Is the Christian Right wing trying to turn the USA into a theocracy?
Oppression Killah
2009-05-17 07:51:39 UTC
Someone explain please?

They say the believe in freedom for all but they support making abortions illegal and they support the United States toppling foreign countries to align their economic interests with Washington D.C.?
24 answers:
2009-05-17 08:04:28 UTC
I am part of the Christian right as you call it, and all we want is a moral and decent nation to live in, plain and simple. if you choose to call a person odd for standing up for what is right then so be it. we have sat back long enough and not spoken out for what is right. if you look back 50 years, just think about it, back in the day when i was growing up, we had school prayer, no drugs in school, no teenage pregnancies, kids were taught right from wrong not only by their parents but in schools too, i grew up back in those days and i tell ya, things were better. now everytime you turn on the tv, its gay pride this and abortion rights and drugs and crap like that, and you say to me things like that are a betterment to our society, i could care less what people do behind closed doors. but WHO the heck wants all that crap taught to our kids. if you really think this OPEN and crap we have now has made our nation better, i tell you , you are sadly mistaken. its the liberal agenda and the atheist left that has drug our nation into the toilet. i could care less if people want to live how they live but WE dont have to stand back and let our children be exposed to it. how has that benefited anyone at all. sorry times change, but Gods laws have not.
rich k
2009-05-17 15:35:46 UTC
Yes, that has been it's goal from the start, don't forget that as far back as Thomas Jefferson's run for the Presidency the Churches were actively opposing him because he wasn't a Christian and supported the Constitutional Separation of Church and State. James Madison* stated when the Constitution was adopted that: "The purpose of Separation of Church and State is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that soaked the soil of Europe with blood for centuries". He knew then that the Christians were the biggest threat to our Country's new freedoms, as did Jefferson**.

In a letter to Ben Rush date Sep 23, 1800 Jefferson wrote in part:

"The delusion into which the X, Y, Z, Plot shewed it possible to push the people, that delusion that on the clause of the constitution which, while it secured the freedom of the press, covered also the freedom of religion, had given to the clergy a very favorite hope of obtaining an establishment of a particular form of Christianity through the U.S. The returning good sense of our country threatens the abortion of their hopes, & they believe that any portion of power confided to me will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly, for I have sworn on the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."

Despite Jefferson's efforts, and clear statements by all of our first four Presidents declaring the U.S. not to be a Christian Nation the Churches then, as now, simple lied and said it was, an effort so pervasive that in 1823 Madison was moved to write "Strongly guarded as is the separation between religion and government in the Constitution of the United States, the danger of encroachment by ecclesiastical bodies may be established by precedents already furnished in their short history."

In 1994 the Republican Party, with it's Contract with America" adopted as part of it's Party Platform the abolition of the 1st Amendment and the creation of Christianity as a state religion, in point of fact with the single exception of the Right to Own Slaves, the Contract with American was essentially the Bill of Rights of the Confederacy, which was, in fact, founded as a Christian Nation.
2009-05-17 15:01:19 UTC
I think the majority of Christians that are a part of the Republican party are not trying to create a theocracy, although they are trying to force their beliefs onto the law books in some respects regarding abortion and gay marriage, but I don't think they are the ones trying to create a theocracy.

Those that are in the extreme right and are extreme Conservative Christians, I believe they are attempting to create a theocracy... and hopefully will not ever succeed as this country was founded on religious freedom.
2009-05-17 15:05:52 UTC
Are the Liberal left wing Nazi's trying to force America to become a country without any sort of moral compass? I suppose its a matter of opinion. Personally I feel that both parties have strayed far from any sort of commonsense realistic model for a society to run on. A true society needs to be open, allowing for debate, and compromise. The modern two party systems is all about I won so I will change the rules while I am in charge, and then when your in charge you can change all the rules back, and no compromise, no realistic options are every considered, only the most outlandish, and extreme options are every considered. Bush banned all stem cell research, and wanted to ban all abortion. Obama decided to make all stem cell research legal and wants all abortion to be legal. Simply put, both parties are completely ridiculous charactures of what real Americans think.
2009-05-17 14:58:56 UTC
They already tried, and failed. They thought they had a President who was going to get them everything they wanted - a stop to abortion, an amendment to stop gays from marrying, and a restoral of religion in public schools. It didn't happen and now they are not the influential base that could change the course of elections that they used to be. Seeing as how only 21% of Americans now identify as being Republican, and these people are almost always Republicans, they are spitting into the wind now.

EDIT: Too many of them gave the rest of the Christians in this country a bad name with their extremist views and intrusion into government. They are now being rejected.
2009-05-17 17:42:21 UTC
Brother, I tell you truly that politics has nothing to do with the Word of God or faith in him. It is a worldly thing that disciples of Christ should stay away from. It's origins lie in rebellion against human kings and God's desires for men.

Another thing to consider - Theocracy is not a righteous form of government, it is merely another form of human oppression in opposition to God for our only King is Christ and our God is Yahweh, I Am That I Am, who revealed himself to Moses. Christ is the intercessor between man and God, not any human priest.

Beware the world government and state/world religion, for they are the tools of the devil.

May the Lord bless you and keep you always, for he has loved you since the beginning.
2009-05-17 15:02:38 UTC
Exactly what does wanting to stop the murder of unborn babies,

Have to do with theocracy ?

Or toppling foreign governments ?

You act like left wingers do not topple foreign governments .

More americans are pro life, than they are pro abortion.
2009-05-17 15:05:10 UTC
Most Christians still believe the theory of "right and wrong" still exists. They still believe most Americans still believe in a higher power have a responsibility to correct what they see as being wrong. Both parties are interested in our economic interests and promote them in one way or another.
2009-05-17 15:06:11 UTC
I prefer to call them the un'Christian' Right ... who quote obscure phrases from a book written and rewritten, translated and re-translated, hundreds of years after Jesus walked the earth.
2009-05-17 15:05:27 UTC
Because it is murder. If the mothers life is in danger then it would be an act of self defense.

By the way 51% of Americans are prolife.
2009-05-17 15:05:17 UTC

You cannot think of ONE thing you'll do all day where you risk running up against a law promulgated by "the Christian Right wing."

On the other hand, you cannot get through your morning wake-up without running up against laws promulgated by liberal statists.
2009-05-17 14:56:26 UTC
i support making abortions illegal. get a life on the rest.
2009-05-17 15:35:11 UTC
They want you to have the freedom to think just like they do.
2009-05-17 15:01:47 UTC
Many right-wing extremist groups are quite vocal about that very intention. Others don't openly admit it, but their actions point in that direction.
Dan Z
2009-05-17 15:01:39 UTC
No. Just like most people, they want what they believe is best for America. Not everyone will agree on what is best for our country, but all will fight for what they believe is best for the country.
grandma zaza
2009-05-17 14:58:08 UTC
You have nothing to complain about unless abortion becomes illegal. Until that time, shut up, enjoy your "choice" and continue to convince yourself that the "Christian Right" is forcing THEIR beliefs on YOU. Kinda funny, uh?
2009-05-17 14:57:37 UTC
I am going to stop reading accounts that are formed and post more questions than they answer...before they are deleted..

he's just here to spew bigotry...
2009-05-17 14:56:25 UTC
Probably, no more than Greenpeace , is trying to put us back into the stone age
2009-05-17 14:59:56 UTC
I will be glad when the left wing liberals get their way and all the women are in robes and berkas, not allowed to drive or have authority over man. It is Muslim law so get ready. We will put women in their place or be stoned to death as in the mideast.
2009-05-17 14:59:16 UTC
The Christian Right is no different to any other "Right" group. It's Wrong!
No Black Box
2009-05-17 14:57:38 UTC
No we are not. Your hate for Christians is screaming volumes.

The left whackos are more dangerous but I see you leave them alone.
God Knows
2009-05-17 15:15:50 UTC
abortion should be illegal its murder not freedom
2009-05-17 14:56:11 UTC
No, the Neocons are trying to trick all of us into thinking that.
2013-10-20 00:26:55 UTC
However, this country was NOT founded on God's Laws...we swear on the Bible to uphold the Constitution, not the other way around...we cannot be a free nation when we are ruled over by a clergy that can just make **** up and claim "God said."

If you want to live in a moral and decent nation...that's one is trying to change that...but what you really seem to want is a nation where YOUR denomination lords over those who do not share your viewpoints, and you seem to want to have those same dissidents eradicated. If that's the nation you want to live in, then I suggest Syria or Iran, as the model of theocratic government you so desire is the very one they practice in those's called Sharia Law. The only difference is the name of the God. and the way they worship. The same exact model was practiced in the Dark Ages too in Europe...and resulted in numerous crusades of bloodshed, the feudal system, and even international conflict that lasted 2000+ years because someone dared to claim God was on THEIR side and not the side of which ever enemy they were fighting.

This also resulted in the torture, hanging, drawing and quartering, and burning of countless innocents simply because the Church decided that an enlightened people were against God, and thus the beginning of inquisition.

I'm sorry, but if that's your idea of a moral and decent nation...count me out....I don't NEED God to be ethics come from my understanding of what's right and what's wrong, what's good and what's not so good...if you need God to tell you these things, then you are the one with the problem, not the rest of society...God gave you brains to think with...not to just keep relying on Him to hold your hand and lead you around like you're on a leash...there are some things He, in his Infinite wisdom, wants us to figure out for ourselves...otherwise what's the point of FREE WILL???

I think that if there's a God, he wants us to do the best we can but at the same time, he wants us to **** up royally from time to time so that we can learn from our mistakes and shortcomings...he does NOT, however, want certain groups of His people (hint hint) becoming moral arbiters and trying to become absolute authorities on what they THINK He wants...He doesn't like people trying to speak for Him...I know I wouldn't if I had the power of a God and created other words, this falls under the "judge not lest ye be judged" heading...

Our planet has had its fill of wannabe Gods and tyrants (like Hitler) throughout history...I think it's time we make these kinds of people relics from a gratefully forgotten era.

I don't call people odd for standing up for what they feel is right...I do however, call people trying to shove their religion down my throat "apeshit crazy" and doesn't take my feelings or my rights as an American into consideration.

50 years ago we DID have school prayer, which VIOLATED the establishment clause of the first Amendment to the for the drugs...yeah...drugs are the only thing I can agree with you on as far as public and personal safety...teenage pregnancies were going on well before they took prayer out of schools...not to mention juvenile crime. Kids were taught right from wrong, but some of them grew up and started to think for themselves and that's why we are as enlightened today as we have ever been.

Wanna know what else we had 50 years ago??? Racial and gender discrimination, people of colour were oppressed and treated like 3rd class citizens along with Jews and French Canadians....

50 years ago the Ku Klux Klan was at its most powerful.

50 years ago or better we had people like Joe McCarthy putting innocent people to death over his own prejudices, under the guise of fighting communism...and were there fair hearings? Hell No. Contrary to how our justice system was supposed to work, we treated the accused as guilty and skewed the evidence and testimonies of all involved...remember the Rosenbergs? They weren't put to death because they were communists, as they were NOT communists...they were executed for being many of McCarthy's targets happened to be Jews.

Gay pride? What's wrong with that? You can't be something you're not, so one might as well embrace what they are and be proud of it.

Why should they be treated any differently from straights like you and I? They're people too...many of them religious as well, If you are a Christian, you'd do well to remember that Jesus taught his followers to treat others as we treat ourselves. "Love thine neighbour as thou loveth thyself." "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." I don't see how we get "Different???? KILL THEM!!!" from those messages but you probably read a different Bible than the one I have sitting on my night stand.

As far as abortion rights...if you ever got raped and it resulted in an unwanted and unintended pregnancy and you were forced to carry the fetus to term and weren't able to afford to take care of it, you'd probably understand. God forbid you'd ever have to walk a mile in their shoes, because then you might really know what it's like to have make that choice. Abortion is in some ways, evil, because that fetus does eventually become a human baby if not aborted, and it makes me sad that those choices have to be made sometimes...but it is a NECESSARY evil when it is a last resort to save another life in any way it does so. And don't tell me you're "pro-life." If you really gave a rat's *** about right to wouldn't support the death penalty, and you sure as hell wouldn't stop caring about those children after they're born..."Pro-lifer rhetoric: If you unborn you're okay, when you're born, you're ******." - George Carlin. So please spare me the moral outrage on abortion until you stop trying to eliminate family planning and family assistance programs for needy families that have these kids. Or start supporting the use of contraceptives...abstinence-only education DOES NOT WORK...sexual hormones and puberty naturally make teenagers and young adults sexually active...these are basic human instincts that we follow because it's a biological imperative. To deny this upsets the order of things...for proof, look at all the child molesters in the clergy and all the other monsters on the street. Sexual repression has these effects on people.. Studies have shown this.

As for wanting all that CRAP taught to our children...we need that CRAP taught to children because we have a MORAL obligation and duty to prepare our children to be integrated into society and these are facts of life that they NEED to be made aware of.

And openness HAS made our nation better on a small's been proven time and again that people who are open-minded and think for themselves live happier lives than closed-minded and bigoted individuals like yourself. Come don't sound very happy, do you? Well, that's because your brain is CRYING to be made use of and BEGGING to be are wasting all that grey matter by keeping to false Dark Age superstitions. Like I said...if God is as intelligent as I think he is...then I'd think He'd want you to use what He GAVE you. Somehow though, you got this idea that God only put that brain there for posterity and is of no real use other than to command your body to do things, and that learning anything different from your perspective is BAD.

So yeah, I want my kid to learn about different cultures, different ideas and learn to accept someone who lives his live differently. the ONLY way this nation will pull itself completely out of the toilet is if we STOP being consumed by petty differences like these instead of CONTINUING to be so set in our ways that we start seeing progress as ruination and vice versa.

And I'm afraid it's the right-wing agenda to destroy the country as we know it and rebuild it as a theocracy from which to destroy the freedom of all who don't subscribe to their absolutist totalitarian bullshit. I too could care less what you preach to your kids behind your own locked barred door, but I also don't have to sit back and watch the 700 Club take over my damn country and start passing laws that tell me that I can either accept their version of Christ and live or be jailed, tortured, hanged or burned at the stake and stand there screaming that I'm going to hell as I take my last breath. This is not my idea of a rational, liberated society that champions freedom.

So I'm part of the LEFT and all WE want is a free and RATIONAL nation to live in, where EVERYBODY should be able to find happiness, not just a select group of people...and that is plain and simple...

Tmes indeed HAVE changed, but our CONSTITUTION has not, and I'll say it again, our CONSTITUTION has NOT, nor has it ever, or WILL it ever contain GOD'S Law!

Our nation was NOT FOUNDED ON THE TEN COMMANDMENTS or that's what the ENTIRETY of the Constitution WOULD be, Bill of Rights EXCLUDED, for those rights would not exist to begin with.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.