2012-09-11 13:57:29 UTC
I oppose folks being able to get unemployment via the telephone. They should get off their lazy behind and stand in line for hours to receive it. Maybe stuff some government envelopes while they wait. If I ran this country, I wouldn't let anyone get unemployment without 3 signed forms from potential employers showing they applied for an actual job each week. I would also implement the firing squad on convicted murderers with concrete evidence and/or confession as soon as they walked out of the courtroom. Because it would save the taxpayers money and would scare people out of committing death penalty crimes. There would be no appeals in MeowsusLand (with concrete evidence). I would not allow taxpayers to foot the bill of long term criminal care. I would do away with them immediately. Habitual violent criminals would face the death penalty in MeowsusLand as well, even if they never killed anyone.
Do I sound like a Democrat?
Yet somehow in these parts, because I do not like Bush nor do I hate Obama, I am automatically considered to be a "liberal". Why is that?