dont listen to any of the bush haters above me. every american should pay respect to bush for hte following reasons. he was not bad. not bad at all. heres why:
1. he was put in new situations no other president has been in.
2. his priniples and policies remained the same all 8 years. americans just dont have the stomach or guts to go through with some stuff.
3. the economy is not his fault. its is clintons. it takes 7-9 years for major economic decisions to show results. its no coincidence that clinton 9 years ago made a series of free trade agreements iwth china no letting them have 1/3 our deficit.
4. he had morals and a spine which is more than i can say for obama. he stood up wot people. he took out saddam.
5. the iraq war, when studied is extremely complex. for those who thinks its for oil, they are clueless. for example, by attacking the crap out of this country caused nuclear threats like libya, NK, argentina, and others to shut off nuke prgrams.
6. he kept us safe. there was no second 9/11 because we were on the offense. unless of course liberals want to wait and let the war front move here.
obama is a major falure and he hasnt even been in that long. he promised hed bnring our troops home right away. he didnt. not that they should come back.. patreus said if we bring them back we leave them in civil war. his stimulus plan is a joke and im waiting for all teh free stuff he promised. he threw us under the bus and apologized to europe for american selfishness and arogance... the same europe that wouldnt be there if it wasnt for us. he is anti moralistic and gives away american military secrets for all the world to see. he tries to negotiate with unmedicated bi polar kim jong il. he was endorsed by terrorists and is closing gitmo so that we will have terrorists in state prisons. he is lifting bans on cuba. it goes on forever. he fails