(Australians:) What is your opinion on Tony Abbott?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
(Australians:) What is your opinion on Tony Abbott?
26 answers:
ll_jenny_ll here AND I'M BAC
2009-12-01 00:38:33 UTC
Tony Abbott is a self-righteous, backward thinking, parasitic nematode!!
2009-12-02 23:36:03 UTC
no idea
2009-12-02 04:36:35 UTC
one word sums him up "wanker!"
2009-11-30 23:40:30 UTC
Tony Abbott is a Clown

he isn't gonna get far as a opposition leader

im not sure why they put him there

there gonna loose bad in the next election
♪♫♪♫ Robert ♪♫♪♫
2009-12-04 00:03:14 UTC
He's a talking head. Yeah, even Liberal people aren't terribly for him. He's too divisive with some of the things he comes out with... I've never liked him, I preferred Malcolm Turnbull and it's crap he should be ousted over one disagreement over policy. It's stupid!!!
2009-12-01 21:28:34 UTC
my opinion on tony abbott

well we're screwed
James J
2009-12-01 01:50:20 UTC
We got our April fool joke 4 months early.
2009-12-04 17:45:23 UTC
It's never been about Tony Abbott !!!!

It's about not letting Dud Rudd push his ETS policy.

That was going to Australian jobs, and cost each of us $1100 on increased costs.

Australians did not vote Rudd into office on ETS policies, but work choices.

Tony will not become Prime Minister, if that's what your worried about.

But Rudd was also not elected to be oversea's 24/7 either.

Kevin Rudd splurges $3.4m on overseas travel, when Hospitals, Police and Pensioners need the money.

They all stink, no matter which party. But it's important that any opposition does what they are supposed to. Do what is best for the nations people.

Rudd wants to leave politics in Australia anyway, he wants a job in the UN.

2009-12-02 06:09:29 UTC
bad news.
Ian E
2009-12-02 03:02:45 UTC
Abbott is a fanatical reactionary; aggressive, opinionated, and slimy.

[i] Few remember his underhanded treatment of P. Hanson (she spent time in jail as a result), which he is yet to explain or apologise for. (Few people of my political views are concerned about this woman, of course). Fascist Howard used Abbott as a sort of storm trooper, and Abbott was told to 'get rid of Pauline Hanson'. He planted 'information' (thought by many to be counterfeit) about her, including her failure to pay appropriately for her electoral adventures, if I remember..

[ii] His colleagues, apparently, are not fond of him. Neither were they of Howard, by all accounts. It has been decided, obviously, that this man, like rancid Howard, was quite likely to ensure the continuation of their employment. [ Hockey, who is liked, has possibly been reserved for Santa Claus impersonations and BBQ host duties?]

Only this perceived 'save our jobs' quality can explain the party voting for Abbott as leader, surely?

[iii] The ALP once, in despair, tried someone very like Abbott. Latham was a disaster, and so will be Abbott. If, instead, Abbott succeeds, Australia will suffer greatly, I fear.

[iv] In many ways, Turnbull was a poor choice. (A consistent failure as a Howard Minister, Nelson, in my view, was doing a fine job as their Leader, to my amazement)

Turnbull was unpopular with the majority of voters, loathed by his colleagues, and manifestly failing in the quest to remove the powerful stench of Howard. Abbott, instead of trying to live down the shameful performance of Howard, is actually trying to induce nostalgia for the evil, wrinkled dwarf! [Work choices, e.g.!]

[v] Turnbull, for all his faults, was trying to bring the party to a level of relative modernisation.

Not Abbott, I'm sure!

At the moment, Australia is not well equipped with politicians, and Abbott is one of the worst of them. The vaccuous Liberals, however, had few alternatives to choose from, surely.

(Imagine Her Majesty, Dowager Duchess Bronwyn Bishop, or Professor Emiritis Wilson Tuckey as their Leader !)

Our present government is masquerading as a socialist government, but is further to the right than was Hewson!

The Liberals seem to be trying to emulate the aura of Mussolini, Hitler, etc.?

The Greens, for all their excesses and fanatical passions, are the only party that seems genuine, and has the virtue of sincerity.

The National Party are very concerned for farmers and their cows, and have become an increasingly annoying part of our body politic. (Why not have, instead, a "Hairdressers' Party"?)

Poor, poor Australia !
2016-05-25 04:03:31 UTC
I hope that when Labour is annihilated next year--and we all know it will be, whoever takes over as PM has the guts to tell all these foreign aid recipients, shape up or lose it. Indonesia--do more to secure your own borders --we send you billions so spend some to help stop the boats etc. All the countries we dole out to and for what? So Aussie Taxpayer can feel good ? I don't think so. Aussie tax payer is a tad weary of forking out for zero return. Leaders don't bully. That's a bit petty . They negotiate for the best deal. Well, will SOMEONE get us a better deal on the money we are in dire need of here at home but are shelling out willy nilly to our neighbors for no tangible reason I can see? Abbot or anyone. Just stop throwing our prosperity away.
2009-12-02 19:39:30 UTC
Abbott is politically smarter than Turnbull, that's why he's a better choice as Liberal leader. Indeed, Abbott became leader because Turnbull failed to listen to his core constituency. The grass roots (and the many senior ministers) of the Liberal party did not see the need to rush through ETS legislation. In fact, according to a Sunday Telegraph poll, 60% of Australians believe ETS legislation should be delayed until after Copenhagen.
Ár Daonlathas
2009-12-04 11:12:10 UTC
Mr Abbott's like Howard is a monarchists & look what happen to him.

Mr Abbott's extreme views will take Australia backwards. Backwards on climate change and back to Work Choices.
Paul R
2009-12-02 03:09:09 UTC
well here is the situation as it stands since the last election they have been through 2 leadership changes with Tony Abbott being the third leader since the election. their popularity has dropped to record lows with the chance of winning the electionso low you wil need to dive to the lowest point on the planet.

Tony Abbott will not last long in the job. i think now Labour will not have to worry about attacks on their characters now the Turnbull is gone, now they can get on with the job that they were elected for and that is running the country.

i don't like Abbott. but he faces one massive job and that is to get the Liberals to become a force again it is a true pity that they don't have Alexander Downer as their leader he would suit the position perfectly.

i would not vote for him. i only vote for people who i deem the better leader. at the moment they seem to be as bad as eachother but Rudd has the lead as far as being the better leader is concerned
2015-07-14 19:15:42 UTC
Ted T
2009-12-01 14:56:12 UTC
A singularly unattractive man in every way and I just hope he brings on the end of religious influence in politics. I have no problem with people believing what they like but am uncomfortable with leaders who's guiding light is what I feel is some form of ancient mythology. It's O.K. if they can seperate the two but I don't thing the mad monk can do that and that is a big worry.
2009-12-02 03:38:41 UTC
I seriously hope he can offer an alternative to Turnbull and actually offer a rational reason why he opposes our Labor policies rather than just opposing them for opposing sake.

So far, he hasn't.
2009-12-01 00:30:40 UTC
His face looks like a fish.
Warren S
2009-12-01 01:44:44 UTC
He will probably turn out to be the best vote getter for the ALP. Kevin will be most pleased.
2009-12-04 02:19:42 UTC
BUT, you have to admit, The Mad Monk is the best nickname... ever.

2009-12-03 18:30:15 UTC
Guys I don't think we should put the cart before the horse. Lets see how he goes before critisizing him.
2009-12-03 02:35:25 UTC
His a walking joke, now to call him up and show him this lol...
2015-06-23 03:42:18 UTC
this pretty much sums it up
2009-12-01 00:09:34 UTC
He is a political dipstick, with no opinion of his own.

People who can't form independent opinions always end up in conservative parties where they are 'instructed' what to think.
Daniel (suspended)
2009-12-03 19:37:02 UTC
he would turn the country into the Vatican
owl city <3
2009-12-02 21:30:09 UTC

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