Tort reform has already been implemented in many states and it has had no impact at all on medical costs or malpractice insurance costs. The notion that people are making money from frivolous suits isn't true. It is very difficult to bring a lawsuit against a doctor or hospital unless you have a lot of evidence and witnesses.
Tort reform has been a red herring for a long time and it accomplishes nothing. All it does it take options away from those who suffer from genuine malpractice.
Every other industrialized nation has managed to get medical costs under control and create a decent healthcare system that everyone can access. So what is the problem with America?
The obvious solution is also the simplest. Expand what we have that works. Medicare works, in spite of the claims that it is going broke, it works. If we expanded it to allow younger and healthier people to buy into the plan, it would be in better financial shape. At the same time, younger people who are profitable for insurance companies, could be buying into medicare and helping support that system instead of paying for insurance company profits.
This is a no-brainer. We have health care systems in the world that work. All we have to do is model one of them.
I do not believe Republicans will get behind any of Obama's proposals. They are not interested in doing it for the good of the country, and they have no reason to do it. If they were interested in doing anything, they would have acted long ago. They didn't.
If Obama fails, they win. If healthcare gets passed and it is a success, they fail.
Nothing will make Republicans get behind healthcare reform.