can't talk any more.
2015-03-11 15:18:06 UTC
Obama would take it.....but only because the feces in Reagan's pants would start to stink.................
2015-03-09 13:20:59 UTC
People laugh at you for supporting obama
2015-03-12 19:23:18 UTC
Obama because Ragan is racist and Obama is just cooler
2015-03-10 05:32:13 UTC
it think reagan would win
2015-03-11 05:48:40 UTC
Barack Obama no doubt!!!
2015-03-09 13:21:56 UTC
Obama doesn't even deserve to have a debate with him.
2015-03-10 05:20:07 UTC
2015-03-10 16:30:30 UTC

Look, the man won over you guys TWICE!!!

I KNOW you're still upset about it, but GET OVER IT!!!
2015-03-12 20:15:49 UTC
Obama is a master speaker. Give him that.
2015-03-11 06:47:59 UTC
2015-03-10 18:19:15 UTC
2015-03-10 12:34:26 UTC
Obama, he's still living.
2015-03-10 06:15:30 UTC
2015-03-10 15:53:15 UTC
reagan even though he's corrupt.
Jim Bay
2015-03-09 13:41:11 UTC
That would depend on the audience of the debate? if the audience is

rich fascist white men, single women, government employees, welfare recipients then obama would win.

If the audience is married women hard working middle class type that just want to be left alone then Reagan would win.
2015-03-10 08:58:15 UTC
2015-03-10 17:34:27 UTC
the GREAT Ronald Reagan!
2015-03-09 15:56:08 UTC
Reagan! He turned the entire country around, and made us a great nation. All Obama has done is promise us "hope"… please.
2015-03-09 13:24:34 UTC
Reagan would destroy Obama anyday!
2015-03-10 10:15:42 UTC
a debate...a dead guy already juicy and a living president, hhhmmm the living one Obama.
2015-03-09 13:19:07 UTC
Reagan would send the boy home crying.
2015-03-13 19:19:15 UTC
That's like asking "Who would win if two blind guys had a staring contest?"...
2015-03-10 03:09:47 UTC
i think Obama
fay v
2015-03-10 15:00:26 UTC
I'd like to think we'd all win
2015-03-09 20:38:52 UTC
I will give you a clue...It certainly wouldn't be Obama...
2015-03-11 16:49:37 UTC
Reagen will win
2015-03-09 13:18:58 UTC
Obama, since Reagan would have trouble responding to the questions.
2015-03-09 13:42:34 UTC
Since Reagon actually did things and accomplished things. The Contest would be horrible

to watch. All Obama has is the perception that he has done something, When in reality all

he has done is virtually nothing.
2015-03-10 13:40:50 UTC
oboma because im 75 yers old and look at this oboma is a great president hes blacks and all blacks arent bad you know
2015-03-11 07:10:25 UTC
Reagen was an actor so he would only win by fooling the audience
Ethan Aerts
2015-03-09 15:29:33 UTC
Obama. He has the power of the internet, he could research how Reagan's policies didn't really do much, and how he got the ball rolling in terms of government debt. Obama's good at rhetoric too, guys.
2015-03-09 13:20:12 UTC
Walter Mondale was 3 times the statesman Obama will ever be, and Reagan owned him so...

you be the judge
2015-03-12 22:48:21 UTC
Reagan, and it wouldn t be close
2015-03-10 14:40:09 UTC
Nixon. he may be a crook, but he doesn't stammer about verbally...
2016-02-10 08:57:19 UTC
It's pretty much a tie.
2015-03-14 17:47:48 UTC
Obama. Republicans suck.
2015-03-09 13:37:11 UTC
Obama, clearly. Bonzo just spouted whatever lines his masters fed them and wasn't agile enough mentally to stand against someone of Obama's intellectual standard.
2015-03-10 20:23:12 UTC
It will really depend on the topics of the debate.
2015-03-09 13:19:02 UTC
Obama, since Reagan is dead.
Joseph the Second
2015-03-09 13:26:18 UTC
I suspect that That would Depend on WHO told the Better Jokes. ;)
2015-03-09 17:34:16 UTC
"There you go again...." That's all Regan liked to say when puzzled with a question.
The Truth
2015-03-12 15:37:47 UTC
reagan if he was alive.
2015-03-11 16:02:28 UTC
without prompter barry would get crushed..hes incapable of speaking clearly without it. hes incapable of being truthful.
luisa l hi
2015-03-10 22:55:35 UTC

2015-03-10 20:31:08 UTC
Both of them have their own strengths and weaknesses.
2015-03-10 16:24:10 UTC
2015-03-10 17:54:01 UTC
So many right wingers
2015-03-12 02:36:48 UTC
paris hilton
2015-03-09 13:19:34 UTC
Reagan had Alzheimer's. I wonder...
2015-03-09 13:23:40 UTC
Philip H
2015-03-09 13:21:27 UTC
The man with Character and an understanding of Liberty.

That would NOT be the Socialist-in-Chief.

Obama wouldn't even show up. Too many facts surrounding his history to not walk away in shame.
2015-03-14 08:46:07 UTC
The answers We be Reagen.😎
2015-03-09 13:23:46 UTC
Obama would beat a voiceless decomposed corpse everyday.
2015-03-10 21:09:34 UTC
darcy m
2015-03-09 14:36:07 UTC


2015-03-09 13:19:08 UTC
One is dead and the other has hit term limits so it doesn't matter.
2015-03-10 14:20:04 UTC
2015-03-12 04:32:40 UTC
The one who is alive.
2015-03-09 13:38:35 UTC
Bring back "there he goes again"...
2015-03-10 18:18:41 UTC
Whoever god wants to be
2015-03-10 18:58:23 UTC
regan by far
Not Right-M1 MC, M2 Moped
2015-03-11 14:45:10 UTC
Regan dead or alive.
2015-03-09 20:57:01 UTC
none of them
2015-03-10 14:13:15 UTC
my mom obviously
2015-03-10 03:19:00 UTC
Mark Baker
2015-03-14 16:11:12 UTC
2015-03-10 21:18:44 UTC
2015-03-10 00:24:29 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.