President Trump is a successful global BILLIONAIRE who worked each year as POTUS, for ONE US DOLLAR--and out of pocket PAID FOR travel expenses when venturing in and out the country; he's the only U.S. President to do this---and surely will be the ONLY one to do so.
President Trump launched FOUR SUCCESSFUL economic repair / restoration agenda plans---that excluded corrupt Congresspeople and business friends within Corporate America from "dipping from the till", profiting unethically from U.S. taxpayer dollars they felt entitled to.
Mess with a crook's ability to snag an illegal buck---you fast become their enemy.
Trump quickly gained A LOT of political enemies; he simply was way too busy focusing on economically repairing America to even notice who his dissenters ( BOTH Democrat AND GOP ) actually were.
Remember: President Trump is a businessman---NOT a polished savvy politician.
Also worth noting: President Trump was full throttle CAPITALIST; Socialist Communized people---many hiding within Congress---and others located across the world ( millionaires and even a few BILLIONaires, mind you ) HATE CAPITALISTS....and they have bitter HATE for President Trump, understandably; it's nothing personal.....or is it???
Ahhhh.....we all were simply led to think it was a Democrat vs. Trump thing---but alas, such was a clever distraction indeed.
So the alliance between Trump's political and Socialist enemies simply worked together with the aim to dethrone President Trump; you can look back at the last 3 years and note all the Democrat efforts against Trump to see how impressive their agendas were laid out---and hints on HOW they were FINANCED.......or by WHOM.
The media were simply used as a Socialist PROPAGANDA TOOL to mentally condition masses of Americans--and others worldwide: TV, radio, print--and even Internet 'news' media outlets; it suddenly became noveau popular to diss Trump.
In fact, many of the "anonymous" TROLLS HERE IN YAHOO ANSWERS, have ISP numbers tracking them back to Minsk ( Russia ) AND Bejing ( China ); if you closely read their texted "questions" here---you CAN pick them out.
And I'm led to believe the young impressionable voting age lemmings of America all rallied for the Biden/Harris ticket in November---because they forsaw Trump as a mean, chauvinist bull-headed man.....and Joe Biden is kind, smiley and fuzzy-sweet!!!
Oh nevermind that President Trump was SUCCESSFULLY working on making America citizen life better for everyone. The Socialist launched a multi-tiered team effort in exaggerating the COVID-19 "politicized pandemic" (which they're still hard at continuing to do, by the way ) that seeks to smash down Capitalism--and replace it with a bold American Socialist model of both society AND Government.