I've heard this montra...One mans terrorist........so many times in the last week I could puke, who is the liberal mouthpiece you are all quoting, and i don't neccesarily mean the author of it ?
ISRAEL has always been PRO-PEACE...they have been chased around the globe for thousands of years by groups and countries that seek their complete extinction from the face of the earth..this is yet another attempt...The U.S. is the "only" friend they have, and Israel is taking their final stand...they refuse to die, and I for one "LOVE" them for that !!!
Hezbollah knew "EXACTLY" what the Israeli response would be when they kidnapped the two soldiers, and so the Arab terrorists pukes backed by Iran and Syria are getting exactly what they hoped for...Death and destruction
The problem with the Lebonese people is the leadership...exactly the same as the democrat leadership in the U.S.,...promise them the whole enchillada and snatch it away as soon as they get their support.
OH, and...people are getting killed in a war ??...How shocking, whoda thunk it !!!
Hezbollah hides behind kids saying..."you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses on would you?? "
EDDSTER...moron, I said I didn't need the author...everyone spouting this can't possibly know that it was Churchill.