Is the Virginia Tech shooting an act of terrorrism?
2007-04-16 12:09:16 UTC
There has been a growing anti-foreigner backlash in Virginia since 9-11. Much of it concerns foreigners taking jobs.
Perhaps this was a factor in the shooting?
Sixteen answers:
2007-04-16 16:28:11 UTC
why would you have to go to foreigner or terrorism?

what is it with you americans?

it's like, it can't be one of your own! hell no...we americans are wayyyyyyyyyyy above that type of lower ranked (what? third world and/or savage middle eastern) mentality?

because...every idiot that has gone on a shooting spree for the past (pick a number) of years WAS a FOREIGNER....right?

may god forgive me for saying this..but ignorant buffoons like yourself are the reason america is the way it is....

always pointing the finger at the foreigner...yet, in reality it is probably you or your damn neighbor that is always busted with all the freekin ammunition to lever the entire city.

PS: you can give me as many thumbs down till your finger wear out...i'm not trying to win the popularity contest here...

you offend honest, hard working, HUMAN BEINGS...for once...put your thoughtless self in someone else's shoes...
Smile Baby :]
2007-04-16 17:56:27 UTC
So how do you know that it has "been a growing anti-foreigner backlash." where are the numbers, the charts to prove this? The internet is not the best place to get information.

anyone can write about anything or anyone, true or false.

Why is it that it is concentrated only on the immigrants and not on the U.S. residents. We (not all) want the immigrants such as the latino's, Asian's and others to leave YET this country was built by immigrants. I do not believe this an act of terrorism. I skimmed the article, one, because it was boring and two i wasn't being informed on anything.

By the way, THE FOREIGNERS ARE TAKING THE JOBS NO ONE WANTS TO DO!!!! SUCH AS, fruit picking, working in horrible conditions, cleaning, construction. They work for MINIMUM WAGE.

R.I.P Virgina's victims



my opinion
2007-04-16 22:36:35 UTC
I DO think this was an act of terrorism. I have never seen it take so long to reveal the name of the shooter. I know he is "of east-asian origin", but that is all I have heard so far. EVERY other shooting, you find out very quickly what the name of the shooter was and their background. For example with the Dawson College (Montreal) shooter Kimveer Gill, his name was revealed within hours and we knew everything about him. WHY is it taking so long for the Virginia Tech shooters name to be released?? The only reason is because this shooter was definitely a Muslim, possibly a terrorist, and our wonderful government is once again controlling our media... God Bless the victims, I hope they are at peace wherever they may be...
2007-04-17 11:35:39 UTC
It was NOT an act of terrorism. The reason they did not reveal the name of the indivual is because his face was blown completely off. It had nothing to do with him being Asian or anything of that sort. When the Colubine kids killed no one mentions they are white.

Mass murder has historically been a crime commited by a white male usually in his 20's or 30's. Mass murder is not connected to any race. It has however been link to religion. It's a crime of the mentally ill, brainwashed, or angry individuals that do not know how to vent their anger. It may stem from violent games, shows, and music.
2007-04-16 12:34:28 UTC
In response to the shooting at VT,

I do not believe it is an act of terrorism, but I do know that it is an act of terror.

In John 10:10 It is written that the thief comes for to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus did not stop there He continued by saying But I came that you might have life and have life more abundantly. So why are we in this mess??? Because we do not listen. Everyman will proclaim his own goodness.

WE HAVE NONE !!!! The goodness of the LORD leads men to repentance. To turn away from our sin.

This whole thing bottom line is it is a sin issue and must be dealt with. Jesus dealt with it over two thousand years ago. It was paid in full and God was pleased. God is not pleased with us when we turn away from Him. It hurts Him. Just like a man who betrays his bride with adultery. It hurts.

A friend of mine once told me James, know what you believe,

and why you believe it. I believe this. I am almost 55 years of age. I was brought up in a Catholic Church but not once did I ever hear the Gospel about how to be saved from the wrath of God preached.

You can believe what you want but the truth of the matter is sin is in this world and we try to brush it away.

It just won't happen. One day it will be when Jesus comes back to be King as He will be.

We have hundreds of thousands of laws passed and look what we get. God gave us just ten. I really believe that if we trusted Jesus The Christ because He is the only one who kept the Commandments then we would be in a much better world and will be when He returns. I just got done burning some old papers and I thought about what Jesus warned mankind about. Hell !!! It is very real and if we do not turn from our wicked ways according to Ezekiel Chapters 3 and 33 ( twice) we will perish and without hope. But the Good news is that is why

Jesus came in the first place to rescue us. The Godly for the ungodly. You and me. We cannot keep the ten commandments Jesus did. And when we place our faith and trust in Him we can and will be saved from His wrath on those who are disobedient. Liars, coveteousness, idolaters, adulterers and those who look on a woman and lust after her in his heart is an adulterer, thiefs, and those who seek familiar spirits and all those who work iniquity. I say lets get back to the Holy Scriptures and turn back to God. The Bible tells us about God. It is His Love letter to mankind. Shall we neglect it??? I think not.


James Long
Dark Crystel
2007-04-17 03:04:28 UTC
I believe it was an act of terrorism.

Terrorism by definition is The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments.

I don't know about the anti-foreigner in Virginia it might be or not a factor in the shooting.

one guy said that it's probably Muslim that's what you mean with anti-foreigner. anyway i believe people should stop speculating and wait for the police to say what happen then we can talk about Foreigner and anti-foreigner

till then lets pray for the injured and the dead

and their family and friends
The Talisman
2007-04-16 14:11:42 UTC
It was probably not terrorism. I doubt it. The guy was a student there. It could have easily been an act of bullying. The dude might have been bullyed. Thats what happened at Columbine. But this was the worst. This is bad. The worst shooting i have ever seen. I mean, you see in the news like, "44 iraqies killed after a car bomb", and stuff, but this is worse. For it to happen in the U.S., it sickens me. I hope that everybody makes it through who was in the hospital. R.I.P. those killed.
2007-04-17 11:48:33 UTC
I agree with the 2 answers before me...

This has Nothing to do with race & Everything to do with anger from an Individual (regardless of race)

If you do look back into history : Majority of the mass killings were commits by young white kids (everyone would agree becaue this is the truths) It is rare for another color kid to commit mass killings and since it happened - it should NOT be labels with such Anti Foreigner or Terrorism!!!

Yes - they did not revealed his identity right away becasue they have to know who he is first. "He had no I.D. & his face was blown off"
Sally H
2007-04-16 12:17:06 UTC
The thing I find very weird is that in the British newspapers last week, they said that Al Qaeda were planning a Beslan style attack on our schoolchildren. Maybe they got the country wrong and the attack was meant to be on US soil and not the UKs.

Whatever it turns out to be, it doesn't take away the fact that the shooter was a sick individual who shouldn't have been allowed into society.
2007-04-16 12:13:51 UTC
Yes, thank God it wasn't a Latino, they already want to lynch the Undocumented South Americans.

But the Asians will once again be taken to the wood shed.

What happened to old fashioned Caucasian mass murder?

Soon they'll be only number two on the list.
2007-04-16 12:23:08 UTC
Perhaps. Perhaps this was a copy cat. Perhaps this was an act of loyalty to an unknown god. Perhaps this was an attention starved action junkie. Perhaps, nobody will every really know, unless the shooter tells us, but since he's dead PERHAPS he left a note explaining.
2007-04-16 12:13:44 UTC
According to media reports...skynews...SKY NEWS: Witnesses said he was heavily armed and entered the college looking for his girlfriend... He reportedly lined up students and opened fire at them. He was said to be an Asian, in his mid-20s...
2007-04-17 08:34:23 UTC
The definition of "terrorism" is inherently controversial. It was defined as a threatened use of force or violence by a person.

I am sadden to hear of these horrific acts of terrors caused by anyone... regardless of race. (yes, this time, this bastard is Korean) This is another case of a messed up person Perhaps some people consider this a growing anti-foreigner backlash becasue it's rare for these "others" to cause these type of school killings. You can look into any sources and find the past history of school killing to be among your very own.

But how is this justify when a white kid commits a crime: it's called depression becasue he was troubled & when an ethnic kid commits a crime it's an act of terrorrism ????

The previous deadliest campus shooting in U.S. history was a rampage in1966 at the University of Texas at Austin, where Charles Whitman 16 people before he was shot to death by police.

THE LIST GOES ON.... (no race/ no colorlines included here - Just tragedies)

•Oct. 2, 2006: A gunman took about a dozen girls hostage, killing at least three of them, at a one-room Amish schoolhouse in Pennsylvania's Lancaster County, police said. The shooter was among the dead, and a number of people were injured.

•Sept. 29, 2006: A 15-year-old brought two guns to a school in rural Cazenovia, Wis., and fatally shot the principal, a day after the principal gave him a disciplinary warning for having tobacco on school grounds, police said.

•Sept. 27, 2006: Duane Morrison, 53, took six girls hostage at Platte Canyon High School in Bailey, Colo. Morrison, sexually assaulting them and using them as human shields for hours before fatally shooting one girl and killing himself.

•Aug. 24, 2006: Christopher Williams, 27, went to an elementary school in Essex, Vt., looking for his ex-girlfriend, a teacher. He couldn't find her and fatally shot one teacher and wounded another, police said. Williams also killed his ex-girlfriend's mother, according to authorities. He shot himself twice in the head after the rampage and was arrested.

•March 21, 2005: A 16-year-old shot and killed five schoolmates, a teacher and an unarmed guard at a high school on the Red Lake Indian Reservation in Minnesota before taking his own life. Weise had earlier killed his grandfather and his grandfather's companion.

•Nov. 22, 2004: A 16-year-old is accused of fatally shooting one student and wounding three others outside Strawberry Mansion High in Philadelphia. The attack apparently was over a $50 debt in a rap contest. The teen is set to stand trial on murder charges later this month.

•April 24, 2003: A 14-year-old shot and killed the principal in the crowded cafeteria of a junior high school in south-central Pennsylvania, before killing himself.

•May 26, 2000: A 13-year-old killed his English teacher on the last day of classes in Lake Worth, Fla., after the teacher refused to let him talk with two girls in his classroom. He was convicted of second-degree murder and is serving a 28-year sentence.

•April 20, 1999: An 18-year-old and a 17-year-old killed 12 students and a teacher and wounded 23 before killing themselves at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo.

•May 21, 1998: Two teenagers were killed and more than 20 people hurt when a teenage boy opened fire at a high school in Springfield, Ore., after killing his parents. The 17-year-old was sentenced to nearly 112 years in prison.

•May 19, 1998: Three days before his graduation, an honor student opened fire at a high school in Fayetteville, Tenn., killing a classmate who was dating his ex-girlfriend. The 18-year-old was sentenced to life in prison.

•March 24, 1998: Two boys, ages 11 and 13, fired on their Jonesboro, Ark., middle school from nearby woods, killing four girls and a teacher and wounding 10 others. Both boys were later convicted of murder and can be held until age 21.

•Dec. 1, 1997: Three students were killed and five wounded at a high school in West Paducah, Ky. The then 14-year-old later pleaded guilty but mentally ill to murder and is serving life in prison.

•Oct. 1, 1997: A 16-year-old of Pearl, Miss., fatally shot two students and wounded seven others after stabbing his mother to death. He was sentenced the following year to three life sentences.
2007-04-16 12:13:44 UTC
It was an act of cowardice.

Nothing more and nothing less.
2007-04-16 12:11:38 UTC
It is a work of a sicko.
2007-04-16 12:13:28 UTC
he would have to have a political agenda, not just go postal.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.