2010-12-24 10:38:42 UTC
Free fall is how objects fall under the influence of gravity and air resistance only.

Now if the twin tower were to fall under non free fall conditions it would take a VERRRRRRRRRY long time for the building to collapse, and it would fall in dribs and drabs, bit by bit.

However in a controlled demolition things fall at pretty much free fall speeds, because the explosive are placed in such a position that resistance to falling is pretty much eliminated.

So what scientific explanations do you have to offer ?

here is a Video of free falling towers:
Thirteen answers:
2010-12-24 11:55:48 UTC
I've just read the answers on this question and am amazed at the naive stupidity of the majority of the answers.

Aviation fuel is basically paraffin and it cannot burn hot enough to alter the structure of steel.

There has never been any other high rise building in the world that has collapsed through fire, some have burnt for several days until all that remains is the steel structure, and these buildings were not built to such a high standard as the trade towers.

If they had collapsed through the pancake effect the 47 vertical steel pillars would have remained standing in the air, but miraculously they fell in lengths of about 30 feet just long enough to conveniently fit on the wagons that took them away.
Jersey Guy
2010-12-24 22:36:53 UTC
Do some home work. You are raising an old question that pertains to Bldg. 7 not the one of the twin towers.

Yes there is a scientific explanation. It has been determined that to do this it would need Thermite demolition. It has also been determined that the Debris was very hot for a long time. Now if it was a controlled demolition using thermite, they would use only the amount need to do the job as the stuff is expensive and it would not have remained hot for a long time. So where did the thermite come from? Well Thermite is made from Magnesium. Maybe you had lab classes in school where they burn ribbons of Magnesium to demonstrate the high temp and the difficulty to put it out once ignited. My friends a whole lot of Magnesium is used in the structure of a Jet aircraft because it is strong and light weight. It is difficult to ignite. If debris from the Jet was embedded in the Building coming through form the towers, once the Fires got to it and lit it, Well the rest is history, a Thermite explosive was incidentally made and brought Bldg 7 down.

BTW You don't need to melt steel to bring it down, just heat it a bit and it loses its strength at temps far below melting point and well below the heat of fire from jet fuel.

Structural steel loses a great deal of its strength at 600F.

Some info on Thermite:

Proud Vet
Think for yourself
2010-12-24 18:47:42 UTC
Can you please explain to me scientifically

If the as you contend the towers were free falling at the speed of Gravities acceleration, HOW did the debris from the top of the tower hit ground before the debris from the middle of the tower? If everything was falling at the same speed, all should arrive at the same point at the same time, but it does not. So if the debris from the collapsing middle tower portion is falling at the rate of gravity, it must have started to collapse when the debris from the top of the tower was at its point, and commenced free fall. How did the material from the top land first? How did the material from the top of the tower exceed the speed of gravity if the middle portion was falling at its rate?

Can you please give the calculation equation for the acceleration of gravity. Calculate the time it would take an object to fall 1550', and than give a link that shows the tower collapsing in the same time frame?

I have calculated it, and the time of actual collapse, to the time it would take an object to fall 1550' is off by over 20%.

Instead of blindly believing others conjecture, do the math and scientific research yourself. Learn about Gravity, learn about structure integrity, learn about load distribution, learn about fatigue. Do not take others word for it blindly, learn about it and figure it out (think for) yourself, lest you look like a fool.
Anne Arkey
2010-12-24 18:47:01 UTC
It isn't just how fast it fell, but how neatly it fell.

I watched the towers being built in the 1970s, and Tower Two always listed a fact building was halted for a while until it was determined that the list was not significant. So, being that Tower Two listed a bit to the north, the top of the building should have gone flying to the north as it was allegedly hit from the South.
2010-12-24 18:43:53 UTC
OK one more time for you SLOWWWW folks.

The planes hit many floors below the top this left a large body of weight above the damaged area for it to support.

Now steel smelts(melts) at 2300 it begins to lose tensile strength at around 1200.

Now you remove how ever many support coulombs due to the plane impacting them then you heat the rest in a fire sufficient to weaken the steel NOT MELT IT WEAKEN IT and whalla the upper sections weight collapses the weakened area poof the whole thing comes down.

Specs for heating bearing races put out by Caterpillar allow only for heating to 600 degrees MAX before you begin to alter the molecular integrity of the hardened material. I have heated cut and welded countless pieces of different steel alloy over the years and i can tell you first hand you don't have to reach smelting temps to alter or make malleable many materials. Also those beams are not high tensile material they needed to be able to FLEX when the building swayed in the wind this would be a lower carbon non hardened steel.
Not a fan
2010-12-24 18:44:53 UTC
Watch just about any video of the towers falling and notice how the dust and debris that are around the towers accelerate at a faster rate than the rest of the building. That is a clear demonstration that the buildings did not accelerate at 9.8 m/s/s.
2010-12-24 18:40:41 UTC
Free fall implies no resistance from below. Draw your own conclusions from that.

People don't realize how tough steel is. Those buildings had huge safety factors and much redundancy. I don't know what really happened, but something stinks.
2010-12-24 18:59:12 UTC
it seem to me that when steel heats up it weaken given that jet fule burns at an extrem temp that means the metal would get extremly hot now i'm no rocket surgon but one would think when load barin steel weakens the load would come down and you know the old saying the bigger they are the harder they fall

my question to you is why would the US government kill it's own people and bring this country to what it is today a bankrupt superpower all our debt and econemy down fall can be linked to 9/11 why would they do that to themselfs?
2010-12-24 18:46:06 UTC
Have you ever seen a Karate expert hit a pile of boards? They put distance between the boards. Break one board. it hits the one below it and helps the next one break. That is essentially what happened to the buildings. The we wight above, acted like a hammer to collapse the floor below. That acted like a hammer to collapse the next. The hammer got heavier and heavier as each floor collapsed. Metal does not have to melt to lose strngth. Heat softens it Once you collapse one floor the one below it was quickly destroyed.
Scott Monster
2010-12-24 18:39:54 UTC
2010-12-24 18:40:34 UTC
The jet fuel weakened the steel enough that the building collapsed under its own weight.

I am unable to explain WTC7. That one was always a mystery to me.
2010-12-24 18:40:15 UTC
They were hit by two 757's at over 500mph and the heat from the fire weakened the steel
2010-12-24 18:41:12 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.