How am I a Liberal if I support the death penalty and more welfare restrictions?
2012-09-11 13:57:29 UTC
People here seem to think I am a Liberal but I am trying to figure out how that is possible when I not only support the death penalty, in my personal Utopia it would apply to a number of crimes that do not result in death. I also own a gun and have a carry permit. I also want welfare to only go to those in actual need, not lazy folks. I also think that photo ID should be required for all voters.

I oppose folks being able to get unemployment via the telephone. They should get off their lazy behind and stand in line for hours to receive it. Maybe stuff some government envelopes while they wait. If I ran this country, I wouldn't let anyone get unemployment without 3 signed forms from potential employers showing they applied for an actual job each week. I would also implement the firing squad on convicted murderers with concrete evidence and/or confession as soon as they walked out of the courtroom. Because it would save the taxpayers money and would scare people out of committing death penalty crimes. There would be no appeals in MeowsusLand (with concrete evidence). I would not allow taxpayers to foot the bill of long term criminal care. I would do away with them immediately. Habitual violent criminals would face the death penalty in MeowsusLand as well, even if they never killed anyone.

Do I sound like a Democrat?

Yet somehow in these parts, because I do not like Bush nor do I hate Obama, I am automatically considered to be a "liberal". Why is that?
Nine answers:
2012-09-11 14:00:34 UTC
A lot of dimwits don't want to ever acknowledge the existence of moderates. It has to be either black or white, 'cause there's never any gray.
2012-09-11 21:15:35 UTC
I too believe in the death penalty and some restrictions on welfare if the latter has been shown to be a real problem and not just a fabrication of stingy conservatives. I believe we have a second amendment right to bear arms but not necessarily need an AK 47 or the like for home defense. I am not sure a firing squad for all murder convictions is the way to go because some nuts may want to commit such crimes for the notoriety garnered for the act.

Also there is no gray area when politics is concerned nowadays.
2012-09-11 21:09:29 UTC
You would find that a lot of Conservatives that would not support a lot of your ideas ... something about due process and all that but that being said the issue is likely where you stand on the major issues that are the cornerstones of this election cycle. Things like the Affordable Care Act, Securing our borders, The "Dream" Act, Tax cuts for upper income groups and corporations, Social Security reform, Tax Reform, Immigration Reform, Veterans benefits, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Israel, Iraq, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Free Trade agreements, Education reform, Health-care reform, balanced budgets, national debt among others. Ultimately whether you are labeled a Liberal or a Conservative will be judged by who you vote for in the Presidential, Senate and congressional elections in November. Regardless of your views on the death penalty, if you vote for President Obama you will be classified a Liberal and if you vote for Governor Romney you will be classified a Conservative.
2012-09-11 21:05:51 UTC
Just because you dont support or have differing views on the party platform dosnt mean your not one. At least you think outside the box, unlike most people.

Socially democrats believe in freedom...although only in half of thr issues in reality

Economically they believe in a well regulated economy

Well if you believe the democrats stance on social freedom and a regulated economy then you are somekind of liberal/progressive/democrat a classical liberal aka libertarian :)

Sry if there are any spelling errors im on my cell

Edit: im not a republican but armchair goddess dosnt know what they are talking about. Very biased left wing view my friend. Anyone who just blames one party all the time is a dolt. Both parties were responsible for making the great depression great and for lasting for so long. Both parties share blame for our current mess. Stop doing a disservice too people and stop spreading your idiocy
Armchair Goddess #1
2012-09-11 21:08:59 UTC
Most people, except the most militant and religioiusly fanatic right-wing Republicans, are a combination of liberal, moderate, and even bluedog conservative, so a more accurate description might be what President Obama is: centrist or moderate. This is a pivotal position which enables one to swing left on compassion issues and right to tough-on-crime issues, or whatever issues arise.

Some people who call themselves Independent still vote mostly for Democrats based on the Democrats' long history of fixing the fiscal messes the corporate-colluding supply-sider Republicans tend to leave in their wake (the Great Depression of 1929--1938; the collapse of our nation's savings and loans and the Reagan/Bush-Bush/Quayle recessions; the unfunded mandates (revenue-destroying tax cuts for the wealthiest 1.5%; Medicare Part D; "No Child Left Behind") and also the unfunded wars (one of them ILLEGAL), all of which were kept off the books by Bush/Cheney so that their economy looked more stable than was actually true. I say do what feels best and be yourself, whatever that may mean in terms of party affiliation, although being a Democrat myself, I do hope you lean more to the Democrats 'cause we're more To quote humorist Will Rogers: "I dont belong to any organized party. I'm a Democrat."
2012-09-11 20:59:22 UTC
I don't really know what liberal, socialist, communist, marxist, and fascist mean, I just call my opponents those things when they disagree with me.

For example, gay marriage, green energy, global warming, and abortion are all socialism. FACT.
2012-09-11 21:05:32 UTC
You sound like a socialist just like me.
2012-09-11 21:07:12 UTC
Maybe you're not a liberal.
2012-09-11 21:05:05 UTC
Perhaps you may be a moderate.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.