Was President Bush that bad?
2009-05-24 05:26:39 UTC
Hey you guys, I' m not that well informed when it comes to politics, but I want to know what you think. Was President Bush really such bad news? And will Obama do a better job? Answer please! =)
28 answers:
2009-05-24 05:39:17 UTC
No. He was just caught up in the worst possible situation. Obama is articulate and well spoken but that does not make him intelligent or give him the experience he needs to do this job. I am personally scared to death of what he will do with this country. He is on a spending frenzy with our money right now,

Everyone was so damn concerned about getting the first BLACK man elected as president and were caught up in making history that they forgot about the real issues and needs of this country and voted for the WRONG guy.
ELEPHANT MAN Republicans can
2009-05-24 12:42:07 UTC
zoey123 - It's too bad that you are so uninformed that you don't even know that President Bush has kept you and me safe for the past 8 plus years since 9-11. That's when some terrorist who trained during the Clinton administration on how to fly planes that they flew into the twin towers and killed some 3000 people. Yes he was a great president and I believe you will understand that when this country is ruined by our president who is spending the money now that you will be earning in the future. You can help save this country by going to the polls in 2010, vote republican and help us take back the senate and then in 2012 we will take back the Presidential Office and again have a great president like George W Bush back in office. Thanks.
2009-05-24 12:52:35 UTC
He not only made a bad decision by going to war in Iraq, but he mismanaged the war by not sending enough troops going against the advice of the career military. He appoined ideological people to manage the government instead of ones qualified to do the job right. As a result we had an incompetent FEMA when Katrina struck New Orleans, bad advice fro the Justice department on terror, a wasteful mismanaged occupation of Iraq, no policy to cope with the increasing world demand for oil, and inadequate regulation of the financial industry. .
a cool person
2009-05-25 06:37:04 UTC
dont listen to any of the bush haters above me. every american should pay respect to bush for hte following reasons. he was not bad. not bad at all. heres why:

1. he was put in new situations no other president has been in.

2. his priniples and policies remained the same all 8 years. americans just dont have the stomach or guts to go through with some stuff.

3. the economy is not his fault. its is clintons. it takes 7-9 years for major economic decisions to show results. its no coincidence that clinton 9 years ago made a series of free trade agreements iwth china no letting them have 1/3 our deficit.

4. he had morals and a spine which is more than i can say for obama. he stood up wot people. he took out saddam.

5. the iraq war, when studied is extremely complex. for those who thinks its for oil, they are clueless. for example, by attacking the crap out of this country caused nuclear threats like libya, NK, argentina, and others to shut off nuke prgrams.

6. he kept us safe. there was no second 9/11 because we were on the offense. unless of course liberals want to wait and let the war front move here.

obama is a major falure and he hasnt even been in that long. he promised hed bnring our troops home right away. he didnt. not that they should come back.. patreus said if we bring them back we leave them in civil war. his stimulus plan is a joke and im waiting for all teh free stuff he promised. he threw us under the bus and apologized to europe for american selfishness and arogance... the same europe that wouldnt be there if it wasnt for us. he is anti moralistic and gives away american military secrets for all the world to see. he tries to negotiate with unmedicated bi polar kim jong il. he was endorsed by terrorists and is closing gitmo so that we will have terrorists in state prisons. he is lifting bans on cuba. it goes on forever. he fails
2009-05-24 12:46:55 UTC
Absolutely the worst president in modern times. I was still serving under the Bush Administration, and I was absolutely disgusted by the fact that those cronies and scumbags were in charge of our nation. I have to say that there isn't a doubt in my mind, that the Bush Administration contradicted the values of our nation; and mislead the nation into going to war with Iraq for profit gain.

People like to blame Bill Clinton for 9/11 because he had more than a handful of opportunities to take out Bin Laden. This I am aware of, but at the time Bin Laden was no more of a threat than Timmothy McVeigh before the Oklahoma City Bombing. 9/11 happened under Bush's watch, nearly a year into his presidency, and most of that time he spent on vacation at his Texas Ranch pretending to be a cowboy.

All of this is besides the fact that when Bill Clinton handed over the presidency, our country was fairing better economically than at any time in the past century. Not only that, but we were still looked up to by the rest of the world, and maintained a high standing amongst other industrialized nations. I don't think anyone could've predicted that all our wealth and good grace could be squandered away in eight years time, there actually needs to be intention involved on behalf of the executive branch in order for a superpower to fall that fast.

Take it from someone who's not an ignorant or biased political pundit, Bush absolutely raped our country, and all his greedy cronies and corporate pals laughed the whole eight years. He squandered the fourth amendment with the Patriot Act, he lowered taxes while spending outrageous sums of money, and he mislead the nation into going to war with a country that didn't pose any threat to us whatsoever. Worst president in modern history; its a shame that presidents aren't required to answer for their actions to the American people at the end of their presidency.
2009-05-24 12:41:31 UTC
as far as keeping the country safe bush did a great job. i think he was so consumed with that fact that he lost sight on other issues. but you can't blame bush for all of the eco. problems. senate was still under Dem's. obama made a big point about McCain voting with bush 90% of the time. what he did not say is that he voted with McCain 90% of the time. so that would mean he voted with bush what 80% of the time. still 30% better than half. obama said anything he could to get elected i think he will be ultimately remembered as the first black president and nothing more.
2009-05-24 12:33:07 UTC
President Goerge W. Bush is a true patriotic American and a great leader. Yes he made mistakes but he is human. The Messiah , BO

with his rock star status is supposed to be perfect.

We knew who Bush was and where he came from. No one really knows that much about BO.

I felt much safer under Bush's watch.
2009-05-24 12:51:06 UTC
Yes, he really was that bad and more!

If anyone thinks otherwise then they must have been living under a rock for the past 8 years or so.
2009-05-24 12:31:53 UTC
Bush was steamrolled by a huge amount of subjective loosely presented lies...

he was manipulated...but not by the people the left say manipulated was by liberal elites..who used the internet and the classroom to foment the myth that Bush was responsible for things that nobody could have done.
2009-05-24 12:31:44 UTC
No. Bush has simply been put in situations that no president has ever been in. Although he isn't the smartest person around, he does have some smart things to say. The only problem is the way he says them, they usually do not come out right. As for Obama, he seems to be handling the situation fairly well but that remains to be seen.
2009-05-24 12:33:00 UTC
Speaking as a Republican, Bush was pretty bad. Standing up to terrorism was his best accomplishment. But other than that, he was not a great president.

And Obama is already on track to do a FAR WORSE job than Bush. Did you hear he plans trillion dollar deficits into eternity?
Invisible Pink Unicorn
2009-05-24 12:40:26 UTC
I think it was when he claimed that atheists were not citizens of the United states when i really thought badly of him. Before i just thought of him as a fool. Now i think he is an ignorant fool. Thank goodness Barrack Obama is the new president.
Sgt Red
2009-05-24 12:36:38 UTC
I like him and wouldn't mind haviing him back. Seems like BHO likes him more than he says too since word is out that he has called to consult with him. Things aren't as easy as they look once you actually are the President.
james p
2009-05-24 12:44:18 UTC
President bush became a bad president when he sent our fighting men to Iraq in search of the Weapons of Mass Destruction that we did not find. he Became a bad president when he then changed the Iraq war to a fight the the Iraqi freedom (it isn't our job to fight for the freedom of another nation) He became abad president when he used used our fear of terrorism to link Al queda to the Iraqi regime
2009-05-24 12:31:15 UTC
Bush wasn't that bad I think he just got tired of it! He should have done his 4 and moved aside. Obama now???? The way it looks we could be in for a long road back once he's out!
2009-05-24 12:32:48 UTC
Bush was horrible, although there have been much worse presidents before. It's almost impossible to top the incompetence of James Buchanan back in the 1850's.
2009-05-24 12:52:51 UTC
Well let me put it this way. He made sure Jeb doesn't get in the white house!
blue eyed girl
2009-05-24 12:32:41 UTC
No he wasn't that bad - in fact I think history will be a lot kinder to him then current day pundits.

Remember our economy was strong and we had real growth despite having an attack on our soil and fighting two wars, until Jan 2007.
2009-05-24 12:42:50 UTC
He was horrible, the worst president ever, up to then.

Obama is continuing many of his rotten policies.
Hillarys lovehandles
2009-05-24 12:29:55 UTC
Im not so sure he has left office .They gave him the Barack Obama suit and he is still Fing it all up.
2009-05-24 12:30:30 UTC
Bush has done a horrible job as for Obama his job hasnt even begun.
2009-05-24 12:32:54 UTC
Compared to Obama? No, Obama makes him look really good.
Bash Limpbutt's Oozing Cyst©
2009-05-24 12:39:19 UTC
No, Bush wasn't THAT bad. He was worser.
2009-05-24 12:36:29 UTC
Let me answer your question with a question. Was typhoid that bad? There ya go.
2009-05-24 12:32:32 UTC
Since he's the reason our economy is tanking, yes he was that bad.
2009-05-24 12:32:50 UTC
only time will tell...

hes done stupid stuff.. but who hasnt?

he lied about katrina, but he kept our country safe after 9/11 and i dont see how its his fault that 2 planes crashed in the WTC
Duchess X
2009-05-24 12:33:44 UTC
Put it this way...Is the Pope Catholic?
2009-05-24 12:30:52 UTC
He wasn't that bad......he was worse than that!

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