2010-07-13 18:23:44 UTC
Martin Luther King ... when he lead the black population more or less, the black murder rates were on par with the national average, now they are 500% of average, same ratios with single motherhood.
MLK like JFK refused to go along with Progs, and they, as they did JFK, murdered him, and brought in sell outs like Jessie Jackson and made them wealthy for selling out the black people for democrats bribes which were actually traps to entrap the voting block and make them dependent on democrats so they would never leave, but it's taken a terrible toll on the black community.
The democrats wanted slavery to remain,
started the KKK when it was abolished,
started Planned Parenthood with the goal of eliminitaing as many blacks as possible (good ol Prog hero Margarete Sanger)
Opposed the equal rights amendment, JFK switched on that one after opposing it, went against the Progs and the Glob (globalist interests aligned with Progs, he told us about in a speach right before they murdered him)
Murdered JFK
Murdered MLK
Murdered Bobby K
Then they decided to control them by another means, destroying their culture, pushing drugs in their neighborhoods, making it cool to be degenerate and a sell out Uncle Tom if they were not degenerate, and making them dependent on bribes the democrats got to pacify and contol, and ultimately bind them.
Why do black people follow the democrats? It's a lesson is human behaviors, one the Progs knew well, learned from Edward Bernays, the same father of modern Propaganda who taught the Nazi's how to turn the whole population on the Jews, making it possible to do what they did and use the Jews as a unifying force for people to give them all the power they needed under the guise of protecting them from the boogey men. Kind of what libs are doing to the Tea Party movement right now with the aid of the Glob controlled media and entertainment industry, and in the schools.]
That's the deal, kinda ugly aint it?