Europe also has greater social mobility, more civil liberties, a more free press, better human rights, more tolerance of gay marriage, better democratic institutions.
If you really think Europe is less free then you are an utter idiot. Europeans have far more autonomy and control over their own lives, precisely because of the fact that Europeans realised that some "freedoms" actually contradict and undermine others.
The "freedom" from consumer regulation leads to people being unaware of what is in their food.
"freedom" from guns means people are not afraid of violent crime and are able to go out, hell, even leave doors unlocked.
"freedom" from unregulated business allows people to earn the wages they deserve and allows greater equality and consequently better health and social mobility. Where people's lives arent determined for them by their birth.
and the"freedom" to form a union, well, as much as the american right protests otherwise, employees have as many rights and are as entitled to freedom as businesses.
And despite the idiotis on the right, being influenced by the state (an institution which we actually vote for) does not make you any less free than being influenced by businesses (whuch we dont vote for and which, thanks to oligopolies and barriers to entry, we have very little ability to alter ourselves). Why is paying a private company or health more "free" than the state giving it for free?
Grow up.
Shocking, eh?