Why is the media so BIASED against Donald Trump and all Republicans in general?
2020-12-08 23:19:06 UTC
Why is the media so BIASED against Donald Trump and all Republicans in general?
209 answers:
2020-12-13 13:07:49 UTC
Because the liberal media aren't journalists, they are political activists seeking victory for the Democratic Party. That is why they never mention Trump's many accomplishments and suppress any news that makes the Democrat Party look bad.
2020-12-12 12:47:55 UTC
Genuine Media, not Fox News who are just Trump's toadies, are for coming clean as they probably am aware it. They are limited by morals, they would not deceive general society as Fox does. they are not one-sided they are just expressing reality, possibly you are one-sided in light of the fact that Trump says they are phony information. you should attempt to have an independent mind.
2020-12-11 17:42:22 UTC
You must surely know, deep down, that the media necessarily have a right wing bias because they're funded via advertising by multinational corporations, who won't let them do anything that might put the world in danger of becoming a fairer place.  You've only got to watch a minute or so of Fox News to be aware that it's laughably biassed against justice and the vulnerable and in favour of billionaires.
2020-12-11 14:53:02 UTC
Hate. It makes me mad that they swayed the election since so many people have said they wouldn't have voted for Biden if they'd known about the China thing. It reminds me of Hearst and the Spanish American War: Give me the pictures and I'll give you the war."
2020-12-11 04:30:04 UTC
Multi-national corporations control the media. They are only interested in returning investment on their shareholders money. The only bias they have is against anything that is in the longer term financial goals of the American financial system. 

ABC is part of the Disney empire, NBC is owned by Comcast, while CBS is controlled by the Redstone family via their National Amusements theatres.
2020-12-10 07:21:06 UTC
The media has been filth from the start. No matter who they support.
Warren T
2020-12-09 19:48:06 UTC
2020-12-09 18:22:11 UTC
They arent.  That is an excuse republicans tell themselves.
Simon T
2020-12-09 17:33:29 UTC
For the same reason that the media (outside of Germany) was biased against Hitler.
2020-12-09 14:33:51 UTC
Telling the truth about them is not bias. Refusing to see how bad a person and president Trump actually is is bias.  Or idiocy.
2020-12-13 16:55:28 UTC
Trump has been deceptive has failed to adhere to the law and he's disrespected the media on countless occasions. 
2020-12-12 14:39:39 UTC
Interesting. Everything and everyone is biased. So 'the media' is biased, so are the people who run it, the people who view it, the people who advertise on it. If you think they are biased against Donald Trump well then I think you need to evaluate some of your own biases. 

At this point the media has stopped being as forgiving and 'nice' about the level of incorrectness coming out of Donald Trump and some Republicans. While before they enjoyed having easy stories to write about, and they didn't see the ramifications or importance of their role, they let a lot of things go. 

However, after 4 years of untruths some people stopped seeing them as entertaining and started becoming afraid. Afraid of people with different heritage and views. This is of course quite silly as no two people have the same heritage or views, and therefore you should be afraid of everyone. Lol, quite silly. 

My recommendation would be to accept everyone is wrong, and instead start asking the question "how are they wrong?", "why are they wrong?", or "how wrong are they?". If you think someone is 'right' remember they're not, they might be more right than you, or they might be pulling on some insecurity you have and just using you.
2020-12-12 07:44:25 UTC
Fear makes some morons do really moronic things.
Donnie Doom
2020-12-11 20:10:07 UTC
1) The rich own the media.

2) The rich love socialism and have nightmares about individualism.

It is self-evident why the media promotes the democrat party and socialism in general.
2020-12-11 16:19:56 UTC
Stop asking anonymously. The only reason a person would want to do that is to stir the anthill of both sides.
2020-12-11 16:11:35 UTC
We allow them to be. Most of the media have always been liberal. Free Speech Free Speech, flag burning, a lot of protest have been initiated by liberals. Feminist movement Vietnam..... A reporter once told me that with any news tv paper magazines that there has to be some propaganda to their reporting to keep some agitation in order to complete with other outlets people listen to what they want the truth to be as facts and with sound bites it’s easy to believe what you hear as fact. If you haven’t yet, listen to news max conservative then switch to cnn, msnbc, or fox liberal and see how the exact same story is told completely different even Walter Cronkite was liberal I and even newspapers write what they want. Just like it was reported that Trump said that while supremacist and neo Nazis we’re good people if you listen to the whole speech he said that some of the protesters he assumed were good people but strongly condemned white supremacy and neo nazis. So sad reporters are results for a lot of division in this country just to get the ratings. I’m not sure how they convince themselves that they are actually doing a service for good and how they sleep at night 
2020-12-11 12:27:22 UTC
Have you not seen and heard how stupid the media is after listening to the president they choose to be stupid.
2020-12-11 07:37:52 UTC
They aren't biased against Trump, he wants to ignore facts and science and when that doesn't work he lies.

Everything according to him is fake news, that doesn't paint him in a positive light.
2020-12-11 04:20:28 UTC
Look at me I voted for president because I can't think for myself
2020-12-11 01:47:37 UTC
True Media not Fox News who are only Trumps boot lickers, are for telling the truth as they know it.  They are bound by ethics, they would not lie to the public like Fox does.  they are not biased they are only stating the truth, maybe you are biased because Trump says they are fake news.  you should try to think for yourself.
2020-12-10 17:24:37 UTC
Why? Cos they lost an election the Republicans felt entitled to win? That’s facism. 
2020-12-10 16:45:12 UTC
The truth looks biased to opinionated people who have been indoctrinated to believe falsehoods that align w/ their predisposition. This is really simple stuff but one has to be willing to angle for the truth and be prepared to be disappointed by it.
2020-12-10 10:38:54 UTC
Their rich donors dont like his draining of the swamp
2020-12-10 03:35:08 UTC
There's a book that might interest you. It's named Bias, by Bernard Goldberg. The book is almost 20 years old now, but still relevant. The author, who was a reporter for CBS news for years before writing the book, and for FOX after writing the book, explains not only how the media bias can be seen in the choices of what stories to cover and how to cover them, but he also explains why that happens, and why the news reporters don't even see themselves as showing bias, because everyone in the circles of people that they work with and socialize with agrees with their point of view about politics, so they assume all smart and reasonable people must see things the same way they do.
2020-12-10 00:24:36 UTC
Sounds like somebody just woke up from a long nap. Like a four year long one?
2020-12-09 22:48:15 UTC
trump makes fun of the disabled.  incites and promotes violence at his rallies.  has fired half of his administration.  and his maga followers promote conspiracy theories and start riots and attack the media.  
Stop This Chaos
2020-12-09 22:10:57 UTC
Because TRUMP and his submissive Unamerican supporters have destroyed the American Democracy and have destroyed the nation in the eyes of the world.
2020-12-09 18:35:36 UTC
Because republicans suck and are unamerican?
2020-12-09 16:59:32 UTC
It is because we Republicans are the forever victimized.  We are victims of liberals, immigrants and victims of social media, we are victims of election fraud, victims of evil Republicans in Georgia and Arizona. We are just forever victimized. So if it sounds like we have issues with self responsibility and we need to blame others for our problems and our bad choices, then you'd be correct. 
2020-12-08 23:35:30 UTC
A lot of media is biased for Trump
Mr. Wizard
2020-12-11 23:54:14 UTC
President Trump is a successful global BILLIONAIRE who worked each year as POTUS, for ONE US DOLLAR--and out of pocket PAID FOR travel expenses when venturing in and out the country; he's the only U.S. President to do this---and surely will be the ONLY one to do so. 

President Trump launched FOUR SUCCESSFUL economic repair / restoration agenda plans---that excluded corrupt Congresspeople and business friends within Corporate America from "dipping from the till", profiting unethically from U.S. taxpayer dollars they felt entitled to.

Mess with a crook's ability to snag an illegal buck---you fast become their enemy.

Trump quickly gained A LOT of political enemies; he simply was way too busy focusing on economically repairing America to even notice who his dissenters ( BOTH Democrat AND GOP ) actually were. 

Remember: President Trump is a businessman---NOT a polished savvy politician.

Also worth noting: President Trump was full throttle CAPITALIST; Socialist Communized people---many hiding within Congress---and others located across the world ( millionaires and even a few BILLIONaires, mind you ) HATE CAPITALISTS....and they have bitter HATE for President Trump, understandably; it's nothing personal.....or is it???

Ahhhh.....we all were simply led to think it was a Democrat vs. Trump thing---but alas, such was a clever distraction indeed.

So the alliance between Trump's political and Socialist enemies simply worked together with the aim to dethrone President Trump; you can look back at the last 3 years and note all the Democrat efforts against Trump to see how impressive their agendas were laid out---and hints on HOW they were FINANCED.......or by WHOM. 

The media were simply used as a Socialist PROPAGANDA TOOL to mentally condition masses of Americans--and others worldwide: TV, radio, print--and even Internet 'news' media outlets; it suddenly became noveau popular to diss Trump.

In fact, many of the "anonymous" TROLLS HERE IN YAHOO ANSWERS, have ISP numbers tracking them back to Minsk ( Russia ) AND Bejing ( China ); if you closely read their texted "questions" here---you CAN pick them out. 

And I'm led to believe the young impressionable voting age lemmings of America all rallied for the Biden/Harris ticket in November---because they forsaw Trump as a mean, chauvinist bull-headed man.....and Joe Biden is kind, smiley and fuzzy-sweet!!! 

Oh nevermind that President Trump was SUCCESSFULLY working on making America citizen life better for everyone. The Socialist launched a multi-tiered team effort in exaggerating the COVID-19 "politicized pandemic" (which they're still hard at continuing to do, by the way ) that seeks to smash down Capitalism--and replace it with a bold American Socialist model of both society AND Government. 
2020-12-11 22:45:13 UTC
Its a hidden agenda. A globalist agenda. A "dominion" agenda. This is to get things back into line with what Hillary was going to do to us.
2020-12-11 17:11:13 UTC
That is the sentence for most blatant liars.
2020-12-11 15:15:02 UTC
I don't know why Fox News is so hard on Trump.  Fox News needs to be shut down for betraying conservatism. So I agree with you.
2020-12-11 01:10:06 UTC
Not sure.  If I find out I will let you know
2020-12-11 00:58:02 UTC
The PR wing of the Democrat party is biased.
2020-12-10 17:24:40 UTC
Because they are being controlled by Soros and the corrupt Democrats.
2020-12-10 14:20:54 UTC
The media makes an attempt to control and manipulate your thoughts.
2020-12-10 13:04:12 UTC
Simple. Media is Evil, on both sides. 
2020-12-10 00:13:29 UTC
'cause 90% of news in USA is trash commentary, and never documenting what is actually happening
2020-12-09 23:36:17 UTC
Telling the truth about corrupt lying garbage isn't biased. The biased media are the ones that propagate his tremendous bs 
Mr. anonymous
2020-12-09 23:03:38 UTC
Because the media/ social media platforms tend to be owned and influenced by the liberals. Trump just doesn't fit their point of view.
2020-12-09 22:58:27 UTC
Because Trump insults everyone and acts like a giant idiot, and many people defend him.
2020-12-09 21:46:11 UTC
Because he's quarreled with the plutocrats like Bezos who own the media.
2020-12-09 19:20:24 UTC
Because truth is biased against criminals and liars. 
2020-12-09 18:40:11 UTC
Trump was indeed accused of several crimes that Democrats themselves investigated and found to be untrue. Bush was accused of sexual assault the year before he died. His son was accused of war crimes and other such nonsense and the Colbert Report was one of many shows dedicated to making him look like a complete corrupt idiot even though fact checkers found very little of the information on the show to be accurate. 

Face it, the media is owned by 6 companies, 5 of which are owned by far leftists and 1 owned by a far right tycoon. Most of the media exists to promote the left and Democrats in particular. 

It is documented fact that leftist news sites bury reports Republican accomplishments and emphasize Democrat accomplishments by an order of ten or greater. 
2020-12-09 16:39:00 UTC
I notice you just made the accusation and provided no supporting arguments or facts.

But here is one possibility. Imagine the greatest criminal in the world who faces the most accusations ever of wrong doing.  Imagine a most abnormal grotesque psychopath doing all those bad things and lying 100 times every day.....well such a person, would say that oh....everyone is biased against him because he is so often being attacked or criticized or investigated or being refuted for lying, right?

That is one possibility that Trump 's abnormality is the real cause....
2020-12-09 11:42:41 UTC
Student indoctrination for liberal and left wing ideology is so strong since the Vietnam conflict, that it is impossible to graduate from college and/or journalism school unless you carry the party line. Hence, 95 % of today's media have the pandemic of liberalism which is known a mental disorder.
2020-12-08 23:22:19 UTC
Because a lot of bad things have happened under Donald Trump’s leadership. The current administration has not only failed to fix problems caused by the previous administration but also created many new ones.
2020-12-08 23:21:41 UTC
Because he's a lying corrupt criminal who been the worst president in the history of the republic. What are they supposed to write, "Hey it's great that he's made the US the worst country in the world for covid cases and deaths"?
2020-12-12 05:45:38 UTC
Simple: Power, influence, and attention. The media pushes their narrative the way they do because it puts them on top. They push fear and lying about people with the fake “experts” by their side to push their agenda. As we know, democrats like to give power to big tech and media, which is exactly why the media attacks republicans. Lockdowns are a big example of this. Democrats shut down their state and claimed only essentials could stay open. All of the big companies were considered essential, while allowing 100’s of people inside to keep buying from them.
2020-12-12 02:47:29 UTC
90% of the media are Democrats.
2020-12-11 18:47:12 UTC
It's not a biais, it's a judgement of all the failures of the Trump Government. Do you know that the US has the worst results in the world with Covid?
2020-12-11 09:55:42 UTC
Cause the usa media are corrupt an trump is upsetting usa
2020-12-11 01:41:26 UTC
If that is what you wish to believe then so be it.
2020-12-10 19:26:38 UTC


2020-12-10 18:15:04 UTC
If you want to see biased for Donald Trump, watch OAN and NewsMax, or FOX.

Other mainstream media  are biased against all deplorable governing, not  just Donald Trumps. 
2020-12-10 17:37:11 UTC
They don’t like liars and neither do I so I don’t blame them
2020-12-10 16:17:14 UTC
Trump is a pathological liar. He is not compassionate. He has feed certain Americans hatred and envy and you want to believe him because honestly you are afraid and ignorant. The press tells it like it is and Trump did all those bad things. Conservatives live in an alt reality of conspiracies and hoaxes. They believe the whacko QANON people. History will not be kind to Trump and his alt reality believers. Embrace the suck.  
2020-12-10 16:15:59 UTC
I think its more against anti establishment. They want us to be sheep, its easier for them to profit that way. Unfortunately the sheep just voted in the wolves. Thanks libtards.
2020-12-10 12:55:27 UTC
Republicans are trying to invalidate the votes of millions of Americans because they didn’t like the outcome. They want to take away the voice, the vote of Americans... they are attacking the very basis of American democracy and our American institutions, the bill of rights themselves in order to “win” an election. That’s how you lose democracy. That’s how banana republics and dictatorships are created. 
2020-12-10 05:30:55 UTC
it sells doesnt it , media just cares about making money ..
2020-12-09 22:25:46 UTC
They are not biased fatty, they are simply right!!!
2020-12-09 21:57:06 UTC
87% of media CEO's are registered, contributing Democrats.
2020-12-09 19:25:06 UTC
Donald Trump is an OFFENSIVE human being. I'm a lifelong Republican and I hate him. If he would have simply acted like a President half of the time, he would have received millions more votes, and the media would have been much more subdued. They would have treated him much more like George W. Bush
2020-12-09 18:09:18 UTC
Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

That's called a consequence of the Gross Old Perverts lying to support the orange losing traitor.
2020-12-09 11:07:43 UTC
If scientists say it's an elephant, the newspapers say it's an elephant, the general public says it's an elephant, the social media say it's an elephant, well, it probably is an elephant.
2020-12-09 08:02:45 UTC
it sells doesnt it , media just cares about making money ..
2020-12-08 23:26:17 UTC
bias against knuckle draggers is a good thing.
2020-12-08 23:21:09 UTC
They just tell the truth. It’s not the media’s fault that republicans don’t. 
2020-12-11 17:41:48 UTC
A lot of media is biased for Trump
Man Abrier
2020-12-11 00:06:16 UTC
They're companies. That means they have stocks. It depends on who owns the companies. At a certain point, the uber rich believe themselves to be gods, and so anyone who contradicts their views must be purged. The media is nothing but the Five Minutes Hate that Orwell described in 1984.
2020-12-10 21:57:35 UTC
because Republicans & Trump are biased against the media and all Democrats in general. 
2020-12-10 21:52:10 UTC
Trump is an outstandingly bad person.
2020-12-10 21:45:21 UTC
Uh.... look who runs the media. Start there 
2020-12-10 18:34:58 UTC
Most of these people are Democrats. They will never admit Trump has done some things right.
2020-12-09 23:19:12 UTC
The media is biased in favor of Trump and all Republicans in general
The Devil
2020-12-09 23:04:44 UTC
It's impossible to support a compulsive liar.
Robert M
2020-12-09 23:04:29 UTC
TRUMP can ONL:Y WIN when he puts ALL OTHERS DOWN! IN REALITY he has fixed N OTHING but the time it take to get a CLEAN SHOWER! HE is a BOISTEROUS BLOW HARD and a total TOTALITARIAN just like HITLER we=was! he even CHEAGED US LL to fix he F@@@Ing golf courses while 270,000 have DIED from his BAD POLILCIES and being UNABVLE to accept that GLOBAL WARMING Is REAL and affecting us ALL! He RAISED the emissions standards and we can hardly BREATHE as IT IS! I was actually HOPING he would drink some CLOROX or MALARIA meds! I think a few doctors feel the SAME exact WAY! EVERY DAY we ae MORE and MORE in debt to CHINA from BAD political ideologies thinking and it is usually the REBUBLICANS that do the DAMAGES< as I see it! WE are ALL struggling from bad poi lies and our reputation around the world is in as much CHAOS as the WHITE HOUSE has made it! He PAID others to take his college exams and was NEVER in the MILITR+ARY or evwen raun a SMALL TOWN< yet he has ACCESS to NUCKLEAR WEAPONS and he shows his immaturity DAILY When he goes on TV! He OWNS a few RADI STATIONS and can BRAIN WASH everyone as much as he WANTS TO! IT is VERY VERY SAD that only RICH PEOPLE get into the WHITE HOUSE and he is NOT even REALLY A BILLIONAIRE! His businesses are nearly ALL In failure now! And he BOASTS way too much about what IN REALTY, he has NOT even ACCOMPLISHED! MORE and MROE businesses are CLOSING due to COVID and we are ALL suffering from his defunding of agencies around the world that we have for DECADES supported to keep things CLEANER and EPIDEMIC FREE!EVEN BANMKS are all disappearing! I read that MICHIGAN NATIONAL BANK was sold for $150! and that CHASE was sold to CHEMICAL BANK??????? We are LOSING our identities and MORE each day! OBAMA was a GIANT compared to this FRAUDULANT JACK *** and people ACTUALLY listen to and FOLLOW HIM! WOW! it STILL blows my mind! HE belongs in PRISON for putting KIDS in CAGES and he LIED his *** off about the stupid WALL that had NO HOPE of doing ANYTHING but costing WE TAXPAYERS even MORE! He SOMEHOW uses TAX money to PAY for his damn GOLF COURSE REPAIRS and has been cheating our GOVERNMENT every year MORE and MORE! GO to GOOLE or wikipedia and look up TRUMP LAWSUITS! IF I COULD I Would SUE him MYSELF for DERANGEMENT and my inability to SLEEP NIGHTS! I DREAMT in horror that he would put his VISAGE on MT RUSHMORE< and he nearly succeeded. MY OTHER NIGHTMARE is one day to find his FACE on DOLLAR BILLS on ONE SIDE and TRUM PTOWER ont he OTHER SIDE! I would be GRATEFLU in a way should he be POISONED or SHOT! The WORLD would BREATHE BETTER AGAIN!  And he is neural INCONTINENT as well! I BELIEVE we need YOUNGER BLOOD in the WHITE HOUSE! This guy CRAPS on GOLD toilets as we ALL PAY for the RIDE! 
konstantine m
2020-12-09 19:20:08 UTC
Jews!!! Calergi Plan!!!
2020-12-09 17:52:20 UTC
It's not.  Right wing media is bias and the actual fake news. 
2020-12-09 16:20:43 UTC
I guess when the media states facts and tells the truth it's  bias.  But when trump and republicans lie 24/7 and get caught in their lies it's ok.  Really??
2020-12-09 14:45:54 UTC
They're fascist traitors who hate America and hate freedom 
2020-12-09 14:37:38 UTC
Trump declared war against the media the day he announced his candidacy. He used them constantly for free publicity all through his nomination campaign and election campaign, all the while calling them "dishonest." 


   Why would you be surprised when the media pushed back, uncovering Trump's own dishonesty?
2020-12-09 14:21:49 UTC
Because they're liberal Democrats.
2020-12-09 11:18:43 UTC
Count me as biased too. I don't like liars and cheaters, which Trump obviously is. The courts have thrown out his cases 50 times. He has tried to cheat by influencing legislators. He is a madman and a national disgrace. So are the congressmen going along with this farce. 
2020-12-09 11:09:16 UTC
Journalists tend to be Democrats, so that's the main reason, but Donald Trump is an incompetent liar, which makes the situation so much worse.
Little Ms Sunshine
2020-12-09 10:45:57 UTC
If you're talking about mainstream media, it's called journalism. 

Because "integrity" is when what you "say" and what you "do" are in harmony, and journalism is pointing out when those things are opposed - and there's just so much of it with Trump - when what he's saying and what he's doing are NOT in harmony. They're just doing the job: Uncover the facts behind things that don't make sense, and then present "what's behind it" to the public. That is journalism. The very reason Trump labeled the media "fake" - so that his followers, who are NOT predisposed to Cause & Effect, wouldn't believe the truth as it is exposed. 
Ron Akia
2020-12-09 00:21:35 UTC
The media is largely owned by wealthy Democrats.
2020-12-08 23:21:53 UTC
Its discusting. It's a deeper state run media. Deep state is only the surface. 

They're out to ruin America and take over the world.
Dandy Desmond
2020-12-11 21:22:02 UTC
World Socialism
2020-12-11 17:57:41 UTC
The fact of the matter: It is because media hate America and they hate what everything America stands for God, life, liberty, and the American dream, they think that life is supposed to be fair, but life is not fair, The media is part of the democrat party, that is why they don't cover anything that occurs between the democrats, like Joe Biden son, or anything that goes on with the democrats, you have democrats that have let China spies close to them and given them top-secret information. They have taken over with our automobile and computers, that is why our president was trying to put tariffs on China because they have destroyed the dollar, so it is not worth a dollar, we have to get a lot tougher on china because they are a threat to national security and our way of living. The democrat party will not do anything to reverse this, it is only up to the Republican party, who stands for God, life, liberty, and the American dream. The left-wing agenda wants to make our country a communist country like communist China, where you don't have any rights anymore. That is why they talk about nothing about Joe Biden's passed or all of the corruption his son is in from getting millions from Ukraine burisma with no experience Hunter Biden. If that was Donald Trump's son they would want to impeach him because his son made millions for an oil company with no experience. Joe Biden has done nothing for Delaware in 40 years when he was a Senator, why do you think he is going to change as a president, he will be like Obama, playing golf and blaming Bush for everything that went wrong. how much have we heard about the spy and Eric Swalwell nothing from the left-wing media, only Fox News is the only one that is really covering the story because they are doing what the left-wing media will not do, the truth for we the people.
2020-12-11 06:58:34 UTC
I don't think they are. He pi$$ed all over them so they pi$$ed back. Simple payback. 
2020-12-11 02:02:17 UTC
Whatever helps you sleep at night. But seriously though.....aren't you embarrassed at all by now?
2020-12-11 00:13:35 UTC
Ever hear the old kids chant, Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I'm going to the woods to eat worms? Well to me that is Trump's daily cry baby lie. He has others that are much bigger and more like the old German leader, the Korean leader, and all those others who never wanted to be "The President of the United States" but more of that type of leader who lies to the people and does it to try to become a dictator like his friends. He only went to visit them to take lessons. He wants to be able to say you're fired pretty often too. Republicans who lie to themselves are just like those in Germany in the forties. Think about it!
2020-12-10 19:17:28 UTC
They aren't REAL news organizations. All they want is to push their ideas and solutions to you and convince to you that they are correct 


they've never liked trump or republicans. Is that why most news reporters are democrat.... you tell me are you watching ABC news CNN or NBC?
2020-12-10 15:51:59 UTC
I've got a better question- Why do so many pro Donald Lame Duckers post their questions anonymously? Are you cowards like Cadet Bone Spurs?
2020-12-10 15:44:27 UTC
Trust isn't bought for money or bribes, it's earned.  Liars who lie on a daily basis can't be trusted.  Lying when the lie is actually proven to be a lie, is not something that makes someone else trust you.  Republican backers for Trump are hanging onto his coat tails with the false vision that he will be trusted by America again will go down in flames with Trump.  

America has spoken by their votes, and yet Trump calls them lies, flames the flames of racism, caused people to have to be afraid for themselves and their families, only because they stood up to him with the truth.  He is only using his backers for their hard earned money, causing the virus to spread which he knows will happen every time he holds a public rally with people not wearing masks.  How his supporters can say this deadly virus is a hoax is beyond me and the people who have lost loved ones due to the coronavirus that Trump lied about from the beginning.  Wasting money on voter recounts, accusing people of cheating, it's just corruption that he's always carried around and some people are so stupid they believe his lies.  Trump brings shame to the republicans, he has no sense of shame as long as everything is about him.  Well the covers have been pulled off of his corruption and he and his cronies will pay.  Can't wait for his last day in America's White House, he will probably go nuts when he has to move out.  He will be taking his supporters money with him based on the numerous lies he tells and will forget about his supporters unless they are thugs, who will continue to believe his lies.  He is a racist, hateful, greedy, corrupt, disrespectful liar and that's what the MEDIA wants America to know.  Not that he doesn't help the media with his dumb tweets all day and night.

Trump in your famous words: "YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!!"
2020-12-10 13:52:59 UTC
Do you mean why is reality so against Republicans and Trump supporters in general? Stop being a little victim snowflake loser.
2020-12-10 13:07:35 UTC
Reality has a well-known liberal bias.
2020-12-10 07:54:04 UTC
Because they're crybaby libtards.
2020-12-10 03:10:23 UTC
Yeah, Donald Trump and the Republican party has never been bias against the media. Lol 😂 
2020-12-10 02:13:46 UTC
Can you be more specific because there are thousands of media outlets that are just as biased towards all Democrats in general? If you enter a search for "right wing media" I'm certain you'll find lots of hateful stuff directed at Democrats.
Citizen Awesome
2020-12-10 00:18:55 UTC
There is fact and their are people who have been conned to disbelief fact and not read the fine print or research court documents and transcripts for themselves, nor read the fine print in his emails requesting donations to fight voter fraud. The latter have been conditioned to believe the "poor Donald" con and continue to donate. It's easier for the conman to con people than it is to convince people they have been conned. Carry on. 
2020-12-09 21:57:13 UTC
GOP is doing an incredibly bad job.
2020-12-09 21:55:25 UTC
Easy. Journalists are trained to seek and report to the public. If you don’t lie, don’t commit a crime, and don’t mislead the public one has no problem with the media. Most presidents were annoyed by the press questioning everything they do, but most also knew the role of the free press is to be the eyes and ears of the public. Most of us don’t have the time to fact check everything a politician’s says, but it’s the journalists job. It’s what they do. So if you think they are literal maybe because you are a conservative and don’t want what you say challenged or fact checked. It’s the reason Putin, for instance, took over Russia’s free press on day one. Every autocrat, dictator, fascist leader takes over the free press so they can fill the populace with only what benefits them. Trump can’t take it over, so he has set about calling the press “the enemy of the people” when they are really the enemy of lies and misinformation foisted on the public.
2020-12-09 16:21:47 UTC
I am a Republican. I am against trump. He is a horrible person. Why do you blindly support him? Did you bother to look at his history? Do you know how many criminal and civil charges trump has “settled” out of court? “Settled out of court” means guilty, but avoiding a trial and prison time. The average person can’t afford to payoff people. You trumpers think hillary is evil? trump is so much worse.
2020-12-09 15:38:38 UTC
Because the media are predominantly Democrats now. 
2020-12-09 15:37:34 UTC
Because we're in the USA and here, most say and share the truth about people, 

including those we disagree with. This is not for ex North Korea .. Nazi Germany .. 

Fascist Italy .. the old Confederacy .. modern day Russia .. Saudi Arabia .. China. 

seems like you should leave this country as neither a fan of democracy or diversity.
Obi Wan Knievel
2020-12-09 14:30:04 UTC
Because they are, that's why.  Journalism is an inherently left-wing business, because left-wing stuff sells papers (back when the paper was the main medium for news) and gets ratings.  If news outlets thought they could make more money with a right-wing bias, they'd do that.

Human interest stories tug at the heartstrings, and that's what sells.  Some poor lady living in the projects trying to feed her 16 kids is just a better story than some not-poor lady trying to make her mortgage payments.  No matter what a journalist does with that second option, it won't be a very good story.  
2020-12-11 22:01:47 UTC
Well, the media has a long history of being biased. Remember the Chicago Tribune and their campaign against Harry Truman. You won't remember that unless you've read about it, but the Tribune falsely announced Truman's defeat on the front page. Also, there were such newspaper writers as Westbrook Pegler (he carried on a continuous crusade against the New Deal, FDR, and Elenore Roosevelt.) So, now we've got such people as George Stephanopoulos who, in my opinion is nothing more than an promoter of the Democratic Party. Unfortunately, the media is so overwhelmingly  biased toward the Democrats that Fox News, which does have several wildly Democratic commentators (Harold Ford, for example, who is a former Democratic representative and Donna Bazile, former interim chair of the Democratic Party) , is considered as uncharacteristically biased. 
2020-12-11 16:15:07 UTC
so what is fox news then Eistien,   it's a media platform you dumb cretin,  and a completely bias one at that.........why is it you fekkers only ever see one side of the coin? phillistines
2020-12-11 12:01:33 UTC
it's all theatre. behind the scenes politicians on both ends of the political spectrum are puppets for the same kosher blessed global elites. 
2020-12-11 02:26:56 UTC
Not only the media.  With the exception of Putin, Netanyahu, Bolsonaro and a few other questionable characters, then add the wealthy sedition abuse crew King Don admires.  Basically this entire planet sorta dislikes him, intensely.
2020-12-10 16:25:10 UTC
Why would the media support someone who has systematically tried to undermine democracy, who has bullied and lied his way through his tenure, has little respect for anyone, and who refuses to accept the election results- instead crying fraud but offering no evidence.  His supporters have been little more than sycophants, not daring to bring him to task when he is obviously using his office for self-promotion and not for the good of the country. 

Donnie Dumb Dumb deserves everything the media chucks at him. 
2020-12-10 14:21:52 UTC
If Trump had stayed a democrat, they would love him. Remember the only standard democrats have are double standards. The Liberal media hates Republicans. Republicans believe in Family, the constitution, hard work and smaller government. Liberals believe in Slavery, oppression, open borders, killing children, sexual deviancy and they hate FREE SPEACH. You can't control the masses without the media. Liberals absorb the propaganda and don't bother to research the facts.
2020-12-10 11:59:24 UTC
Because they have morals.
2020-12-10 04:43:25 UTC
The media likes facts, but Trump and the Gee Old Pee are pathological liars. The media does not like lairs, unless it is Faux News, because Faux News lies just as often as Trump and the Gee Old Pee. 
2020-12-10 01:19:44 UTC
they're a bunch of desperate whiny ******* like all democrats. do as we demand or we'll threaten and attack you. i found it hilarious that the liberal media is desperately trying to label those who feel the election was illegal as violent people who are going to be a threat to everyone yet all the video proof of cowardly liberals attacking and threatening people sitting outside having a meal or trying to attack republican politicians out on the street and requiring police protection yet democrats have never had to deal with any of these childish and cowardly acts themselves and looked the other way. i more than support that democrats should face the exact same things republicans had to deal with the past four years. it's only fair that they endure the same treatment. put the shoe on the other foot and see how it feels.
2020-12-09 19:13:57 UTC
They are not, Trump is the one responsible for the general animosity towards himself and a number of his fanatical Republican supporters due to his own actions.  As he stated in an interview prior to running, he decided to call anything negative "fake news" and refer to the new media as "the fake news media" as he knew that if he said it often enough people would not only believe him but forget that it was him that started the term in the first place.  However Trump was not the first person to use this tactic, the last person to use it was Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and, in fact, many of the tactics he used are similar to those employed by Trump.  So if you want an idea of where the US was heading under Trump, you just have to look at Venezuela.

In addition Trump's consistent actions when asked a question, either insult the reporter, call the question nasty, or both, did nothing to improve his relationship with the press.  Many of the questions he responded to in this way were fairly basic and easily answered or avoided without insults but Trump always chose to insult others.
2020-12-09 17:25:24 UTC
The Media is Left & has been since Congress put national news papers in the budget. The Times, etc., doesn't sell enough to keep publishing. Congress thought (wrong) that the papers were the First Amendment & had to stay in business. After that, the Left were in control & hired Left.

If you look at what happens in a dictatorship, the opponents are always demonized & supporters are marginalized. Then, the arrests & re-indoctrination.
2020-12-09 15:45:58 UTC
Marxists choose those professions where they can manipulate other people's brains, even if they do not give financial satisfaction. Journalists, teachers, politicians ...

It is incredible those who say that Trump lies or treats the media badly or that I know. The media went against him BEFORE he is president. Before I did something. From minute one of their presidency they began a ruthless campaign and went against Trump with an unprecedented treachery in the USA. It is called militant journalism in Argentina, pseudo-journalism that militates in the democratic party and in the globalist Marxist cultural sororized agenda. That he is slowly forcing things in favor of dry Marxism.

In South America this type of journalism is fundamentally associated with "Socialism of the XXI century" which is a way of disguising Cuban communism with another name. Fidel chose that from the title of a book.

The reality is that imposed by the politically correct cultural Marxist globalized sororized agenda. And then unusual things happen like a man winning the title of miss universe Spain when another participant was expelled for being a mother, what is more representative of being a woman having a dick or having children? According to the agenda it is to have a dick.
2020-12-09 14:00:44 UTC
It's not "bias". It's been a straightforward assessment of his unfitness and lack of qualifications for the presidency.

The man has been, from the beginning, a narcissistic, lying, con man huckster and fraud. He has a whole string of bankruptcies, loan defaults, stiffed creditors, and failed businesses behind him. He had no experience in elective office, he's accomplished very little as president, he's told tens of thousands of lies, he attempted to solicit foreign interference in the electoral process and was impeached for it, he badly mishandled a major public health crisis, our economy is in tatters and contrary to his claims, it actually wasn't in such great shape BEFORE the pandemic.

And his behavior over the election is utterly ludicrous.  He's displaying clear signs of real mental illness.

Finally, he's attacked the media from day one, calling everything they said "fake news" simply because it wasn't fulsome praise of him.

After all that, what would you EXPECT journalists, who are among the best-educated and best-informed people in the country, to say about him?
2020-12-09 13:52:22 UTC
They are scared of being called names by the woke on Twitter. The media is run by 23 year old morons and people too intimidated by them to give them a good slap and kick them out of their job.
2020-12-09 10:57:54 UTC
I did not realize it was until I started paying closer attention.

Its hard to believe so much of the mainstream media lies so often.  I guess its all about becoming a socialist country to them?
Jimmy S
2020-12-09 10:14:10 UTC
Because their policy is bad for America
2020-12-09 09:20:07 UTC
Because most media is liberal.    
2020-12-09 08:46:41 UTC
This is the first half of the the 1st amendment in the US Constitution. The part I'm quoting is what the press is concerned about.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

The key words are "prohibiting the free exercise". The press can be as biased as they want because of those words.
2020-12-09 07:30:12 UTC
You are experiencing confirmation bias.  The mainstream media is not biased.  They report on what Trump does and says.  If that sounds awful to you, consider the possibility that he is saying and doing awful things instead of blaming the media for telling you things  you don't want to hear.
2020-12-08 23:32:03 UTC
Cause they want the democrat party to have as much power as possible


Although let's not forget republican media is also biased against the democrats
2020-12-11 16:29:19 UTC
The media is not so much biased against Trump as they're just biased. Fox, for example, is very, VERY biased towards Trump and the Republicans, as are a few other major outlets.

There's a trick to cutting through the bias though. First, only look at legitimate news sources. Ignore that article your friend posted on social media from some website you've never heard of. Unless you can verify that it was written by an actually reporter working for an actual news organization in the US assume that it's just some guy talking out of his ***.

Next, when you read an article from a legitimate news source remember that they absolutely cannot make stuff up. They can (and do) spin it all they want, but if a legitimate news source says something happened then it has to have happened. Otherwise they get fined and/or sued for libel/slander. 

(Incidentally, this is how you know Trump's "fake news" rhetoric is mostly BS. If CNN were really making stuff up about him he'd have sued them into oblivion by now. The only real sources of fake news is social media, and he posts just as much of it there as his opponents.)

Finally, and this is the hard part, separate the facts from the spin. Ignore emotionally loaded terms (alt-right and neo-liberal are common examples). Discard the opinions of the reporters and examine the facts themselves.

And, honestly, when you do all that you'll find that Trump is a criminal (convicted of fraud in relation to the Trump Foundation, and the fact that he has issued several pardons to his cronies should raise the eyebrows of anyone who takes two seconds to consider it) who has promoted violence against people who disagree with him ("Somebody punch that guy, I'll pay your legal fees"), fires anyone who disagrees with him even if they're right, ignores proven science if he doesn't like what it says, and actively and intentionally stirs up widespread discontent for his own benefit. So the real question here is why would anyone support him?
2020-12-11 12:27:39 UTC
You like to cheat, steal and lie. Not very admirable traits.
2020-12-11 10:53:43 UTC
You haven't figured it our yet. When Lies and Innuendo's are much more important than the actual Truth and Fact, then there-in lies the problem. The Left lately has been relying on falsehoods and lies to get their messages across and the Media has grasped on this as being reality, that anything from the Right is 100% wrong even it's proven correct.
2020-12-11 05:49:26 UTC
Themedia tells thetruth
2020-12-11 00:23:30 UTC
The bias is Fox News considering Trump somewhat good.

The truth is that the obese orange abomination is a disgrace, and coming this January, a lot of his accomplice will start talking in exchange for lesser changes for themselves, like Michael Cohen did.

You will shortly claim that you never liked and never supported the fat idiot. Mark my words.
2020-12-10 18:00:41 UTC
Why do you ask loaded questions?
2020-12-10 16:12:50 UTC
the media is run by the jews
boy boy
2020-12-10 09:03:20 UTC
if only wish you Americans could see trump as Europeans see him ..America is our greatest ally ..we need America to keep world peace .i have been there dozens of times ..loved it ..but have never met a single person over here who did not dislike trump ..we just don't respect the guy ..full stop ..and he makes America look bad could 73 million Americans vote for him??? ..he should not be standing on the highest step ..
2020-12-10 01:42:43 UTC
Oh poor Republicans.  Can dish it but cant take it. 

Maybe if it wasnt for you Jerry Fallwell types youd have it easier.Its a shame your Bush couldn't have prevented the recession. 
2020-12-09 18:57:23 UTC
No bias, pure truth about the orange azzhole.
2020-12-09 18:44:50 UTC
Trump has turned the Republican Party into the Party of Lies.

--- And I am a RINO now, registered Republican all my life, but never-Trump and anti-lying now.
2020-12-09 18:26:59 UTC
There was a rumor some years ago, when Obama was president, that he got the heads of all the major networks in a room, and threatened to use the FCC to take away their license if they didn't say only good things about him. I don't know if that's true. 

The other reason is this: 

Rush Limbaugh says that being a Liberal is the most gutless decision you can make. Liberals are very much

afraid of being accused of being racist, even if it's unfounded. Their reputation is very important to them. 

Seeking the truth would be the brave thing to do, but they

only give into peer pressure, and do what's considered is the "cool" thing to say and do. 

Liberals are very socially conforming people. 

Others just don't have the curiosity to investigate whether what is being reported is true or not. 
2020-12-09 18:18:27 UTC
Legitimate media is NEVER biased against ANYone, including Repugnicans.
2020-12-09 17:38:00 UTC
Why IS the media...?

The word "media" is plural.
2020-12-09 15:27:32 UTC
It's not just Republicans and conservatives they are biased against, it's also progressives that they are biased against. The people who work in media are usually from a certain social class, and they socialize with other people from the same social class, so the only perspectives that get heard are their own social class's perspectives. They only think that a center-right corporate perspective is the only thing that matters.
Robin W
2020-12-09 14:27:12 UTC
You mean how they "make him look bad" by quoting him verbatim, or replaying the videos where he lied, gaslighted, broke promises, contradicted himself, blamed someone else for something he did, or tried to take credit for something Obama did?  He needs no help looking bad.  He IS bad.
2020-12-09 13:59:23 UTC
There will always be left and right leaning media but when even right-biased media like Fox News turns on Trump, you know there's something rotten at the top...
2020-12-09 10:09:05 UTC
They are simply calling a spade a spade! If a person, say for instance, was acting like a lunatic and was portrayed as such by the mass media, would that make the news media biased? No, it would just let everyone know that a person of interest is acting like a lunatic. 
2020-12-09 08:14:45 UTC
republicans simply don't tell truths. facts are a liberal Bias
2020-12-09 00:53:22 UTC
They aren't, Trump and the GOP have just gone insane.
2020-12-12 08:00:56 UTC
The media isn't biased against Trump and Republicans. It got to a point where they finally had to acknowledge that Trump and Republicans in general lie a lot in order to try to seize more power. At the beginning of Trump's term they tiptoed around saying he lied as if reporting that truth was the exception to maintaining standards of truthful reporting. The fact that Trump did everything he could to muzzle the media didn't help his case, either. The man thought he was a god (an unbiased observer would say Satan) and could treat anyone as a puppet with the exception of his own gods, i.e., dictators like Putin. That won't fly in the U.S., regardless of how many guns his groupies bring to the party.
2020-12-11 15:26:01 UTC
Because they want to changer our government from Democratic to Authoritarian.
2020-12-11 14:41:23 UTC
Because most American media outlets are blindly prejudiced against Republicans
2020-12-11 03:21:01 UTC
because as a Christian, it says the Christians will be persecuted again before the end times. Trump 2020
2020-12-11 02:56:12 UTC
because journalists are mostly stupid, wannabe actors who think they can tell others how to live
2020-12-11 00:37:48 UTC
So we should sing praises to the idiit in chief, the super spreader for his many covid accomplishments?


HAIL TO THE CHIEF... super spreader for his 300,000 dead Americans. 
2020-12-10 22:31:28 UTC
Because  some of the media is  leftist  and  supported  by not only  communist  China  but the New  World  Order  in other words  they  are paid to  be biased  against  Trump in my  opinion
2020-12-10 22:27:27 UTC
Media is liberal and corrupt... thats why 
2020-12-10 14:00:44 UTC
Good question I mean they praise child murderer Obama and yet won’t cover when trump brings peace between millenia long enemies
2020-12-10 11:23:57 UTC
Appealing to the demographics. It's not about accuracy, or truth, it's getting the most clicks. They'd rather be popular than right.
Judy and Charlie
2020-12-09 22:58:03 UTC
Oh, I don't know.....could it be the fact that neither Republicans and especially Donald Trump are NOT MORAL PEOPLE and therefore don't deserve our respect?
2020-12-09 22:55:06 UTC
Because Republicans didn't fight when liberals were taking over the media and other institutions. It's their fault for fleeing and cowering in fear.
2020-12-09 22:54:32 UTC
Just reporting facts makes it seem like there is bias because the Republican Party is the party of ignorance, crime and corruption. Sure, the Democratic Party is not perfect, but it is much, much cleaner than the Republican Party.
2020-12-09 22:28:15 UTC
If it was, trump would not be president. If it was, we would not have a GOP controlled anything. If it was, America would not be in the mess it is. So go **** yourself, whiner. 
2020-12-09 14:24:27 UTC
Journalist aren't perfect. 


 1. Consider and investigate whether a news story is factual, speculation, opinion, or  


2. Get all sides of a story from different sources.

3. Check the facts. is a good place to start.

4. Know the difference between good vs poor research and studies. 

5. Realize that any talk radio or opinion news show that doesn't have professionals 

    debating both sides of an issue is going to be one sided and therefore misleading. 6. Keep in mind that some media outlets, Huffington Post, Fox News, Breitbart, Vox,        are deliberately biased and will sometimes be misleading.

7. Whether you're a Republican or Democrat, don't just call out when your opponent  

    is lying or doing something wrong, call out when someone from your side is lying 

    or doing something wrong. 

8. Ask yourself, if someone from the party you oppose were to do what a member of 

    your party is currently doing, would you condemn it? 

9. Be willing to admit being wrong. 
Jake No Chat
2020-12-09 14:06:45 UTC
Much of the media is for entertainment purposes only.  When it comes to politics, the media has lost its journalistic talents, and they have been reduced to political advocacy groups.  And much of the media outlets are owned and controlled by Liberals, so all you get is partial and biased info that attacks the GOP.  And to be honest, Trump is a type of character that is easily seen to be a childish bully and boisterous chump. Thus, people are gonna find him easy to attack in some way.
2020-12-09 10:43:02 UTC
Media should never be biased at all they should always be objective.
2020-12-08 23:31:55 UTC
How do you think people like Castro and Stalin and mao stayed in power for so long? Their media 
2020-12-08 23:25:25 UTC
Because Media works for the Chinese Communist Party. Never before had a president uncovered so much corruption.
2020-12-08 23:22:16 UTC
It's the same on both sides, really. Liberals/Leftists are made out to be bad by Republicans, and vice versa. It's a way to make people heavily left or right so then if they're unsure, they'll see the dramatic and exaggerated things people say about it and then rumors start. Republicans are made out to be horrible Karens by left wing people, and Liberals are made out to be snowflake triggered kids by right wing. It's been happening since elections were a thing, all we can do is stand through the hate!! C:
2020-12-12 17:59:55 UTC
Prob due to the bobble head pubs- what do YOU think?
2020-12-11 14:33:25 UTC
Because it is common sense lol.
2020-12-10 23:12:25 UTC
Because they don't know a thing about reporting the news they report the he said and she said only.
2020-12-10 15:23:42 UTC
OP Anonymous:   trump is a TRAITOR to The USA.   republicans support traitor trump.   It’s just that simple.  
2020-12-10 11:29:41 UTC
There are lots of lies on the internet and it is not censored as well as it should be.
2020-12-10 10:23:26 UTC
because the media is run for the most part by liberals
Armchair Goddess #1
2020-12-10 07:02:54 UTC
Think about what you are saying while hiding behind "anonymous," anonymous.  The role of our nation's FREE PRESS is to inform the American people (and the world, actually) of the TRUTH for what's going on---one of the factors in our nation's ultimate greatness.  Are you saying that the living-lie Donald Trump should NOT be subjected to the TRUTH if he lies, breaks the law, violates his Oath of Office, engages in bullying for those who do speak the truth?  

FACT: Donald Trump is 5'10" tall, but wears 4" lifts to appear taller (stated by Billie Bush on the first part of the "Access Hollywood" tape from the studio's wardrobe bus, but overlooked by the media in favor of the lecherous admission by Trump of his serial predator status).  The Washington Post has exposed the many, many LIES that have been told by Donald Trump and offers actual PROOF that Trump has lied. How is reporting this truth a "bias"?  Trump is his own worst enemy, constantly revealing his own corruption, incompetence, vindictiveness, and psychological failings for all of us to see---and the media simply reports what Trump reveals.  The "bias" would be if our FREE PRESS failed to report the truth about this ugly inside-and-out man.
2020-12-10 04:52:36 UTC
What does bias mean ..for or against..
2020-12-09 22:55:19 UTC
I can't speak for the media, but I myself have a bias against leaders who not only ignore obvious dangers, like a virus that suddenly starts killing thousands of people, but ridicule people who do take them seriously.
2020-12-09 22:01:31 UTC
Oh please. Quit being a little snowflake. All media is full of lies and propaganda. They lie about everything from all sides. It's not just the candidate you worship.
2020-12-09 18:37:13 UTC
No, Media is very lazy and are all liars these days. None take pride in their work.. they have forgotten what the media is for.. to  inform people not tell them what to think.  
2020-12-09 17:31:37 UTC
Because of Donald Trump, they now think republicans are idiots.. As a republican, I voted for Trump at the beginning of 2016, but now, I voted for Biden since Trump's fraud caused republicans to have a bad name. 
2020-12-09 17:27:29 UTC
The media is the vanguard of elitists who believe they are better and smarter than most people.  They are cowards who never fought for their country and get their money by through various schemes to steal from the federal government.   Trump gets in their face and calls them what they are.  Most Republicans are also cowards who think they are better and smarter.  They also connive to steal federal money.
2020-12-09 14:40:19 UTC
They play to their low information liberal fan-base and make money from doing so. 
2020-12-09 13:11:45 UTC
Orange Fraud & the Reptiles did it entirely to themselves.  Wassamatta fool?  Have you never heard of how the Universe reacts to those who are devoid or ethics & morals?  Do you even know what those words mean?  

"T.D." the fruitboy troll & his fellow catamites have no idea what those words mean.  They were too busy fellating in the cloak room when lessons were being taught.  
2020-12-09 11:18:00 UTC
He doesn't play by the mainstream media's rules and when they lie he calls them liars. They are a pompous and arrogant gang who used to publish news who now publish editorials. This activist "journalism" is a disgrace to America and when teamed with their cousins in Hollywood can even get a turnip elected president, as we've seen.

Look up who controls the media in America, Google it. And you wonder why they all run the exact same stories reaching the same conclusions with little regard for truth?

I have more respect for child molesters than Democrats - child molesters will destroy a child, the mass media in America will destroy America's soul.
2020-12-09 09:42:38 UTC
You are encountering affirmation inclination. The traditional press isn't one-sided. They report on what Trump does and says. In the event that that sounds terrible to you, think about how conceivable it is that he is expressing and doing dreadful things as opposed to accusing the media for disclosing to you things you would prefer not to hear.
2020-12-09 03:39:37 UTC
It's not.  

Fox and Murdoch owned media LOVES the right including Trump.
2020-12-09 00:10:04 UTC
Holding people accountable for their actions isn't being biased. The HONORABLE people in our FREE PRESS AND DEMOCRATIC MEDIA are simply reporting troublesome things like FACTS. If CHUMP and the GOP weren't such F**KING A**HOLES in the first place then THEY wouldn't have anything to worry about now would they? WE are indeed a DEMOCRACY. So INSTEAD of venting about HONORABLE media people simply telling the TRUTH perhaps you should have been telling CHUMP to not make over 24,000 FAKE comments and statements which includes false claims about more worthy people in less than 4 years.  Perhaps YOU should speak to the OBNOXIOUS GOP A**HOLES about how they also make false claims about more worthy people so CHUMP and them can push your buttons? Whisk they expect you to blame others not the GOP nor CHUMP for all the issues that you face?
2020-12-09 00:04:58 UTC
Because you can't tell the difference between the media newscast and the Court of law.
2020-12-12 12:13:54 UTC
I agree with nineteenthly. Also I should add that I am not an American and therefore I have no political bias with regard to America. I think mainstream American media varies from neutral to moderately left. However the right wing media such as Fox News and others are absolutely obsessed with pushing right wing propaganda. What might appear to some as bias against Trump might be no more than fact-checking of Trump's numerous false statements. All politicians tell lies and the media reports lies from both sides of politics. Obama told 18 lies in his entire two terms. Trump told more than 18,000 lies in less than one term. So it's not that the media is particularly biased against Trump. It's just that Trump is a particularly bad president and the media finds mostly bad things to report about him. There is actually nothing wrong with having a bias towards truth. I am not biased against Trump. I am only stating what is plain and obvious.
2020-12-11 22:23:06 UTC
In part, the "Bias against Donald Trump" is because he works so hard fomenting it.  Just tracking his lies (and the covering chatter from the Reps) should demonstrate his earnest efforts.
2020-12-11 17:56:22 UTC
well l first yo u o got ot otogotve i gote to gotve

no i need to do your question do so 

ok so it biasded becuse yit it itsns n biased BIASDED it is shake shake
2020-12-11 17:31:27 UTC
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
2020-12-11 14:47:22 UTC
The Deep State.  They want to manipulate the way you think so they can control  us in the near future.  Why do you think the feminist and the  black lives matter  are  so damn aggressive . It's no accident.  Two more years and I am moving to Canada for good 
2020-12-11 01:56:41 UTC
It's not biased lol. They are just telling the truth
big daddy
2020-12-10 23:44:30 UTC
it's called the truth! open your eyes and ears, they are not bias, you are the way anonymous doesn't get it if you want to taken seriously
2020-12-10 18:03:42 UTC
I wouldn't call it "bias", I'd call it bitter reality.
2020-12-10 17:41:02 UTC
Donald Trump suffers severe mental illness.  He suffers from (1) severe Narcissistic Personality Disorder, (2) severe Delusions, (3) Pathological lying, and (4) Paranoia.  If Trump was a Democrat, his 70 million supporters would unanimously be demanding his removal from office under the 25th Amendment.  Their clamor would be deafening, and they all know it.  The only reason they have lost their collective minds and backed a mentally ill sociopath, is because they belong to the GOP tribe, and tribalism prevents them from turning against that tribe.  Most of them like belonging to it, and to condemn Trump is to reject an important part of their identity.

The fact that the entire Republican Party has not only tolerated an insane President of the United States, but supported him out of fear his base will attack or punish them for disloyalty,is not only sad but very dangerous.  Their conformity to this sick man is exactly how Germany responded to Hitler.  They knew he was mentally ill, but were too afraid to buck him.  In that case, Hitler's Gestapo came and killed you if you spoke against Hitler.  If Trump could get away with it, he too would have a Gestapo.

THAT is why the Media is so biased against Trump and all Republicans.
2020-12-09 23:11:43 UTC
Because Trump lies constantly and Republicans are too scared to confront him
tony b
2020-12-09 21:58:55 UTC
why do they lie and mislead people mostly trump and his moronic ilk
Disco Stu
2020-12-09 21:39:25 UTC
The technical, non-partisan, neutral, impartial truth is Donald Trump is an awful, corrupt, failure as a President.

   As for the 2nd part of your question; the media are dominantly upper-middle-class social democrats. They don't have enough 'working people'; witness their obsession with getting Hillary Clinton elected, when compared with the poor resonance she had with many Americans.
2020-12-09 20:48:44 UTC
The news media is tasked with reporting the truth.  That runs counter to the Republican political strategy.
2020-12-09 15:32:34 UTC
Why is the media biased on the side of verifiable facts instead of lies, innuendo, and wild conjecture like the Trumplings?
2020-12-09 15:16:54 UTC
Reporting the truth is NOT bias.  Trump condemns himself out of his own lying mouth.  Trump's tweets are an utter disgrace.  

All the media has to do is report what Trump and the Republicans say and do.  Then they report the actual facts.  That is not bias. That is responsible journalism. 

For example, Trump said on February 26th that the United States only had 15 coronavirus cases and “the 15, within a couple of days, is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done.” The media reported what Trump said. The media also reported, at the same time, that the Center for Disease Control has said to expect more cases and has warned that it is highly unlikely that the virus will not spread to some degree within the US.  

Is that media bias?  Trump appeared to be uttering conclusions that were unsupported by what the CDC was saying. A very critical media would say that Trump is an utter fool who is lying and making things up.  A media outlet favorable to Trump would conclude that Trump knows more than the CDC.  

A moderate media would do exactly what the mainstream media did and report the facts of the differing conclusions. The facts alone make Trump look bad. 
2020-12-09 13:04:28 UTC
It all started a long, long time ago, when the Donald declared for the Presidency and took the escalator down Trump tower, and continuously ran his mouth and tweet, and the media reacted to his diarrhea rhetoric............once upon a time in Trumpie land
2020-12-09 08:42:57 UTC
The Republicans of the last four years have been brainwashed and easily led by racist, radical extremists who claim to be Republicans but are not. These so-called Republicans are Domestic Terrorist. They are no different than Muslims who commit Terrorist acts and hide behind Islam for justification. The Republicans need to get back to the Eisenhower, Reagan, Bush, Romney type of Republican. 
2020-12-08 23:23:20 UTC
The Democrat press is owned by Democrats - See the Democrat/RINO FCC who grants stations to the national news broadcasts of ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS....And FOX has 1 broadcast hour NATIONAL on Sunday morning run by the son of a Democrat.
2020-12-08 23:21:40 UTC
They're not biased.

They're just reflecting reality. 

If the reality is if you're a pack of incompetent morons perhaps you should modify your behaviour. 

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.