2013-08-18 23:34:29 UTC
But assume a fetus is a living creature and CAN feel pain for the sake of argument,why is it wrong to kill it?
A fetus doesn't ask to be born nor does it have the ability to express it's preference for life,therefore it isn't consenting to life.Any judgements by individuals validating "pro life" attitudes are moralistic and don't reflect on a infants agency but rather their own beliefs.
Another argument is that quickly killing a infant provides less suffering than the amount of suffering that a normal human being experiences during their lifetime.It's comparable to quickly killing someone or sadistically making them suffer over the length of roughly about 80 years.
Assume someones just a sadist and they like killing things.We attribute value to human life based upon assumptions that every individual is an autonomous being who has the right to life,liberty and prosper. Fetuses aren't autonomous in that they cannot survive outside of the body.A baby can breathe on it's own,filter it's own waste,ect.A fetus cannot and therefore cannot be considered autonomous.Agency isn't assigned based upon independence but rather physical existence in an external environment.