Anyone who thinks that pirates AREN'T terrorists have never had an AK-47 aimed at their head or shot at them. The pirates USE terror to accomplish their sick goal. Otherwise, why all the guns, RPGs, etc? And piracy is not restricted to the Indian Ocean / Gulf of Aden area: there is piracy around the world, and some of the bloodiest has been in the Straits of Malacca in the general area of oil-rich Malaysia, Indonesia, Borneo, etc.
You will be seeing, i guarantee, more 'pure' terrorists get into what had been a 'pure;y' piratical business... at least, they will try. Their success or failure will depend on effective action against such attempts. Look for convoys of ships, escorted by armed multinational naval boats and planes, as well as more usage of ever-advancing GPS warning and tracking devices, such as transponders.
And get this straight: the U.S. Navy's job #1, their "raison d'etre" is NOT to safeguard American shipping, nor was the initial forming of the U.S. Marines. It might be job #2 these days, but that's a different consideration.
What most people don't "get" is that the ship's owner is the ONLY one who can grant permission to the FBI, Navy or anyone else to get involved. Most companies just go ahead and pay the ransom. Insurance companies slap a hefty premium on ships that have armed security. That also costs the shippers big bucks to hire armed guards.
So there were multiple factors in this equation. One of those keys was Obama giving the on-scene commanders any and all authorization to do what needed doing, rather than trying to micro-manage the situation. In this case, the strategy worked and worked well.
My main concern would be to keep the details of the operation a secret. One important result is that it leaves the terrorists / pirate community wondering just exactly what REALLY happened. They would see a freed Captain and NOTHING about how he was freed, NOR who freed him NOR what happened to his captors.
Then I'd fill 4 body-bags with rocks, and 1 pirate in each bag (3 dead, 1 alive) and ooooooops, overboard they'd go. Awwwwwwwww. Then I'd cut up and sink the 'lifeboat' except for 1 piece that would have a "bite" sculpted into that would represent the bite of a 75-foot shark... I'd make sure that THAT piece actually made it to shore. Now THAT would REALLY make them wonder.
Bottom line:
Most of the Armchair Admirals here got it wrong on ALL counts.
Who got it RIGHT?
Obama, Jim Jones' National Security team, The FBI negotiators, the Navy on-site commanders, the SEALs and Captain Phillips. The pro's were given the go-ahead, the authority and responsibility to take ALL necessary action to ensure the safe release of the Captain.
As several retired SEALs and Special Ops personnel stated "Time is our main commodity, safety is our main concern, effectiveness our goal. And we spend our 'main commodity' wisely."