Why are there so many studies that show Fox News viewers are the most misinformed?
2011-05-26 18:03:26 UTC
Fox News Viewers Are The Most Misinformed: Study
24 answers:
2011-05-26 18:23:34 UTC
wow really?

and yet they are rated #1

how are liberal news channels rated??..
2011-05-27 01:31:39 UTC
The studies reflect Fox News viewers as less informed because propaganda is poor substitute for real news.

Researchers found that Americans who paid more attention to the news were more likely to know about current events. But Americans who relied on Fox News were "significantly more likely than those who never watched it to believe":

* most economists estimate the stimulus caused job losses (12 points more likely)

* most economists have estimated the health care law will worsen the deficit (31 points)

* the economy is getting worse (26 points)

* most scientists do not agree that climate change is occurring (30 points)

* the stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts (14 points)

* their own income taxes have gone up (14 points)

* the auto bailout only occurred under Obama (13 points)

* when TARP came up for a vote most Republicans opposed it (12 points)

* and that it is not clear that Obama was born in the United States (31 points
2011-05-27 01:10:24 UTC
First of all, that is in no way a scientific study since most of those questions were ideologically biased and the answer could go either way. For example, “Most economists estimate the stimulus caused job losses.” There is never a mention that Fox News reporters/commentators ever even said this, so if people are saying yes to this question, it is out of ignorance, not because of what Fox News said. Second, “The economy is getting worse.” This is entirely subjective, because the reason to answer yes to this question would obviously be because many see a double-dip recession around the corner, and no significant advancements have been made to get people working again, which can be perceived as getting worse. And third, “Their own income taxes have gone up.” YES MINE HAS. I live in California, which, since Obama has been in office, my STATE income tax has gone up 10%. Notice this question doesn’t say FEDERAL income tax, just income tax. This is the most ridiculously biased study I have ever seen.
2011-05-27 01:18:38 UTC
Because the rest of the media that does studies has a far left bias so of course they are going to attack the viewers of the only right leaning news outlet. Why can't liberals just except that they no longer have a monopoly in MSM news?
2011-05-27 01:09:26 UTC
Because those are biased studies, intentionally trying to make-up a story. If you include a broader set of issues, MSNBC viewers look real dumb too, as they are far more likely to believe that Bush lied, conspired on 9/11, illegal immigration and national debt have no consequence, Area 51 has Martians, and there are actual ghosts.
2011-05-27 01:10:01 UTC
I wouldn't be surprised if the average viewer of MSNBC and CNN were equally ill-informed because so many of the stories are either fluff or obviously tilted. I've read comments on the CNN and Fox News website that just makes me want to laugh or cry. I read comments on Fox News, praising Mladic because he was killing Muslims. How messed up is that?

The top news sources for me are BBC, NYtimes, and Al Jazeera. It is also good to know the history of the situation. While I do consider myself a Republican and conservative; it doesn't preclude me from getting good sources of information.
2011-05-27 01:11:05 UTC
Because Liberals did the study with an agenda in mind. Look, keep comparing people who understand how putting your HEALTHcare in the hands of your government is dangerous to people who chant and cry at their political leader and who know nothing about issues, they just scream "racist" at the opposition and do what you're doing, demonize them. You're not fooling anybody.

@Mihkel: Yes, the BBC will tell you the Serbs are war criminals -- you just proved every informed person's point. Anti-white freak.
2011-05-27 01:05:49 UTC
I like how you ppl have to cast this in a 3rd party sense. I'm right here, give it your best shot unfortunately you have nothing and you cant win a single argument.

Go ahead and point to your made up poll because you, personally, have nothing but sheep-like repetitive MSNBC talking points .
The Oracle of Omigod
2011-05-27 01:08:13 UTC
I watch a lot of Fox News and I'll bet I know a whole lot more about the world than you do.
Stuart H
2011-05-27 01:08:24 UTC
I don't watch or really trust any TV news but I would REALLY distrust your misinformed article.
Lodar of the Hill People
2011-05-27 01:07:12 UTC
Because liberals hate and fear any programming that isn't controlled exclusively by other liberals, so they make up fake and biased studies to slander them endlessly. It helps feed their negative obsession, which is what primarily identifies them as liberals.
2011-05-27 01:07:39 UTC
Nothing I say will change your mind, nor will you change any minds. Good luck though, I have nothing against my liberal friends. Maybe next time cite a known source or more than one since there are "so many".
2011-05-27 01:06:43 UTC
hahahha the link belongs in the jokes and riddles section!!! Wow,...misinformed and the the link used,...well pot, meet kettle!!!!

The Misinformed voted for 57 states, gitmo being OPEN and a renewal of the Patriot Act!!! 0bama lies and the sheep whine about Fox!!! LMAO!!!!!
2011-05-27 01:04:25 UTC
because those are the only studies you read.

a liberal university in new england, the most liberal place outside of california, produces a study which basically is thier point of view and you believe it...?

ah, the youth of today is pretty funny, if it wasn't so sad.

fox news has continually discounted the non-american allegations of obama's birth and hasnt' ever subjected viewers to this, in spite of the fact that there is yet to be real proof which hasn't been proven fake including the current fraud for which fbi charges are being filed.

i know for a fact that my father's property taxes have gone up, regardless of what the govt tells you about them going down, as well as car registration 'taxes' doubling every year since bo is in office.

the economists cited are pretty much from universities like the one doing this survey

the supposed tax cuts in the stimulus were offset by other bills, typical dc math.
2011-05-27 01:06:52 UTC
News are business.

Business is interest.

Interest is misinformation.

It's actually quite profitable!

Everyone does it, too.
2011-05-27 01:18:27 UTC
Here's an interesting article and PEW survey that addresses this issue:

Survey Says: Liberals Stingier, Stupider Than Conservatives

We’re all familiar with the mainstream media and popular culture myth: conservatives are stingy, ignorant knuckle-draggers, whereas liberals are enlightened societal benefactors.

Now, we have yet another survey demonstrating the cold reality that the opposite is true.

Several months ago, we noted an independent Pew Research survey released October 14, 2009 entitled “What Does the Public Know?” Included in that study was a section labeled “Partisan Knowledge Gap,” which asked a series of twelve knowledge questions and compared the scores of Republicans, Democrats and Independents. The questions centered on such matters as identifying the current Federal Reserve Chairman, the current unemployment rate and the issue to which “cap and trade” relates.

The startling Pew survey results would surely trigger a terrified expression even on the Botoxed faces of Senator John Kerry or actress Julia Roberts, who once stated that, “‘Republican’ comes in the dictionary just after ‘reptile’ and just above ‘repugnant.’”

Republicans outscored Democrats on fully ten of the twelve Pew questions, with one tie. On only one question of twelve did Democrats outscore Republicans, and even then only by a 67% to 62% margin. (For the record, Republicans also outscored Independents on six of twelve questions, with one tie and five on which Independents outperformed Republicans.)

Unsurprisingly, Pew attempted to sugarcoat the lopsided results under the phrase “no partisan differences on knowledge of health reform, but Reps more aware in other areas.” They wouldn’t want to offend Brian Williams or Katie Couric, you know.

This week, we received confirmation that the Pew survey results were no anomaly.

In a June 8 Wall Street Journal commentary entitled “Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?,” George Mason University economics professor Daniel B. Klein bluntly states, “according to a Zogby International survey that I write about in the May issue of Econ Journal Watch, the answer is unequivocal: The left flunks Econ 101.”

Professor Klein, along with Zogby researcher Zeljka Buturovic, surveyed 4,835 American adults on eight questions covering fundamental economic principles. Those questions covered such issues as the impact of construction restrictions on housing prices, changes in the standard of living over the past thirty years, the impact of free trade on employment and what defines a “monopoly.” For purposes of ideological classification, respondents were divided into six categories: very conservative, conservative, libertarian, moderate, liberal or progressive/very liberal.

To be charitable, Klein and Buturovic even decided to grade only against flatly incorrect answers. Thus, “not sure” responses for those who considered the questions ambiguous or arguable were not penalized for their ambivalent responses.

The results might again come as a shock to anyone confined to mainstream media sources, but they shouldn’t surprise those of us who actually pay attention. Those identified as “very conservative” averaged 1.30 incorrect responses, “libertarians” were incorrect on 1.38 and “conservatives” averaged 1.67. In sharp contrast, “moderates” were incorrect on an average of 3.67 questions, “liberals” incorrect on 4.69 and “progressive/very liberal” respondents were incorrect on 5.26 of 8 questions.

As succinctly summarized by Professor Klein, “Americans in the first three categories do reasonably well, but the left has trouble squaring economic thinking with their political psychology, morals and aesthetics.”

Klein and Buturovic also divided respondents by political party affiliation, and the results matched the Pew survey from October. According to Klein, “those responding Democratic averaged 4.59 incorrect answers. Republicans averaged 1.61 incorrect, and Libertarians 1.26 incorrect.”

So conservatives are more informed than liberals, but aren’t liberals still kinder than conservatives?

Again, no.

In May 2008, a Gallup poll of 1,200 Americans confirmed once again that those who self-identify as “conservative” or “very conservative” contributed 56% of total charitable donations, despite constituting only 42% of the population. Those who self-identified as “liberal” or “very liberal,” in contrast, constituted 29% of the population but made only 7% of donations. Notably, these results were independent of income level and religious affiliation, as those placing themselves on the right of the political spectrum donated a higher percentage of their income than those on the left.

Distorted stereotypes die hard, but the word is getting out: conservatives are more informed and more charitable.

Bonus video of the well informed Obama voters from Zogby poll:
2011-05-27 01:13:01 UTC
wow when did ONE become "so many" and when is ONE liberal study even credible?!
2011-05-27 01:05:45 UTC
Next thing you know is that you pop up a fascist site like media matters and call it real proof.
2011-05-27 01:04:38 UTC
Because it took so many before they could finally get one to show the facts they wanted when in reality the opposite is true.

What it only took about $2 billion dollars and 18k studies before finally getting one that showed what they wanted. Gotta love the left wingers dedication.
2011-05-27 01:04:31 UTC
Always consider the source.
2011-05-27 01:04:56 UTC
You must be misinformed
2011-05-27 01:06:17 UTC
Foxaganda is modern day Goebells propaganda
2011-05-27 01:06:03 UTC
They keep repeating the lies they hear.
2011-05-27 01:05:49 UTC
Because MSNBC pays for the studies? I dunno... what's the answer?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.