2008-01-10 11:13:47 UTC
I just gotta say that there seems to have been a re-write of history fomented by our liberal teachers and liberal college professors . There are a huge number of young people walkin around in our country that 'think' that . . . "dissent is the highest form of patriotism" or that dissent is even a measuring stick for patriotism .
First of all , to dispel the lie, Thomas Jefferson NEVER EVER said "dissent is the highest form of patriotism", although you'll see him quoted routinely . A simple google or wiki or snopes search will prove what I'm saying . And with that lie, it becomes easy to further fool people into thinking that 'dissent' is somehow a measuring-stick for patriotism . It is NOT .
In fact, Patriotism implies positive thought, not negative - Wiki -- Patriotism denotes positive and supportive attitudes to a 'fatherland' (Latin patria < Greek patris, πατρίς), by individuals and groups. The 'fatherland' (or 'motherland') can be a region or a city, but patriotism usually applies to a nation and/or a nation-state. Patriotism covers such attitudes as: pride in its achievements and culture, the desire to preserve its character and the basis of the culture, and identification with other members of the nation.