Why do Liberals think using the term Neocon is an Insult?
Ken C
2007-06-19 15:22:03 UTC
Having been called a Neocon so many times, and not knowing what that meant, I decided to look it up.
It began as a movement aroung 1945, by the "Intellectual Liberals" who felt all the Social Programs under FDR would hurt America in the Long Term. The first prominant Neocon was Harry Truman. After that, JFK. As they were Democrats who thought a very tough military, tough stand against Communism and Socialism, and a Lower Individual Tax Rate were very important for America.
The first Negative use of the Term Neocon, was by "Michael Harrington" against the "Intellectual Democrats" who were not Liberal enough.
Some of Michael Harrington's Highlights:
In the 50's and 60's had a growing interest in Marxism.
Joined the "Independant Socialist League" under former Trotskyist leader Max Shactman.
Led the "Norman Thomas Socialst Party"
Died in 1989 as the most wll known Socialist in America".
Being I despise Sociaism.
Isn't it a Compliment to be called a NeoCon?
Eighteen answers:
2007-06-19 15:25:14 UTC
So ignorance really is bliss? Good to know.
2007-06-19 22:30:22 UTC
interesting... but I don't think JFK would be a neocon...

the new frontiers program that he promoted had many social programs...

but, on to your point, as with any spoken word... definitions change...

there were several words from the 40s, 50s and 60s that weren't considered "socially negative" to call African Americans... but most would be insulted if you called them those names today...

and I don't think most believe that is the current definition applied to the word... but, language is relative... in the 40s I could've called you a "gay neocon" and it would have meant you were just a happy "intellectual liberal"...

do you think people would think that if I called you that now? not that I am, I'm just saying... terms and definitions change...

and I don't think most people believe neocon is a compliment... for most...
2007-06-19 22:40:33 UTC
From Encyclopedia Brittanica:

"Neoconservatism - a U.S. political movement.

"It originated in the 1960s among conservatives and some liberals who were repelled by or disillusioned with what they viewed as the political and cultural trends of the time, including leftist political radicalism, lack of respect for authority and tradition, and hedonistic and immoral lifestyles. Neoconservatives generally advocate a free-market economy with minimum taxation and government economic regulation; strict limits on government-provided social-welfare programs; and a strong military supported by large defense budgets. Neoconservatives also believe that government policy should respect the importance of traditional institutions such as religion and the family. Unlike most conservatives of earlier generations, neoconservatives maintain that the United States should take an active role in world affairs, though they are generally suspicious of international institutions, such as the United Nations and the World Court, whose authority could intrude upon American sovereignty or limit the country's freedom to act in its own interests. See also conservatism."
go avs!
2007-06-19 22:31:26 UTC
I consider it a compliment to be called a liberal, but that doesn't stop plenty of people on YA tossing it around like an insult. It's all a matter of perspective.
2007-06-19 22:30:27 UTC
today bush, cheney, and the rest of the admin identifys as a neo-con. so does the religious right.

they should be called the neo- NeoCons.

I personally dislike these new conservatives- the latest ones not the new old ones (yes I know its an oxymoron). I would consider it an insult if I was called it.

I don't use it as an insult, if I think someone is a neo-con I tell them or address their political affiliation as such. if they disagree its fine. I usually amend my statement.
2007-06-19 22:27:59 UTC
While what you have shown is the origin of the word, it's evolved from the root of it's inception and now has negative connotations. So, in recent times, to be called a "NeoCon" is an insult to you.
2007-06-19 22:27:33 UTC
I thought "neocon" stood for "Neo-Conservative". A negative term used to describe people who have conservative beliefs. I too have been accused of being a "neocon" several times, even though I am not. I guess with liberals you're either red or blue. Either you're on their bandwagon or you're kissing Bush's asss. No middle ground with them AT ALL (this coming from people who call murdering unborn childred a choice)
2007-06-19 22:27:36 UTC
Same reason 'Liberal' can be spat out like a prejoritive.

You just dispise an opposing view to such an unreasoning degree that it's label becomes a meaningless epiphet to you.
2007-06-19 22:25:53 UTC
I don't know

but many Conservatives think the term Liberal is an insult also
jeb black
2007-06-19 22:28:51 UTC
I call them neo-scum. They push wars based on lies and get rich off the blood of our troops. They are anti-american scum. they want globalism, open borders, more 9/11's, more fear and more control! Here's something you might not know yet but some democrats are neo-scum in disguise!
2007-06-19 22:34:04 UTC
Yeah, socialism sucks. All it seems it could do is to widen the gap between rich and poor, butcher health care and going to war.
2007-06-19 22:32:49 UTC
And yet you probably consider the word "liberal" to be an insult.
2007-06-19 22:25:31 UTC
we dont think it's an insult maybe ignorant cons think that but not Liberals.

I (a liberal) know exactly what a Neocon is.
2007-06-19 22:32:51 UTC
It's a description take it any way you want.
2007-06-19 22:26:51 UTC
Oh! Now they've got to come up w/ something else to brand us! Yes, it's a compliment.....
2007-06-19 22:29:37 UTC
I'm happy for you.
Lindsey G
2007-06-19 22:27:37 UTC
they beleive in very extreme and controlling ideas
2007-06-19 22:25:47 UTC
Libs love to use any term that is derogatory it seems.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.