2013-03-04 14:54:15 UTC
Roger Hedgecock, conservative commentator and right-wing darling, alleged that all recent mass shootings were perpetrated by liberals. I would like to point out before going on that serial killers have been a longtime stronghold for the Republican Party. Ted Bundy, the Green River Killer, the Gainesville Ripper and BTK were all registered Republicans.
Roger asserts that, although Dylan Klebold was too young to vote and Eric Harris had celebrated his eighteenth birthday only weeks prior to the shooting, the two gunmen responsible for carrying out the murders of twelve classmates and one teacher were staunch liberals. I find this claim highly unlikely. First of all, the community of Columbine, Colorado was very conservative. Secondly, Eric Harris was highly critical of President Bill Clinton in his personal writings. Third, both boys were known to admire Timothy McVeigh, a right-wing extremist. Fourth, Eric's came from an "all-American" family, his mother being a homemaker and his father being a high-ranking member of the Air Force.
Roger also claimed that Adam Lanza was a Democrat, again with no evidence. Only stating that he was a Democrat because of Connecticut's reputation as a solidly Democratic state. Contrary to Roger's statement, Mitt Romney defeated the incumbent Barack Obama in Newtown by a percentage ratio of 51 to 47. Furthermore, Nancy Lanza, Adam's late mother, was a registered Republican.
Finally, Roger said Nidal Hasan and Seung-Hui Cho were registered Democrats. This is false, because neither of the states they resided in, Texas and Virginia, have party registration. More to the point, Cho wasn't even a resident of the United States. Roger Hedgecock fails once again.
It is interesting to note, however, that Christian terrorism has gone on for years. The murder of gays, doctors and the bombings of abortion clinics are tragedies that continue to go on to this day. It's also interesting to note that James Huberty, perpetrator of a shooting at a San Diego McDonald's that left 20+ people dead in the eighties, was a Republican who hated illegal immigrants and targeted them as part of his rampage.
So why, Republicans, do you believe this ages-old myth that liberalism is a sickness of the mind? Especially when the people who propagate it, like Hedgecock, don't even back their arguments up with fact?