Isn't it time to ban texting?
2009-05-11 12:48:41 UTC
I find it interesting how people have been screaming bloody murder for years now, calling for bans on drivers using cell phones. But no one has said anything about banning *texting* while driving. Texting while driving is even MORE dangerous. Whereas someone yakking on a cell phone may simply be a little distracted while they're looking at the road, someone texting is not even looking at the road at all!

In Boston on Saturday, a subway train crashed sending 50 people to the hospital and causing $10 million in damage.

Aidan Quinn (the driver of the trolley that crashed) admitted that he was texting his girlfriend at the moment of the crash. The train that he rear-ended had been stopped inside the subway tunnel (just outside of Park Street station) for AT LEAST ONE MINUTE prior to the crash, and according to investigators Quinn would have been able to see that train from at least 450 feet away. He had also ignored a red light from even further away, warning him to stop.

All of this shows you just how much attention Quinn was paying to the tracks ahead of him.

But there are millions of other Aidan Quinns out there. Passing laws that ban texting while driving are useless. We need to pass legislation requiring the cell phone comapnies to ban texting ALTOGETHER.

What good would it do to make it illegal to text while driving? People are still going to do it! And more innocent lives are going to be injured or killed.

If people can't even obey the speed limit when they know there are cops with radar guns or speed cameras on freeways, they're sure as hell not going to obey a law against texting while they're driving a car. It's easy to conceal anyway.

Those of you who disagree with me may soon find yourself or a loved one the victim of another texting driver.

I have sat in rooms full of teens who were literally texting each other from across the room. This global texting epidemic is just getting ridiculous. It has become a public safety hazard.
21 answers:
2009-05-11 12:56:32 UTC
personally, i think drunk driving and texting while driving should be met with the same response: a charge of "wreckless endangerment". this is a criminal charge, not a motor vehicle violation, just one or two notches down the legal totem pole from "attempted murder". bring the full weight of the criminal justice system down on these morons.

edit: note to "Shocking" up there. dude, i ride a motorcycle. 3 times in the last two weeks i've almost been t-boned at an intersection because some fool flew through the red light, and i could clearly see him looking down at the cell phone in his hand, punching the keys. the questioner is NOT talking out his rear.
2016-05-29 20:07:31 UTC
I am SO glad that I dont drive anymore...if I saw some brain dead moron paying more attention to their cell phone than the damned road, I'd deliberately try to force them off the road!! Ignorant idiots!! When you are in a car, you pay attention to your car, your control of it, where you're going, other cars on the road, possible hazards, etc. NOT YOUR DAMNED CELL PHONE!!!!!!!!!! I mean, what the hell is the problem that these people that they cannot wait to contact people until they are at their destinaton or before they leave for their destination? I remember the days BEFORE cell phones and as far as I can remember, the world didnt fall apart until I could get to a damned phone to call home and check on my family! Cell phones were invented so that you could be contacted anywhere at any time in case of an emergency. NOT FOR SOCIALIZING ON THE ROAD or anywhere else. That just makes cell phone users dangerous and irresponsible!!! And since cell phone users obviously cannot show responsibility while using them and put other people in danger because of it, I think cell phones in cars should be banned entirely. Also in movies, schools, in churches and anywhere where the person should have their attention on what they're doing instead of playing dumbass on the phone!!
2009-05-11 13:02:01 UTC
well wouldn't completely ban texting. if you would there would surely be some sort of outburst or rebuddle. not to mention that in some form i know thats not respecting the citizen's rights but i do think they should LIMIT texting. they should perphaps ask all cellphone companies to make an effort and create a texting plan that when you have exceeded your limit you can't text anymore. but i know what you mean. do you know the outrageous amount of money that parent's are paying these days because of their childs texting?! it exceeds over $300 dollars! and you're completely right it's a hazard but i doubt that obama or the senate can get away with banning texting completely without there being a serious argument. there will probably be a group of teens or something that reject the plan and rebel. so thats why i agree that you should limit texting not ban it
2009-05-11 12:54:00 UTC
There is a law that prohibits texting while driving in you are already wrong in the first paragraph.

Maybe the other states will follow in suit, as usual.

edit. That doesn't change the fact that it's a law. It's illegal to talk on the cell phone also, but if I have it on speakerphone, it's hard to prove that's what I was doing also. It's illegal to throw trash out your window, but in court, just as with texting, it would be the cops word against my own. There are many driving laws that are hard to hold up with anything other than the cop being a witness.
2009-05-11 19:13:31 UTC
Texting should be banned for any reason. Can you imagine all the carpal tunnel that will result in a few years from all that typing on that tiny keyboard! Then throw in all the accidents that have been caused because some idiot was texting and not paying attention to driving.
Μorenα Lαtinα
2009-05-11 12:58:59 UTC
Well some states already have a ban on texting while driving and other states are proposing legislation to ban it.

But texting has only recently become a big phenomenon. And it's sad that we even have to have a law banning texting while driving, people should have common sense to know that you shouldn't be texting while driving. People don't take driving seriously IMO.
2009-05-11 13:01:23 UTC
That has to be the most stupidest thing ever. What about blackberries? Email on phones? You can not punish everyone for other peoples stupid actions. Banning will never happen. People are more likely to die from a drunk driver.
2009-05-11 13:02:25 UTC
Right on, and cell phones too. People need to concentrate on driving instead of all these distractions. Would you want your doctor texting someone while he's operating on you?
2009-05-11 12:55:56 UTC
The real problem is that people are stupid enough to text while driving. Don't punish us safe people who like to use texting when we are too lazy to call someone lol

edit - I sure hope I'm not scared of new technology when I get old!

edit edit - WHO'S whining here and WHO needs to suck it up? ROFL
2009-05-11 12:54:08 UTC
There is a proposed law in NY banning texting while driving that is very close to passing..
2009-05-11 13:07:35 UTC
You should go join an Amish community. And don't let the door of the 21st century hit you on the azz on the way out!
2009-05-11 12:57:38 UTC
Why not just charge him for the Murdering incompetent he is.

Next time he will be looking at a girl or something.

Thats dumb.

You cannot legislate intelligence or competence.
2009-05-11 12:53:11 UTC
The prohibitionist would ban texting, because just as with everything else in existence, bad aspects can be found.

If you want marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes, or fatty foods to be banned, to be consistent you must also want to ban texting.

Texting may lead to, or contribute to

- eye problems

- hand problems

- neck problems

- mental disorders, lack of attention span

- hand radiation

- distractions locally and on the other end

- misspelling causing confusion within FISA

- misspellings causing distress between couples

- misunderstood messages leading to low self esteem and or body image of teenage girls

- stumpy thumbs

- fingernail problems

- domestic economic terrorism, as texters can be oblivious to advertising around them, therefore causing financial losses in business

- low IQ due to constant deliberate misspellings

- If having sex while texting, unexpected pregnancy may occur

- if texting while driving, accidents or speeding may occur

- if texting while school aged, dropout or low grades may occour

- if texting while eating or drinking, choking may occur

- if texting while eating or drinking, intake of calories and serving amounts beyond the desired (healthy) quantity may take place

I purpose that 'The Department of High Value Text Message Throughput Oversight and Pricing Controls' (THVTMTOPC) be created to ensure quality text messaging and homeland security.


Pulling over, arresting or fining people driving badly (swerving or speeding) I will assume goes on the 'illogical solution list'.
City of the blind
2009-05-11 13:08:23 UTC
I think it already is along with phone use. Some people cannot multi-task
2009-05-11 12:55:23 UTC
i have never seen people texting while driving. EVER. i think there must be a small minority that do but for the most part i think your talking out your rear
Holy Cow!
2009-05-11 12:53:11 UTC
I think they should ban driving in the passing lane when you're not passing, driving while stupid (DWS) and driving your snobby brat to school because he/she thinks he/she is too good to ride the bus.

Then we can ban texting or include it under DWS. I'm thinking a $10,000 fine or summary execution.
2009-05-11 12:54:46 UTC
While behind the wheel of a car then Yes.*
2009-05-11 12:53:30 UTC
well i live in Cali and texting while driving is illegal. i agree.
2009-05-11 12:54:36 UTC
Time to ban taxing.
2009-05-11 12:58:25 UTC
Yes, way past time...
2009-05-11 12:54:16 UTC
And it's rude too.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.