Was George Bush the most powerful president ever? 6 years after he leaves office he is causing economic ruin?
Homeschool produces winners
2014-01-12 05:09:13 UTC
How could the democrats have stopped this all powerful madman? Where was the press telling us about how destructive his policies were? It's been 6 years after "W" left office, Obama still can't fix the downward slide in the economy. How could democrats allow one president to ever be that destructive?
Sixteen answers:
2014-01-12 05:20:09 UTC
George Bush didn't ruin the economy. Greedy banks did. And our debt has tripled under Obama. Do your research before you make yourself look ignorant. Just because you post all these links to liberal media sites does not make it a fact. Also why are Obama's approval ratings lower than bush ever had. And Obama said in 08' that by 2012 he will cut the deficit in half. Well folks it has tripled!!!! Open your eyes and don't believe liberal media!!!
Philip H
2014-01-12 11:03:09 UTC
Obama: "You didn't make that!".

So what did Obama make?

No wonder he thinks no one else has done anything.

Obama is So into Himself he thinks if He can't really create anything, neither can You!

The only up-trend in the economy is all the unbacked dollars with no value he's printing and all the unacknowledged inflation he is using others to create. When the truth finally arises, the Next Big Bust will be smacking us in the face.

That too will be (according to their spin-doctors) the fault of the Conservatives who forced Liberals to see beyond the boundaries of the Fantsy Land they have created for themselves.

Pay careful attention to the deception presented by "Abstinence is Murder". What that chart Really shows is the fact that our lowest unemployment rates happen when those phony economic bubbles are created and the highest unemployment rates occur after those bubbles burst.

A logical economy based on Real value being produced by responsible investors and responsible productive citizens would go a Long way toward eliminating those boom and bust cycles.

Guess Who is responsible for those phony Booms?

Liberals love living in Fantasy Land when Big Daddy is paying for their ticket.
2014-01-12 09:09:34 UTC
Under Bush unemployment was 4.5%, that was Bushes fault according to the Reids, Obama's and Pelosi's of the dems while it is still Bushes fault that under the same criteria the unemployment is 15% and even being out of office it is still his fault because President Obama policies.

It is also Bushes fault that Obama closed coal plant to make electricity higher, and Bush's fault that gas is now over 3.50 a gallon under Obama but only 2.50 while Bush was in office.

It must be Bushes fault for Benghazi, Fast and Furious cover-up, the iRS scandal, the lying about the Democratic Obamacare.

Yes Bush is so powerful because under him the USA was productive, while under Obama the USA has gone downhill. But isn't that what Obama wants?
2014-01-13 03:46:16 UTC
Why you are so correct. His mis-management of our country will be brought up again and again in the Democrats efforts to keep the White House in 2016. Imagine how amazing that will be that Obama tried so hard to fix all those problems from the Bush era and failed, so whoever they have running, in addition to Hillary (oh please no, not her people) they will have a field day with it.

Interesting isn't it?

What I fail to understand is that so many people STILL believe them.
2014-01-12 05:11:43 UTC

and remember how the lib sheeple

claim he was stupid but he was powerful enough to influence all the weak pathetic

democrats into attacking Iraq

He was indeed strong and powerful according to the lib hate machine

he even made obama say this LMAO

Now let me be clear -- I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity. He's a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him."

State Senator Barack Obama (Democrat, Illinois)

Speech at Federal Plaza, Chicago, Illinois

October 2, 2002
Cashe D. Spencer
2014-01-13 13:06:15 UTC
it is either that, OR that today's DEMONcrats are the biggest Crybabies ever.

They write the most radically whackadiidles legislation KNOWING it will get shot down, just so they can say "see, those wascally wepubwicans never want to work with us"
2014-01-12 10:48:21 UTC this a serious rant...ahhhh...question??? god its so good to see political humor in this forum. he never caused any political ruin at ay time. and if mindless deficit spending could solve anything as Obama has done, my ex would've had the solution to the worlds ills years ago.

Obama fixing the economy. god I laughed so hard I almost hurt myself.
2014-01-12 05:54:48 UTC
I guess 0bama has no accountability for the ruin that he has caused in the last 5 years. Give it up. It's time 0bama takes the blame.
2014-01-12 06:03:11 UTC
BUSH will always be the lib-scapegoat .
2014-01-12 05:11:15 UTC
Obama supporters want you to believe that but it is all on Obama and the dancing clowns.
2014-01-12 05:32:45 UTC
if you are only talking about unemployment no. Reagan and Bush the smarter both caused worse unemployment than Bush. I am guessing you are talking about unemployment because it is the only thing that is still bad since he left office. The economy is the strongest it has ever been.
2014-01-12 05:14:23 UTC
and 0bama is in office and doing nothing.
Rocky Mountain Patriot
2014-01-13 12:31:30 UTC
Of course that's a great question to ask, since it's entertaining as well as effective with making fun of political morons who can't grasp what's taken place or currently transpiring, if it hasn't come from their beloved Anointed One or some other revered talking head on the Administration's behalf. They're clueless, and many progressive sycophants who post here appear utterly beyond redemption.

Some of us contribute substantive material for the purpose of helping educate a relative few who might have an interest in learning about the topic at hand. Others post strictly to be argumentative, belittle others with personal attacks, and like this Administration, are skilled at and proud of their abilities to obfuscate, pretend issues Americans are concerned about don't exist, or offer laughable excuses that would make the most creative grade-schooler proud. Liberal Democrats prize smoke and mirrors and skilled illusionists in politics, which is part of the reason they're so enamored with Obama. Of course, with more than 90% of black Americans angry and outspoken over perceived slights, in spite of more than half a century of Affirmative Action favor, the President's largest voting bloc showed skin color was more important to them than any other factor for who would get their support to lead the country. And liberals love to call anyone who leans right racist. Wow!!! How does one begin to reason with such ignorance and child-like foolishness?

Since most Americans' biggest concern has been the economy for years, and exit polls in the 2012 election showed jobs and the economy were issues one and two by a large margin, surviving five years of failed policies and incompetence is what the growing numbers who've given Obama embarrassing approval ratings rivaling Nixon's dissatisfied electorate seem most concerned about today. The President polls significantly worse than even George Bush at this point in his Presidency, and deservedly so!

Part of me would like to offer a detailed explanation, again, but that was posted a couple of times for YA! readers over the weekend. Maybe including a link will help someone interested in learning more about the mess we're in, including when, in reality, and under whose leadership the 8.3 million jobs disappeared from the American economy. Most disenfranchised, ready and able workers, like shocking numbers of their recently college educated counterparts, know all too well when the workforce collapse began and reached avalanche level devastation. Of course, the Obama regime, along with the next round of emotionally-fired-up young adults whose real world experience is lacking, seem ready, even thrilled to show they've heard and internalized the Administration's strategic talking points. Never mind that they're routinely devoid of support, all they need do is argue that points counter to what they claim had to have come from Rush or Faux News, since it doesn't fall in line with the rest of the national media, who seem remarkably okay with serving as partners in support of the President.

The timing of when the economy and jobs went south is well-documented with the Department of Labor's only real nationwide employment counts, which have been kept for years by the Employment & Training Administration (ETA). I'll post some of the key data along with a couple of graphs, because some progressive posters love to contribute nonsensical and fabricated material in visual form, which they like to think gives impact. The right-hand column shows the change in employment numbers under Presidents Bush and Obama, and the key point is that George Bush presided over real growth of 7,043,293 jobs according to the ETA's nationwide counts from employers' payroll records, while Obama remains in the red, down 3,189,734 on job counts since he took Office. At least he's come back more than halfway from the deplorable 8.3 million jobs lost during 2009 and 2010, but the latest counts have deteriorated and are nowhere near the 220,000 monthly needed to employ hopeful new entrants to the job market from our own college, high school and trade school graduates, LPR' granted green cards, H-1B's, refugees and asylees, and the always increasing mostly Mexican National illegal alien population. The final six months of 2013 showed just 301,000 jobs added to the economy according to the BLS' Employment Situation Report released on Friday. That suggests an ugly 50,000 monthly increase in jobs, which means fewer than half of college graduates have any basis to think they'll gain employment. In all likelihood, even fewer of the 111 million who've lost jobs under Obama, along with millions who've been relegated to the unprecedented 91,808,000 Not in Labor Force count, feel anything close to optimism about reemployment in an economy liberals insist is great. At least the President said so repeatedly in December.

Maybe some real employment data from the Department of Labor’s ETA division might disabuse a few sycophants of such foolishness. Otherwise, there may be a few open-minded readers willing to learn more about this topic who've made it through to this point. The chart and graphs offer a stunning illustration of when and under whose authority the job market tanked to a level some experts have argued has been more depression than recession.

Keep up the great work, Home-Schooling. You've shown yourself bright and capable, and along with offering insight your peers would do well to heed, your writing skills appear to have improved since we've been contacts. That's at least part of what I'm on here for, myself. But it's hard not to bristle over foolishness and seemingly intentional attempts at deception, which is something I'm willing to address with what might read like mini-lessons on occasion
2014-01-12 05:52:10 UTC
LOL... I see what you did there.
2014-01-12 05:12:19 UTC
No president after JFK has any kind of power
Gabby Johnson
2014-01-12 06:07:06 UTC
The question is gibberish based on rightie talking points which are bullshit.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.