Ken C
2007-06-19 15:22:03 UTC
It began as a movement aroung 1945, by the "Intellectual Liberals" who felt all the Social Programs under FDR would hurt America in the Long Term. The first prominant Neocon was Harry Truman. After that, JFK. As they were Democrats who thought a very tough military, tough stand against Communism and Socialism, and a Lower Individual Tax Rate were very important for America.
The first Negative use of the Term Neocon, was by "Michael Harrington" against the "Intellectual Democrats" who were not Liberal enough.
Some of Michael Harrington's Highlights:
In the 50's and 60's had a growing interest in Marxism.
Joined the "Independant Socialist League" under former Trotskyist leader Max Shactman.
Led the "Norman Thomas Socialst Party"
Died in 1989 as the most wll known Socialist in America".
Being I despise Sociaism.
Isn't it a Compliment to be called a NeoCon?