Does anyone really think Cuba has better health care than America? Michael Moore loves this publicity. He will dupe enough Americans to make millions again.
Michael Moore is a clueless idiot if he thinks Cuba has a great healthcare system. Almost every Cuban lives in poverty. There is no money available to make health care great for every person that lives in Cuba. Michael Moore should have told Americans that Fidel Castro has one of the best space research programs and that he is planning to send men to Mars by the year 2023. That would have been as believable. Fidel Castro doesn't want to do deal honestly with the United States. That's why there is an embargo on his country. He will let ignorant people like Michael Moore visit his country, but he doesn't want free enterprise and low taxes in his country. He wants his people to work hard and pay plenty of taxes so that he and his cronies can live like millionaires. That's what Saddam Hussein wanted. That's what Bill Clinton wanted. That's what dictators expect from their citizens. Hugo Chavez is no better. Chavez and Castro should both jump off a cliff. The people living in their countries would be better off without either of those parasites.
2007-05-10 09:13:20 UTC
Apparently the new talking points are out. I've heard this brought up on two right wing shows already this morning. Moore brought 10 of the 9/11 recovery workers down to Cuba, which is a violation of US law. What I found interesting is the way the radio hosts tried to accuse Moore of violating US law by going at the same time drying desperately to not sound like they were criticizing the 10 workers for violating the same law.
For the record, I don't know the details of the treatment they received in Cuba and if it is truly different or better than what they could have received up here. If it was, then the government owes them a debt for their 9/11 service and should look the other way on this occasion.
2007-05-10 09:12:17 UTC
yes cuba does have better medical care, preventative maintnance is free and they have good doctors, someone from Europe just went there a little while ago for some kind of surgery.
Do you expect to get reliable information about cuba from a country who has a stranglehold on them? No.
The fact that michael moore is being investigated just goes to show that if you speak against the system they will try to kill you or shame you in order to silence those who speak against thier wars violenece and atrosity. i.e. Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, John Lennon et al.
2007-05-10 09:12:58 UTC
I'm sorry, do i hear hatred for media that makes you think and formulate your own opinions rather than just accept typical talking points that do not support the good of anything?
note the Moore critics that thinks he should be locked up for exercising his freedom of speech. that says volumes about their own character. Let the true colors out neocons!
and sorry to say it, but Cuba is known for its amazing healthcare. maybe you should do more research before trying to make such unsound implied statements.
also note the 10 9/11 emergency workers, who were taken to cuba for treatment as a result of their work in an area where the government said "there were no hazardous substances in the air." The treasurey department should be footing the bill for their treatment.
Relax Guy
2007-05-10 09:06:44 UTC
Actually I do believe Cuba has good health care. They are noted as having one of the best medical distaster teams in the world yet unfortanitly, our political stance with them denied the help during Katrina. As for Michael Moore, I don't believe anything that comes out of his mouth. Its amazing how much he seeks the "truth" by constantly attacking the Bush administration yet never ever ever questions democrats decisions. I don't know why he is considering a serious "reporter" yet is so obviosly one sided.
jack b
2007-05-10 09:41:00 UTC
If you are poor in Cuba, you receive the same health care that you would if you were rich. That's the fact.
For example, there was a problem a few years ago with poor Cubans INTENTIONALLY infecting themselves with HIV so that they could stay and be cared for in one of the country's health care facilities. That's how renowned they are for their exceptional care. (Look, they've even been able to keep Castro alive!)
Let's face it, the health care system in the US stinks. Unless you are rich, of course.
robin m
2007-05-10 20:50:47 UTC
I have not been to Cuba, that would be breaking the law by going there illegally..... hmmm. interesting that the feds are going after Moore yet ignore the hundreds of thousands of illegals that march in the streets of US cities..
2007-05-10 09:12:00 UTC
Like him or not, he was doing a documentary and media research, which should be allowed for educational purposes. I think the Gov't is probing this because its Michael Moore and they're afraid of what will be spewed out. Rather the complete truth or not, or how twisted the information, his documentaries do inspire thought. The Gov't fears free-thinking people.
Mele Kai
2007-05-10 09:15:17 UTC
money and a director's flare for exaggeration
many countries have far better heatlhcare than our own
NZ for one. Socialized. Moore will have to be clear how he
responds to the feds now. It's no longer his game.
2007-05-10 09:09:01 UTC
Tell me Matt, why do we have an embargo on Cuba and not on China who treats their people far worse? Why does China do alot of business with Cuba, yet we, a supposed democracy, are not free do business with Cuba at all? Why do cons think this failed policy of over 30 years can actually work? If this is any indication of Bush's policies in Iraq, we are going to be there for 100 years getting the same results thinking things are going to get better next week. Neither policies work and I wish Americans would wake up to this fact.
toowit2w…You're right about Cuba's medical system and education. People all over the world go to Universities in Cuba for education in medicine. Even people from America get degrees in medicine there and then come back to the U.S to practice in poor neighborhoods. Matt should look this one up.
BTW, Moore didn't dupe anyone. GWB, Cheney and Rove have duped the nation though and the American people are finally on to them.
2007-05-10 09:09:13 UTC
Cuba has one of the best holistic approaches to health care in the world.
Then again, they don't fill themselves full of junk food, they walk most places and aren't breathing in a whole load of noxious gases.
2007-05-10 09:30:51 UTC
If they have better care than that is all they have. m moore is a fraud and a liar. I noticed the article kept mentioning he was an Oscar winner, haha, a lib club giving a lib a prize!
2007-05-10 09:07:55 UTC
Don't know. I've never been to Cuba. I'm not a huge Michael Moore fan, but he does make you think with his documentaries.
2007-05-10 09:10:21 UTC
I really don't care if they do or not. If health care was so great why are all the Cubans risking their lives to get to our shores? I wondered when that pig Michael Moore would resurface, I hope he is stripped of his citizenship.
2007-05-10 09:15:14 UTC
I know he exaggerates in his movies but at least he gets people to think for themselves and question the people that run our country. Something certain groups(religions, political parties, etc.) don't want you to do.
2007-05-10 09:15:55 UTC
We all have been duped a lot lately look at the gas pump.
2007-05-10 09:10:02 UTC
michael moore and the word think in the same sentence. That is scary, he should move there and have gastric bypass
2007-05-10 09:11:59 UTC
I hope that Rosie unhinges her huge jaw and swallows Moore whole. And then, Oprah can unhinge her huge jaw and swallow Rosie whole.
2007-05-10 09:07:33 UTC
Michael Moore is treasonous. He should be locked away in a gulag for 20 years.
truth seeker
2007-05-10 09:08:38 UTC
if they are as tough on him as they were on Ann Coulter for voting fraud, he doesn't have anything to worry about.
2007-05-10 09:07:00 UTC
you said it. millions in his pocket.
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