Dr Mahathir vs Kit Siang, Karpal et al. Who's telling the truth about the pre-Ops Lalang meeting?
Yahoo! editor
2011-02-15 23:17:15 UTC
The spat between former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and opposition leaders who were detained under Ops Lalang in 1987 is getting uglier by the day. Dr Mahathir insists that he met them before their arrests. Veterans like Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh though, are equally adamant that such a meeting did not happen. The argument is fast turning into a bitter, finger-pointing exercise. With such contrary points of view, it's clear that one party is not telling the truth. The question is, who and why? Have your say. Share your thoughts.
36 answers:
2011-02-16 00:50:45 UTC
Why all this bickering about the past.Tun Mahathir is the past administration while LKS and Karpal is still active.It make no difference to Tun if he is proven wrong but to the current ones that matters.So it is better to let the past go and work for the future.
2011-02-16 18:06:00 UTC
First of all and most of all this argument is uncalled for. There is NO reason why we have to talk about this issue when there are more important issue such as : 1) Did Ops Lalang increased Productivity of the Nation 2) Did current programmes and future programmes for 10 years in Malaysia drafted by public and private sector will enable Malaysia to gain high productive nation status prior achieving high income nation status 3) Can business and employment for youth grow with pure training and knowledge development intervention. 4) Can Malaysian have first class mental health and what are the programmes needed to address this issue. 5) How to unite people in Malaysia as we were after 1957 and before Tun Mahathir era.
2011-02-16 02:39:55 UTC
1) Mahathir believes he is the smartest politicians but in reality he is the liar.

2) Mahathir is a selfish man. When anything looks good for the country he wants to get the applauses from the rakyat but when anything looks bad, he will quickly and without shame put the blames on others. That is because he is becoming 'fragile'.

3) Mahathir makes reading as his passions since long, and normally those who reads alot have a very good memory. And history was mahathir best subject in "o-level" examination, and for that I conclude that mahathir is a liar and he remembers that the meeting did not happen.

4) There is an ulterior motive for his 'lies'. As i hear it.......13May episode 2 is in the making. But the main actors are Pas/Pkr Malays VS UMNO Malays ?

Enjoy the 'reality show' by UMNO !
2011-02-18 00:05:27 UTC
After reading all the response for this question, I almost wanted to skip it but since it was about Mamak M, I had to. This fellow Mamak M is the reason why the government's coffers was left with almost no money when Pak La took over. The ignorant and his cronies will say that he is the most intelligent and contributed so much to the country. On the contrary, he was the most vicious and egoistic leader Malaysia had. His hatred for the Whites and the developed western world. Remember the people could not voice the truth for fear of being arrested under the pretext of ISA for his own benefit, which is to shut the opposition from exposing the truth about him and his government. Singapore was successful in this area - shutting off and making bankrupt the oppositions. What everyone forgot was that any bloke on the street could have developed Malaysia with the " tallest, biggest, brightest and so on structures with people money. He had all these to his disposal with all his cronies keeping quiet because they had a cut in it, including MCA , Gerakan and MIC. Everyone forgot and never brought it up to remind us that Mamak M nearly made Malaysia a third world nation by proposing a policy to increase the population to 70 million merely to develop the local market for its own goods and services - what a pathetic economic policy !!. Luckily the people of Malaysia did not buy this with hook, line and sinker. We still managed. Some here suggest that we should forget and forgive, let bygone be bygones and carry on and look towards a better future for the future generation and should not bring out the same topic and harp on the past. Lets remind ourselves that this type of mentality allowed ruthless politicians like Mamak M to rule with an Authoritarian power. We cannot and must not shut up for the sake of future Malaysians - especially Indians, Chinese,Dayaks,Kadazans,Sikhs,Eurasians and the disillusioned,manipulated, poor Malays in urban and kampungs. Mamak M is a "Patriotic Liar". No different from Sadam Hussein who never thinks that he is lying but lies anyway. Mamak M is a stone in the shoe for Malaysia, he is the stumbling Block for Malaysia. Malaysia would have done far better than many of her neighbors in terms of its economy if not for this fellow, for Malaysia lacks nothing except sincere, competent politicians. He provokes, preaches hate and practices double standards - he is a ultra-racist.
2011-02-16 02:44:11 UTC
The former Malaysian PM said, "Well it happened over 20 years ago. I remember distinctly meeting them, I can''t remember the faces of those people. I certainly remember that Karpal (Singh) was not one of them and I think (Lim) Kit Siang is one of them."

Based on the above, the ex-PM claims that he could clearly remember meeting leaders of the opposition prior to Ops Lalang, but he could not remember their faces, but somehow, he could also clearly remember that Karpal Singh was absent, but vaguely believes that Lim Kit Siang was present.

Selective memory loss at work, just like at the Lingam video inquiry?

He also said, "It is embarassing for me after ensuring them that they would not be arrested but they were arrested by the police and of course I had to sign the detention order."

What is the proper procedure when enforcing the Internal Security Act?

Should it be that the home minister (in this case the former PM himself at that time) must first sign the detention order before the police can act to detain anyone, instead of the other way round?
Jon K
2011-02-15 23:53:40 UTC
The question is, why is Mahathir raking up the past after all this while. If the meeting did happen, that means Mahathir went back on his word. If it didn't happen, that means he's bringing this up due to some hidden motive. Also, why would Karpal and Kit Siang want to lie about this? They have nothing to gain or lose from the entire exercise, after all.
2011-02-16 01:36:04 UTC
Let the past be it...After all, LKS & KS is still in the opposition side. All these bickerings will not be of help to the nation. Dr M have spoken his views and what will be next?? I would say that as a Malay, Dr M is talking for the better of the Malays. At present, the Malay's Political leaders don't have the guts to say out whats good for the Malays afraid that Votes form the Non-Malays will be eroded. And it already happened....So, stop the bickerings, concentrate on the future of all Malaysian !
2011-02-19 07:50:31 UTC
Everything is about opinion here. Those who support Kit Siang, Karpal et al. will say they are on the right track. Those with DM will also say the same. Nothing empirical. Waste of time. Malaysians regardless of race, they are never grow up. Such a shame.
2011-02-16 21:05:15 UTC
This man Mahathir, he is a perfect liar. He is just kicking up some dust to keep the Malaysians occupied with little squalms so that they do not get togather as Malaysians (not 1 Malaysia) to plan what is good for the people and country. Mahathir is too afraid of this, that the people will set aside race and religion and become one people (like the egyptians) to build a better Malaysia for their anak-cucu. Then Mahathir would have to flee from Malaysian soil. He does have fantastic selective memory, maybe I should advise him to leave it behind in the museum dedicated to him, for the younger generations to see, the man with lofty nafsu.
2011-02-16 08:54:49 UTC
Mahathir,is probably the PM that has the sharpest memory.To say so positively that he had the meeting and than saying that he cant remember the faces...says it all that he is the biggest liar,to say that its embarrassing for him,he must be thinking that all Malaysians are stupid,the Lingam case says it all,he has the thickest of skins to ever feel embarrassed and he has the greatest ability to conveniently remember and forget as well...for gods sake,Tun M,just retire gracefully and stop trying to rewrite history.Maybe you just carry to much guilt from the dirty things you have done,that you are trying to find a way out,just shut up and all your misdeeds would be forgotten,and this also applies to all the current BN politicians,please do not think you are all some kind of god and you are all indispensable...
2011-02-16 04:05:37 UTC
Dr. Mahathir must be the lier!

It is unlikely that he told so many people in a meeting before signing the detention order to arrest all of them. What for? To warn them? Was he that kind? How come Karpal Singh was not at the meeting and he seemed to remember that. He changed the story after Mr. Karpal openly challeged him.
2011-02-16 17:09:07 UTC
This is a perfect moment for Lim Kit Siang and Kapal Singh to deny such fact. In that way, people will see that Dr M is such a liar. Well, that is never been so surprising if it coming from a lawyer who hide fact about Anwar allegation. For once, be truthful to people Karpal.
2011-02-16 23:22:59 UTC
In the first iststance OPs Lalang 1987 is one of the black hole of kuala lumpur. It is not important who is who in this episode. The Truth of the Matter is Dr. Mahathir has done great injustice to the detainees, to their familys and to the nation. That alone reflects whether he tell this nation the truth or not. Dr. Mathair has brought changes to the nation thats not a denial but he over stayed and along wiit it he brought a greater injustice to the people, the nation and to the sociteys, and most of all coruption and croputers in the name of developemt.

The past may be the past, forget maybe but forgive look at your self in the toliet bowl.
bon lua
2011-02-16 09:03:22 UTC
What is true is true and what is not true is also true ? We are living in a confused world !

Nowadays the so called leaders are not telling the truth. It happens particularly in politics. But what is really sad is that religions also sometimes being mislead by politicians. Gods also got confused ! God will be really sad to see these creature called HUMAN BEINGS behaving in such a way and want to rule the world ! What is the value of truth today ?. THIS IS CALLED KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT WISDOM. If everybody has wisdom then the world is really peaceful. LET PRACTISE WISDOM INSTEAD OF FINDING WHO IS NOT TELLING THE TRUTH AS THE MORE YOU WANT TO FIND OUT THE LESS WISDOM YOU WILL BE, AND YOU WILL THINK THAT YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD WHO IS TELLING THE TRUTH. TIME WILL TELL EVERTHING.
2011-02-16 18:30:45 UTC
Al tough I love Dr. M, but in these past few weeks, he has thrown too many statements to too many people. He was Challenged by Karpal Singh to reveal who he has met before Ops Lalang, rather than answering a direct question, Dr. M has indirectly, redirected the questions to those who met him to come up and admit. Who in their right minds would do that, More over Ops Lalang was back in the late 80's.

You signed the orders to detain them, You met them, why not answer the question now ? Stop going in circles and make a simple issue complicated.

If you did not meet them, why did you insist you did & if you did, name them !! all !!
2011-02-16 00:05:59 UTC
I suppose Dr.M has no better things to do.He is manipulative,in the past weeks he is making provocative statements,telling the Malays,this is their country and all sort,which is uncalled for!

Detaining the political leaders were not a over night decision,as a home minister he was consulted prior to the arrest, than he signed the papers.Initially he said,he met all the opposition leaders,now he dropped karpal and claims he met LKS,may be later he may say he cant remember the names and the faces.....
world citizen
2011-02-16 16:50:08 UTC
Dr. Mahathir should just retire gracefully and allow the current leadership to do their job. Was his father Indian????? And if I may say so, he was the PM with the most intelligence, see he has such skills for selective memory. He can remember who did not see him but cannot remember who saw him...............Malaysians have good brains and can think. And correct, correct, correct........we should be working for tomorrow and not wallow in the past.
2011-02-16 08:55:07 UTC
After 48hrs the mainstream Malaysian press continues to parrot one against the other. They offer no insights from their investigative reporting nor reflections in order to get deeper into the matter. It only show how dwarf we have become as a nation. Dr Mahathirs comments betrays his own sincerity

and integrity in the matter.
2011-02-16 18:55:58 UTC
I cant be bothered what this old man has to say......I know for sure he is lying in this matter.....More concerned about a few comments asking if he is Indian ?? and that only Indians serve more than 22 years...and so on..Why the cynical jab towards Indians? I know many Chinese and Malays who served more than 25 years in a particular job.. And what is so bad in having Indian blood by the way !!

Learn to stick to the topic while not drift away like Tun M..nanti orang bilang you dah Nyayok!! Let's work towards a truly 1 Malaysia and do away with racial stigmas !!!
2011-02-16 18:24:49 UTC
The one who suffer will endure the pain for the rest of their life and they will remember what had happened, who did it or who didn't do it but those who put them into that suffering will not feel anything.

The former PM is trying to erase the memory of his past "sin" by trying to blame others what he has done or he is in the phase of repenting his sin....thats why he is championing the Malay now which he has neglected it before at the expense of few cronies....

Lets follow Nelson Mandela foot step, "forgive and forget"...our former PM is in his final stage of his life now....the Malay would normally classified this as "buang tebiat"...Pity him...

May be in his quest to see this country grow he has forget what is right and wrong... Don't blame him alone...People around him especially his cronies should also be blame....but the problem is.... they are still there...but they are changing their 'feather' to suit the new environment and they will always do that ....thats POLITICS....
2016-12-01 03:21:15 UTC
you're suitable approximately all the above Scripture. they're all waiting for the Resurrection. they're all ineffective in the grave, asleep. no person is in Heaven presently, different than consistent with risk Enoch, who replaced into taken to Heaven alive, and probable Elijah and Moses, considering the fact that they have been the two seen with Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration. I additionally agree that the comma in the verse above replaced into lost. in case you place it in the previous "right this moment", it does not accept as true with something of Scripture. in case you place it after "right this moment", it has a similar opinion with Scripture. additionally save in mind that the unique Greek and Hebrew did no longer use commas - those have been inserted later whilst it replaced into translated to English.
Cahaya Tailor
2011-02-16 00:46:33 UTC
To argue on these subjects are just mere waste of time. Happened in 1987. Look ahead bro...not the past.
2011-02-16 23:47:06 UTC
aiyoh, it has been many years alreadylah... for our nation sake, please stop the bickering.

to dr m, just enjoy your retirement and let the present generation to administer.

to l.k.s and k.s, just keep supervising the delivery system of the bn government. you and your team are doing fine. word of advice to the opposition, just do not be too greedy and not rushing to take over the country's administration. positive developments are certainly showing but it is still a long march.... ordinary malaysians are keenly watching by the way.
2011-02-16 07:11:13 UTC
You had at that time decided to put them behind bars due to elections especially after meeting Lee K.Y. Does it actually matter now if you had spoken to them or not? They were behind bars. You weren't! Why they behind bars? Did it matter and how does it matter now whether you spoke to them or not. Anyway you decided to put them behind bars and what was it actually you want to speak to them then? Join Barisan? You should just walk after serving 22 yrs. Long time. Only Indians serve that long or maybe more! Why bring up issue of whether you met them or not? Why? People are moving forward. Why are you rewinding????
2011-02-17 01:32:14 UTC
Time is priceless. pls don't bring old news now. we have lives to feed. i suggest macc to investigate mahathir, a big conman in his era, and a liar. a plastic dramatic cry in the umno meeting. pls investigate
2011-02-16 22:14:57 UTC
Karpal and Kit Siang are the absolute liar. They are the desperados.
2011-02-17 01:53:37 UTC
I've observed countless Parliament sessions as it is a part of my duty...LKS and KS should stop raising sensitive issues of the past merely to provoke Tun Dr. M..if all of you want Tun to stop mentioning of the past, then LKS and KS should stop provoking Tun to make comments of the past...

LKS and KS are ssooo famous for their provocative statements in Parliament...
2011-02-16 23:43:58 UTC
I love Dr M & will always do. great that the presures he implied also did part in putting down Pak Lah...but thereafter, he sould backdown & relax...

LKS & KS should also let it go...its a book...its Dr M biography...u dont like u write ur own lah...

KS should also long already...ur like "dictator" in the opposition world!
2011-02-16 07:56:24 UTC
Why should we waste our valuable time discussing issues of the past. There are many useful issues of the future need to be discussed.
2011-02-17 01:09:44 UTC
what is the prob wif dis so called drM...he should stay inside his wardrobe...past is past.

we love n enjoy what we have now.

i think the government shld do somethg on him for raising such issues again and again...

ISA shld impose to him...
2011-02-16 18:56:03 UTC
Lets move forward folks
2011-02-16 22:46:03 UTC
Hey, you guys, it is 2011. Move on. Don't rewind to 1987!!!!!
2011-02-17 11:15:36 UTC
none of the above are telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth
dota suck king
2011-02-16 10:21:29 UTC
We shall know it soon after I invent the time machine !
2011-02-16 22:54:47 UTC

2011-02-16 19:58:41 UTC
already past story,nothing to argue please improve our conutry and the younger generation........

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