Why do Republicans think Liberal is such a bad word?
Eric Cartman
2016-03-05 19:05:41 UTC
Whatever happened to all the Republican Liberals? Abraham Lincoln, a Republican Liberal, ended slavery. But now, all the Liberals have been rat out of the Republican party! What the hell happened?!?

What did they do that was so offensive to the Republican party?

Could it be that they gave women the right to vote? Could it be that they got African Americans the right to vote? That they ended segregation, or passed the civil rights act, clean air act, clean water act. They created social security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. They even created Medicare.

What did Conservatives do? They opposed every... single.... one of those things.

What the hell happened to the Republican party?
109 answers:
Not Applicable
2016-03-06 06:26:57 UTC
The history of the 2 major parties is checkered at best. Both have done some good things, and both have done some bad things. Yet, neither is squeaky clean. What has happened especially over the past 40 years is that the two major parties have embraced the more extreme elements of their primary ideology. I think this is especially true with the Republicans. The Republicans have moved from a center-right party which included liberal, moderate, and various conservative members to a hard-right party. The Democrats have not moved as far to the left, but witness the popularity of a Bernie Sanders who a generation ago would not have gotten to first base as an admitted democratic socialist.

Frankly, I think we are seeing the beginning of the end of the 2 party system as we know it. I would like to see some of the ideas of Fair Vote adopted which would broaden political participation and perhaps breathe more live into the political process.
2016-03-06 04:55:05 UTC
Why do Republicans think Liberal is such a bad word?

NOT TRUE, not all Republicans do and generalizations are stupid, as the many Democrats who generalize all Republicans ... a lot of Life's problems are People / Voters who are lying, whining, blamers ... which is more the problem than corrupt politics and politicians in our World, - including America !
Mr. Smartypants
2016-03-05 19:09:36 UTC
Lincoln was hardly a liberal!

For the last 40 years or so, the Republicans have used the word 'liberal' for anyone they disagreed with. It was kind of a rhetorical shortcut. Hitler was a liberal, so was Stalin, so was Jimmy Carter, so they were all the same.

After a few decades of abuse and misuse, the L-word was totally worn out. It no longer had any meaning at all. Even real liberals (like me) call themselves 'progressives' now, which better describes the position anyway. So in the 2008 election, Obama and Hillary were 'marxists', 'socialists', 'communists' and 'fascists'. These words all mean the same thing to a Republican--it's anyone they disagree with. It just makes it easier for them because they don't have to actually discuss issues and facts.
2016-03-06 10:33:05 UTC
It's actually in contrary.The democrats started at middle to moderately left and the definition of liberal and democrats went further and further left. Conservatives did not budge very much.When a party or belief system goes that far to the left (liberals) or even far to the right some people tend to not like that because there is no common ground. Modern liberalism means being very far left sided with no consideration for the right. It's unevenly balanced and has turned into more of a socialist than democratic party.
2016-03-07 09:01:12 UTC
I think we have to get over the fact that all must be far right conservatives or all left liberals. There are those of us (me included) who believe there is a middle ground on many issues. A strong military to my way of thinking is a must have, no-brainer. At the same time there are social programs that are necessary. What I don't like is welfare being generational. There are those that have been on welfare for several generations and have come to think a government handout is their right. Ronald Regan said "A government that is big enough to give you all you want is strong enough to take all you have." Social security would have been just fine if is was left alone. Messing with is the fault of both parties. Everyone has to get off of their ideological high horse and take a real world look at the issues.
2016-03-06 16:58:19 UTC
There was a time, when the word liberal was viewed as the most universally positive label in politics. This was back before the progressive movement hijacked the term in the late 19th and early 20th century. The term used to refer to democratic capitalists. But progressives hijacked the term, using it to argue for less economic freedom, a government that could do whatever it wanted without restraints on it's power, and an antibusiness crusade.

The popularity of the term fell for a long time after that. There are occasional short term recoveries, but the term is no longer synonymous with its own root - liberty. I wish we had better labels in poilitics. Conservatives in fact are less satisfied with the status quo, and cannot be said to be conserving anything. Progressives are REgressing back towards an omnipotent state with an omnipotent executive branch like we had under monarchy.

But we don't. We are stuck with these labels.
2016-03-07 11:53:21 UTC
It's actually in contrary.The democrats started at middle to moderately left and the definition of liberal and democrats went further and further left. Conservatives did not budge very much.When a party or belief system goes that far to the left (liberals) or even far to the right some people tend to not like that because there is no common ground. Modern liberalism means being very far left sided with no consideration for the right. It's unevenly balanced and has turned into more is a socialist than democratic party.
2016-03-05 20:31:13 UTC
Its honestly an ad hominem fallacious attack that is to derail discussion. Some also use the term libtard as well. It basically is used to attack you as the person possessing the idea instead of the idea itself.

So much conversation derailing here, it is ridiculous. Alright, to answer your question:

Political definitions switch over time. Republicans were the one's who advocated for the end of slavery and segregation. Anyone who says "Lincoln was a Republican!" for political points is committing an etymological fallacy. Definitions change over time. He has more liberal social viewpoints and is not authoritative by any means.

The beliefs of the Republican Party swapped in a way with the Democratic Party.

Political definitions can change over time. It just so happens that the Republican Party swapped in views with the Democrat Party. Darryl is totally correct on what made many Democrats switched to the Republican Party.
2016-03-07 16:31:38 UTC
In the past Liberal was how loosely a person adhered to the text of the Constitution. Today they are not even close. They believe it says things it does not or that the founders were mistaken and didn't really mean what they wrote. The term liberal has now been hijacked by leftists.
2016-03-07 05:06:41 UTC
Today's liberals are yesterday's left wing radicals and extremists. There is no such thing as a moderate liberal anymore. All of them are in favor of Socialism.
2016-03-05 19:31:22 UTC
What happened to the Republican party is that for the most part mainly before the late 50s and early 60s the party and most of its ideology was slightly progressive and somewhat liberal in it's beliefs. This ofcourse, until LBJs southern strategy ( no moral icon of racial tolorence himself) and his subsequent championing of civil rights legislation for blacks and minorities. In the mist of all these unwelcome changes all of the southern racist Democrat segregationist whites were so angered by this,that they all ran and joined the Republican party. This is why when you attempt to debate some conservatives on Y/A they attempt to interject the narrative that Democrats are the racist and always have been.This is the furthest thing from the truth.After about 64" most blacks gradually started voting Democrat because of LBJs support for civil rights. That's what essentially happen to the Republican party, they've allowed the racist elements to infiltrate thier party and divide them today.
Mike Lee
2016-03-08 10:33:45 UTC
I don't know why cuz I'm not a republican.

The word Liberal to me NOW is someone that wants to take all my money and do better things with it.

The free benefit takers also identify themselves as liberals. It's a political network that focus on efforts to take others money to benefit themselves materialistically and/or for feel good.
2016-03-07 06:37:39 UTC
How about: what ever happened to the blue dog democrat party? It's full blown liberal. Liberalism is the reason we are in the mess we are. Whatever happened to the middle of the road democrat party.

Yes, being called a liberal is a word of shame. That is why the libs had to make a new cute term called "progressive" which is equally as bad.
Special EPhex
2016-03-07 18:31:45 UTC
The right doesn't care much about put so much emphasis on 'words' as the liberals do. The right is more interested with what it is the word represents, or the 'actual thing'. The left likes to play games with words and their meaning to suit their, typically weak, position. The reality of the liberal left is it's ties to extremism which is now guised as a tolerant and caring ideology. You cannot have a intelligent discussion with many liberals if you disagree.

This is because the liberal position includes the belief that the opposition is already 'wrong', and debate is unnecessary, 'if only the right could see that'. Liberals turn any disagreement or criticism of something they like as, "racist, bigoted, or hate speech", and at the same time always saying, "we have to have a 'conversation' about the issues. Liberals make that impossible. Liberals are only interested in giving a lecture or convincing others to conform to their beliefs. They are more dedicated to being 'right' than the 'truth'.

Liberals are also terrible at history. They hold on the education system allows them to teach our children a revised version that fits the liberal narrative, and to cherry pick the highlights and low points they feel promotes their agenda. They don't really teach history anymore in schools, because that would expose the" liberal lie" that they're always on the right side of history, and the chances of kids today doing the actual research is slim to none, now that they're all distracted by trivial activities and issues.

This is why you don't know that it was Southern Democrats that fought to continue slavery, and imposed Jim Crow and segregation laws in the South. Or that the democrats formed the KKK to oppose the Republican Party. The left has a very shady history of racism that still remains today, but doesn't like to talk about. That is why they are so quick to pull the race card on conservatives and republicans, to deflect from they past and hidden motives today.

Today's liberal are accepted 'liberal' but is actually what the liberals and democrats of JFK era fought against from rising up within their party. Democrats and liberals where not in favor of "big government" control or it accepting the role of "provider". Those were far left fringe ideas that most democrats and liberals distance themselves from. 20 years ago, Obama's ideas would of been political suicide, and Bernie Sanders would be laughed off the stage, by the traditional left.

Since the 1930s liberals have been trying to insert communist beliefs into the fabric of America. Because of what resulted from identifying with communism, the far left masked itself as socialistic, aligning more with European socialism. When that title doesn't work they use the term "social-democrat." You see the name changes but the intention is still there, as liberal democrats identify with more far left ideas than they ever have. Being masters of marketing and advertising, the left uses the institutions of education, as well as news and entertainment media to control and promote the narrative they want to put out there.
2016-03-07 09:10:51 UTC
Words get hi-jacked and their meanings changed. Being a liberal in UK means being tolerant....not weak but understanding and letting people get on with their own lives in their own way. Patriotism...the word now means White Supremacy and the use the flag of England as their emblem...not right.

We can't be happy and gay any more...Well not in the original meanings....besides which gay doesn't suit most disrespected son, a pioneering heart surgeon is still vilified for being gay rather than congratulated for saving so many lives...he's a good kind man but not gay as in the old meaning.

Life is strange....but then I come from an older world.

Mo Ma and Grandma Atheist University
2016-11-02 04:44:26 UTC
the right doesn't care much about put so much emphasis on 'words' as the liberals do... the right is more interested with what it is the word represents, or the 'actual thing'... the left likes to play games with words and their meaning to suit their, typically weak, position... the reality of the liberal left is it's ties to extremism which is now guised as a tolerant and caring ideology... you cannot have a intelligent discussion with numerous liberals if you disagree...

this is 'cause the liberal position includes the belief that the opposition is already 'wrong', and debate is unnecessary, 'if only the right could see that'... liberals turn any disagreement or criticism of something they like as, "racist, bigoted, or hate speech", and at the same time always saying, "we have to have a 'conversation' about the issues... liberals make that impossible... liberals are only interested in giving a lecture or convincing others to conform to their beliefs... they are more dedicated to being 'right' than the 'truth'...

liberals are also terrible at history... they hold on the education system allows them to teach our children a revised version that fits the liberal narrative, and to cherry pick the highlights and low points they feel promotes their agenda... they don't really teach history anymore in schools, 'cause that would expose the" liberal lie" that they're always on the right side of history, and the chances of kids today doing the actual research is slim to none, now that they're all distracted by trivial activities and issues...

this is why you don't know that it was southern democrats that fought to continue slavery, and imposed jim crow and segregation laws in the south... or that the democrats formed the kkk to oppose the republican party... the left has a very shady history of racism that still remains today, but doesn't like to talk about... that is why they are so quick to pull the race card on conservatives and republicans, to deflect from they past and hidden motives today...

today's liberal are accepted 'liberal' but is actually what the liberals and democrats of jfk era fought against from rising up within their party... democrats and liberals where not in favor of "big government" control or it accepting the role of "provider"... those were far left fringe ideas that most democrats and liberals distance themselves from... 20 years ago, obama's ideas would of been political suicide, and bernie sanders would be laughed off the stage, by the traditional left...

since the 1930s liberals have been trying to insert communist beliefs into the fabric of america... 'cause of what resulted from identifying with communism, the far left masked itself as socialistic, aligning more with european socialism... when that title doesn't work they use the term "social-democrat..." you see the name changes but the intention is still there, as liberal democrats identify with more far left ideas than they ever have... being masters of marketing and advertising, the left uses the institutions of education, as well as news and entertainment media to control and promote the narrative they want to put out there...
2016-03-07 02:49:22 UTC
here in EU liberal is a right wing concept.

in italy in particular, it's almost oppose to socialism.

i think american republican are very bad generally, at least the leaders. from my point of view candidate like carson, kasich, first rubio are far better than cruz and D.

i have the impression repubblican are dominate bu extremism, and extremist bring a relly poor countribute in every country.

i don't like particularly the democrat candidates honestly...

i dont have ideologies, but liberal is a very positive words. the world has become richer thanks to the liberal market. the capistalism is the product of the liberal market, as well every way for people to express themselves.. L words should be more appreciate in Eu and in USA.

i guess the only reason cons use this world in a bad way is due to the fact that the left wing use this world, and they need to find some reason to oppose to them
2016-03-08 14:00:00 UTC
Liberalism today is far different in meaning and application compared to the past. Liberalism in the classic sense meant in so many words "spreading the right and governance from a few (usually the autocrastic hereditary elite) to the general citizenry". It wasn't so much based on the expanse of government into lives of the people as it was the natural (self-evident) rights to a limited government to all. Contemporary liberalism is far different in many ways and not comparable to what Lincoln supported. While it is consistent in demanding equal rights to all people, it also seems to be more consistent for want or outright demand of a controlling presence of the government into the day to day aspect of people, as opposed to self sustaining nature of our forefathers to pursue "Life, Liberty and Happiness". The latter approach as well as the avowed preference of a more socialist government by those that associate themselves as liberal is a main difference of today's and yesterday's liberals. I see Jefferson (as well as Franklin, Adams, and the life, but not all founding fathers) as classic liberals, but today they would probably be closer to libertarians, especially Jefferson. I have no clue as to what would be considered conservative 200 years from now. I can only hope there is a free, enjoyable, educated, and just society for my descendants and all creatures to enjoy.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2016-03-06 01:19:39 UTC
I don't know but I am not sure what 'republic and republican' means to an American. To me it means someone that doesn't want a monarchy - a lot of them came over when Cromwell was in England, maybe that is something to do with their view on liberals and why isn't there a labour party.
2016-03-07 01:44:19 UTC
Technically, we, generally speaking, don't think it is. But the way it's used now is something that conservatives (not Republicans necessarily) simply can't get behind. It's nearly the opposite way of doing just about everything political (socially and fiscally). Not to mention, as much as we dislike the "liberal agenda," liberals dislike the conservative agenda as much or more.

Thomas was absolutely correct when he said in his answer that modern liberalism is far different than "classic liberalism."
2016-03-29 15:42:46 UTC
what happened to the republican party is that for the most part mainly before the late 50s and early 60s the party and most of its ideology was slightly progressive and somewhat liberal in it's beliefs... this ofcourse, until lbjs southern strategy ( no moral icon of racial tolorence himself) and his subsequent championing of civil rights legislation for blacks and minorities... in the mist of all these unwelcome changes all of the southern butterydemocrat segregationist whites were so angered by this,that they all ran and joined the republican party... this is why when you attempt to debate some conservatives on y/a they attempt to interject the narrative that democrats are the butteryand always have been...this is the furthest thing from the truth...after about 64" most blacks gradually started voting democrat 'cause of lbjs support for civil rights... that's what essentially happen to the republican party, they've allowed the butteryelements to infiltrate thier party and divide them today...
2016-03-05 19:10:28 UTC
Do you mean Liberal in its modern sense or its original meaning? Because, in the modern meaning, Liberals want the government to rule over everyone like some sort of supreme being; classical liberalism, however, is very much alive in the Republican Party's economic platform and in the Libertarian wing.
2016-03-05 19:13:23 UTC
The Republican party existed in Lincoln's time, so did the Democrat/Liberal party.

So by Lincoln selecting the Republican party as his own party, it means he agreed more with Republicans than Democrats.

But the reason 'liberal' is such a bad word has nothing to do with history, it has only to do with the modern day version of the democrat party. The tax and spend party, the one who self righteous claims to be all about tolerance and acceptance when wanting the public to embrace their own ideologies, but then refuse that same tolerance and/or acceptance when it comes to views that democrats don't agree with.

The ABSOLUTE un-embellished truth:

Republicans generally oppose homosexuality

Democrats generally oppose Christianity.

Both parties get on their high horse about demanding tolerance and yet neither side actually tolerates any ideologies that are not aligned with their own.

But America's majority has to pick a side, there can only be 1 president at a time. And it appears as though the attitude of the public is more anti-democrat than pro-democrat. Maybe they've picked up on obama's failure as president, who knows.


And by the way "★Ŕ♡MΛŔƐ★", you are a stupid tw@t. So quick to play the fox news card and yet no mention of your own propaganda machines like CNN and MSNBC. That makes you a hypocrite even if it's true that every Republican watches fox news. People like you are the reason America is now siding with Republican candidates.

EDIT: @ lord anus; go ahead and report it all you want, you say that as if I give a f*ck, no one cares :)
2016-03-06 06:53:50 UTC
Because they are not liberal. They are socialists hiding behind a name that gives a false illusion to their efforts.

It used to be when they called themselves Socialists that they would have to worry about being attacked by the crowd. So they slowly took over the television and move media outlets. Now kids run around calling themselves Democratic Socialists without even having clue what the term means.
2016-03-07 05:06:48 UTC
In general I would say Americans do not know what liberalism actually it is and its variants, be it classical liberalism, neoliberalism, neoclassical, etc. Because both parties are pretty neoliberal if you ask me. It does amaze me that the word is this 'evil bogeyman' type of word but the reality is that they live in a liberal westernized democracy.
2016-03-06 09:52:21 UTC
Because modern liberals have made it that way - don't dodge responsibility for that. Oh wait, you are a liberal, and you won't take responsibility for anything, just like you are with this question, blaming Republicans for your own failures.
Linda R
2016-03-07 12:37:22 UTC
Because under a 'liberal' rule.....NOTHING happens - the government spends money on stupid things and force ALL citizens to be unemployed. Republicans WILL reverse this so Americans can live the American Dream again.
2016-03-06 10:39:00 UTC
Conservative and Liberal were labels from the Parliament at Cadiz in Spain's 1806-1815 fight against Napoleon. In this context it meant freedom from the rules and regulations of the Old Regime. This was originally against rules hampering banking and business, hence its modern use by the right, as in the Australian liberal party or in the "neoliberalsim" of Pinochet's "Chicago Boys," inspired by Milton Friedmann. But it could also emphasize social freedom, and so became associated with ideas of the left, as with Canada's Liberal Party.Americans, by and large have tended to associate liberalism with its social aspects (freeing slaves, women, homosexuals etc. from the old constraints). "Socialism" began as a term invented by the social liberals, specifically a Scottish manufacturer Robert Owen who thought treating workers well would make them more productive. Other liberals were against slavery because they thought (rightly) that free labour was cheaper than slavery: in a economic downturn, free labour could be fired and left to starve. All political labels get distorted and eventually become mere terms of abuse. Even "Fascism" began as an economic theory of protecting a nation's industry by making it self-sufficient. Long ago, as an undergraduate, I was warned never to use "baroque" in answering an examination question unless I were prepared to define it. That was excellent advice which we should apply not just to terms in art and literature, but to those we fling around when talking politics or economics. Lincoln was a "liberal", so was Pinochet. Andrew Jackson was a "radical", so was Pot Pol. Reagan was a "conservative", so was Fernando VII.
CassandraofTroy Philosopher
2016-03-09 10:01:51 UTC
The term "liberal" has changed its definition. It used to mean believers in liberty and the end of monarchy. Now they style themselves as the children of Rousseau, who basically believed you should do whatever makes you happy. i.e. do whatever you want. Liberals have this insane belief that people are truly good inside all of them and its only social conditions that make them do bad things.

Liberals have totally embraced Materialism, are hostile to all spiritual belief. The French Revolution is their example of how to "reform" things. Blood, and terror. American liberals cloak these beliefs from the general public, offering instead to "help the poor". Remember how Marx and Lenin were going to help the poor? NOT. They want power. Their belief in their righteousness rivals and Evangelical's.
2016-03-05 23:10:10 UTC
Republicans don't think..........that's the trouble. Fox Spews has turned into nothing but a massive brainwashing channel........... repeating lies over and over and over again, until they believe it's the truth. That's why Fox & Friends uses 3 lies, and the other 2 idiots circle jerk the first............backing up the lies, which they hope gives it credibility, if all 3 people repeat the same rubbish.

Whether it's years of Birther stupidity, or years of Benghazi stupidity............they have an agenda to meet.....which is trashing everything and everything "Liberal"...........and pretending their republican leaders were given to us by GOD himself. They genuflect over every move Reagan and Bush made........never once admitting there were any sort of errors, or God Forbid, wrong doing and scandals............. but immediately hire special prosecutors over every mousefart coming out of a democratic administration.

They convince themselves that "Liberal" means Satan's Warriors..........

and "repubican" means, "Hand Chosen by God"

That's the current state of their gross delusion............mostly fed and backed up by Fox Spews .
2016-03-05 19:59:39 UTC
Had it not been for Republicans supporting the Voting Rights Act and the Equal Rights Amendment, against Democrat opposition, those two pieces of landmark civil rights legislation would have failed.
2016-03-06 09:27:33 UTC
A certain kind of conservative eats up talk radio and aggressive TV hosts who tell them liberals are dumb and they are smart. These people misrepresent liberal ideas because nationalists need someone to be superior to in order to feel good about themselves. Many examples in this thread
2016-08-27 03:09:51 UTC
in the past liberal was how loosely a person adhered to the text of the constitution... today they are not even close... they believe it says things it does not or that the founders were mistaken and didn't really mean what they wrote... the term liberal has now been hijacked by leftists...
2016-03-07 08:23:46 UTC
Cause it is! How many democrats actually call themselves liberal now. They call themselves progressive which is the same thing basically or in Sanders rare case who is not embarrassed by negative words uses a more extremist word, Socialist to describe himself. Their embarrassed by the word. The word has negative reactions from voters. Give credit where credit is do.
2016-03-05 21:07:06 UTC
Liberals are for what is in fashion no matter how crazy it is As long as their leaders say its new and acceptable they will go with it. Even approval of man and beast relations would not surprise me. Eliminating crime by legalizing crime would not surprise me. Clearing out the prisons to make room for global warming and evolution deniers would not surprise me . A liberal is a person with their feet firmly planted in mid air.
2016-03-06 02:04:27 UTC
In the American political lexicon, liberal means a member of the Democratic Party of the United States.

So in reality, nothing has changed. I am a conservative, but in the classic definition of the word, I am a liberal since I am opposed to slavery, in favor of freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, personal economic freedom, freedom to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances, and of course freedom of press and speech.
2016-03-06 10:02:20 UTC
I blame stupidity.

There is a candidate in the Presidential elections that does reflect some of Ronald Reagan's policies - that would be Hilary Clinton.
2016-08-20 18:02:43 UTC
i don't know why cuz i'm not a republican...

the word liberal to me now is someone that wants to take all my money and do better things with it...

the free benefit takers also identify themselves as liberals... it's a political network that focus on efforts to take others money to benefit themselves materialistically and/or for feel good...
2016-03-06 08:32:18 UTC
Because Republicans and liberals live free of the government
2016-03-06 18:31:23 UTC
Liberals were good at one time. In the 60s they opposed the war which was good i agree with that and they didn't want discrimination I also agree with that but it's in the 80s when it really turned
Armchair Goddess #1
2016-03-06 16:03:08 UTC
If you go back to the 1993-1994 election cycle when Democrats had the majority in Congress and were very popular in public polling data, the GOP powers-that-be (headed by religious-extremist theocratic-COUP-seeking Heritage Foundation) followed the principles of an often-quoted Newt Gingrich hero, German philosopher Nietzsche, to artificially "demonize" an envied segment of a population---the Jews in pre-Nazi Germany, the popular Liberals within the Democratic party here in the U.S. The religious-extremist fundamentalists here in the U.S. had seized control of the Republican party (fanatical Paul Weyrich, the hissy-snake Pat Robertson and his "Christian Coalition," and their right-wing ilk) during an out-of-it (Alzheimer's-afflicted) Reagan presidency, and the Heritage Foundation joined forces with ambitious ethically challenged Newt Gingrich to set up a carefully planned THEOCRATIC COUP from inside the political system (read Michelle Goldberg, 2006: "Kingdom Coming: The Rise of 'Christian' Nationalism").

In order for this plot of a THEOCRATIC COUP to move forward, however, the popular party of the people (the Democrats) had to be subjected to a carefully planned smear campaign, and the GOP spin doctors were scripted to use buzz words built upon the Nietzsche demonization principles, such as "tax and spend Liberals," or "Liberal media" or "welfare queens"---all designed to market the idea in the minds of the American people that being Liberal was somehow "un-American" (never true, but the PR firm hired by the GOP, Hill & Knowlton, and the many tentacles of the COUP-seeking biblical-literalist Heritage Foundation peddled the lie quite effectively). Divide and conquer...that was the plan.

Larry Flynt (2004), trying to help the Clintons under constant bombardment of propaganda from this right-wing extremist takeover group, uncovered the Heritage Foundation and Newt Gingrich connection, cited in "Sex, Lies & Politics: The Naked Truth." Harper editor Jeff Sharlet (2008; 2010) went undercover inside the Republican CULT of many names (The Family, a.k.a., Youth With A Mission, YWAM, The Federation, C Street, etc.) and then wrote two books well worth reading to find definitive answers to your timely question: "The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power" and "C Street: The Threat to American Democracy."

And another perspective on why "Liberal" was so demonized comes from former Conservative spin doctor and "attack dog" David Brock (2002), "Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative," or (2004), "The Republican Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy," or his most recent publication (2015), "Killing the Messenger: The Right-Wing Plot to Derail Hillary and Hijack Your Government."

Republican Americans, as a rule, have simply been misled for years by a hidden-agenda smear campaign and began to believe the bombardment of negativity that was used by party leaders to hijack the American government. Faux "news" (the sue-to-lie foreigner-owned propaganda spreading media outlet) is part of the problem, and so is hate radio. A steady diet of crap painted "nutritious and delicious" can warp minds.
2016-03-06 02:40:42 UTC
Because Liberal philosophy is based on Marxism. And Marxism is a very negative concept that has brought severe harm to humanity.
2016-03-06 02:47:31 UTC
But do they think liberal with a small l is a bad word?
2016-03-06 00:35:49 UTC
Liberal is not a bad word, its just that most of them vote democrat which is false Liberty and most cannot see a alternative point of view.
2016-03-07 07:15:21 UTC
Read some of what liberals have said just on " answers".If it ever was any true American liberals they would never agree with so many of the subjects that liberals promote.
2016-03-05 19:17:26 UTC
Dear Child.

What you call liberal when I was young was called Communist and got you locked up for treason.

The idea that Lincoln supported a welfare state is ridiculous.

In those days charity was something the Church did, not the government.
2016-03-06 11:39:39 UTC
They don't actually, it's just a word, Republicans think that Liberals are stupid people.
2016-03-06 03:21:17 UTC
Liberal back 40 50 years ago. Was something to be proud of.

Today the Mil-lineal hacks who call themselves liberals are not

anywhere near the cut of the old.
2016-03-06 17:42:55 UTC
The typical liberal is a low informed, ignorant, political correct, zombie who thinks America is above all the others. Only dumb American liberals think liberal isn't a bad word. ;)
2016-03-07 13:04:17 UTC
In my honest opinion I believe that a lot of people are really confused as to what being a liberal actually means for Lincoln was no Liberal.................................... Another point is that Lincoln did not free all of the the slave, For slavery was still going on in some Southern States until the early parts of the 1900......................
Freethinking Liberal
2016-03-06 20:14:20 UTC
Three reasons:

1/ They do not really know what the word means.

2/ They are so far to the right that they want Hitler to run for President.

3/ They believe that greed and hatred at the most worthy of human characteristics.
2016-03-06 09:36:52 UTC
Because Liberalism today have become the status of the lazy, the malcontents, the I want something for nothing crowd, the it's always someone else's fault and never my fault crowd, and the I'm smarter than everyone else crowd.
2016-03-06 05:25:33 UTC
Liberals support defend and celebrate EVIL, so they themselves are EVIL. Republicans fight against EVIL.Its really pretty simple now isn't it ?

Abortion,Gay rights,animal rights,terrorism,pedophelia,bestiality, racism, ALL supported by liberals,all EVIL.
2016-03-05 19:43:59 UTC
The attitude you display right now is a huge part of what gives liberals a bad name. Their unrealistic ideal-based plans lacking any forethought is the other big problem.
2016-03-06 08:58:58 UTC
Today's liberals are more like socialists and communists who are determined to get what they want by any means necessary.
2016-03-07 06:08:17 UTC
The F word originated from the word 'Liberal' a long time ago when Cleopatra was alive.
2016-03-05 19:58:40 UTC
Because certain democrats rebranded the term from open minded to person too dumb to realize the current democrats still believe the confederate party will rise again.

Now imagine if someone just called them too dumb to realize the current democratic party still believes the confederate party will rise to power again. It just doesn't have the same ring to it. And it would go way over their "open minded" heads.

Just like how obama attempted to rebrand gun violence as a health issue. Well then why do we have cops and the military still if he believes wtf he says? Cause he doesn't. He's lying to you.
2016-03-05 19:14:55 UTC
We all saw liberals in action with forced bussing started in the south and was just a swell idea with liberals came to liberal Calif and liberal Jews found out they were classified as a religion it it was God awful they formed Bus Stop and put and end to the madness

We saw it when black wanted to take over the NAACP only one black on the board of directors ''you can't run this we started it''

We saw it in those Tuskegee syphilis studies one black doctor the rest all white Jewish an to a man members of the NAACP but they did not speak out they let liberal paint it as a US goverment study today most believe blacks were deliberately infected with syphilis
2016-03-05 21:48:14 UTC
Republicans are mostly Christians. When they are in majority they hate liberalism and try to avoid it like plague but when in minority they love liberalism. Ask Christian minority in every non-Christian country and they will all tell you in unison they love liberalism.
2016-03-05 19:13:59 UTC
Lincoln was a "liberal"? Oh, that's a good one.

In case you haven't gotten the memo it's "liberals" who don't like the world liberal preferring to call themselves 'progressives' instead.
2016-03-06 12:53:06 UTC
Because liberals want anyone to come here regardless of who they are and prefer to get high and hug a tree then defend their homeland!
Steve N
2016-03-06 08:25:20 UTC
Republican Liberals = Libertarians still alive and kicking.
Coop 366
2016-03-05 22:14:41 UTC
Todays Republican party thinks any party but theirs is a dirty word. Ronald Reagan could not get the nomination of the Republican party today but you will never hear a Reps. say it.
2016-03-06 03:10:35 UTC
Because liberals today are too corrupt by destroying America.
2016-03-05 19:12:03 UTC
Because Liberals receive more votes.
2016-03-06 05:37:31 UTC
the left/right compass zero point has been moved thanks to 40 years propaganda by teachers the press,and all of the democrat party,todays' 'extremist gop rightwing tea party people hail from 1960s democrats..kennedy democrats in their political stance,liberal northern democrats in that age,allied themselves with northern republicans on civil rights,defense,and conservative fiscal policies ( tax cuts to boost hiring)

the obstructionists on civil rights in the south are a long list of democrats,or dixiecrats,.segregationists,most of these guys have kicked the bucket,often with copd & breathing tubes from all the lucky strikes & camels they smoked,sonny boy,the democrat party ain't what it was,,it has zoned out of the stadium into a dinghy in the pacific ocean .
2016-03-05 19:07:15 UTC
Republicans became money obsessed and started only looking at their interests not the country's they just want money and a world with one race and one religion
2016-03-06 14:35:21 UTC
We never said it wasn't but I also believe that Liberals are hypocrites.
2016-03-07 17:21:35 UTC
Republicans are the party of hate and greed. They HATE the word "Liberal" because it interferes with their ability to exercise unbridled greed.
2016-03-07 20:17:39 UTC
You are mistaking classical liberals with just liberals.
2016-03-06 20:38:28 UTC
Republicans don't know what the word means.
2017-03-20 00:08:58 UTC
what happened to the republican party is that for the most part mainly before the late 50s and early 60s the party and most of its ideology was slightly progressive and somewhat liberal in it's beliefs... this ofcourse, until lbjs southern strategy ( no moral icon of racial tolorence himself) and his subsequent championing of civil rights legislation for blacks and minorities... in the mist of all these unwelcome changes all of the southern butterydemocrat segregationist whites were so angered by this,that they all ran and joined the republican party... this is why when you attempt to debate some conservatives on y/a they attempt to interject the narrative that democrats are the butteryand always have been...this is the furthest thing from the truth...after about 64" most blacks gradually started voting democrat 'cause of lbjs support for civil rights... that's what essentially happen to the republican party, they've allowed the butteryelements to infiltrate thier party and divide them today...
great knight
2016-03-06 12:47:46 UTC
You are being deceived. Jesus Christ is the truth. Jesus loves you.

Read Romans chapter 5 and 8. Read John chapter 1 and 3.
Ozzie Klunk
2016-03-06 14:49:14 UTC
Maybe because it reminds them of Pierre Trudeau and of how he manhandled the US President at every G8 he attended.
Jeff S
2016-03-05 19:21:49 UTC
Because they want to portray anyone not agreeing with them as immoral! Starting with political foes!
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-03-07 09:57:52 UTC
Not ALL of it; We just don't like lazy bums laying around , expecting us workers to feed, & clothe them ! If you cannot afford to feed, & clothe all your children, don't have so many !
2016-03-07 07:49:36 UTC
a liberal is someone so open minded there brains have fallen out.
2016-03-07 15:51:39 UTC
Why do liberals think "racist" and "nazi" and "white people" are such bad words?
2016-03-06 05:26:45 UTC
Word nothing wrong, person normally insane
2016-03-05 20:53:22 UTC
Because they are always accusing the Republicans of being a racist, when we not.
2016-03-06 16:43:02 UTC
Republicans are uneducated.
2016-03-05 19:13:17 UTC
Big oil has brainwashed them.
2016-03-06 06:08:01 UTC
the GOP uses the word liberal for everything they do not like.
2016-03-06 07:23:44 UTC
Mind games and tricks is all you will ever encounter with the GOP.
2016-03-07 10:28:50 UTC
Because it IS. Like skunk smell!
2016-03-06 14:56:52 UTC
What about Libertarians? I guess they are left out in the cold are they?
2016-03-07 23:40:57 UTC
They don't.
2016-03-06 04:49:32 UTC
You people pervert the word, like so many other things.
Warren T
2016-03-06 05:21:34 UTC
2016-03-06 09:42:55 UTC
Well, for starters they are retarded little shitstains. So there's that.
2016-03-05 19:09:54 UTC
Illuminati has brainwashed them.
2016-03-07 15:50:36 UTC
Because they are more conservative and they think that socialism is bad.
2016-03-06 07:33:42 UTC
At that time the Democratic party was very racist.
2016-03-06 08:01:54 UTC
the word LIBERAL has come to include all that is anti-American, anti-constitutional.
2016-03-06 09:28:35 UTC
2016-03-05 19:07:43 UTC
They used to be cool, but now they're just chode.
2016-03-07 07:44:42 UTC

2016-03-06 12:46:12 UTC
No sé ni me importa, equis de.
2016-03-05 19:06:33 UTC
Fox has brainwashed them.
2016-03-05 19:10:48 UTC
CIA has brainwashed them.
2016-03-08 20:38:01 UTC
Liberals suck
2016-03-07 17:56:05 UTC
2016-03-06 10:34:27 UTC
Because they're paranoid assholes.
2016-03-07 10:36:48 UTC
As the clock was ticking! Tick tock, tick tock... LIBERAL!!!!! AAHHHHHHH!!!!! @.@
2016-03-07 12:36:27 UTC
2016-03-06 19:03:21 UTC
Cuz they do
2016-03-05 19:07:28 UTC
It cracks me up how they admit to being a conservative / republican without any shame or quilt. WTF?
2016-03-05 20:51:46 UTC
is not
2016-03-07 06:43:10 UTC
they're dumb

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.