You know, there was a cartoon in the "Family Circus" series long ago. Mom or Dad would ask the kids "Who spilled the milk?" And the kids would say "I don't know." The cartoon showed a "ghost" figure named "I don't know" running away.
I think that's the way it is with NeoCons regarding "liberals." "Liberals want America to fail." "Liberals want troops to be killed." Somewhere, there's a ghost-cartoon character named "Liberals" that actually wants this stuff.
I think you're unAmerican for being so accusatory and lacking critical thought. Democrats want our troops home instead of fighting Bush's oil wars.
I'm not rooting for a decline in the economy. My economy's been in decline for several years! The gas prices are choking america's economy, and Conservatives don't want to see that.
Pach--I have never seen ANYONE on this board say that. Unless you count the wild-eyed conspiracy theorists as liberal. They're not in left field. They're in the parking lot of the softball field across the street from left field.
Because they ARE Bush's oil wars, Ned. Iraq was a war of choice. Mass murderer Osama bin Laden still walks free. No Conservative can say with a straight face that the War is really a "War on Terror" if you're not going after the mastermind behind the attacks, Osama bin Laden. All the "proof" of Iraq involvement in the attacks was proven to be *bogus*, and Bush knew that going in. When presented with the evidence, he asked George Tenet, "Is this the best we've got?" How do you still support a war that was based on that sort of flimsy evidence? And how do you support a president that took advantage of America's patrotic attitude after 9/11 and got us into a war like this?
And what on earth constitutes the mission being complete? Bush said "Mission accomplished" after the invasion was over. Was he wrong? Should we establish permanent bases in Iraq and completely ignore that mass murderer of September 11th, Osama bin Laden?
I could ask a question similar to yours from the other side--why do NeoCons want a Theocracy and want all middle class people to lose all their money, starve and die?
Do you know what I'm tired of? I'm tired of paying 2.97 a gallon for gas that will make oilmen rich.
And it's not at ALL related to supply and demand.
Aside from price fixing, it's all speculation.
More nonsense from the right.
Bin Laden and Saddam hated each other.
The Niger Uranium story was nonsense. Why did Bush's people out Valerie Plame as an agent?
Before? Clinton's policies against Saddam were EXTREMELY effective, and Bush's 1st secretary of state, Colin Powell, said so!
So did Condoleezza Rice...