why Palestinian people persecuted from Israel ??????
2010-01-10 01:17:23 UTC
There is baffler question for me from a long time ago . why Israel persecute palestine people while all world keep silent & we had saw a few months ago the Israeli holocaust in Gaza strip and was bury the palestinian children under the debris of schools and civilian buildings without any mercy . Israeli gangs along sixty years were killing the defenceless palestinian people without any objection from our world. nobody fearless to say no for Israeli beastly gang. Meanwhile, the israeli government said that jewish people was burned in germany holocaust and they had requested germany government for atoning about this holocaust >>>> how they are calling for peace & mercy and in the same time they are killing the children and the defenceless people in palestine...... there is discrepancy in Israeli government attitudes ... at the end israeli uncivil & beastly gang on right in this case ??? please, I want clear answer with the human conscience........ thanks
Ten answers:
2010-01-10 01:27:29 UTC
I've said this a lot but honestly, it's been so many years since Palestine and Israel were laid out. What has Israel done and what has Palestine done?

Israel has developed it's economy, work force, patriotism, infrastructure, education, military and has responded ferociously against much larger nations who surround it that try to attack it.

Palestine (I'm not blaming the people), has failed to represent itself properly due to continued fighting from within,taught it's children holy war instead of educating them. Has not worked toward developing themselves as a people but instead focus all energies toward competing militarily with Israel. Palestine has instead developed organizations which take part in frequent hijackings,hostage takings,suicide bombings etc. Palestine has achieved nothing through this course of action but further death and destruction. Are they really achieving liberation from those benevolent freedom fighters who kidnap and take hostages,hijack planes,bomb crowded market places and use human shields? All of these things have further increased the resolve of the Israeli people to support their military and defend their right to exist with a ferocious tenacity. Palestine has achieved nothing through this course of action. They could have been boosting education, self determination, pride, infrastructure development etc to modernize and compete with Israel in a civil manner.

Palestine has not achieved anything by teaching their children to burn Israeli flags and chant "death to Israel". All that will happen now is a whole generation of children will take up Jihad and inevitable be inhialated by the better armed, trained and economically backed Israelis.

People achieve success through self determination,not whining. Had Palestine in the past few decades focused it's self on developing infrastructure, education, pride etc, they would be like the United Arab Emirates. And if Israel chose to be the aggressor, Palestine would have easily been able to defend itself because it would be developed enough to do so.

Name a single time since Israel's foundation when Israel has been the aggressor, it only has AFTER it's been attacked, then they get even more territory.? It's always been another nation which attacks, a rocket barrage of some sort,terrorist attack etc. And then Israel is portrayed in the media as this cruel war like nation.

Of course it makes Israel look bad if Hamas fights from inside a school, does not allow the children to get out and the children end up dying in the crossfire. But Hamas does that intentionally.
2016-11-04 09:07:59 UTC
ok, i'm a Jew, and so i will communicate for myself. i would be unable to even circulate into the small print to the fees others reported above and regardless of if or no longer they have been even quoted properly, by employing whom and in what context. yet this i will assert: you will detect one thousand million arguments showing how the Palestinians are those being persecuted and are the victims, and yet another billion motives how and why Israel is the single being persecuted and are the victims. after all is declared and finished, the only effective end that comes out of all it truly is what desires to be finished from the stand-element of today to be certain peace into the destiny. From that attitude, who's in charge for there being no peace on the 2nd? needless to say the Palastinians for 2 motives: a million. regardless of all that Israel has finished to the Palestinians in even the main left-wing eyes, Israel has limitless of circumstances provided land for peace, which Palestinians gladly customary on multiple events, yet yet maintains alongside its previous process terrorism. If the Palastinians did no longer like the words of the contract, they don't have customary the land. 2. Israel is particularly pluralistic, better than it would be - to the quantity that they've arab electorate as contributors of the Kenesset (Israeli Parliament) who actively seeks the destruction of Israel. that's the resembling having diverse Osama bin ladens having a seat on the U. S. Senate. on the different hand, no Jews are allowed right into a dozen Muslim worldwide places, and the palastinian youngsters are being indoctrinated in direction of killing harmless civilians from their adolescents by employing the PA coaching gadget. needless to say this reflects a bad attempt on their behalf to hold peace, and a powerful attempt to do the opposite. while you're noted with a mentality to kill somebody, it would take a heroic attempt for him to make peace with that enemy- how lots extra so for a whole united states of america. in short: Palastinians are breeding killers, Israelies are being stupid in accepting them into their society.
2010-01-10 02:07:42 UTC
Dear Salam as you can see this is not the place to ask a genuinely humanitarian question about the Palestinians as the majority of those who answer you live in complete ignorance and are devoid of any sympathy to peace process. This stems from the fact that they are brainwashed by their government via the mass media and decline any offers of help for their sad condition.

Israel has become the monster that tried to destroy it's people in the holocaust and many survivors of that and other caring and well informed Israeli's are ashamed of this behaviour. Palestinians continue to become more extreme because they are forgotten people. Their children have no future and therefore no reason not to become yet another freedom fighter. Gaza is being suffocated and this is being allegedly because they are aggressors. Women and children aggressors?

The next move by Israel has to be to stop the settlements spreading in an attempt to get the Palestinians to the table but the Israeli's can't lose in this current set up as the US backs them to the hilt while having the hypocrisy to waste the time of peace envoys like George Mitchell in a semblance of an attempt at reconciliation.

If the world cared about peace in the Middle East it would be crying out for peace at any price but for some obscene reason they allow this cauldron of hate to keep boiling which is a risk not just for the region but for the whole globe.

More people need to put pressure on their governments to intervene but sadly they don't care because it's not happening in their own back yard.

Salaam Alaikum.
2010-01-10 01:26:42 UTC
Learn: some history about the wars waged by the arabs against Israel over the last 70 years.

Acknowledge: There are over a million arab citizens living in Israel in peace and integrated into Israeli society.

Accept: The Palestinians have been poorly served by Arafat, Fatah, Hammas, the Iranian weapons and money, the larger arab communities lack of "care and concern" for Palestinians living in squalor.

Peace: Not likely with Hammas at the controls launching rockets on Israel daily for years

Victimization: Life is hard when you choose this path. Notice anyone really caring? how about fellow muslims? they don't seem to care especially Egypy and Jordan which won't let any Palestinians in. Why not start asking them to make some room for some of their fellow "Pals"
2010-01-10 01:27:55 UTC
Well from what I see the Palestinians didn't want peace.

Especially the Gaza strip your people decided to vote in Hamas and then they chose to declare war on Israel.

Israel was working very hard towards peace and all your people did was support Hamas and Hamas kept killing over and over.

Israel has every right to retaliate. The Jews were pulled out of their homeland by the Romans. Then replaced by the people you call Palestinians.

Israel has more of a right to be there then anyone else. It is their homeland after all. It doesn't matter how many years have passed by.

They offered you an olive branch and your people hit them with a brick. What do you expect for them to do.
Kosher Ninja Chick JPA
2010-01-10 10:57:24 UTC
LOL, like this, you mean.....?:

Gay Palestinian Tires of Violence and Abuse - Flees to Israel:

"In an unusual ruling, the High Court of Justice ordered the state late last week to evaluate the degree to which the life of a young Palestinian is at risk, in part because of his sexual orientation. The Palestinian is asking for permission to remain in Israel because he fears for his life if he is expelled to the Palestinian Authority.

Speaking to Haaretz, he said that "in other times, when they brought me to the roadblock the entire village chased me and beat me, and nearly killed me. I prefer to sit in prison than to go back."

The official position of the state, which was also presented to the court, is that the committee on persons at risk operates in accordance with the office coordinating operations in the territories, and is authorized to address requests of Palestinians claiming to be under threat for their collaboration with security forces.

On the other hand, according to the state attorney, the committee is not authorized to discuss the cases of those whose behavior is seen by Palestinian society as being "morally degenerate," including prostitutes, criminals and drug addicts.

The Palestinian, in his 20s, maintains that his life is threatened because of his sexual orientation and because he has been marked by Palestinians as having cooperated with Israel.

A native of Nablus, he fled his home at 12 and came to Israel as a result of violence and abuse at the hands of his father. At one point he worked as a male prostitute in Tel Aviv's Gan Hahashmal. Six months after living in Israel, he returned to his family in Nablus.

In the PA he was arrested by Palestinian intelligence who suspected him of collaborating with Israeli security forces. He says that he was jailed, tortured and abused until he was forced to admit such collaboration.

Following his forced confession he was jailed at a facility near the Muqata'a for what he says was two years, waiting for a death sentence to be carried out for alleged treason."
Robin Thicke
2010-01-10 01:23:14 UTC
you Palestinian dirt bags are the ones to blame for what happens to you, the Jews in Germany weren't going around killing Germans before they Holistic, they were living peacefully with them, something you guys should try for a while and then your conditions will improve
2010-01-10 01:22:17 UTC
Why are the Pallies being picked on by Egypt?

Could it be the Pallies are not nice people?
2010-01-10 01:25:17 UTC
When they stop strapping bombs to their kids, I think life will get easier for them.

Till then??? ............S.u.c.k.s to be you.
2010-01-10 04:53:25 UTC

Pre 1948 ARAB Palestine(population 93% Arab, less than 5% MIDDLE EASTERN,NO EUROPEAN JEWS- After 1948 Israel-70% (50% European Jews, 20 % Middle Eastern Jews),30% Arabs. The West Bank and Gaza strips- 70% Arabs (AND SHRINKING FROM ISRAELIE ILLEGAL SETTLEMENTS AND ETHNIC CLEANSING), 30% Jews.

Myth (half truth): Israel bought the land.

Fact: The truth is that Jews (not Israel) bought about 7% of the land before 1948. Most of the rest was owned by Palestinians as documented by the British Mandate.

Actually, it started in Biblical times when Isaac stole Ishmael's inheritance.In modern times it started in 1922(Arab armies-no Jews participated(outside of Arab Palestine, Jews fought with the Ottomans)-threw off the Ottoman Empire Occupiers(few Turks owned land in Arab Palestine)-the UN then assigned Britain as an occupier when the ILLEGAL Foreign European Jewish immigrants swelled Arab Palestine's(93% Arab) from less than 5% Middle Eastern Jews to 35%(mostly European Jews). These Jews became belligerent, demanding a chunk of Arab Palestine for a homeland from the British UN assigned occupiers. The British attempted to set up POLITICAL, NOT, land borders for Jews and Arabs-this is the British Mandate. The Jews were not satisfied and formed murderous Jewish terrorist groups, labeled as such by the British-Likud(oops, IRGUN before being elected), the Stern Gang, Lehi, Levi, Haganah, and many others and started slaughtering their Arab hosts and stealing THEIR land to ILLEGALLY form Israel(UN ratified a day AFTER the fact) in 1948. The Israelies continue stealing Arab land through murder up to the present.They must stop laying the blame on God and the British.

You want REAL terrorists- makes the Nazis look like pansies- type Irgun in your Google browser - they are a murderous Jewish group one of many labeled as such by the British. Irgun was OFFICIALLY labeled murderous Jewish terrorist group by the British.No one associates Jews with being terrorists- the Irgun were worse than ANY Arab terrorist group- Irgun used grenades and car bombs to kill Arabs, foreign dignitaries, EVEN Jews opposing their methods, they sniped innocent unarmed Arabs in the back, dropped Arab men women, children, and, babies off building roof tops, bull dozed houses using tanks with Arab families being buried alive, doused Arabs in kerosene and burned them alive, poisoned water sources,crushed Arab women's belly's by stomping on them or standing on enough men on them until they were killed,gang- raped Arab women and young girls 13 and under, then shooting them as they screamed in terror, in non vital areas, finally, a fatal bullet to the head where the infamous IDF term"Confirming the kill" arouse.THEY WERE SO BRUTAL AND MURDEROUS, ANOTHER SUCH GROUP,HAGANAH, ATTEMPTED UNSUCCESSFULLY, TO REIN THEM IN.

GEE- Bottomline- the Jews slaughtered the Arabs and stole their land.

Biblically, Ishmael(Arabs) was born 23 years BEFORE Isaac(Jews).Technically Abraham was not Jewish-his ancestry is from Babylon inside the Arabian, not, Jewish, Peninsula/ Canaan/ God's promised land. He was Semitic, possibly Hebrew(Jewish and Hebrew are not the same-although laypersons consider them the same), he was not Jewish-may well have been Arab.

The J1 (the Arab) haplomarker has been in the region for 40,000 years-Jews are now thought to be descendants of Arabs. Both Jews and Arabs share J1 and J2(considered the Jewish haplomarker), Arabs having more of J1, the older haplomarker), Jews having more of the J2(younger haplomarker).

In all honesty, Canaan wa a mix of Semitic peoples, of which Arabs were and are the largest group, and, are considered the FIRST ones there.Of all the Semitic peoples there, Arabs and Jews are the few remaining ones.

The terms Qahtani are ancient Pre Islamic(contrary to popular misconception, the Arabs did not start with Isam, but many centuries before) ARABS. The Jews are now thought to be their descendants:

The Hebrew word for Arab is "Arvi".

The Arabs/Palestinians fought with the Romans to get back Jerusalem that was stolen from them by the Jebusites, whom the Jews stole from the Jebusites.

Before the Jews invaded Jerusalem, the Arabs(West Semitic peoples) had settled Jerusalem- archaeologists, including Kathleen Kenyon, believe Jerusalem as a city was founded by West Semitic people with organized settlements from around 2600 BCE. :

According to the Hebrew Bible, the Jebusites were a Canaanite tribe who inhabited and built Jerusalem prior to its conquest by King David in 1004 BCE.

Arab auxiliary troops joined the Roman legions besieging Jerusalem in the year 70.

The Roman historian Tacitus writes in his book, The Histories (Kenneth Wellesley, translator, Penguin Books):

The Histories, Book V:1

... Titus Caesar, who had been selected by his father, to complete the conquest of Judaea and already enjoyed the reputation of a general... received added support...

Awaiting him in Judaea were three Roman legions... the Fifth, Tenth, and Fifteenth...

Then there were strong levies of Arabs, who felt for the Jews the hatred common between neighbors...

... et solito inter accolas odio infensa Iudaeis Arabum manus...

The terms Qahtani are ancient Pre Islamic(contrary to popular misconception, the Arabs did not start with Isam, but many centuries before) ARABS. The Jews are now thought to be their descendants:

Bottom line, they were not called Arabs at that time. Later, the Palestinians were called Ishmaelites/Canaanites, but were still present before the Jews. Biblically, Ishmael(Arabs) was born before Isaac(Jews), scientifically, the J1 marker known as the Arab haplomarker, was in the region for 40,000 years,

Biblically(Ishmael(Arab) born 23 YEARS BEFORE Isaac(Jew)) and scientifically(J1 haplomarker(Arabs) indicates Arabs were in the Arabian Peninsula(Israel is a part of) 40,000 years ago-literally millenia before the Jews), the Arabs were there first and are THE MAJORITY, both in true Palestine(Israel, West Bank, and Gaza strips)-that is why the region is called the ARABIAN, NOT, JEWISH, PENNINSULA.

The Arabs of Canaan are the Arabs of Palestine. They were there AT LEAST EQUALLY as long as the Jews/Israelis, but they had a constant presence and a defined land. The Jews were nomadic and had NO land until what was taken from the Palestinians in 1948.

I wonder how many do not know, the Arabs owned almost all of Canaan, including Arab Palestine. They were not called Arabs at the time, but Ishmalites/Canaanites/Arvi(Hebrew term for Arab).Yes and so very TRUE. God's promised land was only one of residency, NOT, ownership as was the British Mandate(political, NOT, land borders-read closely-Arab Palestine to remain ONE country). The Arabs were always FIRST and MAJORITY owners of the ARABIAN, NOT, JEWISH Peninsula(Israel a part of)/Canaan/God's promised land. Except for non Arab Iran, and,until 1948, Israel., ARAB owned it. Israel would have to kill ALL the Arabs and non Arab Iranians(Israel working on that one) and steal all their land to get it.NO WHERE in the Bible/Torah, nor, the British Mandate does it state Israel is to kill the Arabs and steal their land-NO WHERE

One simple answer here-the West Bank and Gaza strips BELONG to the Palestinians-Israel stole their land by STARTING(loves to call the 1967 Six Day War a PREEMPTIVE strike) a war by attacking Egypt and stealing the land by killing the Arab owners(call them whatever you like-they were NOT Jewsih-that is fact-whether you want to call them Jordanians, Syrians, Egyptians, or Palestinians,they are ARAB)


The truth is that Jews (not Israel) bought about 7% of the land before 1948. Most of the rest was owned by Palestinians as documented by the British Mandate.The remaining land was STOLEN from the Palestinians AS DOCUMENTED BY THE BRITISH:

According to Alexander Scholch, GERMAN JEW AND PROFESSIONAL HISTORIAN, the population of Palestine in 1850 had about 350,000 inhabitants, 30% of whom lived in 13 towns; roughly 85% were Muslims(Arabs), 11% were Christians and 4% Jews.Scholch, 1985, p. 503.

Palestinian Demographics Link up to 1948

the Arabian Peninsula/Ancient Canaan/God's promised land, of which Israel is a part of, and, of which the Arabs own almost all of it except for non Arab Iran and, until 1948, Israel.

Stats of Palestine FROM A JEWISH SOURCE

The Jews stole Arab land through brutality and murder.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.