2009-05-11 12:48:41 UTC
In Boston on Saturday, a subway train crashed sending 50 people to the hospital and causing $10 million in damage.
Aidan Quinn (the driver of the trolley that crashed) admitted that he was texting his girlfriend at the moment of the crash. The train that he rear-ended had been stopped inside the subway tunnel (just outside of Park Street station) for AT LEAST ONE MINUTE prior to the crash, and according to investigators Quinn would have been able to see that train from at least 450 feet away. He had also ignored a red light from even further away, warning him to stop.
All of this shows you just how much attention Quinn was paying to the tracks ahead of him.
But there are millions of other Aidan Quinns out there. Passing laws that ban texting while driving are useless. We need to pass legislation requiring the cell phone comapnies to ban texting ALTOGETHER.
What good would it do to make it illegal to text while driving? People are still going to do it! And more innocent lives are going to be injured or killed.
If people can't even obey the speed limit when they know there are cops with radar guns or speed cameras on freeways, they're sure as hell not going to obey a law against texting while they're driving a car. It's easy to conceal anyway.
Those of you who disagree with me may soon find yourself or a loved one the victim of another texting driver.
I have sat in rooms full of teens who were literally texting each other from across the room. This global texting epidemic is just getting ridiculous. It has become a public safety hazard.